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Wearing Me Out — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
DATED: 4/23

"My name is searching since you stole my only soul"

It was raining. Large, heavy droplets falling from a lead colored sky. It seemed fitting, like the heavens themselves were crying over the wolves having to leave their home. Of course Orren wasn't thinking about it like that as he trudged through the mud, not bothering to swerve around the gathering puddles. His head was held low over the ground, ears pressed back against the drenched black fur on his head and dull orange eyes were directed at his paws. The rest of the pack was somewhere up ahead, following Maksim's lead north, Somewhere... The most rebellious of the Baranski children had fallen behind the group, finding that he needed some time to himself, to say a last goodbye to the Cedarwoods.

There were a mix of feelings brewing in the young man's chest as he made his way along the familiar paths, slowly moving closer and closer to the unknown that lay beyond his forest. He'd never been very far north, but now it seemed he would get to; At least I'll get to see some new places... That consoled him a little, there was an element of adventure to this whole ordeal. But it was soured by the circumstances, no matter what his parents and everyone else had said, the boy was still acutely aware that they were being driven from their homeland; And someone will pay for that! Someone very specific; ROOK LAYALL!

But today the dark prince wasn't gonna think about his enemy, or the adventure to come; later he would have time to contemplate revenge and to enjoy the freedom this move had brought. Today however, he would morn for the home he had lost, his first home, where he had learned what it was to be a wolf and to be a Baranski; To be a wolf of Cut Rock River!

Word count: 307

Thoughts ”Speech”
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2015, 03:30 PM by Orren.)
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Still waters run deep

 With a slight shiver, Jynx gave a mighty shake of her body, sending excess amounts of rain water flying in every which direction. But it was useless. With the steady beat of the rain falling from the dark clouds overhead, she knew that she would have to get used to being wet for a while. This weather reminded her of her visit to Bramble Falls, not long after her arrival at Relic Lore. It was also the place where she had met Karpos for the first time. Karpos. She scowled at the name as it flicked in her mind briefly. She didn't know who to be more angry with at the moment. Him, or the traitor known as Rook Lyall. She sighed, stomping heavily in a deep puddle as she trudged onwards. There was little she could do about it now. The time for confrontation could come later. The top priority was to high tail it out of here, especially with Kisla expecting her litter soon. But that didn't mean that she could linger a little bit, to take one last look around before she said goodbye.

Her thoughts went back to the urgent meeting that she had attended only hours before. Sunlit colored eyes narrowed in contemplation. Not everyone was thrilled with the news that they had to leave, especially the children. There were some who seemed neutral on the matter, but as she recalled, they were some of the newer members, who had not known Cut Rock River as long as she or the Baranski children had. Still, as a lone wolf from the start in her life, this forest symbolized the first true home she had ever had, and it would be difficult to break away from this place. Up ahead, moving slowly through the trees, she spotted a familiar figure. Orren....the youngster who had yelled at her earlier, caught up in a whirlwind of emotion. She paused, one paw lifted, debating on following him. She felt guilty, as if it was somehow her fault that he was upset in the first place. Stepping lightly over a cluster of rain slicked rocks, so as not to slip, she inched closer to within hearing distance. "Hey...Orren...?" She called out softly, almost tentatively as if in fear of another retaliation. But that wasn't the case at all...she wanted to try and ease the boys frayed nerves, if he would allow it. And if not, then she would give him his space. 
(This post was last modified: May 27, 2015, 02:04 AM by Jynx.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
"My name is searching since you stole my only soul"

He paid no attention to the sounds around him, all of his mind centered around his own hurt; The splashing of his own footsteps and the constantly falling rain further serving to mask any approach and wrap the boy in his own, distressed world. Thus, he was completely unprepared when a voice suddenly spoke his name, making his head jerk up and around, eyes narrowed as he gazed through the rain. The figure that appeared out of the haze was a shorter, paler version of himself, slender build and even proportions though making her much more elegant than his lanky, yearling build. Seeing her made his downturned mouth twitch, a flash of bitterness washing over his features, but it quickly disappeared again, giving in to the heavy dejection that was weighing down his shoulders.

Not meeting the finer woman's yellow eyes, Orren sighed, lowering his head back down so his muzzle hovered right above a muddy puddle at his paws. He didn't have the energy to chase her off, nor was he sure he really wanted to; I don't think I want anything... So he just stared emptily into the water, too murky to reflect his troubled expression, unable to come up with anything to say. At the meeting he had felt offended by this young shewolf, speaking about family and home in such a haughty manner, but now his anger seemed so pointless, what did it matter if she had thought differently than him; We're leaving... Cut Rock River would no longer be their home.

Finally, with another heavy sigh, the black-saddled lad lifted his head a tad, meeting her gaze with dark eyes. Swallowing once, he spend a few moments staring silently into her brilliant canary's, then he simply said: "Hey..." Shrugging his shoulders, he didn't know what else to say.

Word count: 303

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Flow like a River

She stood still, rooted to her spot. One part of her wanted to turn away and let the young man be. The other, wanted to move forward and attempt to mend any misunderstandings between the two of them. She honestly didn't know what the young Baranski thought of her. Did he dislike her, or worse, hate her? All because she had tried to be brave and spoke her opinion at the pack meeting? He didn't even know her...they had never spent any sort of quality time together. Looking the boy over through the droplets of rain that fell before her eyes, she could see a clear mix of both his fathers and his mothers genes within him. Orren was no doubt, growing up to be a fine young man. Physically at least.

So many months had passed since she joined Cut Rock River, and yet she felt like she had made so little progress. That her connections with the rest of the pack were limited. She wanted to change that. Perhaps if she could make amends with Orren now, and even develop a friendship, she wouldn't feel so left out. When he finally gave her a simple, one worded reply, she accepted it in a moment of silence. Staring right back into his deep golden eyes. Not to challenge, or to pull rank. But to try and somehow convey her emotions....that she was not here to stir up a ruckus. Finally she made up her mind and took two slow steps closer. Mindful of his body language and facial expression, as if wary he might chase her off.

"Look...Orren..." She began in a low, calm voice. Her movements ceased again, bright yellow eyes flicking past his shoulder in a moment of awkwardness. "...about what happened at the meeting..." Her brows furrowed together, as she searched and waited for the proper words to form in her mouth. When they came, she looked him honestly in the eyes again. "I never meant to come off as a know it all, or to offend anybody. Least of all you..." She trailed off with a peculiar note in her voice, quite aware that this forest had been his first home. She let him absorb her words before continuing. "I was just trying to be strong...optimistic. You see, you should know something. While I know how dear to you Cut Rock River is as your true home...the only home you have known, it's the same for me too." There was a hint in her voice at what she was getting at. While she was not born in this very forest as he was, it too was still the only home she had come to know. Of course, Orren did not know this, but if he picked up on the hint, she would patiently explain. This was no lecture, no matter of fact conversation between one wolf older than the other. This was just her attempt at a heart to heart, from one wolf to the other, to wipe away the fog. She wanted him to know, that she understood what he was going through.
(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2015, 02:30 AM by Jynx.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
@Jynx - I'm REALLY sorry this took so long, muse was being a jerk before I left for vacation :(
- Also sorry that Orren is a moody little butt -.-;

"My name is searching since you stole my only soul"

They stood opposite each other silently, the dull splatter of the rain against the muddy ground and their slow breathing the only sounds stirring in the dim woods. The young boy starred back into the bright, light-yellow eyes, wondering if he should react somehow, yield or challenge her; but he lagged the energy. What was the point anyway? They were leaving, and arguing about it would not change that fact; Listen to yourself, so logical, you sound like Aleksei! The thought made one corner of his mouth twitch lightly in amusement, then he returned to his depressed state; But what DOES it matter?!

Jynx approached him tentatively, her cautious expression making the rusty yearling cock a brow slightly; Is she afraid of me? The though seemed quite ridiculous, no one had ever feared the smaller of the Baranski princes, as much as he wished that was the case. Still, the delicate woman seemed to guard his every move, ready to react to any sudden action; Like I'm gonna yell at her or something... Of course, the only time they'd ever interacted, he had been yelling; So I guess she's has her reasons. Orren sighed audibly, the meeting already seemed so long ago, all his outrage gone, faded into melancholia.

Finally, the young lady spoke, and the hunched yearling looked up at her, only to find her lemon gaze having drifted past him. Her words came slowly, interspersed with long pauses like she actually didn't know what she wanted to say. Orren found himself drifting as well, ears flicking lazily while he wondered why she had approached him at all, if she didn't have any speech planned; Adults were always making speeches. Then her eyes suddenly found his again under furrowed brows, and she seemed to get to the point she wanted to make; Is she APPOLOGIZING?! It was usually the other way around, the copper boy felt like he was always the one who had to apologize. Yet Jynx honestly seemed to be trying to clear the air between them, even if her attempt was rather awkward.

She trailed off again, and Orren's fiery glare softened. For the first time he really noticed how young she was. Sure, he was still just a child, but she wasn't that much older than him, wasn't she just a yearling too? After a long pause, the agouti woman began speaking again, trying to explain her reasoning at the meeting. Honestly, he didn't really care, but he appreciated her attempt at putting things right, too often, he felt like the rest of his family didn't care about his point of view. But her words confused him, the tone in her voice impossible to pinpoint. His brows wrinkled, lips perking slightly as he sought to meet her eyes; "How can you... say that?" He began hesitantly, not at all sure what to make of her cryptic statement. "I was born here, raised here. I know these woods like the back of my paw, they are the only woods I know! How can you stand there and talk like you know how I feel? You are an outsider, I don't know where you came from, but you certainly aren't part of my family! You came from somewhere. Me? All I know is Cut Rock River!" His voice started out quiet and thoughtful, but as he spoke, the volume rose and he started speaking faster, yelling at her, just like she had feared he would. His anger was back in a flash of fire, and it wasted no time in flaring out at Jynx, even if she wasn't actually the cause of it. But as he reached the end of his tirade, he felt tears rise in his eyes, and his loud voice caught slightly. He was leaving his home, he was leaving the one place that had been his whole world for the majority of his life, and there was nothing he could do about it; It's not FAIR!

Word count: 663

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health