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Something to prove, nothing to lose
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
Dated for 4/5 Situated just outside the borders of Oak Tree Bend @Triell @Spieden @Anthem  

A tawny ear gave a subtle flick as the first of rays of dawn began to cascade over the spectral woods and grace his cheeks with a warmth that began to stir the slumbering regal. Low grumbles sounding in the back of his throat in defiance upon being awoken. Vespertio was much too comfortable to be up and about just yet. Couldn't the sun give him just five more minutes of blissful sleep? The answer was no was the beams of lightly slowly crept higher and higher on the dark hairs of his mask until they reached his eyelids. Making it impossible to sleep any longer with the light shining in your eyes. Reluctantly the agouti man caved in to the demands of the world and arose. Stumbling a bit on sleep filled limbs to stand up and give his shedding winter coat a good shake. Salmon tongue passing over the dryness of his lips to return some of the moisture lost overnight before a mighty yawn forced them to break apart further, jaws parting to allow a whine of sorts escape its trap in the back of his throat.

He was finally up and with a swivel of his head the golden pools of his settled on the still slumbering from of his travel companion, second in command and friend. The stormy pelted man Anthem. With a low chuff he attempted to rise the larger man, going so far as to give his shoulder a solid nudge. There was business to be attended to and the sooner they could finish the sooner they could embark on the trek back home. Once Anthem began to awake, Vespertio stepped back to give him room and opted to take a glance around him for the familiar tell tail signs of pack borders. The earthy man had been in this direction before and happened to meet one of the Bend's members. A silver coated woman by the name of Zia Celencio. It was with thanks to her that he was able to recognize the thick oak scent of the pack he needed to speak to. "Come Anthem." Was his short spoken words before trotting off into the brush.

It was only when he finally reached the edge of the borders did his creamy paws come to a halt. Leaving his medium built frame a respectful distance from that invisible line. Lifting his tail just above his heels(seeing as he was but a loner of sorts when not within his own kingdom) and angling his head back towards the rising sun a beckoning howl in a baritone pitch broke the morning airwaves. Seeking the audience of both leads if the time was convenient. The time to speak upon an official alliance or not had finally come.

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

In a dreamless sleep Anthem could all but feel the sun rising around him. His ears twitched and twisted, even as he slept, at every sound that echoed around him. The sun slowly began to warm his pelt and he lazily moved his head so that he could curl up with his back in the warmth. The grumbles of his companion reached his ears but he put them aside. Those sounds didn't mean danger, just of someone reluctant to wake up. The large man agreed it was peaceful and they didn't need to get up just yet. Having decided that he drifted back off but the firm nudge he received had him peeling open an eye to look up at his friend. Lifting his head he let out a yawn before getting up and stretching himself. He needed to wake himself up a little bit more and getting the blood flowing would help. 

Blue eyes took in their surroundings. They were in Spectral Woods a place that Anthem had come to hunt in so he was used to the place. The areas that were closer to the Cove he had all but memorized. This area was new to him though but he felt certain he would soon learn its secrets as well. They were getting close to the borders though and Anthem thought he could vaguely smell Phyrrus's scent but he wasn't certain. Anthem was quick to follow Vespertio as he told him to come. His eyes drank in everything that they passed as they went to the borders were they would soon be having the discussion that would impact them and the Bend wolves. Friends or Enemies they would soon find out. 

Remaining silent Anthem stopped to the right and slightly back of Vespertio's form, indicating that he was the one in charge. With his head lowered and his tail down Anthem's eyes continuously scanned the area. His ears remained erect to catch the sounds of someone coming. He was on alert and his goal was to make sure that if things turned out bad that he would be able to keep his friend safe. He just hoped that it didn't come to that.

(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2015, 04:23 AM by Anthem.)
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
sorry for the wait. I am here now. @Athem @Vespertio

Shred it all to pieces, my sanity and reason

Gentle blue light of the drawing morning tried to paint a comforting picture over the woods. It was felt in brief by the Tainn as he navigated the mist. There was still lurking devils, and he could not hold to false ideals of safety and peace. Onward he marched, delicately taking in the details of his realm, looking precisely for something out of place. The dark man's early jaunt was rather ordinary. There were signs of the others doubled paths, and the scent of prey teased his nose here and there. Nothing yelled of the foul beasts whose blood he craved. None the less his pace did not falter.

