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smother — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor

He shivered, the only indication of his discomfort. Wordlessly she pressed into him, bringing him closer, trying to envelope his whiteness with her browns. Slowly, the shivers ceased, but it had been replaced by a tension that she could not explain. She half wondered if he would have preferred her not to notice his cold, but pride was never an attribute she had attributed to her smallest. The others, his father, yes - but he was better than that, above that. Duck had taken after her, not after him. He did not have to feel wounded by accepting help, accepting that he needed. It was okay to need. Not everyone could be as independent and confident as Wolesh. It was a shame that the others had learnt his lesson rather than her own.

Though she missed their presence, missed knowing that they were eating and sleeping and not walking too hard, Bella felt strangely at ease with knowing that her Crow, Snake and Fox were out there by themselves. Their father's teachings had not all been to her distaste, and she could be grateful for that. She did not doubt that she would find them at the lake before her, likely boasting over how quick the trip was. Resourceful, capable, strong - these were some of her mate's words for Calor. These, at least, were the words she could agree with, the words which would carry her children to the lake safely.

Gentle, kind, thoughtful. These were the words Bella hoped to introduce to Calor, to turn the hard name into something strong but beautiful.

Giving her son a lick from the tip of his nose to his forehead, she knew that he now carried at least half of those, her half - and as he outgrew the weakness of his youth, he would come into the other words, too. His siblings would see that their teasing was misplaced, that their father had been wrong. Duckweed had been strong enough to survive those early weeks, and nothing else would be nearly so hard on either of them. She wondered if he really, truly realised just how scary that time had been, how heartbreaking it had been to love so viciously when her mate had cared so little. She had believed that she could love enough for the both of them. Watching his expressionless gaze as she continued to groom him, a quiet, suppressed part of her questioned that.

The winds blew hard that night, and occasionally she was woken by peals of thunder, though their hidden spot in the undergrowths of the forest sheltered the pair from almost everything but the sound. Each time she would check to see if Duck had been similarly roused, and each time he was quiet and still, and in the dark it was impossible to detect any deception. Each time she would kiss his cheek and lay her head over his shoulders before closing her eyes. Each time she felt his heart beating steadily in his chest. By the time the weather broke, and daylight pierced the canopy and over her eyelids, she once more woke with a start - and, on autopilot, found that she had no son to check on.

The pressed grass where he lay was cool when she placed her paw on it, her side cold from his absence. Heart skipping a beat, she jumped up, startled awake quicker than any storm could hope to cause. "Duck?" she called, not wanting to panic too soon, her rational side trying to argue that he was a year grown now, he was not a dying infant - but it was a losing battle. "Duckweed?!"


Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
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Nicolò Archer

It was not often that Nicolò would leave his sister’s side, not even for something as simple as a pack hunt. However, they had not left the pack boundaries since they had joined and Nico had the urge to go on a run. Luckily, his build allow him to do just that and before he knew it he had arrived in Cedarwood Forest. By this time, his breaths were coming in rapid bursts, his adrenaline high from the run he had just experienced. The first thing that crossed his mind was his sister, @“Adele”, knowing full well that she would have wanted to experience what he had. She would have quite enjoyed and now that he thought about it, the dark man wished he would have brought her with them. It would have been a much less lonely time for him and they both would have been exploring a new area of the new lands they were living in. Nevertheless, he would enjoy this journey he was going on and would be sure to check in with his sister and tell her about the area when he returned.

The area was quite spacious, different from the drooping willows, being that the trees did not swoop down to cover anyone from the world. The forest was quiet and Nico found that he enjoyed the area. There was more room to breathe compared to the willows. He was not complaining about his home but a chance of scenery was always nice every once and awhile. However, his blissful serenity was broken by the panicked voice of a woman. Confusion crossed his mind as he listened to her. Perhaps someone was hurt. While it was none of his business with the other woman’s affairs it would not be gentlemanlike for him to leave her there alone, possibly in need.

Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to make the acquaintance of another wolf, Nicolò was quick to step forward, his legs carrying him towards where the panicked woman had called. He was quick to arrive and it seemed that she was looking for someone…or something. Duckweed. Was that like…a plant or something? Clearing his throat to make his voice known, Nico spoke, his deep baritone resonating in the air, Nicolò"Excuse me, miss? Perhaps I can be of some assistance?" There it was…he was trying to offer his help when it might not have even been needed. Awkwardly, he stood off to the side, anticipating the other woman’s panicked response.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

Though her alarm did not subside, Bella took a firm hold of herself after the outburst, reminding herself that panic fixed nothing. He could not have gone far, would not have - he was more sensible than that. If she just calmed down, she should be able to find his trail and follow after him, though the boy had probably just gone to find something to drink and would return soon. Yes. Yes, that was it.

The adrenaline in her blood wasn't entirely convinced.

Her cries had been intended to draw attention, but from a very specific audience. When a shape moved in the corner of her vision, she turned with a start, but immediately she knew it was wrong - the colour, the size, the way it moved. Her concern for Duckweed was added to by a concern that now she had bothered anyone nearby with her foolish panic. Now, in a perverse way, she hoped that her son wasn't in the immediate area; he had enough trouble with social interaction as it was, and Bella tried to be a consistent role model for him in that regard. Seeing her blather in front of a stranger wouldn't help. Taking a breath, and composing herself, she watched the dark man, ears pricking at his polite concern.

"It's just my son," she said, straining to keep the desperation out of her voice. It was silly, silly. "He was sleeping beside me, but he's... wandered off. Have you seen him? He's white, just a slight young boy..."

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

Something about the woman in distress reminded him of his dearest sister, Adele. This only made him feel much more compelled to help her and try to alleviate any panic that she must have been feelings. She was quick to spin around towards him, perhaps mistaking him for whomever she was looking for. He took a step back instinctually, not knowing how she would react to the presence of a stranger. The woman did not seem like she was going to attack and quickly told him of her dilemma. It was, indeed, a reason to be in a panic but being on the outside of the chaos that seemed to be the stranger’s world, Nicolò was collected and calm. There was no need for this unwarranted panic, unless of course, the children was only a few months old. Needing to bring some comfort to the younger woman, Nico spoke gently, "No, I’m sorry to say that I haven’t. I shall help you look for him though! My name is Nicolò Archer…and may I inquire yours, ma’am?" He was the picture perfection of politeness, not wanting the light woman to think otherwise.

It seemed that this “Duckweed” was indeed a someone. And while the woman in front of him responded, Nico allowed his nose to do its work, noting that the only noticeable scent in the area was her. Clearing his throat, he turned his pale yellow eyes on her once more, his tenor voice inquiring patiently, "And how old is your son?" A slight young boy could be interpreted as a few different things. Perhaps with a more accurate description, the two would have much better luck finding this lost pup.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

Once more Bella found herself in the role of upset mother in front of someone cooler and calmer, but others' perception of her had never been a priority. The man could think she was a stark raving lunatic so long as she found Duck again, she didn't care. The dark man's patience and receptive manner was definitely appreciated, though. That made it easier for her to stay away from true panic, which wasn't yet warranted.

The answer to her question was no, but it was immediately followed by an offer of help, so in all the encounter was a net gain. "Thank you," she said, the relief and gratitude in her smile. He didn't need to, but she appreciated it deeply, for the man likely knew these woods far better than she and would be invaluable in locating Duck. "Bella Calor," she answered, smiling again, but this time at his incredible politeness. Such a charming man he was - she could have drawn in far less savory characters with how she was yelling. Once more the Lore was looking after her.

"One year old." Too old for most wolves to still have an overbearing parent, maybe, but there were mitigating circumstances; not only was Duck more fragile than most, they also lacked the support system of a pack, and Bella would be damned before she let her son vanish or wither on her watch. This kept Duck alive, and that was all that mattered. "Are you local? Do you know if there are any pools or streams nearby? He always likes to have a drink right after getting up. He has a good nose for finding water."

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

A woman in distress was never something Nicolò ever wanted to deal with, especially a hormonal mother. It would be in everyone’s best interest to help the woman with finding her child. Nico was slightly taken aback when he found at the age of the child. He was in no position to judge and kept his mouth shut as he listened to any other information that the woman would give him. In response to her given name, Nico dipped his head in acknowledgement and respect to the woman. Even if she did seem to be a bit out of sorts, she still deserved the respect, for she was a woman and each and every one deserved the respect that should be given to them. The bit of information about water made Nico slightly unsure of himself. He was definitely new to the area and had not passed any lakes or ponds on his way. The closest water source that he knew of was Whisper Marsh. However, he seemed that the child would not have wandered too far from his mother. Never could Nico imagine ever wanting to put stress on his mother’s shoulders, especially since she was an Archer.

Doing the best he could to give the woman something Nico answered, "I am quite new here actually. I reside in Willow Ridge but I decided that I wanted to do some exploring. There is, however, a marsh nearby, if that would be of any help to you." The dark man looked on with pale yellow eyes, quite rare, he found, in the Lore. Back in the Torbine, it was quite common for everyone to have similar colored eyes, but here he had found more blue and green eyes than he could count. He remained silent as he waited to hear what the woman would want to do about their current situation. Nico did not want her to be in any more distress and held onto the hope that she would be able to continue on with their search for her son. Maybe then, he would be able to get back to his sister and tell her about his new adventure. 

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor

The fleeting expression on Nicolò's face when he learned of Duckweed's age was not missed. It was the right time of year, she knew, that he probably suspected her son to still be suckling. Did he think her foolish for chasing after what was, by age alone, almost a fully grown wolf? If only he knew of her duckling's frailties, then maybe the fact that he was a year grown - but barely in the body of a ten month old, if that - then he might understand. For now, she would just have to be the overbearing mother in Nicolò's eyes, and so be it. Whether or not he thought ill of her, the man was generous enough to only reveal his polite side and keep any judgements to himself.

Though revealed to indeed be a local, unfortunately it turned out he had not long been so. Smiling through the pang of frustration - unlucky, but it was hardly his fault - she stopped to focus her attention on him, hoping that spending a moment not panicking would help them be productive. His belonging to a pack, though not one she was familiar with (though hadn't wolves always lived in the willows here? Was it them he referred to?) made her feel slightly more at ease, for if he was so benevolent then she hoped his kin to be so. Besides that, she felt that pack wolves were inherently more trustworthy, if that judgement reflected poorly on her lone self. 

"Yes," she said, eager to grab at any straw he could offer. "A marsh could be right. Can you lead me there?" 

[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 168 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nicolò Archer

He tried to be a man without insult. It would do him no good to insult the lady in front of him, especially when she seemed so concerned about her child. She seemed to react positively to his words and Nico was glad that he had been able to relieve some of her stress. Nicolo had never had children and never did he plan on having any, but he could only imagine what it would be like to lose one. In the Torbine, whenever a child had gone missing there was a huge uproar. Everyone was expected to do as they must to find the child and while the Archer man would remember what had occurred and would take his own disposition about the situation. His sister, Adele, was the one who was more prone to worry, while Nico had been able to push away his personal feelings on the manner.

He dipped his head in consent to her request and briskly set a pace towards Whisper Marsh, confident that the other woman would be following closely behind him. The storyteller was hoping that they would find Belladonna’s son. It seemed as though her sanity depended on it. Curious as to Belladonn’s manner of being in the Lore, he spoke quickly, “So what brought you to these lands? Family or…are you just passing through?” It wasn’t a lie to admit he was curious. It was his job to be so and he was also hoping he could distract her from her worry.

WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief