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good love lingers — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Ashley who has 6 posts.
Hadrian made his way down he slopes of Riddle Heights and into a willow grove, the vast expanse a bit much to be calling it a grove. The willows blew in the wind, their tendril vines waving as he passed, tickling his ears and back. He slipped between the trunks, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it dappled his coat. It was autumn now and the warmth was quickly leaving the world, but the sun could always warm him. Since his youth, he had always loved the warmth of daylight, of the way it warmed his coat even during winter. He was thankful he'd been born with a dark coat, to soak up the warmth even in the depth of winter.

Hadrian thought of what his mother had told him of this place, of the families that ruled it. So far he hadn't met many of them, though he hadn't come across many wolves, to be honest. It wasn't that he was avoiding them. Hadrian simply didn't know where to start looking or even if he wanted to look for the wolves of his mother's past. They were probably all gone, now, along with the packs his mother had known. Would anyone remember Ranger, as briefly as she had been here? Hadrian shook his head and moved onward, wondering if there were any packs near here, too. The area teemed with life, but so far, today, he hadn't seen a single wolf.
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall

There were very little times in life Ravenna could ever call herself 'alone' and even now as she romped the edges of her homeland, she would never consider herself truly 'alone'. Her brother was never far from her side, her sister never out of reach, the members of her pack but a howl away and her mother being her usual companion on her travels, even more so now that she had gotten injured... Today however, was a rare moment. It was the first time ever she had gone beyond the borders of her home without having someone to travel with. As she neared six months of age and her size easily could match a grand handful of adult wolves (being around eighty pounds now) thus even in her age she was not one to easily be trifled with. She pranced the Drooping Willows with an air of both pose and confidence, every step throughout the willowed lands a comfort to her.

Drinking up both the warmth of the day and the cool breeze of autumn, she only paused in her gallivanting about at the sight of another wolf - a stranger. In this moment, Ravenna knew not what to do but to freeze in her placement, silvery-blue eyes awaiting to see if he, too, had caught wind of her. Normally in these moments her mother would be the one to take charge, or if with her siblings, they would hurriedly dart back to the safety of the borders. Though she was nervous and weary, at the moment however, Ravenna Lyall had no intention of running.

(This post was last modified: Oct 19, 2015, 12:30 AM by Ravenna.)

Played by Ashley who has 6 posts.
Thanks for joining! :)

As he walked, Hadrian listened to the sounds of life around him; birds chirping, squirrels skittering across tree branches above, leaves falling and rustling against each other. But suddenly the sounds ceased and he paused, lifting his head in caution. He looked around, copper gaze roaming, and in a moment he saw the cause of the disturbance: a young wolf frozen in fear. Prey could sense fear, and if a predator felt it, then they often paused in their activities, too. Hadrian couldn't tell the exact age of the youngster, but he knew she was under a year's age. After a moment, he began moving again, this time in her direction.

"Hello, there." He called softly, his deep voice gentle and lulling. His copper eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he left the shadows behind, his large body cutting quite a swathe in the willow trees. He stopped again, this time yards from her, and lowered his head to a neutral stance. "I didn't mean to startle you. I apologize." Hadrian bowed his head, dipping his muzzle in apology. She probably wouldn't believe him, but truly Hadrian was harmless. A giant of a fellow, to be sure, but quite peaceful in the end.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
No problem! This is Rav's first non pack/non family member interaction.

He did, in fact, see her and this was certain the very moment he turned into her direction and after that, began walking towards her. Her already stiffened form remained so, the silver hairs along her spine lifting and she let out a low, warning growl. It should have been quite obvious to him that she was nothing less then afraid, granted that he was not only a stranger but both older and bigger then her and, knowing her luck, faster too. After all, Ravenna could never pride herself in holding the speed within her litter. He stopped then, a few yards off, allowing space for her to attempt a get away if need be. His voice was deep, though her used it softly, delicately as he greeted her. Soon after came an apology and a lowering of his head down, his stance mimicking his lack of threat towards her. She, unlike her mother and siblings before her, was still very young and unaltered. She did not trust the stranger, though had no reason to equally not trust him ether. She awaited judgement, both using cautious and curiosity. Her ears perked and although she did not change her stance, the hair at her backside relaxed and her tail waved ever slightly. "I didn't expect anyone so close..." Of course, this was not their territory but it was still the Drooping Willows and very little did she catch scent of a rogue within this, much less see one. "My pack is very... formidable, you see." 'Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable', yes, formidable covered it very much... so why was he here then? Was he looking to join? Was he a scout from another pack, perhaps one of their allies in the north?