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Don't bury the voice unspoken — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Warning: mention of previous suicide attempt.

@Naia as a reference (erm... just ignore all those hikers...)

July 23 2015, Midday, Sunny 88F/31C

The water churning and crashing below her created a steady roar. It was a hot day and the massive boulders that lined the shore were blistering under-foot. Fine droplets of water were cast up to steam in the hot air. Iopah could feel her coat curl in the humidity. The woman had followed one of the slow streams that wove through and around her land; continuing as it joined with others and grew in swiftness and sound, and now stood gazing down at the deafening rapids.

She padded closer to the edge, tentatively, hesitantly, to step cream paws into moisture tossed up by the turbulent rapids. The dampness was a small relief: everything was the same temperature anyways and there was barely enough water to cover half a paw. Gold eyes were swallowed up by the dark seething as warm water soaked into her paw. She would go no closer. Despite how cold it might be, the water below was fast and rife with stones. She was a mountain wolf, a thicket wolf; the only experience Iopah had with this sort of water was the story her father had told long ago. According to the story, that wolf survived after many minutes of not and awoke with a message from the beyond. The former-Barberi woman was sure luck would not sweep her from death like it had her ancestor. It was already a legend, it didn't need Iopah's voice to further it.

This was not water that @Narimé would have needed to tempt her away from. Perhaps once, it would have been temptation. But for all she had lost (and left), Iopah had gained more. She would not step into this water now and risk losing it all. If the story was true, they would wait no matter how long. A pale coat shook out and head dipped to lap at the water by her feet.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia was traveling south once more, this time on her own. Bringing Kjors along last time had been a disaster, but she had learned her lesson. The next time she had some reconnaissance to do, she would only bring along a partner she could trust completely. She was careful to travel down the side of the river opposite the territory of the Waterfall Wolves. It was typical for a river of this size and speed to function as the border of claimed territory, it being incredibly difficult to cross rapids such as these each time one wanted to maintain a boundary marker, but even so Naia kept her nose to the ground in case any on the land she traveled was claimed. Though the scout typically approached life with a carefree attitude, she took her work quite seriously and always exercised extreme caution.

The Timber woman stopped in her tracks as the Waterfall Wolves’ pack scent met her nose. She sniffed around for a moment in confusion before realizing that she hadn’t brushed up against a territory marker—the scent was in the air, meaning it was flowing from the alphess herself. Dread dropped into the pit of the agouti lady’s stomach, and she froze, her honey eyes scanning the scenery for an attacker. Their last encounter had been a violent one, primarily the fault of their male companions, and Naia would not blame the woman at all if she wanted another pound of flesh off of the River scout.

Searching eyes finally locked with the Waterfall woman’s, the pair separated safely by the river. Naia watched her for a moment, wondering what she must be thinking as they studied one another, their watery barrier crashing between them. The last time they fought the alphess had allowed her to submit, though she would have been well within her bounds to separate Naia from her throat, and this told Naia that she was perhaps a clever sort of wolf—one who would rather collect a favor owed than a life. Naia had promised the woman a chat, without her “mask,” and here she was in all her glory.. scouting around exuding River scent.  Though the rapids separated the two of them, Naia assumed the body posture of a Second, submissive to the leader before her. 

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

To say her company was unexpected would have been an understatement.

Uncounted minutes ticked by in a silence broken only by the pound of water and scream of birds. A grey-edged tail flicked idly, the tip scuffing across damp rocks. Perhaps her family might be wondering at her location, but a swiveling ear caught nothing. This was her time, then; to lets her thoughts wash clear in the face of so much water. Her chest swelled with every breath while millions of gallon hurtled past under her watch. Iopah followed the violent churning, and then looked up to find herself staring at Naia.

She drew back from the water's edge with a startled huff. The alpha's stance, previously relaxed and lowered to watch the Falls below, suddenly lifted. Her head swung upwards to return the gaze and a water-stained tail was brandished over her back. The surprise lasted only a moment; paws took only a single, damp step away.

Iopah quickly stopped, loath to leave this un-trusted stranger and having no desire to re-close the distance. The stone was hot under her feet, but the Reinier waited motionlessly. Eyes narrowed into an expectant expression. The way she saw it, Iopah had already done her a favor. Whatever else Naia wanted she was going to need the decency (and honesty!) to ask for herself. Gold eyes narrowed the longer the longer she waited. Finally the pale woman stalked forward with growl, crossing the few feet and coming to the very edge of the shore. Her tail flicked at the other's submission posture and drooped, but her head lifted nonetheless to address Naia. "Didn't you want to speak with me?" She said bluntly. Her head titled to the side in a silent continuation, 'What are you waiting for?'

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Apologies, Emma.. I didn't forget! Life has been treating me strangely lately. I ought t just put myself on absence.
Naia was motionless as the alphess on the opposite shore appeared to wrestle with her decision on how to address the situation. The scout waited patiently—if she had read the woman correctly, she knew which decision the golden-eyed woman would reach. Finally, she spoke out to Naia, in a terse demand for information that she had come to expect from females in charge.. funny how they were all the same that way. Naia nodded to the woman across the river and hesitated no longer. “Last time we met I was under a false name. My true name is Naia, and I am the scout and Second of Hearthwood River.” No doubt the woman had smelled Naia’s pack scent by now; it would do no good to attempt to continue the lie when evidence for the truth was so obvious. 

“I came to your border to speak with your patrol, hoping to discover who you were. I used a false identity because our allied pack, Round Stone Crest, warned us that several Woodlands traitors had brutally attacked a member of their ranks.  I did not want to reveal my pack allegiance because I knew it would create tension, if you are in fact those ex-Woodlands wolves. The last thing I wanted was fight at your border.”  A wry smile twitched at one corner of Naia’s mouth, oh the irony!

“I.. I have grown weary trying to keep up with all the enemies that Round Stone Crest creates for my pack, truth be told. I am far more interested in negotiating a peaceful existence with you and you followers, if you feel we are able to let the past go. All I can do is apologize profusely for the behavior of my companion at your border, and for my mistake to bring him along. I had no idea he was such an idiot.”

Naia dropped her gaze to her paws, assuming a humble stance as she allowed the woman opposite her to think over the proposal. A seasoned scout, Naia was used to this feeling; she and her words being silently appraised and judged. She remained patient, breathing deeply and listening to the swift current crashing just beyond her paws. 
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
that's ok, sorry it took me awhile to drag enough words out of my non-wordy wolf...
also, I assumed Naia would explain BTD=RSC? lemme know if you want me to change that little bit

The lack of hesitation helped to tempered her irritation. With the water swift between then, Iopah reclined ever so slightly to listen. Moisture seeped into white forepaws and a fine mist fell on cream-hued shoulders, but her gaze never left the River scout. For most of it she was silent. Indeed, most of it she'd assumed on her own anyways. Even without Naia's parting implication, the idea of two loners attacking multiple pack wolves for nothing more than a slighting of their questions was vastly unrealistic. They would've had to be complete idiots to do that. So while her eyes might have narrowed at certain points, Iopah held her tongue and listened.

She drew back sharply at the mention of an unfamiliar pack, Round Stone Crest. Koda and Iopah had been banned many weeks before Minka moved her pack north and knew nothing of the name change. Her stance was indignant, tail swept up and ears forward. Mincing steps drew the Reinier closer to speak once the chance came. There was going to be no more twisting of the truth. Iopah was caught off-guard by the apology and by Kjors' label of idiot. Narrowed eyes suddenly blinked and lips curved out of their tight line. That was the last thing she expected from this detailed and proper scout. "That may be and I was banished from Secret Woodlands, but I know nothing of a Round Stone Crest." Iopah said nothing, waiting until an explanation for that mix-up had been given.

It was entirely disconcerting to have a stranger know so many half-truths about her. She regarded the River scout, trying to decide where to start. "I'm Iopah, leader of Broken Timber Pines... and I suppose we are those Woodlands traitors. Did the Crest also warn how they like to trespass? That wolf I brutally attacked was on our land, arguing with Camio when I arrived." Her voice was even and level, but her gaze was firm. It was not something she had any intentions of apologizing for. "I will always defend my family and my land." Her reaction to Kjors' stunt was proof enough.

The pale woman eyed Naia's humble stance. For a second she wondered who was protected more by the rushing water. "I wouldn't be speaking with you otherwise. All I want is peaceful co-existence, but we will fight if that's not possible."

(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2015, 10:33 PM by Iopah. Edit Reason: forgot to leave a note for Alace! )
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia’s sharp criticism of her packmate had the desired effect—she sensed the shell around the alphess thaw just a little as her mouth twitched in what Naia could only hope was amusement. She then met Naia’s honesty with honesty of her own, admitting to being one of the wolves banished from Secret Woodlands. Though it was a relief to finally know the truth, the weight of this admission dragged heavily upon Naia’s heart. With all the bad blood between the Waterfall wolves and the Crest, it would be impossible to stay on good terms with both of them. Perhaps aiming for neutrality with this new pack would work in the meantime, but Naia would not kid herself into thinking it could last forever.
The female across the River waited for her to explain more about Round Stone Crest, and Naia filled the silence immediately. “They previously went by Black Thorn Downs, and would have smelled heavily of blackberries.”  Naia could not help but feel a twinge of wistful melancholy as she thought of the scent that clung so heavily to her beloved Inali’s pelt.
The leader then introduced herself officially, giving her name as well as the name of her pack. Naia dipped her head to give the respect that was due to a wolf of her stature. She then went on to explain the situation with the Downs, asking questions that were both defensive and rhetorical. Naia knew firsthand what happened to wolves that trespassed on Iopah’s territory, and she had no issue understanding her side of the story. The truth that Naia really sought wasn’t about the situation with the unfortunate Downs wolf.. she was far more curious as to why Iopah was removed from the Woodlands in the first place. It certainly wasn’t her place to ask, but Naia wondered if it might have been an unlawful conception—the woman had obviously very recently whelped. Despite what her own leaders would think, Naia was a romantic and knew she could forgive Iopah if love was her big transgression.
 “Peace,” Naia agreed, ”That’s all we desire as well. My pack will not fight the Crest’s battles for them.”  She met the Plains wolf’s golden eyes with a pointed look of her own, maintaining eye contact for a short moment before lowering her gaze respectfully once more. She would not say it aloud, but Naia wanted Iopah to know that she had zero intention of sharing the identity of their new neighbors with the Crest. That would certainly springboard the River into a pointless war in which they had absolutely no personal stake. Naia would share what she learned with her alphas and no one else, and she would council her leaders to hold on to the information as well, at least until they decided exactly how they wanted to proceed with the Crest alliance.  
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

A brow arched hopefully at that first, singular word. If only speaking would make it so, if only all the wolves involved truly wanted it. For a moment, Iopah's gaze idled to the water between them. It was impossible to ignore - a deafening crashing of water and a spray of water that likely reached both woman. The Falls were violent and deadly (as that old Barberi story reminded), but without subterfuge. The woman's golden eyes lifted back to the other, they both knew it would not be as easy as that. After all, had they not met each other's acquaintance at a border brawl?

"But how many of your wolves feel the same way?" She queried easily back, ears folding back into a natural position. Naia's rank had not been forgotten and Iopah beginning to wonder how far the current discussion would go. It was all well and good to have a peaceful understanding with the female second, but what if the leaders had a far different mind-set? "What about Kjors?" She prodded, not exactly trying to poke holes in the scout's statement, but trying to learn the weight of it. Again she pondered the alphas of Hearthwood River, and the wisdom in entering their land with the intentions of a discussion when that first interaction had gone so very wrong.

She returned the gaze evenly, glancing away when Naia did. This woman was not her enemy (at least when acting of her own volition), but there seemed to be far more questions now and some even that the Hearthwood River wolves could not answer. "A pack's enemies are their own, only a coward would send another to fight them." Having the nerve to take offense, but not enough decency to handle it yourself? The idea left a bitter taste. "Would your alpas speak with me? If I came to meet them?" She was hoping Naia would not let her walk into a battle, that the River wolves were more peaceful than they had first made themselves out to be.

Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Iopah’s gaze met hers once more across the gorge, and Naia thought the regal’s golden eyes seemed warmer somehow. This gave the scout hope, and for the first time she imagined that the packs could perhaps be something more than just tentatively neutral. Iopah was clearly a shrewd woman and a natural leader, balancing emotion and restraint perfectly in her interactions. She was not afraid to take action for her pack, but she did not shed a drop of blood unnecessarily (Naia was grateful for that). If there were more wolves like Iopah within her border, Broken Timber Pines would make a powerful ally for Hearthwood River, if the relationship could be salvaged.

“All of them,” Naia answered with confidence, “They would not have made the journey here otherwise.” Any wolf who was willing to pick up his or her life and journey across all of Relic to avoid war, as each of the River wolves had done, was a wolf who highly valued peace. None of the River wolves save Maksim even had any ties to Round Stone Crest, as far as Naia knew, and she could not imagine that they would lament letting the crest alliance go in favor of perhaps starting a new relationship with a closer, more peaceful pack.

“Yes.. even him,” Naia agreed. “He attacked out of love of himself, not Round Stone Crest.” Surely Iopah recalled how the men had provoked one another..? “He is loyal to our alpha, and would stay his temper at her command.” Judging from their past encounter at the Pines border, Naia knew this woman was no stranger to having a hotheaded warrior under her command—no doubt she would understand Kisla’s situation.

Naia nodded at Iopah’s assessment of Round Stone Crest. While the Crest wolves had never explicitly “sent” the River wolves to fight their enemies in their stead, the Crest had a nasty habit of provoking an enemy and then running off, leaving the River wolves in between the two enemies. Naia imagined the rest of her family was also tired of being the buffer wall. “I believe so,” Naia answered, “Despite previous events you are a neutral leader, and approaching with peaceful intentions you would be well received. Ask for Maksim or Kisla Baranski.” Was Iopah also envisioning something more for the packs than coexistence and avoidance? It was hard read her thoughts across the chasm of crashing, frothing water. 
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]