The sun began to lift, and its brightness brought warmth. A few rays caught upon his coat between limbs, and he was thinking about lingering in it longer when a masculine howl rose heavy, some where close by, beckoning. Already suspicious, with out most carefulness, he stalked to the caller, pondering if this was the day. Triell quite doubted Gamr would have made such a direct approach. Black banner high above him, he came to find not one but two wolves near his lands. There were two things he was certain about. They were both male, and carrying a scent that was the same Silver had brought with her. He had recalled the lady's words when she had joined, but there was no Athena to be seen. Triangle ears drawn back, flame colored eyes looked to the monochrome wolf, and than with purpose to the one with tawny highlights. It seemed he was in charge of this endeavor. A cool mask, he halted across from them, placing two wolf lengths between himself and the pair. "Why have the wolves of Fallen Tree Cove called for me today?" He queried with a perched brow, intrigued as he silently looked upon them.

(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2015, 08:18 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

His call was met with an ideal swiftness as out from the landscape stalked forth the swarthy silhouette of a man. A pair of flame like orbs tucked neatly within the confines of an equally dark mask while the plush tail at his rear lifted to signal his position once dark limbs halted a couple wolf lengths away from where the duo now stood. So, this must be the lead male of Oak Tree Bend. If his posturing and scent alone wasn't enough to solidify the idea. Swiveling red tinged ears forward to catch the smooth voice that lofted from across the border. "Why have the wolves of Fallen Tree Cove called for me today?" A shift in his stance all the while keeping a neutral posture he cleared his throat before beginning his reply.

"Months ago a member of my pack by the name of Silver had asked for permission to leave with an escort by the name of Drestig. A member of your pack who spoke about a possibly alliance forming between the two packs. Myself and the ruling female at the time, Athena had given said permission as you already know. Today I, Vespertio Vuesain, would like to discuss this alliance possibility and found it time I met the other packs in the area." Pausing his words momentarily he let his golden optics shift from one dark coat to another. Settling on Anthem at his side before returning to the lead male. "This is my second, Anthem." Silence soon fell between the trio as he waited for Triell to speak, or be it Anthem that wished to add an extension to his brief introduction.  

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart
@Triell @Vespertio

It wasn't long before Anthem could hear the sound of paw steps against the ground. His attention went to the wolf that approached them. A dark male came his tail arched above him displaying that he was the leader here. His expression was one of interest as he spoke. The beta wondered if he had visitors often but he guessed not. The seemed to be one of the few packs that resided on this side of the mountain they really didn't need to interact with the other packs but they would probably get some loners that came by. Silently Anthem listened to Vespertio's response letting his head dip briefly in greeting as he was introduced. 

He didn't know if he should speak up or he should remain silent. He almost let out a sigh but held it in, it wouldn't exactly look good if he did. Deciding he would speak up even if it was just a few sentences he began.It is nice to meet you. I don't know if if will help you with deciding your decision or not but I have a friend that is apart of your pack that goes by the name of Phyrrus. He spoke his words carefully neutral trying to make it polite without being over the top. He didn't know if he succeeded or not but if the Leader before them knew that the two packs already had some ties then maybe it would help sway him to agree. All of this though was giving him a bitter taste in his mouth. He felt like he was trying too hard to make sure that he didn't do or say something wrong and it was grating on him. 
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
@Athem @Vespertio

Shred it all to pieces, my sanity and reason

The man made straight for the point, keeping to facts, and not adding any unnecessary ideas. More importantly, it was made apparent Athena was not the reigning female. Why he felt an urge to gain more upon the subject, the urge was brief and quieted. It really didn't matter to him one way or another. This Vespertio came off as an intelligent brute despite whatever Athena had had to do with him.

Politely, the Tainn cast his gaze upon the other in acknowledgement, knowing he had never met this Anthem before. It became clear he did have something to add, and Triell did not find it hard to let him speak his piece. It did matter after all in helping him weigh this decision. Especially, for it to be Phyrrus.  It was tempting to check this, he didn't feel the need. Why she was ever friendly, she also seemed quite worried of things and it spoke extremely loud that this man should be her friend. So could there be a reason to deny their request? The stubborn Tainn in him wanted to swear off allies as nothing helpful, but he had agreed to be with Nina's pack, and one closer was more of purpose and use. No matter how he would age he would not forget the dire winter, and their competition with Magnolia Glen. It was best to least try and see what became of this. It surely had been a long time since they had had much of the outside world that wasn't threatening to end them.

" Thank you for telling me Anthem, I had not known. But, to be honest I'm surprised you're here. I didn't think much more would happen. In person, I see you are serious about an alliance, and without Athena I feel it easy to accept it. I have no need for more enemies, especially when we share the same side. But I wonder what you may expect out of an alliance?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

Leathery lips fell silent as Anthem soon came to command the air between the trio gathered. A small shift of his rust tinged ear closest to the larger built man visible upon this revealed bit of information regarding an Oak Tree Bend member. The hope of this tidbit helping to sway Triell's decision in the favor of Fallen Tree Cove clinging thickly to the stormy man's words. Soon, though, the world around them was once more thrown into a silence as Anthem finished his share of the conversation. Broken then only by the voice of the Bend patriarch to speak his first piece on the matter.

Vespertio listened closely to the swarthy king speak, golden gaze glinting intuitively at the words uttered from his tongue. What did he expect of this alliance should it come to be? The tawny man pondered thoughtfully for a few long moments on the answer he wished to express. "Being such a new pack, would it not be foolish to go about creating enemies of neighbors that know the land better than we?" He pauses to allow both men present to absorb this statement before continuing. "I do not know the skills your members may possess, but I have some ideas I'd like to share. Come winter when prey is scarce I am willing to open my territory to your members for hunting as well as vise versa for my members, if you will allow it of course. Free reign to exchange one another's resources to benefit both parties if supplies can support it. I would also like to add that should my pack obtain more than what we need the excess shares go towards your pack should you need it. A gesture of good will."

Shifting his weight on all fours, his bottle brush shaped tail swung lightly at his heels. "And protection in times of danger. I am willing to offer my members to aid you in times of trouble no questions asked. I do not expect you to adhere to all of these, or any at all. I only wish to keep peace with my neighbors."

Played by Hex who has 174 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Anthem ColdHeart

Once he had spoken it seemed like forever before a response was finally given back, but that might have been because Anthem was feeling tense in this situation. He dipped his head at the others words of thanks but glanced at Vespertio to see what he had to say about the rest. What did they want from this alliance between the packs? Did they simply want the assurance that they wouldn't be taken out when times became trying? Maybe if they wanted to share resources? Anthem didn't know any of the answers for the questions that rattled in his head. Nathaniel would have been much better at these things than the more physical beta. 

It was a moment before his friend spoke and Anthem listened intently before giving a slight nod of agreement. To him it seemed like the ideas were good ones. The cove was smaller than the Bend wolves and they didn't need as many resources as they did so giving them the excess seemed like a good thing. There was only so much that they could all eat after all. So he would support what Vespertio spoke and if the bend needed wolves he would be one of the first ones to go and help. Anthem didn't voice anything as he glanced back at Triell to see what he thought about all of this. It took two to make an alliance and to keep it going. They wouldn't get anywhere if the other didn't at least like the idea.
I am the Anthem we sing,
My sister the Angele we follow,
My brother ,Nathaniel, our guide

Together we shall not stray.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
@Athem @Vespertio Sorry guys I really wanted to get this done and failed.

Shred it all to pieces, my sanity and reason

The Tainn observed how the black and tawny lead took his time to answer. Careful in words and actions was something he could appreciate and understand. Even with Phyrrus being a friend, it helped to meet the man himself who lead the Cove, and pass his own judgement. So far he saw no red flags. Throughout the man's talk, he kept a reserved face, still waiting for a telling sign why he should not make this alliance. In the end he saw no harm in seeing how things worked out. They could decide what actually fit well with their packs, and knowing what hell last winter was he rather have them on his side. It had been a disaster with Magnolia Glen, and if this would simply prevent another from occurring it would be worth it. The offering extra surely did not hurt. It did surprise Triell. He had never met anyone willing to go further. Most had a all for me and mine attitude, but this was more of an extension of pack. Something he had thought impossible. So would Oak Tree Bend think he was nuts? Building a bridge of trust with a different pack of little acquaintance. Considering they had followed him this far he felt if they objected they would say. What was there to lose?  In the end if the Cove proved treacherous they would deal with it as they had any other threat.

There appeared nothing to be added from his companion, dark wolf casually blinked, regarding Ves with a faint smile."As of now I have no qualms with making an agreement for all you have spoken. You seem like a sensible man. Though,I can't exactly say we would have excess of much, we would return the favor should it happen. I want no more enemies, and winter came brutally last year so it would be nice to know we have friends here, that a hunt doesn't have to end with losers. There's only one thing I would like to see happen, I think are packs should meet each other some time." Wolves could tell by scent if another was of the Cove, but he didn't think it would hurt for their to be a bit more to this alliance. There was a world outside the Bend.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]