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The ABC Café — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
For @Ryvet I'm sorry ><
782 words

Titan had been avoiding the white wolf for some time, unsure of his desire to gain in rank simply to be nearer to Rook. However Borden's death had struck home to the black wolf, and he understood the need to be closer to both his friends and superiors. It wasn't just to be closer to them. Gaining a higher rank would also allow him to better help manage the other members should something happen to Veho or Rook. Just like how Rook was now often visiting the marsh leaving the pack to themselves. Though Titan understood some of what Rook was going through he could see how something bad could happen while the leader was away from pack lands. In fact, that was exactly what had happened with his mother Narime after she went over the mountains on her scouting mission. His father had disappeared around the same time too. The pack had weakened and crumbled some after she had gotten lost, and if they hadn't had a good pair of seconds Whisper Caverns would have been done for far sooner. Titan had never realized that his mothers experience, and living through that time himself, would help him now. Only wanting to help the pack stay strong, the dark wolf wanted to make sure strong wolves would be near the leaders, and he wasn't entirely sure of Veho's strength yet despite their previous rank challenge. Ryvet was in the way though, and although Titan did not have much of a problem with the white male, he still didn't exactly like him either. Ryvet didn't seem particularly strong to Titan, their first meeting had been a sour one, and unfortunately because of Ryvet's lack of friendliness after their first meeting the dark Thorben didn't see why he shouldn't try to remove the Lyall from his high perch.

It's not like I see him doing anything but marking borders anyway... At least I keep and eye on our caches and fill up the medical den with herbs. Hell was he even on the last pack hunt? I can't remember... Titan thought quietly while roaming the border trailing after Ryvet's scent. Soon enough he got bored trying to chase the white wolf in circles and decided to simply stop and howl for him. The deep baritone sounded full of confidence as Titan called out to the white male. He didn't care if any of the others heard him, in fact Titan felt a little giddy at the thought of a crowd watching. He wasn't exactly a shy wolf, and his confidence certainly helped him during social situations, but would it help if the two wolves came to clash with each other?

The howl finished leaving the dark wolf breathless for a moment. He tried to think of all of the times he had play fought with his siblings, and then with his father. They were very old memories, and truthfully the only things that came up that might help him were the more recent fights and scuffles he had participated in. The scuffle with Morganna reminded him to be wary of the other wolf's speed. Titan knew that he was a tank just like his brother, mother, and father. Rabbits always got the best of him because he was so slow. The fights with both the bobcat and the lynx also flicked across his mind. In the end it was his strength that finished them off because both cats didn't want to run and save themselves. They probably would have out paced him had they run. The last weapon he had was stamina. Stamina and strength had mixed with luck to help him take out Veho, but then again Titan hadn't really been trying as hard as he should have during that fight. The storm had messed with him, and Titan was very interested in a rematch to see if he could beat Veho on totally fair and even odds. He wanted to see how much stronger Veho had gotten.

First things first. Ryvet's going down. The overconfident wolf paced once before standing stiffly and looking over the forest for the flashing pelt of the ghostly Lyall. The world will change day by day. With one wolf moving against another. Do you here the howl I sing! Singing the song of angry men. Some will fall and some will live will you stand up and take your chance! That's right Titan take your chance! The young wolf attempted to psych himself up for the next scene to come. He was quite happy with the rhymes he was spouting off of the top of his head.

(This post was last modified: Oct 20, 2015, 06:34 PM by Titan.)