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left a piece of my heart
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Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
@Ash <3

They're close enough to the borders that I thought it'd be simpler to post here, but they'll not be anywhere close to trespassing :)

Each step she took towards that mountain felt lighter. Every time she got a chance to look up and spot its peak through the trees, whenever a clearing opened the sky to her destination, the air was fresher and she could breathe easier. It was still days away, she knew, a long trek despite her goal teasing her with its constant presence, a carrot always held just out of reach. No stranger to mountain life, she anticipated the climb, though she wondered whether her feet would remember the path. She sometimes walked along the Heights in her mind, though at this point she was no longer sure if her memories held true to reality, or whether she had conjured up her own version of the mountain and its winding ways, all for herself. Would her feet, instead, remember the mountain range in Lacerta, the secret passageways she had learned there, and would her childhood lake feel foreign like Crystherium had done at first? Would it be changed, would the faces she remembered still be there, or would it be abandoned? Would new faces own the land she had been born in, unfamiliar names laying claim to familiar lands?

They bounced around in her head, Athena, Ash, Ava, Tlarx, Naira, Adonis, Datura... they were so many things as once, so many once-raw emotions, so much love and pain and confusion. She had been young, then, and the two years had eroded the emotions, made them easier to digest. Older, she could look back on herself as a child and empathise with the pain she recalled there. There had been no point in getting lost in the past when there had been a virile future waiting for her to grasp. Her future was here, now, beside her as she walked, and somewhere in the forest ahead, racing them to the mountain's top where her past lay.

She spoke less as they walked, the air surreal and silent without the bickering and life of her other three children. Duckweed had always been quiet in comparison, she knew, but somehow the difference was magnified in their absence, and where before he had seemed reclusive now she sometimes wondered if he was there at all. If he had been born black, she mused, he would have been a proper shadow, but instead he was destined to stand out, stark and pale, like his father, only without the exuberance, without the powerful presence. Always worried for him, Bella had hoped that this time together, alone, would help bring him out of his shell, without Snake and Fox to shut him down, but his meekness persisted. Her jaw clenched and unclenched as she pondered it, teeth rubbing together, the only sounds their steady walking and breathing.

With the sun at its highest, and an unusual warmth in the air, when they happened upon a small pool the sight of it prodded at Bella's thirst. She glanced at her son, who looked wordlessly back, and she accepted yet another moment without discussion. Altering her path towards the water, the chocolate wolf dipped her head to lap at it, expecting Duckweed to do the same - instead, he lingered for a moment, then pushed on through the trees. She watched him go, wordless, and sighed. Let him have his moment alone, she would catch up easily.

Alone now, even if only for a minute, Duckweed breathed deeply, the air heavy in his chest. The sun beat down but his fur was thin and white and he felt cool, which was pretty much the only upside to the colour. With his mother's mountain directly ahead, an ominous figure he was forced to follow, his dark thoughts were easily distracted by a breeze carrying the thick scent of others, many others. He stopped, abruptly, his mother's warning flashing through his head, but he had crossed no lines; it was merely a hint of what was to come. Torn between curiosity and terror, both regarding the same thing, Duckweed chose to cautiously continue his path forwards, alert for the telltale signs of another's territory. He would not cross it, he told himself, he was only walking past. There was nothing wrong with that. The scent shifted to somewhere on his right, and became a constant presence, and he knew that he was skirting around their lands. Maybe he could slip inside and ask for sanctuary, and never take another step towards a mountain again.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Since the moment he was conceived, Ash was bred and trained to be a Guardian. The skills that he used then only came in handy when he became an alpha. Unfortunately, it also seemed that once he had become an alpha, it was hard for him to act any other way. It was why his time in Darkwater Rapids had been so short and he had found himself on the doorstep of Whisper Caverns all that time ago. In honesty, he almost could not remember the time that he was not an alpha, and it was that fact that often scared him. He needed to remember the time that he was a subordinate because soon, it would be Yuka’s turn to lead, if Ash could groom him enough to be so. He would, of course, need to find his own self-esteem and be more confident in himself. It would also be much preferred if he found a woman he could settle down with. However, with the way things were with his adopted son right now…the Hervok knew his chances of finding love were slim. His distorted face only added to the problem. While Ash would like to believe that others would take the boy’s personality into consideration, the alpha also knew that since the accident Yuka had become much darker and unfortunately…many wolves would base their opinion of him based on his injuries. It had happened to him with women before, but for Ash it no longer mattered. He had Narimè and he had found someone who meant more to him than his own life.

Every once and a while, Ash would sneak away from his family, much wanting to give them space and to get some time for him to think on his own. He, of course, had Yuka remain there to guard them, knowing that he would trust no one else but him to do the job effectively. It came as no surprise to Ash that he preferred to stick to the shadows, away from his new siblings to admire them for the distance. Eventually, Ash was sure that Yuka would grant them with his presence but the sooner he got the confrontation over with, the easier it would be for him in the long-run. As far as Ash knew, no one new had come to the borders in quite some time. Frequent patrols around the borders ensured this and Ash was sure that Yuka did a wonderful job doing what he was asked. However, as he took over for the young man, he was quick to sense the presence of another, his nose picking up the scent quickly. He froze quickly, making his way towards where the scent was coming from. The alpha did not need anyone threatening his children and if it came to it, he would dispose of them immediately. As he made his way towards the scent was coming from, it only seemed that there was a loner, a yearling, who seemed to be quite lost. The alpha was quick to make his presence known, clearing his throat to make it quite obvious that he was there.

He waited for the yearling to turn towards him before addressing him, ”Young man, you are near my pack’s borders...” His voice held a simple warning in them, letting the young man know that he did not want any funny business. He already lifted himself up to full height, his dominance displayed openly. His family was here and he did not like the fact that others were snooping around the territory. Nari had only recently given birth to their miracles and Ash would not let anyone jeopardize their little peace. Without Cut Rock River close by to threaten anything, Ash was confident that they would be able to get by and regain their strength. Anyone could ruin that and it was the alpha’s job to not let anyone get in the way of their happiness.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

He hadn't really expected to see anyone from the nameless pack, his thoughts only flirting with the possibility of crossing over. But it seemed his thoughts had betrayed him, and it was with a startled yelp that he saw the large guardian emerge, eyes on him. "I- I- I-," he blurted, his fierce indignance blown straight out of him by a few strong words and an imposing figure. "I d-d-d-did-didn't," and he hated that he couldn't just spit it out, his usual stutter so much worse when he was stressed and surprised and oh where was mother?! His posture collapsed appropriately, tail so tight underneath him that it almost disappeared completely; if the huge brown wolf had thought him any threat before, he surely wouldn't anymore.

No, Duckweed wasn't a threat to anyone, and a small fire burned angry and hot deep down.

" - too far ahead, Duck, I ca-"

His saving grace, his protector, the reason he was still alive despite being so pathetic and weak. Duck knew that his mother would have the right words to soothe this pack wolf, and he would be able to melt into the background again. As he turned to look back at her, plead for her help in this situation he had gotten himself into and didn't know how to fix, he was surprised to see a strange expression on her face as she stared at the gargantuan stranger. "M-m-m-ma?" he pleaded softly, shifting towards her, unable to decide if he should keep his eyes on her or on the wolf who she was so fixated on. What was wrong? She surely wasn't going to fight this beast - his mother wasn't a fighter. Maybe she would to protect him, but as hard as his heart was pounding, he didn't think that the wolf would attack them. Would he? Duck decided that watching the brown monster was the best choice after all, licking his lips nervously as he edged towards the safety of Bella.

But, for once, Bella gave him no attention, no soothing noises. She stared at the face she knew, at the posture she knew, and it was there, in the air - at the scent she knew. Taking a step forwards, open curiosity growing fast although she knew, she just knew she was right, her eyes were wide with building glee and she called out, breathless -

"... Ash?"

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Ash had always been an unusual man. He grew attachments to those after what seemed like years and found that he could not give a living damn about anyone else in the world. For the time being, only the ladies in his life, along with his children, were the only ones that concerned him. Narimè, the mother of their children, and Ash’s love, along with Nina, who Ash had been sure to keep close tabs on as of lately. Since the bastard who had left her again gone it was the brother’s duty to ensure that Nina was properly cared for and it seemed for the time being, with Mirren at her side, everything would be fine.

However, this current loner in front of him was none of his concern and the Hervok would have no qualms with ripping his throat out should the loner so desire for that to happen if he remained there. It seemed that the yearling posed no threat. This became quite obvious when he shrunk before his eyes, making it clear that he meant no harm. Of course, looks could be quite deceiving, he had used that himself in looking for his sister. But that was a long time ago when he still held the famous title as a Hervok assassin. He was known to only show his true self to Nari and that is how Ash planned on keeping it. Of course, he had also never expected to see one beautiful lady in his life time…ever again.

When he first heard her movement, he tensed, ready for a fight should he need to offer one up. He was a man of his duty and if he needed to protect his family, he would, without a doubt. However, when the woman came into view, his breath caught in his throat. The beauty before him, while much older, was someone he knew exceptionally well. Or at least, he had quite some time ago. He did not know what it was that made him feel like he already knew who this was, but when his name slipped past her lips, his heart melted. The large man felt himself relax instantly, his dominant display transforming into a light one. Instantly, his mossy green eyes softened, his heart beating wildly in his chest with the knowledge of who this was.

Long ago, after months of searching and heartbreak, Ash had given up hope of ever seeing his Belladonna ever again. And now, standing in front of him in all her glory was she. He sighed, his lips parting to say the one name he had been wanting to greet someone with for the past years. My little Belladonna.” As she made the space between them smaller, thoughts of the loner forgotten, Ash stepped closer to seal the distance between the two wolves. Hesitantly, as if to not startle her, the man reached forward, breathing in the scent of the…the woman before him. His nose hovered next to her cheek touching it gently before he sighed, ”I have missed you so much…my little angel.” His daughter had returned, somewhere relatively close to their former home. If Ash thought his life could not have gotten any better, he was wrong.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

My little Belladonna. Her smile took over her face, and when the man approached, her tail moved so vigorously that her entire rump wiggled from side to side. His touch was gentle, polite, apprehensive - whereas her own was bold and without hesitation. Bella pushed into his embrace, running her cheek through his neck, inhaling him. The sudden tidal wave of nostalgia was intoxicating. Somehow, though Bella had grown bigger, Ash remained as large as in her memories, a towering pillar of gentle soul. "I missed you too," she breathed into his pelt, completely unwilling to detach herself, drunk on the memories which his scent brought rushing back.

What the... Somewhere behind them, Duck shrunk towards the ground, blinking at the spectacle. What was he supposed to do now? His mother knew this, this monstrosity? Ash, she had said, and he did recognise the name, but with his mind wiped first by terror and now by complete bewilderment, he did not have the mental capacity to try and place it. One upside was that his presence had been forgotten, at least, and the white boy slunk towards the nearest tree to take cover behind it. Heart still beating hard, for he was sure he had seen his own death in the brute's face, Duck was now entirely cynical of this pack, and he glared suspiciously over the border, watching for anyone else to come out of the darkness. Every now and then he would peek around the tree at his mother and her... whatever he was. Maybe he could hide out here until it was over?

"My Ash." Eyes tight shut as she drank him in, she had fallen into being a child again, reunited with her guardian. Ash had always represented safety and warmth, consistency and love, and she desperately needed those things. So caught up in trying to be those things, it was revitalizing to instead be on the receiving end. Finally she would pull back, but only enough to look at his face, upon which she planted a broad kiss, her tongue dragging from his chin and up over his nose. Something was strange, though it had taken her this long to place it. "Why are you not on the mountain? I didn't expect to find you here."

(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2015, 06:34 PM by Belladonna.)
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He almost felt as if he were dreaming. Never in the rest of his lifetime would he have believed that he would have the opportunity to see his little Bella ever again. And now here she was, in front of her. While she had grown up since Ash had last seen her, she was still his baby girl. Belladonna would always continue to be his little girl in his eyes. His heart beat frantically in his chest as his embrace was returned. Thoughts of the other loner deserted his mind as a tender, child-like kiss was given to him. He was quick to return the kiss to her cheek, a low, pleased growl rumbling in his chest. He stepped back, not wanting to break contact with her, but desperately wanting to assess the changes that had become of her. She still had her brilliant, beautiful eyes that Ash had always loved and the same colored pelt. The only difference was her size and age. She still seemed so innocent to him and even yet, he knew what the real world could do to someone. The Guardian wanted to know what had happened in her life, but it seemed that their surrounding finally caught up with Belladonna…and she was confused.

He sighed, not wanting their reunion to take a turn for the worst. Recounting his past was not something that Ash enjoyed doing. Especially when it had to do with Belladonna’s adoptive parents. Of course she did not expect to find him there, his home had always been the mountains. He missed it, all the time, but Narimè loved the caverns and Ash had come to love them in turn. Nevertheless, the mountains were his first home and where his heart had remained for quite some time. But home was where the heart was…and that was with his lover now. So hesitantly, as if unsure of how to broach the topic, Ash began the tale, ”After you…left…Poison Path went through a tough time. Athena was wrong and gave birth to two new children, to Eden, a man who had taken my place, per Athena request. However, when they were born Eden had disappeared and I stepped in as a father. After a while, the numbers started to drop within the pack and it became harder for me to maintain stability within the pack. A week later, it quickly became apparent that Namara, a subordinate of mine, and I were the only ones remaining. Poison Path had to disband. After searching for a bit, I remember my sister’s best friend led the pack here, Whisper Caverns. When I arrived, it quickly became apparent that they were in distress. They were in need of a male lead, and I stepped in to fill the position, being more than qualified. And here I am…still alpha…and with three beautiful children and a wife. I am very happy here.” He paused for a moment, his mossy green eyes on his adopted daughter, pride swelling within them, knowing that she had conquered through whatever this life had thrown at her. Clearing his throat, he spoke gently, ”And what about you? What have you been getting yourself into?” His tag wagged behind him, even if they were talking about serious matters, it did not make her presence here any less than perfect.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

Time turned back as he returned her affection, the very sounds in his chest triggering a new torrent of memories. They parted long enough to properly take in the other, her grown and him older, wiser... and harder, somehow. But he was still her Ash, there was no doubt. His sigh prompted a faint crease in her brow, and she leapt to worrying about what the last two years had meant for this man she had considered a father. After you... left, he began, and guilt flooded her expression, but she did not interrupt him. Poison Path... was no more? Bella did not believe that her leaving was a catalyst for such a sad thing, for she had been young and far from an essential member of the pack. Indeed, she had stayed - remembering the events leading up to her disillusionment, she had no doubt that the mass exodus caused by Naira and Rhysis on that horrible day must have contributed to the fall of her birth pack. And they had called her selfish.

Ash continued his tale, the young woman hanging to every word. Her ears perked up at the mention of Athena, the only other wolf in the whole of the Lore that she truly wanted to find. Athena had borne children, and in Bella's heart she automatically thought of them as siblings. But the news did not continue as positively, with the disappearance of Eden and the subsequent dwindling of the Path's numbers. Had Athena...? Surely not.

Thus life had brought him here. While she was concerned over the whereabouts of her adoptive mother, Bella could not help but grin at his conclusion - she had more siblings! How proud she was, how successful the man before her. He had always deserved greatness. When he said he was happy, she stretched forward to kiss his cheek, delighted for him. His fate had always been on her mind, and increasingly ever since she had decided to come back. It was another weight lifted. But then it was his turn to learn of how she had fared these past two years.

Licking her lips, she watched his eyes, running through the events quickly in her mind. "After... after Naira left," she began, and Ash would know of the event, of how Belladonna had effectively ceased being an Aquila on that day. "I... felt like I didn't belong anymore. I needed to learn who I was, who I am. I'm so sorry I left like I did. There was a man, I met him on the mountain one day and together we dreamed of a better future. I went with him." She hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided that talk of Datura's mental break and attempt on her life was not history which needed to be dragged up. Nor did the lengths which she and Wolesh went to to save her life. It was all in the past, irrelevant. "We settled in Lacerta, a mountain range far from here and as large as the whole Lore. We... became mates, and I bore our children there. I'm Bella Calor now. I led a pack, Ash, can you believe it?" She laughed, the sound light and soft, the words true but glossing over so, so much. The same must have been true for Ash's tale, but one day they would sit down together and share everything. Just not right now.

Mention of that part of the last two years reminded her that they were not alone; she glanced about for Duckweed, but couldn't see him. "Duck?" she called, gently, aware that he was likely very nervous of who was, to him, a total stranger. "Come out, darling, there's someone I'd love you to meet."

Crap. He had hoped to be forgotten for longer than that. Taking a deep breath, he peered around the tree, and caught his mother's eye. She smiled at him, and gestured for him to approach, but his limbs wouldn't move. Like hell was he going to come any closer. He had been listening to them, to the talk of places and names which he only knew through his mother's lips, names which meant little to him otherwise. Nervously he looked at Ash, and swallowed, but he didn't move. Their introduction had already been spoiled, and he was entirely embarrassed to be paraded about in front of his mother's old friend now.

"My youngest, Duckweed. He's very shy," Bella said apologetically, returning her attention to Ash. Duck was safe behind that tree, and he likely wouldn't move from it easily. Such a shame. "My other three have gone on ahead - we're heading to the lake. I can't wait to see it again." Where was Athena, though? She dared not ask yet, but she wasn't sure what she had heard in Ash's tone when the woman's name was mentioned. If Poison Path was no more, where was she? Ash would have said if she lived with him here. Could she bear the idea that she wouldn't be reunited with the woman she considered her mother?

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Ash was not so use to allowing physical contact. If it was anyone else, he might have pushed them away, insulted that they thought it was fine for them to get anywhere near him. But this was not just anyone, it was his Belladonna. He had raised her the best he could and it seemed that from her current health, she had done well for himself. When she kissed his cheek, a pleased growl rumbled in his chest, affection clear in his gaze. After he was done, she launched into her own tale, coming to how she had left. It hurt him to know that she did not feel like she belonged with him and that she had not thought to tell him when she had left. To a level, he could understand though. When he had first met Treena, he would have done anything in a split second should she had asked. He did not let this bother him, knowing that it was in the past and it would be best for them to keep their next moments in the present. He listened as she continued and when she mentioned the man again, he felt his fatherly side rear up again. No one deserved his precious Belladonna, she was perfect and they were…not. But before he could comment, another fact stole his attention. She had children.

His lips drew back into a thin line before his mouth gaped open, a fact utterly clear to him as he looked back at the male that he had basically threatened upon their first meeting. Later, there would be room for an apology but right now his mind was set on one thing. ”I am a grandfather?” His mossy green eyes were pinned on the child who was obviously a year old. Belladonna had sired children before him and had kept them close to her, something Ash probably should have considered doing when he was with Poison Path. However, something else plagued his mind. She was going back. Every part of him wanted to make her stay with him and never leave again, but he knew that was irrational. She was a grown woman now and she could do whatever she wanted. So doing what naturally came to him, he asked a question to know what he wanted to know without asking directly, ”Do you plan on settling there? In the mountains?” He held his breath, unsure of what he wanted the answer to be.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

She knew that it would hurt him to admit that she hadn't belonged, had felt increasingly like a stranger in her own home. It had been a childish problem borne from childish problems, perhaps, but it had felt real enough as a child. It had been a source of constant regret ever since, for though her choices had led to many things she now held dear, it pained her that she had hurt him. Ash had been her father in every way save blood, and Bella did not put much value on the ties of blood. The man who had sired her wore a stranger's face and used a stranger's name, and even now she struggled to recall either, so little did she think of him.

A father he was, and since the girl herself was a mother... "Yes," she grinned, laughing softly at the look on his face, loving him for his wonder. Even Wolesh's reaction hadn't been so... so pure.

Together they looked towards the grandchild, whose reaction to his expanding family was not quite so euphoric; still utterly bewildered and intimidated, Duck nevertheless met Ash's gaze and held it, heart pounding. Paternal figures had never been a source of comfort or safety in his life, and indeed had almost exclusively been the opposite, but this might be different. This Ash was nothing to do with his father and was everything to do with his mother. Though he was still confused over his true relation to the huge man, his being labelled grandfather made something turn in Duck's head, made the anxiety begin to slowly, slowly ebb away.

As the boy mused on it, the topic shifted, and Bella's smile faded slightly at the question, at how it was asked, finding herself slipping back into reading his unspoken cues. Children knew their parents best, knew what that look in the eyes meant. Even two years hadn't dulled it. "I don't know," she said quietly, though it was a half-truth; she belonged in mountains, born and raised and ruled in mountains, and sometimes the idea of returning there was one of the only things which pushed her onward. "I... I have to see it again." I won't feel whole unless I see it again. Taking a breath, she watched his eyes, watched his mind. It was time, she had to know. Athena, what if... "Is there anyone left?"

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity