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Beneath this bold and brilliant sun — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Inkheart @Zia @Camio
@Nova @Silentium @Valeria
@Arion @Ember @Nalda

BTP's first meeting! No posting order, each round lasts about two weeks with the first round ending on 7/27. I can pp someone arriving with Bracken if they will be on absence.

July 12 2015, Late morning, Sunny 72F/22C

The mother moved through a cedar forest that finally felt like her own. The day was in full-swing now and the evidence was all around. Tiny rodents scurried in the underbrush and bird songs echoed in the canopy far overhead. She paused at the slow rap of a woodpecker and tilted her head to search him out. When the pale woman had first come to the Pines she'd been heavily pregnant, both unwilling and unable to do any exploring. The birth of her daughters had brought more even limitations, and Iopah found herself glad for @Koda's experience in leading a pack while she tended to their newborns.

Now the pups were older and mobile (something that brought it's own set of worries), and she found herself with more ability to move about the pack's land. The past week had finally given Iopah a chance to learn the forest that she called her own. This forest was hers in a way that no other land had ever been; nothing would drag her away or cast her out from this place. She would allow nothing to endanger the land or the wolves that dwelled within. Broken Timber Pines was here to stay.

Eventually Iopah found herself back at her birthing den. She looked down the narrow tunnel, ear flicking back as she debated against entering the cramped space. The pups needed a larger den and she had been putting it off. It was one of many things that needed to be discussed. They couldn't, shouldn't, wait any longer. Her head tipped back and a crooning howl meant for the pups spilled forth. A moment of silence passed before her head flung back to give an exuberant howl for the remainder of the pack.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
The pale man had been absent lately; and for good reason. The thought of his stillborn child played constantly in his head, as if taunting him, and he had begun to distance himself from the others for the shame and guilt he felt for simply leaving him in the open, without a proper burial, and without attempting to save him. It was human nature for wolves to die, even the youth, but it felt like a thousand pound of bricks had been placed on his shoulders and he couldn't face the woman who had helped him to create the very beings who were beginning to leave the crowded den so easily. It had been weeks, nearly a month or more, since his sons passing and yet he felt that he hadn't done more to keep him alive--he should have done anything to ensure that he would be alive today.

His constant worrying kept him near the borders, he wanted nothing more then to prevent any unwanted creatures from venturing within their newly claimed pack and kept the borders clearly marked for that very purpose. After having stopped, though briefly, at the spot where his son had been deserted he lifted his head to sniff the air as if hoping to catch one last smell of him in the wind; his efforts were futile. Sighing deep, he cast his eyes over the towering cedar trees in an attempt to remind himself that there was still plenty more to be happy for and it was then that the sound of Iopah's call echoed through the heavens with hopes of gathering the rest of the pack. He didn't hesitate to answer her call, lifting his head to announce that he was on his way and weaved his way easily through their home only stopped when he had finally reached the mouth of their cramped den. A meeting had been well overdue and he was thankful that Iopah had been diligent on her duties otherwise it would be another week or more before he gathered the energy to hold one himself. "We have lots to discuss..." he spoke to her after falling to his haunches in a sit, his shoulder bumping her lightly as he did so. She was his equal and very much the love of his life, he couldn't feel luckier to have had her at his side, especially during such a crucial time like now.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The large man was likely late to the meeting as he usually was, given that his walking patterns were about as erratic as an insect's flight path. If Inkheart were to try to ammend this strange walking habit he knew he would likely end up walking too far and never coming back. Not that he didn't love Broken Timber Pines, or the Wildwood, or Zia or his little boy but more or less that the ideas of wanderlust truly did weigh him down. The man had always been flighty but he had made a promise to Zia, to his beloved, and one thing the orange-eyed beast could not break was a promise to those he loved.

Without much waiting he came across what he assumed to be the pack meeting but only saw Koda and Iopah. Immediately he feels his heart clench itself tightly, his expression trying not to give way to the fear and worry that Zia nor Arion were here yet. Iopah, Koda. He greets them swiftly but shortly, never having been too much for words but using just enough to get his point clear. Only after he properly lowered his head to each of them did he take his seat, looking around for his little family in the hopes that they had not gotten lost or had wandered too far as to miss what he assumed would be an important meeting for them all.

What was worse? That none of the other members had arrived either. Inkheart knew there were at least half a dozen other members including the other children so where were they? Why had they not arrived promptly? Eventually he settled on the fact that maybe a few of them had the wanderlust genes too and were more interested in the outside than the inside where they were bound by invisible forces to their comfortable zones. 

(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2015, 04:05 AM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova had been showing @Nalda the wonders of their home that day. The curiosities of the small animals that flitted through the trees or between fallen logs that littered the ground, or the swirling waters that she cautioned to keep a wide berth. Simple things, but a fair enough excuse to leave the somewhat cramped confines of their little den. Hastily excavated within a brief jog from Iopah's and Zia's, it wasn't too bad, but paled in comparison to the spacious abode they left behind in the pitch pine forest. Even then, she much preferred the safety they had in numbers with the pack to having a nicer den.

The mother and daughter pair had not gone too far from their den, taking the scenic route so to speak. Iopah's howl, followed Koda's, met her ears and brought her to attention. Iopah's voice held a pleasant tone, and so Nova was not worried but knew she couldn't leave the woman waiting. Nova gently nosed Nalda, brushing a wide pink tongue over the girl's rosy ears. "Let's go, sweet-pea." She said softly. "Iopah's called a meeting, we don't want to be late!" Nova kept her leggy stride measured, making sure Nalda was able to keep up but not leaving time for side-trips or distractions.

As they entered the open ground around Iopah's den Nova protectively nudged Nalda into the empty space between her barreled chest and lanky limbs. Excited whimpers left her broad muzzle as Nova approached her leaders with her head ducked down. Tail swaying low and batty ears folded she first stopped at Iopah, licking at the superior female's chin before giving Koda the same greeting. Rounding about, she eyed the inky black male with a curious tilt of her head. She smiled at him none-the-less, before taking her seat a few meters away. The Zamora woman did not sit still, instead craning her head about as she looked for @Camio.

Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Becca is on absence, I don't know if she has said anything about what tho assume about Camio, just thought I'd mention.

Exploring with her mother was fun, almost as fun as exploring with dad. It allowed the curious girl to investigate the land that was now her home, while feeling the safety of having a parent nearby. She followed her mom happily, eagerly examining everything they came across, and listening intently whenever Nova spoke. The soft voice of her mother was soothing, and always made Nalda feel safe, and the spoken lessons were very welcome to a young wolf, eager to learn about the world around her. Therefore, when the voice sounded between the pines, and Nova halted to listen, her daughter felt annoyed, her stubby legs quickly carrying her ahead of the woman, who was otherwise so good at keeping up. Nalda turned and looked back at her mother, russet ears twitching as the familiar female voice was answered by a deeper one, ne she knew too, though not as well.

Sighing lightly, the girl guessed that her adventure was over for now, and trudged back to her dark dam, looking up at her with a small pout. The expression didn't last through Nova's caress though, as Nalda was always contented by the touch of her mother, and she cocked hear head instead, a puzzled look on her face. "Aunty?" She asked, having grown to feel comfortable enough with Iopah to accept her, though the mention of a meeting made her feel less at ease; meetings meant others, lots of them! Still, when Nova started moving again, her pup had no choice but to follow, and as they neared the den site, she let out a small noise, somewhere in between anxiety and curiosity, wanting to convey her mixed feelings about the ordeal.

She didn't need much encouragement to seek shelter beneath her dam, though the gathering was still small, it continued several adults, one of whom she had never seen before. She remained quiet though, following underneath when Nova approached the leaders. The child attempted to copy her mother's manner, lowering her head and ears, and wagging her stump of tail swiftly behind her. When they greeted Iopah, Nalda dared to poke her head out and look up at the creamy woman, the tiniest of smiles tipping her muzzle. But as they moved on to Koda, she pulled back, still preferring to keep her distance to the man she still considered simply the giant.

Shuffling back, the dark pup cast a quick glance around the clearing, again feeling mixed when she saw no others approaching. Once Nova took a seat, her daughter did too, her back pressed against her mother's warm stomach, and again the child copied her dam, looking around for any sign of her father. When she found none, her pale blue eyes widened a little, and she looked up at her mother, stretching her neck. "Where dad?" She whispered anxiously, hoping that no one else heard her, but longing for her other parent to help her feel safe.

Word count: 494

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silentium Hervok
Sorry I'm late guys!


Silentium had missed the original call, it had been dumb luck that he had stumbled upon the meeting at all. The blonde boy had been so enthralled in chasing the hare that had been eluding him that Iopah's voice had been completely lost on him. The fallen boughs that littered the territory was a hindrance to his boxy frame especially in moments like this when his prey was so much more agile. Finally though with a squeal the deed was done and the rabbit hung limply from his jaws, the yearling panting from the chase in the heat that gripped them. It had been his intentions to bring the morsel back to Iopah's den for herself and the girls and it surprised him when he arrived in the clearing to see they weren't alone.

Freezing for a moment the emerald eyes flicked around the area in front of the den before his head lowered in shame. Moving forward without a word he dropped the rabbit before Iopah's creamy paws before glancing towards Koda's paws as well, too embarrassed to raise his gaze any higher. Slinking behind the woman he sat to her side, close enough to hear what was going on but still slightly separated from the group. While he loved Iopah and Koda and felt extremely protective over their daughters, he was not comfortable with the rest of the pack and often felt out of place.  He had been a silent presence in Ember and Bracken's life, showing up to watch them from afar but never interacting with them directly. In truth he was afraid he would hurt them, or frighten them or harm them in some way, or worse let harm fall on them because he didn't hear the danger. So he had become like a shadow, allowing them the freedom they wanted but always waiting in the background should they need him.

[Image: Silentium-greysig01.png]
Played by Namara who has 18 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valeria Octavia Lycus Slayer

The young huntress had kept herself busy taking down small prey, not yet feeling confident about her place to call a full pack hunt. She supposed she would have to talk to the Lady Iopah about it at some point in time, but for now, she just needed to keep enough food in the cache for growing pups, their parents, herself, and Silentium. There were three litters of pups, and that added up to four pups total, since two of them only had one surviving pup in the litter. The ivory girl was eager to meet them, but she had been all work no play as of late. Her luck would begin to change though as her ears perked up, hearing a call for herself and the rest of the pack.

Eagerly the huntress would stretch her limbs by racing to the scene. She had been farther out, just past the Broken Timber Pines borders on the opposite side from where she needed to be now. She would race, the feeling of the summer breeze through her fur awakening another sense of adventure. A soft smile would graze her lips as she arrived at the meeting, noting all of the wolves who were already present. Was she late? Oh, she probably was. “Lady Iopah, Sir Koda.” She dipped her head, remembering Iopah mention that Koda was her mate and led beside her. She would take a seat near the back of the gathered wolves, noting that not everyone had arrived yet.

At least she hadn’t been the last to arrive!

[Image: Q1P3UVK.png]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
sorry for the delay guys! <3

Little R did not wanted to move. He had found a rather comfortable spot beneath the leaves of some sort of bush to hide away from the brightness (and warmth) of the sun. The smudge had been testing his luck a lot lately by venturing further and further away from the family den -- only to be scolded when he had gone too far. He had sought out a peaceful place to rest as soon as the light of the sun had reached the mouth of the den. His denim blue’s had shot open and without hesitation the boy had scrambled toward the exit ready to explore.

However, it seemed as though his peaceful escape was going to be cut short. A howl had sounded from the distance, calling forth the wolves of the Timbers. He was not sure why, nor did he want to go, but he knew that if he did not make an appearance he was going to be in big trouble with both his parents and Io. A series of disgruntled noise escaped his pointed maw as he pulled himself into a stand. With a loud, exasperated sigh the boy started into a brisk walk toward where the boss-lady’s call originated from. It sounded important, and although he did not fully understand pack traditions, he knew enough to know that when he was called (along with other pack mates) he better make sure he arrive promptly.

R already knew he was going to be arriving late, so he quickened his pace as much as his little, stubby legs would allow. He was lucky he was not too far from where Io and the other Timber wolves were… arriving even more late than he already was would bring on some unwanted scolding, and Arion was not down for that. As he approached the wolves the little smudge bowed his head and swiftly made his way over to his father, his denim gaze glancing up at Inkheart with an apologetic gaze. Never again, he thought to himself as he huddled against his father’s leg.

(This post was last modified: Jul 31, 2015, 07:45 AM by Arion.)
Played by Cadence who has 112 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ember Reinier
Uuggghhh I knew I was forgetting something.  So sorry for my tardiness!

Half-lidded bluebell eyes had watched as the creamy pelt of Mother receded from the den earlier that morning. Those same bluebell eyes were wide and dazzled in the early sunlight only a few minutes later. Ember was eager to get to exploring right away today. She had found a big black feather that shined in iridescent greens and purples in a dream that night, and the pale pup was determined to go find that very marvel somewhere among the broken pines of home now that she was awake.

Ember explored far enough away from the den to almost not remember the way back when Mother's general call and Father's reply finally found her ears. The thought of ending her adventure was unpleasant, but the thought of being scolded for not coming was worse, so the young princess turned around and began trotting toward the source of the summons. Not far had the retiring explorer walked before a vicious beast began clawing at Ember's creamy fur and dragging her into its lair! She thrashed in resistance, swiping with the gleaming daggers that adorned the ends of her able paws! It was a mighty effort, but Ember finally defeated the villain, though not without a battle-scar. Try as she might, Ember couldn't work the thorny twig out of the fur on her neck, so she gave up the effort and continued on her way, leaving behind her the half-broken remains of the offending shrub.

Ember was almost home when a nightmare beast swooped by, narrowly missing her blunt puppy-muzzle! The shining knight watched it land on a stalk of grass and silently stalked toward it with lips curled back and pointed swords bravely bared. A pounce and a bite and the creature was vanquished. "Ha ha! I'm bettering!" the young hero exclaimed. This was the first time she had caught her prey in a single pounce. Ember picked up the punctured carcass in her jaws and strutted the final distance to the gathering with a fiercely wagging tail. The princess was fabulously late, but as she approached her parents, she had pride in her step, an enormous grasshopper between her jaws, and a stubborn leafy twig sticking up from the back of her head like a sort of radiant crown.

(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2015, 04:14 AM by Ember.)
[Image: wWiXRe2.gif]
[Image: BYPyAlz.png]
Played by Emma who has 42 posts.
Inactive Pup
Bracken Reinier
-sneaks in with crazy Bracken puppy- xD next round starts this time tomorrow night

It was a perfect, peaceful morning... right up until Bracken finally climbed to the top of the fallen tree.

She scrambled upwards, sinking tiny toes into the soft bark and biting onto the protruding dead branches to boost herself along. The ground underneath was littered with scraps of bark and scuffed up from her earlier attempts to jump high enough to get the climb started. This was a long (for a puppy, at least) time coming. When Bracken finally scaled the sides of the fallen cedar and plopped her puppy-butt down, she immediately threw back her head and yapped delightedly. She did it! The girl caught her breath and launched into another series of puppy barks. The lack of audience curbed some of her excitement. With a sigh the girl looked around, impressed with how high she had gotten.

It seemed the moment Bracken found more entertainment in the form of a large many-legged bug, her mother called. It was a quiet and soft no-hurry sort of call. Bracken looked down at the bug, extending a large paw over top to smack it unexpectedly. Her mother called again and the girl immediately lost interest in her bug. That was mothers important tone of voice. That meant it was time to go. She went down much the same way she went up, only much more slowly and even less gracefully. Studded with bits of cedar bark and smudged with dirt from the last few inches of the drop, Bracken romped through the underbrush.

She arrived at the meeting and stopped dead. So many strangers! Slate-blue eyes were wide as they traveled the clearing. So many play-mates! She stared for a minute, tail vibrating furiously, before Iopah beckoned her daughter with a low chuff. Bracken scrambled over, flouncing to the ground between her father and mother with a sigh. She continued to watch all the strangers, lifting her head hopefully whenever they happened to glance in her direction.

[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btp.png]