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Partake of the blood — Chanting Chase 
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Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

Kova woke up shivering before sneezing and blinking open his murky blue eyes. Everything was too bright today, and it took him more than a few moments to blink away sleepiness and get used to the lightness of his surroundings. When he finally saw what lay around his warm body and fell from the sky Kova couldn't help but release a groan.

The first real snowfall had come to the land. The flakes fell thickly onto the earth covering everything in sight. Even Kova had a nice layer of snow over him from after he'd fallen asleep yesterday. Every tiny twig and stem of all the trees and bushes were covered in soft fluffy snow. It was a beautiful sight, but for some reason he just didn't want to welcome the snow this year. Maybe it was because he had gotten lost in a winter snow storm for months in the palisade area. Kova, more than some yearlings, knew the dangers of the cold season. He had almost starved and froze while being out on his own. Hell, he had lost his sister in the cold season because of a snow storm. If he had not known how to fish Kova was sure he probably wouldn't be here today either.

The young wolf slid to his paws stretching his back and legs. Then he rose to full height and yawned loudly before looking around at the landscape a second time.

Kova had actually slept away from the pack for a second time this month. Doing something like this helped to clear his mind normally; his reasons for doing it yesterday were because Kova had been scouting around looking for any deer herds that might be in the area. He thought it would have been nice to go on another pack hunt before the snows come, but obviously nature wasn't going to follow Kova's plans.

Played by Caroline who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Calanthe Quickfoot
ooc: Here have a Cal and Dravvie. MERRY BIRTHMAS.

The snow had come sometime early that morning. Calanthe had been awake to watch it fall, sitting just outside the warmth of the den rather than laying beside anyone and having to monitor her every movement for fear of rousing them. It was cold, but as long as there was warmth nearby and the cold didn't also result in her getting wet, Calanthe welcomed the drop in temperature. She would take the first snowfall of the year over the fires of her nightmares any night, and it had been relaxing beyond words to watch the land slowly become blanketed in a layer of puffy whiteness.

She had retreated back inside once the snow began to taper off, curling close beside Draven and swiftly succumbing to a thankfully dreamless slumber. Only when Draven woke up several hours later had Calanthe blearily opened her eyes again, then slowly uncurled and stretched with a great yawn before dragging herself to her feet. Maybe staying up wasn't the best idea, after all.

It hadn't taken long for Draven to discover the new landscape beyond the den, nor had it taken the boy long to go charging out into it and diving at the first decently-sized snowdrift he found. Predictably, the drift swallowed him up with a soft, squishy whff, and Calanthe had had to trot down the mountain to fish the poor boy out before the rest of the drift could collapse on top of him. The sudden cold had put Draven off from exploring for a bit, which had fortunately allowed Calanthe to coax him into having something to eat before he raced off again... although hunting for a pair of rabbits in the snow had been a challenge Calanthe wasn't up to, and in the end two rabbits had turned out to be one fat one, most of which had gone to Draven. Calanthe would find something else to kill later.

Breakfast ended and the pair had gone out into the forest, with Draven leading the way as he pranced through the white cover across the ground. Before long they had crossed the borders, although in this weather and with her nose half-numb with the new climate, Calanthe had had to rely more on landmarks than scent markers to know when to howl and let @Raela and @Gent know that they were beyond the pack's territory. The call had been a brief one, because then she'd had to chase Draven down as he trotted on ahead of her into the untamed lands.

They managed to wander until the trees became almost uniformly pines before a familiar scent greeted them: Kova. Calanthe didn't have to look far to spot him; even with his silver coat, the yearling stood out against the brilliant white backdrop of the snow. Trusting Draven to at least stay within her line of sight, the tawny woman trotted over to Kova with her tail wagging, calling out as she came, “You look like the trees, Kova. Don't tell me you were caught out here last night?”

[Image: jWoC23.png]
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-rsc.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
ooc: Dravvie's first snow!

Draven had heard some of the other wolves talking about "snow" while he was still waking up that morning. Half-asleep, he didn't connect the barely familiar word to the cold at first; only when he was awake enough to remember that he didn't like being cold did he decide that it was the snow's fault that everything was so chilly, and therefore he despised the snow very passionately. He'd curled into Cal and dozed off again, but now that his body was aware of how cold he was, it didn't want to let him sleep. He'd finally given up and hopped up with an irritable growl, shook himself out, and then stomped over to the entrance of the den to see what in the world was causing everything to be so. Darn. COLD.

A bright white something had blinded him where there should have only been shades of yellow and orange and red and brown. He had snorted in surprise, shaking his head as though the brightness had whacked him square on his nose, and stumbled back until the insides of his eyelids weren't bright scarlet anymore. Then he'd carefully peeked out again, squinting to keep one eye tightly shut while he looked around with the other. The trees were all still there, and they were still on the mountain probably... what was all that white stuff?

Calanthe had padded up beside him and told him between yawns that this was snow, and asked him... something. He had raced off the minute it sank in that this was that snow stuff he had heard everyone mention more and more frequently, and never heard what Calanthe wanted to ask him. The snow was mounded up everywhere, on the trees and against them and over rocks and flat ground, and it felt crunchy and squishy-wet at the same time under his paws - and it was cold, and it was wet, but it was still lots of fun... until he dove at one of the piles and got buried under it. It hadn't been as much fun being pulled out by Calanthe, and it didn't help that she laughed while she was saving him, so for a while after that he had pouted and greedily ate most of the rabbit Calanthe brought out of spite.

Still, even his wounded pride couldn't keep his excitement contained for very long, and once he had some food in his belly he felt leaps and bounds better. Not bothering to see if Calanthe kept up, he had charged off again, sometimes stopping to dig in a smaller drift or bat at something covered with enough white stuff that he couldn't quite make out what it was without clearing the snow off of it. He heard Cal howl at one point, and that was the only reason he knew they had crossed out of the territory - he was having far too much fun to pay attention to something as dumb as a border.

Only when they stumbled across Kova did Draven finally slow down, and the was mostly because he had managed to wear himself out with so much playing. The boy kept pace with Calanthe was she went over to Kova, only to plop down and pant the moment she stopped. Once he caught his breath, he would need to explore this place a little bit. He didn't remember ever coming here before - maybe this would be a good place to play with @Rose someday!

(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2015, 10:53 PM by Draven.)
[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
Guess we both be playing two wolves each in this one.
Was originally planning for Kova and Unitas to tussle, hence the scary title of the thread, but I like the way things are going so far so Ima roll with it.  :D
Maybe Draven'll remember the scent from Rose's pelt when he meets Tas  XD

Unitas was wandering farther north than he normally did. The young wolf had been urged by his mother to pick and choose a role to train for, and he had casually shrugged it off quite some time ago. Though the more he thought about it the more Unitas had taken a liking to the role of scout. Basically they got to go everywhere outside of the territory and give information to other wolves, or perhaps retrieve information. Those kinds of things were stuff that he was good at. Not to mention he loved to snoop around. So the job greatly appealed to the young male as he wandered about far from the safety of his woodlands.

The snow had started up late evening. Tas had been awake finding shelter for himself when the flakes began to fall and stick to the ground. Staying beneath the crook of a bent tree the dark Hervok had managed to stay toasty warm the entire night. He slept well, and woke up extra early in the morning to see the land coated in white.

With a bounce in his step and a devilish smile upon his face Unitas wandered further north. He definitely had plans of going back home, but first he wanted to explore the places he had not seen yet. It was as the familiar trees grew taller and the undergrowth grew shorter when Unitas realized that he wasn't in the thickets anymore. Soon the sun began to rise, and Unitas wiggled in delight. The winter was glorious, and he loved every part of it. His pack had never had too much of a problem during the winter time. Their caches were almost always full and the snow made it easier for them to hunt elk and deer after it freshly fell. Unitas generally didn't worry about wolves who sometimes disappeared in the storms. As long as the pack was still running and there was food enough to go around he didn't worry about those lost in the landscape of white. He blamed them for getting lost in the first place.

A familiar scent then blasted him in the face. The name of the wolf nagged Unitas as he tried to think of the face and voice of the young male it belonged to. In the end, despite scenting two other wolves close by and knowing that it was dangerous, Unitas decided to have a look. Too bold for his particularly nasty three on one situation, Unitas decided to immediately go for the submissive weakling act as soon as he saw the others.

Eventually the black wolf spots the gray and black pelts of three wolves in the distance. He releases a greeting whine, one that immediately proved he meant no threat by purposefully giving his location away to them. As Tas attempted to wiggle closer to the three wolves he lowered his body and tail quite a bit before allowing his tail to slowly wag.

"Hello hello. How are you three today?" Tas smiles brightly genuinely happy to meet new wolves as long as they didn't start growling at him or something. The young males scent drove him nuts as Tas tried to figure out where he had seen him before. Even the yearlings silver coat triggered a bit of dejavu as Tas stopped before the three far enough away to give them more than enough space to themselves. 

"Say... do I know you?" He tilted his head while momentarily glancing to Kova. Perhaps the other wolf might remember if they had met once before.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina
My last post here until the other three are caught up. @Calanthe and Dravenlol

Kova stretched once more before he scented the approach of other wolves. The youth was calm and content though, for the two wolves coming around were obviously pack mates by the smell of them. In fact, Kova felt some brightness flutter across his heart at the fact that Draven seemed to be out and about doing stuff instead of lounging at the den. Then again he was usually sticking around Calanthe and hogging her attention while Kova was away and busy. So to see him out and about with Cala really shouldn't have surprised the silver lad as he turned to greet them. With a slowly wagging tail and a half smile Kova dipped his head in hello before stepping forward to lightly and affectionately headbutt Draven then did the same to Calanthe.  “Morning guys.” Kova's voice cracked an octave lower than normal before he shakes his ruff.

His black lips widened as a full but embarrassed smile breaks across his face at Calanthe's comment. “Ah, yeah I kinda did.” He fessed up immediately before looking off towards the woods. “You guys going hunting?” He asked trying to change the subject when a second later the sound of a whining wolf came from behind him. Kova jerked around tensing a bit as he looked to see who it was. He spotted the black wolf as he slipped closer to the trio of Crest wolves, and as the scent came to him Kova recognized the young male instantly. The one Noble and I met when we were exploring together. He was with his brother back then though. Kova thought quietly while letting his tail flick upwards just slightly above the neutral zone. Unitas had been friendly, but odd when he last met the wolf, and frankly Kova probably would have been fine with the guy had he not tried to bully his brother right in front of them. So Kova wasn't exactly happy to meet up with this wolf again. What's he doing so far north anyway? The silver wolf held back a low growl while looking over the black Hervok.

“Unitas Hervok why are you here?” He scowled remembering how Unitas had treated his sister oh so long ago. “It's Kova if you don't remember.” He offered his name a second time a little annoyed that the black wolf was here. Kova was just getting excited about spending time with his pack mates but now they had to sit here and chit chat.

Played by Caroline who has 105 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Calanthe Quickfoot
ooc: Gonna respond with Cal and Dravvie because my rapid respond twitch demands it. No pressure to reply back tonight. X3

Calanthe grinned and returned Kova's friendly gesture with one of her own, her tail wagging as he confirmed what she'd suspected. “If you catch a cold, that'll be on you,” she told the yearling good-naturedly. She grinned as he attempted to change the subject, but before she could answer him a low, tentative whine sounded from nearby - another wolf, coming from the wrong direction and making the wrong sounds to be one of their pack mates.

She broke off and looked in the same direction Kova did, her eyes immediately landing on the black shape of the stranger against the snowy landscape. With his bright teal eyes, the newcomer looked a great deal like a smaller version of Gent... but the way he carried himself was wrong, and so was his scent. No, this wolf wasn't the Crest's King, didn't even belong to their ragged family. Her immediate thought was that they should demand to know his business here... but no, he wasn't close enough to their borders to warrant that. These were neutral lands, and he has as much of a reason and right to be here as any of the three of them did regardless of how unfamiliar he smelled--

--which it did not. She knew that scent; she had been introduced to it before. Spirit's breath, she knew exactly where he had come from.

One tawny ear flicked minutely as Calanthe fully registered the stranger's scent. Though different from @Rose's, there was no mistaking the identical backdrop that clung to him, making the male smell strongly of mushrooms and ginger and moss and some sort of sweet-smelling plant Calanthe couldn't name. Those, and the scent of multiple other wolves, marked this one as belonging without a doubt to the same pack as little Rose - to the Secret Woodlands pack.

Thinking swiftly, Calanthe shifted casually, using the movement to step between the stranger - Unitas Hervok, Kova called him - and Draven, hoping to block the scent from Draven, or failing that, to signal to Draven that this was not a good time to shout anything unwise. Kova didn't seem entirely pleased to see Unitas here, and that was enough to make Calanthe wary of the dark yearling, though she kept her stance neutral and tried to keep her expression even. She hoped whatever had passed between the two yearlings was not something that could lead to a brawl; she didn't want things to turn violent with Draven so close to it, but she also wouldn't let Unitas put either of her pack mates in danger.

She didn't speak up after Kova had said his piece; the silver yearling had posed a question to Unitas, and she was eager to hear what the boy had to say for himself - and how he chose to say it. Unless she was directly addressed, Calanthe would not speak until the tension had died down somewhat. She would watch, and she would listen, and she would be ready to act as was necessary should the necessity arise.

[Image: jWoC23.png]
[Image: ROWtwloha2015-rsc.png]
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh

In spite of his weariness, Draven grinned and bounced up to bump his older brother back before flopping back down again in the snow. His ears perked at the mention of hunting - he'd never hunted anything in snow before, and once he had caught his breath it might be an exciting new thing to learn - but before he could say as much a third voice interrupted everybody. Draven had to lean around Kova a little bit to see the newcomer; he was black-furred and had bright blue eyes, but he definitely wasn't Gent. He sounded wrong, he looked wrong, he smelled... just like Rose, actually.

A lot like Rose.

Draven's head tilted a bit, his tail twitching just the slightest bit in interest as the stranger addressed them. This must be one of her pack mates, although he looked too old to be one of her litter mates. Maybe he was an older brother? Or maybe he was just an older pack mate altogether, with no relation to her at all. Kova called him Unitas Hervok, but the name didn't really mean anything to Draven. He had only heard about a very small number of wolves outside of the Crest pack, and never really paid the names any mind - they weren't around and he hadn't ever met them, so why bother?

For a second, Draven's heart pounded. He and Rose had kind of promised not to tell anybody that they kept meeting up, because their packs and families might get upset if they knew the pups were wandering around so much by themselves. He knew Rose said she made sure she didn't smell like him when she went home, and Cal helped him to the same before he went back to the Crest, but what if Rose had forgotten? Or what if she thought the smell was masked but her pack mates had picked it up? Was this wolf here because they'd been found out? He knew he could trust Cal not to say anything - she wasn't some kind of scuttlebutt who'd sell him out like that, and neither was Rose - but what if they had figured it out all by themselves? What if they had made Rose tell them what was going on?

In any case, it didn't seem like Kova liked him being here very much, either - but Draven couldn't see how this Unitas person reacted to Kova, because Calanthe shifted and wound up blocking him from Draven's line of sight. Draven snorted and tried to lean around her, too, but she shifted again, moving her paw as though she'd put her weight on something sharp by accident. The snow made it pretty hard to know where anything was underneath; maybe she was trying to find a spot to put her feet where there weren't rocks or broken sticks in the way?

"Cal, I can't see," the darkling boy whispered, trying not to interrupt anybody. He didn't want to be seen, but he also couldn't stand not being able to watch what would happen next.

(This post was last modified: Oct 23, 2015, 04:59 AM by Draven.)
[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
If you don't mind?

He had to come. This was for certain for as the opportunity presented itself and he moves along in a trot whilst following the scent without question.
One: Bane Aranna had not seen Kova nor Minka in five months and with winter quickly making its way, he did not want to wait another four before he could.
Two: He very much cared for Unitas, despite what little interactions they held, if anything by the bond which he held for his their mother, Nina.
Three: He was determined to prove himself a guardian and if anything, being something of a body guard to the Leader's son was a great way in stepping up to the plate.
Certainly he had not expected this, Unitas making his way towards three members of another pack, a pack which more specifically had been once enemies to their own. The tension in that shuttered through Bane's body was expected and his quick steps into the tall, black male's direction became more swift as he neared the scene. He had expected the worse, ready to jump in front of open jaws to take on the group if it meant getting the younger male out of the situation. Though, as said, he was not expecting this - the sight of Kova stopped him in his tracks, his heart fluttering. The fear, the worry that had flooded his body halted with a replacement of happiness and joy. In it, he was blinded by the looks which the group was giving Unitas and through the thickly falling snows he romped into a run towards Kova. A whine of a greeting was offered to the younger, yet much larger wolf and his tail behind him waving with a madness. For him, the first snows could not have come about better.
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
Yay it's a partaaay (WARNING FOUL LANGUAGE AHEAD) just a tiny bit anyway

Unitas was glad that the wolves didn't immediately pounce on him. Though there was truly no reason for them to. Not whilst they stood upon neutral grounds and had the advantage in numbers. Tas gave them a friendly smile and continued to wag his tail as he looked over the little group of Crest wolves. Well the kid must be a ...younger sibling? Of Kova's... He thought while spying the tall, but spindly legged pup behind the pretty she wolf which triggered yet another memory. Kova had had a sister leading him around last they met if he recalled correctly. Noble was it? He thought before glancing back to Kova and keeping that submissive pose trying to appeal to the silver wolf.

Then Bane appeared. Nina might have mentioned his name a few times to Unitas when he wasn't listening, and so when the dark wolf with Secret Woodlands smell padded closer Tas could only flick his tail twice in silent greeting. Quickly losing interest in the newcomer as he greeted the platinum coated yearling in a rather friendly fashion, Tas cleared his throat trying to get Kova's attention again.

"So how's your beautiful sister doing? Noble was it? I hope she's doing better than my sister. Bitch keeps disappearing time and time again without saying where she's going."

The annoyance at Danica's actions created a bit of a stern tone by the last few words of his sentence. Unitas was glad that the creamy gray Renier she wolf was no longer allowed in the pack. He felt a little depression at the knowledge that the pup he'd smelled around the territory a few times was totally gone now. Death was certainly something he greatly feared, and it was one of the things that drove him to follow the few rules and limitations he had put forth for himself.

Unitas imagined what Noble looked like now that she had grown a bit. A bit of a dreamy distant look passed across his eyes for a moment as the dark wolf imagined the she wolf in his head standing next to Kova. A little shorter than him, looking like a feminine version of the kid in the back, but nice filled in muscles, and a nice rear.... He chuckled to himself while listening for Kova's answer and keeping a close eye on the other wolves.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Oct 28, 2015, 01:52 AM by Unitas.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity