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Skirting Curtsies — Secret Falls 
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Played by Maeby who has 24 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Taslima Lieris
Ease of steps were still brought with some minor shaking, but she was not sure what direction would take her in the best direction. It was why her eyes were half closed, but she could not be in a state of belief that was taking her over the grounds that she had never walked. All of the world around her was a foreign consequence, and such was why there was not a moment to be given into relaxing. She was nervous, on alert almost constantly - and while her father had spoken that this land was supposed to be safe, well.

How was she to believe anything that he had said?

The Liers was not about to take her guard down, especially with the scent of blood still in her nose. It had almost been a week since she had found that man, dying and bleeding out, but it was a point that could not be accounted for anything other than a rough beginning. To think, at least her time climbing the hills had been relatively uneventful; no one had come tumbling out of the sky half dead in that case. So she was forced to think logically, and that was not overly difficult but it was a task that brought her some pain.

With no clear direction, she was forced to keep moving. It was rumored that more of her family was lingering in these parts, but she had no way to understand what direction to go in. Who was her family? She had not a clue, besides her father and her mother - that had been the extent, that had been what was supposed to matter most. Instead, it had all been ripped from her. Now as her ears swerved, she could smell the cool waters - all she could have prayed for was a reason to go swimming, to bask in the beauty that might have been. Only she could have sworn there was some pack or something around here; and that was why she found herself unable to stop the pressure on her chest.

Perhaps this was a bad idea - perhaps she should have stayed home. But damn it, she wanted to be alive! She wanted not to live in the shadow of this monster who she had loved dearly; but whoever she thought had been her father was not such, it had just been a mask. And now, she was becoming just a costume of skin and bones herself... perhaps they had been meant to be.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
note to self: takes places before Inkheart vanishes

She saw movement through the bent-over trees. It was distinctive and familiar. It was the path of a wolf through their forest, and one of brown and russet as well. After hours now of vainly trying to catch such a sight, Iopah sprang to her feet. It seemed to good to be true, but that didn't slow her pace. What if this was Camio? The woman hurried after the Lieris, ferns dragging against pale legs as her eyes stayed fixed on the distant figure. She had not mentioned anything of her worries to Nova (although certainly the woman shared them). And, anyways, what would come up in the discussion that wasn't glaring obvious.

But that didn't mean she wasn't looking. It seemed that Koda was searching as well. The Reinier patriarch was notably absent today and Iopah remembered the fears she had whispered to him the night before. What if something had happened to Camio? What if Secret Woodlands had reneged and Camio was the brunt of their anger?

She pushed forward, hopeful that it was the Zamora male, and came to a quick halt when the other wolf came into clear sight. Her ears pinned back in immediate understanding. This was not Camio, this female yearling was far from it. The ferns continued swaying against her limbs with the sudden stop. Iopah studied Taslima for a brief minute, then her vibrant eyes dropped away. "I thought you were somebody else. I didn't mean to startle you." She gave a heavy sigh and her eyes scanned the scenery, already searching for more movement. An ear curved forward hopefully, then another. "Have you seen another wolf in this forest?"

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Maeby who has 24 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Taslima Lieris
Rejection was not something the female was accustomed to, for her family had been everything to her and she had grown up well mannered and sweet spoken. It was not as if she had been damned from the beginning, but now as she moved herself restlessly through the grounds she wondered if she was not a bit blind to the issue; and such was why there was no softening the pressure that was lingering in her stomach. Something that should have been given, but it had been lacking all the same.

As ears seemed to come against her head, at some point the yearling realized she was being followed. There was no understanding on what to do in such a situation, but she found herself twisting with an almost hint of a worry. Tail seemed to drop, the tension in the little female seemed to rise up from wherever it had been hiding. The pressure in her stomach meant that she was nervous, but she was not too sure how to handle it. The first wolf she had come across, after all, had been riddled with the scents of blood.

The stunning woman who appeared though had her wagging her tail faintly, attempting to appease what she thought was frustration about her being there; not that it would have had another source. Her liquid-gaze seemed to brighten a bit hopefully, easily as her body seemed to remain relatively low. Clearing her throat was somewhat difficult, but somehow she managed it; "I'm sorry I wasn't who you had hoped."

That was fair, was it not? But there was still a bit of turmoil at admitting it, so she shook her head briskly as the sadness welled in her. Not being able to help, well, it was almost a torment. "Once more, I'll have to disappoint... I've been traveling this way for three days now with not much more than the occasional fleeing rabbit." The confession was a heavily spoken one, almost disappointed. That made for a lonely walk in itself.

"Who is lost? Perhaps I can keep an ear open for you, Ma'am."

(This post was last modified: Aug 26, 2015, 02:53 PM by Taslima. Edit Reason: Coding )
Played by farcaller who has 17 posts.
Shinyuu was slowly wondering through the forest when she noticed the scent of wolves. She checked the waterfall recently and was in a good; although mixed mood; after randomly encountering a strange boy; so talkative and curious.

"Females again" she chuckled to herself. Something about this place was always getting her in the company of other females. She approached them; body relaxed; tail risen proudly. Then she noticed the looks of the older wolf and instantly became cautious. She didn't look like someone to mess with; seasoned and strong she was a good challenge for Shinyuu's own stubborn personality; yet the white wolf didn't let any sign of thoughts troubling her; she casually came closer; acting like the smell of rabbits nearby was more concerning then the two wolves in front of her. Soft stance; curious expression on her muzzle. It was the first time she saw a wolf this old; about same age as herself so she couldn't really hide the curiosity (hoping she at least didn't look worried); tilting her snout slightly and flopping one ear down as she examined the other two.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

The wolves in this forest were either surprisingly polite or frustrating rude. Luckily Taslima seemed to be the former. The body language was glaringly easy to read. She gave an idle twitch of her tail, letting it swirl in an unconcerned manner behind her. Despite a growing reputation, she was only savage when given reason to be. Gold eyes watched the yearling apologize and softened. Certainly there was no reason here.

"No need to apology. You've done no wrong." She looked above the girl, following the path she'd taken through the forest until the trees obscured it. Three days travel in that direction with no signs of another wolf. Taslima was a stranger and her word was unproven, but it was enough to drop the area to the bottom of her list. There were plenty enough more likely places. Briefly she wondered if perhaps Taslima was looking for something as well.

Her attention was drawn back down at the question. She gave an inquiring look, wondering at the sort of wolf that would offer to look for a stranger. One that would look on behalf of a stranger, no less. "His name is @Camio. He is the same shade as you, but larger and with brown eyes." The words fell away, but the worry continued. She had nothing else to offer, nothing no other leads to go on. She refused to believe he would just leave, but that insistence was all she had.

She looked quickly in the direction of the new-comer, casting a raised brow to Taslima as if to ask if she knew them. While the other tried for candidness, Iopah watched them openly. Her stance was still neutral, but her tail had a slow distracted air to it. So long as Shinyuu was vague with her intentions, Iopah was going to be suspicious. "I'm looking for someone," She started out, not at all sure how the question was going to be received. "Have you seen any large males?"

Played by Maeby who has 24 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Taslima Lieris
Taslima was a soul who was still coming into the troubles of self-identity, especially since her world had been thrown on its head. There had never been, until her father's darkness had started becoming something of a hint, a pull to go out and find herself in a new world. What should have been so easy to expect, it was unpredictable. The female was going into a helix where there was nothing that was clear to her any longer. With no clear path, she had little understanding on what way to turn.

As ears seemed to go falling back against her head every time they raised to catch words, intent to be polite and generous. This woman was not so frightening, Iopah's sweet intentions were not something to make her run away. If the woman cared enough to miss someone who was missing, then she was a good sort. The conviction was so strong in Taslima's heart that it almost startled her, but she stepped closer. "A little girl with no home to rest at tends to make others wonder if she needs help, so I... I might see him," She attempted a tail wag, trying to be positive for the woman.

"I'm sure he's all right, ma'am. He's got someone who cares about him lookin' for him." Words were fierce on that soft, shy tongue; but before she could get too much more invested in the conversation - another woman appeared. Taslima looked hesitant to engage in the triad now, but she dipped her head lightly in greeting, keeping her tail low. "Ma'am." The yearling greeted in a soft voice, but she allowed Iopah's concern to be the main conversation starter again.

Drifting, almost instinctively, closer to the caring leader - her head cocked, looking at Shinyuu with some sort of wide eyed questioning. Was this not an oddity? She had not seen other loners, not many; and yet now that she had entered Relic Lore, they seemed to be everywhere. It was a turning point for her, a question if this was why her father's soul was less pure than she had always assumed.

Played by farcaller who has 17 posts.
The she-wolf was quickly regaining the confidence. After all that was just one wolf and even if she looked the way she looked; there surely was little chance of any escalation.

Shinyuu looked at the older wolf slightly confused. Large wolves? The boy she saw was about the same size as the grey wolf; maybe a tiny bit bigger; but still not as big as herself. She tilted her head and nodded very slowly; almost unsurely. "Same shade as you, but larger and with brown eyes". Some thought blazed in her head; but she couldn't focus on it. There were just a few wolves she met on her path; and there was no one matching the description. Or was there? She was still not certain.

"Why is she so concerned about some wolf" she thought; but then something about the scent of the bigger wolf made her realise the simple truth. She was a pack wolf; and a very much high ranked pack wolf; looking by her stance!

Shinyuu huffed to herself a bit; annoyed that she only now figured that; but then; that was really a great find in these woods; it was a curious accident to meet these two here. She focused her attention on the female; shifting the balance properly between legs she stood up proudly; head raised and ears perked; tail frozen high; just barely enough to not look threatening.

The smaller wolf moved; and Shinyuu quickly gave her a proper glance. "Doesn't look like a real threat... And why do I consider everyone as a threat still?" she thought quickly; barely relaxing her body.
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Is Taslima needing a pack, or do you have other plans for her?

Attention bounced from one visitor to the other. This was her land; the Pines' borders just beyond and out of sight. Her expression was still relaxed. At the attempt of a tail wag dark lips even curved into a faint smile, but there were willing teeth under those lips. The peace could either be kept or taken by force if either wolf threatened it. She nodded, both at Taslima's offer to help and her assurances. "Iopah," she quickly supplied her name. It was enough that @Valeria sometimes called her "ma'am". On a complete strangers lips it sounded even more stuffy and politically proper... two things she certainly was not. Iopah's past -wayward daughter turned homewrecker- clashed with the term.

"Thank you," Not many strangers would, and she was very grateful for the offer to help search. The question had been rolling around in her head, even before Taslima admitted to being alone. Iopah's gaze went back in time to see Shinyuu huffed at herself. An ear curved forward in curiosity for a moment before glancing back at the yearling. The question had become a worry and it was no less persistent. "Are you looking for a home?" It was hard not to ask, Iopah remembered being that young and being on her own.

She also remembered being very resistant to the suggestions of the local alphas she encountered. To give the girl a chance to decide and answer, Iopah turned back to Shinyuu. In all that time not one word had come from the ivory-coated woman and it was unusual, though not the reason for the narrowing of the alpha's eyes. Body language was just as fluent as spoken word, and all the more crucial for those who choose not to speak. It took insolence to raise themselves in the presence of an alpha mere minutes from her borders. Iopah cast herself high as well, sweeping a tail over her charcoal-streaked back and staring brazenly for a reaction. She took a step forward, hoping to see the wolf at least submit, if not more.

if Shinyuu doesn't return I guess just decide she left? Never mind!
(This post was last modified: Sep 15, 2015, 10:54 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Maeby who has 24 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Taslima Lieris
ooc: I think Taslima would do well in a home, that's for sure! Otherwise the hunger is gonna get to her soon.

Where light touches the shadows.

There was a tension in the situation that could not be denied, and there was no missing the sharpness that was playing on the gaze of the blue eyed yearling as she watched the conflict that could be coming to pass. Ears swung on her head, attempting to offer the sullen smile that would have meant a gracious acknowledgement of the woman - Iopah's - words. It was not something she would have expected, but the pleased note in her gaze.

Stretching herself lightly, the body language between the two others were siphoning off cues that she had been exposed to in some minor political games. Taslima, The introduction was returned with a fair hint of a smile, although she could not determine if it was the right thing to stay. The question seemed to bathe itself on the air, basking in the light between the leaves. Was she looking for a home? Itwas a question she had asked herself time and time again, but she was no longer quite as sure what constituted a home. There was a longing in her eyes, and she found her head offering in a slight bow.

The other wolf needed something to keep going, it seemed, for the quiet woman who had been brought into the presence had still not spoken. The oddity was enough to have her hesitating, but her head cocked to the side and she poised her mouth in a faint smile. Is there something we can help you with...? Not that this had been a private conversation been particularly gracious, but she managed to glance back to the strong and confident woman, her struggle to know what to do was why she was following Iopah's lead, without the dominance included on the matter.

And yeah... I guess I am somewhat searching for a place to belong, a home, Miss Iopah. I don't have much else to live for now... Words were quite with the admission that came off her lips, looking fairly embarrassed - there was apprehension, but her mouth twisted; trying not to show the stress that was tickling along her, causing her fur to stiffen faintly.