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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank

While he had not confessed any ties to the woman, Craw's curiosity of @Morganna persisted, almost stronger than when they had first met. He assumed that she was on some long-distance mission, for it was the only explanation for meeting her so far from her homeland but with every apparent intention of going back. As such, he was not concerned with her absence, but nevertheless eagerly awaited her return. In the meantime, he chose to discover as much as he could of his own accord.

Her scent was strong in the territory, as was proper for both a leader's daughter and a Second. The place stank of her family, which could only mean that Willow Ridge was composed of many blood-Archers. He could understand her lust for such a family trophy, seeing her mother's seat as one which represented power and the respect of the rest of her relations. Upon her return, Craw would press the woman for more details, since for now the only confirmed ally that Morganna had was her potentially volatile brother. That would have to change.

In an effort to better understand the woman he had pledged to support, Craw had been spending time following where her trails were strongest, trying to retrace her steps and learn of her patterns, her priorities. The dens, with its rocky defences and spacious communal area was a predictably frequented spot, but he had come across another, much closer to the borders. That was not the only reason the spot was interesting; he knew the pack had puppies, but he could smell another one out here, just as young and just as owned by the pack - but the boy was not Elettra's. Curious but cautious, for he had to be conscious of his newness to the others of the pack, Craw slowly honed in on the birth den placed so far from the heart of the territory.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
& the night is closing in

Despite @Skoll pushing the boy to sleep closer to the heart of the land where the others shared a communal den, Sven found himself often drawn to the small, cozy shelter within which he had been born. Where he had spent his days under @Piety's watchful, loving eyes. It was a small comfort to curl up within the cover of the cradle of cold, compacted dirt and reminisce about his younger days when she had been ever present. It was overwhelmingly bittersweet to recall those times, how much simpler everything had been, how incredibly constant his world has been. Never would the thought have dared to enter his head that he might someday be here, without her.

Pale eyes closed, he focused on the physical feelings surrounding him, attempting to both enjoy this small comfort as well as stave off the tidal wave of emotions that always hit him when in this place. It was difficult to find a balance, but some days he was capable of managing it. Others, he was chased from the natal den by his own inner turmoil. Not today, he thought as he pinched his eyes shut even more tightly and pressured his mind into focusing. Not today.

Perhaps he had almost been there, stilled in breath and thought, so close to peace when something from the outside spied the cracks within his attempts and pried them apart. There were paw steps, and then there weren't. His pristine ears picked up to take in a steady rasping, much like the sound the willow branches made when you took them between your teeth and dragged them along the ground, through the grass. Fur bristling, he took a deep breath and smelled wolf, and faintly Angier. The man who was supposed to help protect his family but refused.

Like a badger disturbed in its slumber, Sven abruptly and rapidly uncoiled, slithering from the den with a sneer scribbled across his maw. Whoever this stranger was, he was far too close. The boy eyed him in silence, hovering over the threshold of his den, and daring the man the take even a single step closer.

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It was the flash of white, spotted from the corner of his eye, which was Craw's first realisation that he had come across the den at all. Automatically he turned his head to the movement, pausing in his stalking with one paw still raised, ready to strike ahead. Seeing the young wolf, his pelt and eyes stark and pale, Craw knew that he had found what he was looking for. Slowly he replaced the suspended paw on the ground, showing no intention of moving forward; he recognised that challenge in the white boy's face, the hostility, and he wanted to know why.

Ears pushing forward, he took not another step, openly watching the child. M’ brother got one of the subordinates pregnant, she vanished an’ left ‘er son behind after he got knocked down to lowest. This was not Elettra's child, but there was no doubt he was an Archer child, and unless the family was prone to wanton reproduction, there was only one wolf this boy could be. @Morganna had claimed to trust her brother, but did that extend to her brother's son? "I was hoping to meet you," Craw called, low and sincere, keen to see any reaction in the white face. "I heard your father is a strong man."
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
& the night is closing in

As the boy wanted, the man's movements drew to a close, and he approached no closer to his coveted den. Satisfied with this, he was more open to what would be said to him, though there was a level of interest within the stranger's eyes that piqued the princelings suspicions. He had been subjected to this before, others coming out to the fringe to ogle him as though he were some curiosity at their disposal rather than a rightful heir to the pack. It flagged his ire quickly each time, but none had so directly stated it as this man so swiftly did. Furthermore, he complimented his father, a sure door to the pale smudge's good side.

He was visibly sated, though there was no approval within his gaze yet, and it was clear still that the boy did not want his unexpected company to approach him. His mind churned, focusing on the word heard. Where exactly would Craw had heard such a thing? The boy was old enough now to know that, while not being exposed fully to the disdain held by many for @Skoll, there were few who would actually put out a good word for the dark lord. In fact, there was only one person in particular who truly came to mind, and being naive enough still to not consider that the foreigner before him might be blowing smoke, he pursued the assumptions.

"You been talkin' to Aunt Morg?" he asked levelly, blizzard eyes narrowing ever so slightly. If this man truly had spoken with @Morganna, if he was a friend of his aunt's, then perhaps Sven would be able to warm up to him a bit quicker than usual. After all, he couldn't imagine his favored Aunt keeping bad company

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
In those moments before the white boy replied, his reaction was all that Craw needed to know that his assumption had been correct. His care in choosing his words had also paid off, with the hostility fading from the boy - @Sven - ever so slightly, though the distrust remained. Craw made sure not to move forward, to allow Sven to keep his personal space - it was far from the beast's intention to push the boy away.

When the question came - a sensible inquiry - Craw debated for a moment whether or not it was worth telling the truth. He and Morganna had been careful to maintain the pretence that they were strangers, but how would Sven know whether or not they had met prior to Craw's recruitment? And besides, this was Skoll's son, and @Morganna trusted her brother. Craw decided to extend that trust to her nephew. Sven may well end up being one of their valued allies, depending on how long Morganna's ascension took. "Yes," he replied, eyes not moving from that sharp white face. "Morganna is a friend. Are you two close?"
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
& the night is closing in

Sven monitored the man's face closely in those silent moments between the fade of his question and the clip of Craw's answer. Then affirmation came, and the severity of the boy's attitude slackened even more as his affections were further used as a doorway. Craw's own inquiry might have seemed unnecessary within the ears of others, perhaps even to his own age-mate uncle and aunt, for to most family inherently suggested closeness. For Sven, this was utterly untrue, however, so the question seemed very well warranted.

"Yeah," he answered flatly, but had not the words to further explain, much less the desire to do so. "How'd you meet her? You haven't been with us long... right?"

Was that right? He felt that it was, but then... Sven couldn't help but acknowledge the possibility that he simply might not have met the rest of the pack. Some had avoided him for so long, why couldn't there be others slinking around the shadows on the opposite end of the Archer domain?

"Is that why you wanted to meet me?" he then added. If this man was an outsider, what reason did he have for looking for Sven? His father always told him he was important, but the boy was beginning to believe that this only held truly within the circle of his own, true family and did not extend to anyone else within the pack. After all, they didn't treat him like he was anything special. Was Craw here simply because Morganna had been chattering about him? That she might be putting out a good word for him, too, made the boy feel proud, but hesitantly so, for as long as the man did not speak he could not know for sure.

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
There was an abundance of bluntness in this pack, Craw decided, as he patiently listened to the young bastard Archer's reply. This wasn't a group of wolves who beat about the bush or pussyfooted around. It was almost a shame that he was not in their ranks under more ordinary, innocent means; though he was loathe to accept a position less than he deserved, he rather liked the pack's attitude. They were his kind of people, more or less. Hopefully his promises to Morganna would be able to preserve some of these connections, for it would be a shame to sever some of the relationships he was beginning to make within the Ridge.

He waited for @Sven to finish his questioning before replying, letting the boy loose all his curiosity rather than interrupting it. "You are correct," he rasped, his manner relaxing a little more; hopefully if he was at ease, Sven would be inclined to follow suit. Craw certainly harboured no ill intentions towards the child. "I met her not long after I came to the willows. We've been sparring together, to keep us both strong. She talks well of you and her brother; I wanted to meet you for myself." He smiled then, satisfaction in his expression; he was not disappointed with what he had found. Still, even though he could see the boy thawing, he knew better than to step too boldly onto thin ice. The seed had been planted, and Craw was a patient man when patience was required.

Sweeping his tail to the side in a casual manner, an ear flicking out to the side. "I can leave you be, if you like. I just didn't want to be a stranger."
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
& the night is closing in

Sven's many assumptions were right. The boy felt not only proud that he was connecting the dots without faltering, but that @Morganna was indeed speaking well of him. The woman truly was an idol within his eyes, proving her rough love for him in ways that everyone else failed to. The closest thing to replacing Piety he could ever hope to have.

His ears had tipped upward as the word sparring slipped from Craw's mouth. He knew what that was, and the reminder suggested something bold to the youth. Already this man was ready to leave, and in a way, Sven appreciated that. The man truly had come to simply meet him, not to ogle or dig, and seemingly without any ulterior motives. It was a breath of fresh air, and this emboldened the boy to step forward and say, "I want to spar.

He needed to spar. Needed to get strong, grow bigger, to become skilled as those around him were. Why, he wasn't quite sure. It would be needed to retake Piety, that was certain, yet there was something even more pressing within his chest that made maturation something so urgent to the youth. While it puzzled him, he did not care so much about figuring it out; he yearned simply to pursue it as best he could. Would Craw be willing to help fill that growing hole?

Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The sweetly intended words hit their mark, and he saw the cold-faced boy soften as he accepted Craw's statements. The pale beast had judged correctly; @Morganna's had been the magic name, and to be as blunt and straightforward as the other Archers was the correct choice. No bullshit, just talk. It was just convenient that his own motivations matched up with just such an approach, for it was so much easier when reality and truth was on your side.

Craw paused, digesting the simple and single request, Sven having picked out what he felt important and laid it bare. Blunt and straightforward. To establish such a relationship so quickly had not been his expectation, but it was definitely desirable. The Archers were the spiders in the web of the willows, and Craw did not want to be another insect tangled within it. He would spin his own thread. "You don't play with your age-mate aunts and uncle," he said at length, an assessment of the situation, waiting to see if Sven would correct it. He doubted he was wrong. A child living so far on the outskirts of the territory, so far from Elettra's brood... he doubted very much that the leader let her children have much to do with this stain on her authority. In Sven he saw hunger and pain and loneliness. He saw vulnerability.

His tongue flashed out to lick at his lips. Was it too soon, too hasty, or would he regret not taking the opportunity? Morganna could not be his only horse in the race. "It's important to be able to defend yourself, Sven. Would you like me to teach you?"

Ball firmly in Sven's court, Craw placed fresh bets.
[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]