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it's been notable years now — Lucifers Gorge 
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
For @Naberius | Morning | Patchy Rain

His life had been formed into a helix downward. One trip up to the mountains had cut him with an unwanted experience; along with an unwanted absence from home, his lover, and child. One stupid trip had costed him to stay cooped up in the mountains for not days but weeks. The Zamora swore he had a knack for gathering bad luck sense the day he was born. Him killing his brother, being banished from his birth home, finding Hollowheart Keep right before it disbanded, Maplethorpe's death. He could've made the list of bad luck gone on forever and a day if he tried hard enough. But then he remembered he did still have some good luck left. A lovely wife, child, and family waiting at home for him. That was indeed good luck.

An attack from a rather protective mountain lion had been the cause of all of this. If Camio had not been so bull headed and let the mother mountain lion take what it wanted then he wouldn't be here. Hiding out in Lucifer's Gorge with wounded shoulder. The only thing that he had been left with as a reminder of the mountain lion's strength were distinct claw marks running along his right shoulder, scabbed over but likely lightly infected he assumed due to a seemingly unnecessary left over pain. With a sigh part of him wished he had dragged himself back down the mountain side and not have ended up hiding himself away in the gorge.

Deciding it was time for him to make the effort of going down the mountain the copper coated male rose to his feet with a soft growl to himself. As if it was going to help anyone out, as if @Nova or @Iopah could hear him, the male released a long sad song out. "I'm coming home."
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Jenandra who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naberius Zamora

Finally, the day had come. No longer would he have to gaze upon the mountain's beauty from the dark depths of the woods below. Sticking to the forest and hunting as much as he could had provided the man with just enough muscle to make the climb at least a little less dangerous. Truth be told he was still rushing it, but Naberius wasn't known for his patience. He'd given it as much time as he could afford before the itch chased him to his feet and back to the range. He was too absorbed in what he would see from the top to be concerned with the things he ought to be. Lucifer's Gorge had revealed itself in due time as he paced about the behemoth's wide base; searching diligently for the easiest way up. He might have been brash but Naberius was no fool.

Even if this path was easier than tackling the mountain head on it still presented its own host of challenges. He was thankful that the rains here had been infrequent as of late; or the raging torrent below might have been high enough to carry him away. He could swim, sure, but he couldn't dodge jagged rocks while doing so in that kind of current. He was fully enraptured with the task of sticking to the trail and navigating its trickier sections when a howl rose into the air. Frozen, the Zamora brother's ears pricked up. He understood the wolf's words but the singer's identity remained unknown. Who else was way out here on the mountain? Perhaps this was a weary traveler fresh from the summit? If he lived around here he would certainly make an effort to hike up there every now and then. Mountains like this weren't easy to find. It was a true, snow white gem at its peak as a quick glance revealed. He was so close now he was having to crane his neck higher and higher just to see it. By Isde... he thought before returning to his footwork.

Now there was the question of this stranger. If he was feeling particularly mean it would be all to easy to wind up shoved into the watery depths and have no way of stopping it. The agouti man doubted this was the other's true intention but he'd have to be careful. Still, he chose not to lift his own voice in song just yet. He wanted to be closer, to have the small chance of escape afforded to him just in case. As luck would have it the scent of blood came in faintly over the misty waters, again complicating the situation. If this one was injured, there was a percent opportunity to be their savior, gaining accolades from both Isde and this hapless lone wolf. The idea had him moving just a bit faster; eagerness in each thrust of his already electrified legs. If it was all heading the way he thought it was...

But nothing could have readied him for what was actually happening. As he drew nearer the lanky man hugged closer and closer to the walls of the gorge; still somewhat wary of being dumped into the ravine. His eyes picked their way eagerly over each rock, staring upwards as often as possible so as to catch sight of this mystery wolf before he himself was detected. Eventually, step by step, his persistence was rewarded. Rounding a bend in the gorge, his crystalline eyes locked on target, and he came to a halt. There he was, most definitely injured and positively ragged. While it would be a shame to have to help this one down and to try the climb another day, the option wasn't without overwhelming benefits. He stared at the snake-like wounds, already guessing at what, in this rocky landscape, would have caused them. Naberius had something to fear form the cats as well, and this bedraggled stranger was a stark and vicious reminder of it. And then again, this one might not have been under Isde's limited protection.

His voice was calling out almost reflexively, in case he hadn't been spotted. “Hello? Sir?” He leaned forward to give his greeting more power against the rushing river's racket. He was most definitely noticed now, and the sight of the wolf's face gave him pause. There was a nagging sense of familiarity, as if he'd seen this one in a dream. Now unsure, his dark nose quivered; taking in the air again in case it held further clues. The traveling man's expression was near stunned with a heavy dose of bewilderment. The same feeling emanated from the tiny bit of scent he could gather. The oldest brother couldn't place it but he was reminded of something in his distant past. A memory that refused to be unearthed without digging. Barely managing to push it aside, his lips formed into the proper words. “Are you in need of assistance?” he padded slowly forward, his usual carefree and overly warm tones completely absent in the wake of his confusion. His candor was far more serious than usual. “I'm Naberius.”

Naberius is Religious! Learn about Isdan here.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
I'm sorry this took forever and isn't as long as your post :c

Someone called out to him. "Hello? Sir?" Something familiar in that voice that made the fur on the Zamora's spine tingle. Looking to the caller he had to pause. The face was something he could never imagined, perhaps it was someone plucked straight from his dreams. "Hey." His words were muttered perhaps barely able to be heard over the gorge's rushing water. Staying right where he was the injured male figured if this male wanted to truly help, or harm, he would come closer.

The male did what Camio needed. Closed the space, and he even offered assistance. "That is a gracious offer I'm willing to take." Then a name was given. One that made the injured male's mind come to a screeching stop. Naberius. Camio very well remembered his brothers and one of them had the name @Naberius. With fear in his eyes the Zamora hoped this was some sick joke. That maybe the fates he had learned about when he was younger were coming back to haunt him. To show him the person he should have took after and learned from so very well. "No, no, no." He looked at the male over. This couldn't be a coincident, could it?

"Zamora?" His words whined out through gritted teeth. Any sign of aggression had been turned to pure fear and confusion. "Is it you? Or am I just dreaming?" A lump was forming in the tawny Zamora's throat. He wanted to go home, be with Nova and Nalda again. Protecting the Timbers alongside Iopah and Zia. This could not happen to him. For the first time in a long time Camio was becoming a true coward.

"I wanna go home."
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Jenandra who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naberius Zamora

Though the stranger appeared to mouth some word or greeting it was indeed lost to the ambient noise around them. Naberius only glanced up before moving; content to ignore the utterance in favor of much more important events. He needed to see if he could help this man get out of here. Still feeling quite unsure and with his memory clouding over; the eldest Zamora was still oblivious as he padded cautiously forward; diligently avoiding the edge. Thankfully he made it to the injured wolf's side without slipping in or being pushed; and the tawny male was quick to accept his charity. However, even as his own name was spoken Naberius found himself hesitating as well. Why would this man react to him in such a way? Was there another Naberius in this far away land? It was no one he had met, surely.

Then, his last name filled the air. It was surreal watching the other creature's lips articulate it, and his own eyes grew wide with wonder. He physically pulled back, even if only slightly, as the two froze. There were few situations in which he could rationalize this injured man knowing his family's name as well as his own; but his mind was far too tangled and tied up to be of use on this matter. Time had slowed to a crawl and it refused to return to normal even as the loner poured forth more condemning words. ”Is it you?” Naberius's jaw remained locked. The vague sense of familiarity he had with the man was growing stronger and stronger. Was he a former pack mate? A friend from his wanderings? No no. This feeling was too strong for the wolf to be anything so trivial. This was family. This was Him.

Stunned in equal parts by the paralyzing realization and the vision of his long lost brother as gravely injured and weak in his demeanor left Naberius staring. With a shaky breath he studied the man again. The features he remembered were there, though now grown and rugged by comparison. All this time he had wanted to find his brother, but what would he do now? Was Camio the same devil from before? In this state it was hard to believe that any malice still lived in the man, though it was clear by his wounds that Isde's protection had faltered. Finally his ancient tongue dared to move, but not in the eloquent dance it usually did. Camio? He breathed, still leaning back and away. “What... what happened?” He stuttered childishly, looking at the wounds once more. His own tail fled between his hocks; his ruddy ears folded away. What happened to you?

Naberius is Religious! Learn about Isdan here.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

"Yes, Naberius."

A whine caressed the throat of the younger brother and his words. Camio wasn't exactly sure how to react. While he almost wished to not even speak his brother's question left the air around them on fire. "You see, I left my home for the day hoping to get some travel time in. I've crossed this mountain three times so I would have never expected for something horrible to happen." Of course it appeared when he thought something bad wouldn't happen that the worst things happened to him. "I came across a carcass that I could of taken some of back to my home. Yet someone else had their eyes on it too. A hungry mountain lion. Me and you both know how bull-headed I am. I couldn't just let this feline take what I thought to be mine. So in a defensive action I tried to stand my ground, it was an awful mistake. I got some damage on it but it appeared that I came out more wounded. I parted my ways finding safety in the familiar gorge." He paused to allow his older brother to take this all in. Looking to his brother with soft copper eyes, usually only a look @Nova received, the younger brother's tone came out softly. "Now I'm here with you, Naberius." A small smile was given in the direction of his brother.

Flipping the topic to his own brother Camio had one last thing to say. "I must say, it is quite a blessing that you of all wolves found me."
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2015, 01:41 AM by Camio.)
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Jenandra who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naberius Zamora

All of his plans had been forgotten when his brother spoke his name. There was no mistaking it; this was him. Naberius met Camio's whine with a soft, low version of his own and a lick to his already wet nose. It was obvious that the man didn't really want to answer him just by the way he did it; but his brother's ears cupped forward hungrily and his attention hung on each word. Camio had found a home out here. How long since his exile had he been under the protection of a pack? This question and many others crowded at the back of his tongue like a stampede of caribou, but it wasn't the time. It wasn't his turn to speak and he would be damned if he interrupted his little brother. Every few moments he punctuated the story with a nod of confirmation; lowering his own head slightly as he listened.

A knowing yet gentle smile broke his features as the middle brother admitted a long standing flaw; though it was one they shared in very different ways. Where his was bold, Camio's was near brash and even foolish in his mind. He remembered the tawny pup. As Camio paused the traveler's eyes were already moving along the tears in his pelt warily. He'd seen mountain lion damage before, and it fit the bill perfectly. His heart skipped a bit; beginning to worry that wounds such as his would be too much to heal; or that an infection would take his brother now only once he'd found him again. Do not allow it Isde, he chanted, though it was more a plea than a command.

Finally their eyes met with a softness he had hardly ever seen from the man. His smile returned, though it was somber. They shared a quiet moment of wonder before Camio seemed to offer one last statement, and with it Naberius beamed. A chuckle left his throat though it sounded more like a huff. The usual feeling of greatness that would have swelled in his chest and gone straight to his head was controlled this time; if only by his brother's wretched physical state. “I thought I came here to climb that mountain,” he started, looking his brother over and gesturing above, “but perhaps we are both in Isde's favor today.” The mention of their God was flippant; and he couldn't anticipate Camio reacting to it poorly with how he was already behaving. Maybe the “sinner” from his youth had changed in his time here. Oh how he hoped it was true.

“Where is your home?” he asked suddenly, just remembering the gravity of their situation. If Camio remembered the way, everything would be made so much easier.

Naberius is Religious! Learn about Isdan here.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
The mention of a God long forgotten had the inside of Camio's mind scrambling. How did he react? What should he say as to not ruin such a precious moment with his elder brother? Nodding he reached out to nudge his brother, Naberius', shoulder. "Maybe we are brother, maybe we are." It was all he could manage to say. The small smile not leaving his copper toned face yet.

Asking of home was a whole other thing. The younger brother's lips pulling into a inky frown thinking of his home. "It's down on the east side, just down below the mountain nearest to the falls." He could only hope that his brother perhaps had already seen that way. For that was the way he came, wasn't it? Small hope built up inside of his broad chest. Soon he could see his beautiful wife, child, and glorious friends. "Perhaps you have already seen that area?" Wagging his tail behind him he tried his best not to move too much. The Zamora's shoulder still feeling tight and sore from the feline attack. Hopefully when he was home he could relax and try to get it checked out.

"Ah, Naberius, I have something to tell you." He figured now, on the soon to be expedition downwards, would be as good of a time as any to tell his older brother about the family he truly had. How hard he worked to protect Nova any time he could and how they were raising a baby girl with such a elegant name Nalda. He smiled to himself thinking about her. She must have gotten bigger in the time he had disappeared certainly. Hopefully she had even warmed up to the other children now. Giving her mother some alone time to coop. Oh how the young father was dying to be home.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Jenandra who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naberius Zamora

Camio reacted in a way Naberius did not expect; a way that left him reeling for a second. He refused to pull back from his brother's touch even in his shock, and simply watched the smaller man with a slow, creeping grin and long lost light in his eyes. If his brother had always been this way, oh how their lives would be different. Some small part of him wished to rush home, to tell their parents that the Cainva child they'd raised a long time ago had smote his demons and turned into an admirable man. The moment was lost however as much more pressing matters took the stage. With a widening of his pale, mossy eyes the elder brother straightened. He knew the falls; it was where he and that loner Kenelm had hunted! The recollection was present on his face as Camio half-heartedly inquired the very same thing.

His tail flew this time, though he refrained from any rushed speaking or foolish bounds of joy. If anything the buzzing in his brain actually slowed his speech. It was, perhaps, as much excitement as the level-headed man ever could have been seen expressing. “Yes yes,” he began, watching Camio for his reaction. “I was there not too long ago. I didn't run into any borders but I do know where the falls is.” The contraction managed to slip past his lips before he could stop it. Oh yes, they would get him back to safety now.

Naberius was perfectly ready to get moving, even going so far as beginning to turn himself around on the precarious ledge they were stationed above, when his brother let one last thing rise above the water's roar. Curiosity got the better of him. Even if this had been a stranger he would have been curious, but any words that fell from his brother's mouth now were golden, and his eyes searched the other hurriedly. “What is it?”

Naberius is Religious! Learn about Isdan here.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
His brother knew! A yip of joy would've been given had it not been for everything swirling in the man's mind. "Splendid! I can tell you everything while we walk, eh? Might be easier once we exit the gorge." Making his way he knew now, with the help oh his rather pure brother, that the trip would be easier than it would have been by himself. Even if his shoulder started to ache the younger Zamora knew with the help of his older brother that with enough teamwork and support they could do this. Camio would be home soon.

As they walked the tawny male stuck close to his sibling. "I believe it is time for you to know. Back at the falls I have a beautiful wife Nova and our daughter Little Nalda. We aren't the leading pair but the alphas are our close friends to Nova and me whom allowed us to raise our child under their protection." Bumping his brother's side with his own the Zamora couldn't help but let his voice be full of joy. "This means you're a uncle and brother-in-law, Naberius." Certainly his brother would be glad to here this, no? Letting the Zamora line live on in the purest way possible (or so he believed it to be the purest).

"Tell me, brother, have you found love in all your travels?" He was curious to know. Perhaps some sweet little daisy had caught his brother's eyes.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead