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Remembrall — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Bridget who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sijinali Montalo
The air was dry and hot. The skies were scattered with clouds, providing temporary relief whenever they wafted over the sun. A dusty wolf beelined from the edge of the forest into the meadow, her fluffed tail swaying slowly. A small spark of light seemed to ignite a bit of cheer into her current mindset. The land reminded her of where she had grown up; where she played with her siblings. Her steady pace slowed before she paused. The wind blew gently, the dry air stirring and shifting odors about. A grumble of her stomach and her head was raised upwards, her nostrils flaring as she analyzed the breeze.

Jin emits a short grunt before craning her head downward. Within seconds, shes effortlessly drifting across the meadow. Her dark eyes remain moving, searching for any sign of prey. Perhaps it was too hot out. After a few minutes, the slows her pace. With a light sigh, she settles near a patch of tall grass. It leans forward as if trying to pull itself from the ground. Sijinali rolls on her side, pressing her back into the leaning grass. With a bit of a shimmy, she scratches her back and stretches out. She was bored.

She had not seen many wolves through her travels thus far. She missed conversation; the only real ones she had were with her siblings. Some of the pack elders would tell her stories, but such was quite rare. Jin scuffles up on her haunches, staring at her front paws. She began to contemplate a nap before scouting out food again.

(This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2015, 09:09 PM by Sijinali.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I got permission to join this @Yuka is still wanted

A large wad of mixed herbs lay clenched between the dark Thorben's jaws as he loped southwest hoping to avoid any Willow Ridge wolves as he visited his mothers pack. There were things he wanted to talk to family about, but at the same time he didn't really want to talk to his mother. However she was the best way to find out about any recent happenings in the pack. The herbs were a gift for the cavern wolves healer if they still had one.

Titan couldn't smell the female, and so he was a bit surprised by her sudden appearance in the landscape. Her creamy form was luxurious, and Titan had to chastise himself for thinking dirty thoughts. He couldn't think that way. Not with the way things were between him and Danica. His pelt felt hot as Titan yanked his eyes away from the she wolf then suddenly wondered if she was with his mothers pack or Elettras. He stopped moving then dropped his herbs immediately to better scent at the air. Relief poured into the dark wolf as he realized that the woman was a loner. Then he cast a curious look her way wondering where she was headed.

"Hello there." He called out before letting his tail wag a small amount to show friendliness. Maybe it was only because she was his type, but Titan was being less cautious than he should have been around her. At least he continued to remind himself to use his false name with her. Even if Titan thought that the fake names were annoying he would try to remember to use them in situations like this. He gave her a charming smile before leaning casually on one leg like the cool cat he was. The scars along his legs were very visible in the light as a cloud moved out form under the sun.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Bridget who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sijinali Montalo
Her thoughts began to seize her mind until interruption. A voice entered her left ear and she turned as she stood. Wearily, she observes his posture as her mind whirls as to what to do. Her tail remains low as she allows a sheepish smile to cross her lips. "Hello." Jin's voice was smooth, but not harshly feminine. Her deep teal eyes lower as the scars catch her attention. Rather than disgust, curiosity takes hold of her. Her eyes smoothly transition back to his face. With a tilt of her head, she questions the wolf with couth "Are you a pack wolf?" The odor from him obviously told of such.

Suddenly, her mind seems to briefly paralyze her. Am I in his pack's territory? Though this question puzzles her for a moment, she remains stoic on the outside. She wasn't to give her name just yet. It depended on what was to occur. Her tail swishes back and forth; Siji keeps it lowered. Her ears remain perked and her hackles smoothed. There may not be a threat immediately, but it may be sure to come. Previous run-ins with other wolves from the beginning of her travels proved one cannot be trusted at first sight. Looks can be deceiving, after all.

As the clouds dash from the sun, Siji waits for his reaction. Her demeanor was calm, yet her reaction timing was impeccable. The wolf that stood before her was quite large, but she was very fast. As moments passed, her gut instinct told her that this may not be a horrific encounter. This may actually play out in an amity sort of fashion.
(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2015, 01:22 AM by Sijinali.)

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

As he waited for a reply form the female Titan noticed a couple of large black shapes drifting on the winds high above them. He did not have to wait long though for the woman to answer. The blackish gray wolf received a greeting in return but he noticed how the female looked a tiny bit nervous. Her tail settled at an angle behind her as she flicked her ears forward. Titan tilted his head curiously at the woman until she spoke again. His tail continued to slowly wag even as he moved to sit behind his pile of herbs. She asked if he was a pack wolf, and that finally allowed Titan to put the dots together as to why she had been a bit nervous before. Realizing that she must be worried about pack boundaries he gave her a casual smile and wave of his thick ebony banner before answering.

"Ah yes, my name is Gawain. I'm a member of Grizzly Hollow pack to the north west of here in the forest." He made sure to add where his pack was so that the woman knew that she wasn't near his territory. Though Titan did debate on telling her about his mothers territory which was very close by. He hadn't gotten the chance to sniff around her borders yet to smell how everyone was doing. Once Titan got there he would be surprised by how small the pack was, but for now he lived in utter ignorance of his mothers problems.

For a long moment Titan wondered what else he could say or do. He had to head towards Whisper Caverns, but he had a bit of time to relax for a while. The woman looked fully relaxed now, and that put him at ease as he looked around at the landscape. The same turkey cultures he had noticed before were flying lazy circles in the sky. Every circle they made the three birds slowly drifted farther south. Titan figured that something dead must be around the cavern wolves territory. He then glanced at the she wolf. She was in well enough condition for being a loner. She wasn't flat out starving and he couldn't scent any sickness or disease on her.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Bridget who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sijinali Montalo
Siji has a growing inquisitiveness inside her. She attempts to restrain it as she decides her next actions. "Grizzly Hollow, hmm?" She tilts her head, an almost innocent look about her. "I'll have to remember that." She repeated the name in her head for a few moments before storing it away. Though it was just a name, she figured it may be important to know at some point. "The land here varies greatly. I'm quite impressed. Haven't been traveling for a full season, though."

Sijinali reflects shortly on her words. She didn't want to seem too chatty, but the wolf appeared to be no threat. Her gut instict was still in control. The sheepish smile that first pulled at her lips was still present. Her dark nose points toward the herbs that are piled neatly beside him. "Are you a healer?" She didn't feel uncomfortable asking questions. Siji was naturally curious, and would answer any questions that would come back her way. She didn't realize it, but she enjoyed being in control of conversations.

She takes a timid step forward, her right front paw away from the rest. The three remaining follow and she keeps her tail low. Jin decides a good outcome is plausible through acting naturally, almost as if he was someone she'd known for awhile. Her confidence began to grow. It seemed following her gut's heeding was paying off so far.


Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

It was on rare occasion that Yuka left the pack boundaries. Even though he was trying to be happier and live life, old habits were hard to break. Whenever he thought about going out into the sunny fields he would recoil away, much preferring the friendliness that came with darkness. It was like a cocoon of safety that he would be able to return to whenever he felt the need to, it was why he liked the caverns so much. However, with the knowledge that Inali was alive and that they were once again on good terms made a certain longing well up in the man. When he had been younger, she had been his best friend and so much more. He knew he held a duty to Narimé and Ash. The need for him to continue on with his devotion to them was still strong and he would be damned if he let a woman change that.

On this particular day, Yuka had been doing his rounds on the borders. He had been quite surprised when a scent he was familiar with passed with the wind. His ears flickered curiously and eyes narrowed considerably. He had not seen his brother since he had left Whisper Caverns. It had been quite some time since his brother had left for his journey to better himself in herbal knowledge. Ash had been considerably happy about it when he had found out because Titan was, in a way, following in his sister’s paw steps. But to Yuka it was different. The brothers were completely different. While Yuka was being trained to fight, Titan was being trained how to heal and sometimes the russet-hued creamy man did not know how to feel about that. He did know that he wanted to speak with his brother, perhaps for Narimé’s sake, or his own damn curiosity. After all, it had almost been a year since they had seen one another.

So without another thought, the man stepped over the borders, his pace light and easy as he made his way towards his brother’s scent. When the familiar form of his brother came into view, he was quick to call out to him, his voice a deep baritone, "Titan!" Even in appearance the brothers were extremely different. While Yuka held a light coat, Titan’s was black as midnight and while Yuka’s eyes were a deep amber, much like their father’s, Titan had gotten the icy gaze of their mother. One would only know they were brothers if they told them. His tail wagged easily, not bothering to hide his face in front of his brother. However, as he neared, he became aware of a female presence, and as he grew nearer, his confidence wavered slightly. Naturally, his pace slowed and his eyes instantly snapped towards the bit of shadows in the area. His paws and heart were begging him to take him towards the direction, but instead, Yuka continued towards his brother, hanging his head at an awkward angle as he continued to walk forward. During his teal-flecked amber gaze towards the unfamiliar woman, he gave a timid smile and greeting as he resigned himself to be a listener.

Thank you TABs
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

Titan nodded proudly as Siji asked about him being a healer. His black ears swiveled while the lips around his black muzzle twitched into a warm smile. Those blue orbs glittered brightly in the light as the behemoth male swayed onto his other side to get more comfortable.

"I can help heal things, set sprains or breaks, and fix illness, but I think I am more experienced in dealing with herbs rather than actual healing. I know a large number of helpful and harmful plants to use on other wolves." He puffed out his chest and grinned before the sound of his real name was called out by a very familiar voice to their right. Titan turns casually to look at the incoming form of his gigantic gray and rust hued brother who rapidly approached the pair of wolves. Titan just then realized what had really happened as he recalls Yuka's voice calling for "Titan" and not "Gawain".

Shoot... ummm... He tried to continue looking calm and casual as he glanced back to Siji. "I also go by my birth name of Titan just to clarify any confusion, and this handsome guy here is my brother Yuka." Titan almost immediately gave up on trying to continue using his code name Gawain. Every time he did try to use it the name became impractical as wolves who had already known him by Titan screwed things up for him. So why continue to try and use it in this sort of situation?

Turning back to Siji just after dipping his head in a warm greeting to Yuka, Titan then tried to continue the conversation they were having. "Ahh, but yeah, there are many great places around this land to investigate and see. Yuka's pack just south of here was where I was headed. Whisper Caverns is home to the largest caves I have yet to see in this land. They are very beautiful, and a great location for the pack during winter or stormy weather. " Titan rambled a bit half realizing how much he missed the confines of the cavern walls or the giant pillars of cold speckled stone. He glanced back to Yuka to see if he had any input while keeping an ear on Siji in case she had questions of her own.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Bridget who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sijinali Montalo
Sijinali remained attentive as the large dark man spoke. She tilts her head again, ears twitching as he confirms himself as a healer. With a soft smile on her face, she nods politely. "What a wonderful trade, being a healer." Her head lifts a bit as if she was in wonder, "You have both the ability to save and to kill." After saying this, she becomes quiet, her smile now fading. Someone was nearing. Her head jerks to the side as her teal gaze scans the area. It wouldn't be too difficult to spot an oncoming creature in the meadow. If it hid away in the tall grasses, though, that would be another story. Her hackles desired to rise in alarm, but she kept her cool.

Her eyes continue their scanning until they find another figure of a wolf. He approaches, his stance relaxed. Her curiosity was satiated as the wolf calls out the Gawain. Titan! Wait, what? Wasn't this wolf's name Gawain? Siji's mind begins to immediately come up with solutions to this sudden pinch. Her hackles continue to irk her. Exhaling slowly as Titan speaks, her inner conflict is resolved. Ah, his birth name. She found it curious he called himself by something else, but they both didn't seem threatening. Siji begins an introspective analysis of the other wolf. His coat was a handsome bracken color; half his body was littered with scars. She didn't really mind this. Appearance wasn't a top priority for the woman- personality was. Who they were on the inside. One couldn't help how they look on the outside, so why should they be judged?

Allowing her thoughts to cease, she speaks "Hello Yuka, I'm Sijinali." She smiled genuinely at the wolf; he seemed rather kind. Glancing to Titan now, she continues "Well, I am not sure whether or not I'd like to look for a pack right away. These lands seem too beautiful to not explore some more." Her gaze falls to the grass; her thoughts attempt to penetrate her mind negatively. The loneliness. Haven't you had enough of it? She grew internally annoyed at herself, but on the outside, she remained calm and collected.


Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

The russet hued man remained silent as his brother continued to speak. The term handsome did not go unnoticed by Yuka. Almost immediately, he shifted uncomfortably, his amber teal-flecked eyes shooting a sharp glare in Titan direction before they landed once again on the soft-spoken woman. With her greeting, Yuka dipped his head in respect. She was, after all, a lady but she still made him feel uncomfortable. In a deep voice he responded to her, "Greetings, ma’am. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He was extremely formal, reverting back to where he felt safe.

He did not bother saying anything other than that, allowing Titan to decide whether or not the conversation would proceed. While he did not mind the woman’s presence, he would have much preferred to have time to catch up with his brother. He had not seen him in quite some time and much had changed in Whisper Caverns. The only reason Yuka knew anything was because he would hear Ash talk about it sometimes in their training. Even that had changed drastically since the children had been born, reminding Yuka that, once again, much had changed such Titan had left. Did he even know about the children? That Ash and Narimé were now together?  He sighed softly, making sure that he was continuing to pay attention to whatever the woman would have to say. Perhaps she would prove useful to him and would help Whisper Caverns grow strong again. None the less, now was not time for business-like manners. He was there to see his brother.

Thank you TABs
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

  Titan grinned and let his tail wag as Yuka looked mutinously back at him. The black wolf had a feeling that his introduction would annoy the larger gray Thorben. It was all in good fun for Titan, but he was pleased to see his brother acting so princely and well spoken to a lady. This was a stark contrast to his own words which conveyed a carefree but friendly feeling. Both brothers were being kind and mannerly in their own unique ways. It truly was hard to tell if they were siblings should someone not ask them about their last names or parents.

   "Save and kill eh..." He paused realizing that what she said was true. Healers weren't there just to heal, but to help end the lives of those who were suffering. An image of @Borden stumbling around calling Titan by the name of Kade entered his head. The old wolf was only getting worse as time went on. His mushroom only seemed to be prolonging the old wolf's confusion and pain. Maybe it was time to ask Rook what was really best for Borden soon? To let him suffer, or sleep calmly...

The black wolf had been distracted for a moment by these thoughts. He shook his head and cleared his throat while trying to get back onto topic. "Well I haven't had to kill anyone yet so that's always good." Another flash of memory this time showing Xetor's angry face flickered across his eyes. The phantom sneered at him making Titan shiver. It would be too soon when he finally got the chance to forget that bastards dying face.

"Sight seeing is always fun, but you'll want a pack at your back when winter comes. It's almost impossible to survive out here without a couple of comrades helping out." He suggested quickly while a third memory bombarded his thoughts. The time when he had gotten lost as a pup in the snow made him shiver once again. Being alone in winter was definitely no fun.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...