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Hell is empty and all the devils are here — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall
P - For @Renier - The Iridescent Lagoon has turned a strange color.

So much had changed in such a short time. Why she kept returning to the Lagoon was beyond her but it always seemed she had the most interesting encounters here so who was she to stay away? Sitting by the Lagoon didn’t necessarily mean she would have to enter the sturgeons territory and risk another attack.

She had left the Willows in the early afternoon, entrusting the protection of the pack to @Craw and @Skoll. She wondered if @Pickerel might have made a return to the lagoon to try his luck at fishing again (no doubt more confident in his abilities than Morganna was in hers and wise enough to not clamp down on a fish too big for himself to handle). It wasn’t until the sun was fully down and the moon had begun to rise that an alien glow from somewhere down here bathed the landscape and her brows drew down in worry.

Curiosity got the better of her as she inched closer to the waters edge, a trail of blue glow (left in the wake of her favourite fish no doubt) wound across the surface this way and that. She couldn’t know that it was caused by microscopic organisms that lit up when they were disturbed, instead she assumed that some magic was at work transforming the lagoon into some mystical portal.

Although whether this night ended as a fairy tale or horror story was not her place to say.


[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

It had been a long time since he had felt numb. So long as he prodded along, he couldn't quite put name to this dreadful pulse that dragged against his body. Grief, and pain were there, certainly. None of  would escape. It was if his heart couldn't comprehend what his mind knew. He felt debilitated knowing he would never see nor hear his father again. The rogue could try to believe life beyond. The preachings. Death was suppose to free a soul from earthly torment. Renier wasn't convinced souls every stopped being tired. Ever stopped to hunger, to fear, or love. Was death really an out if that's the way it worked?

Teeth ground together, if he might conjure a different emotion out of thin air. He should have least stayed with Ryvet. It wouldn't have been all okay, but he could have focused on how to make it right. How to ease his brother's mind rather than his own.

A shake of his rough, tail flicked up, and he forced himself into a trot. Now was not the time. He needed to figure out where his mother had gone. He needed to figure out what he would begin to tell Morganna. If he could face her. A silver mask only worked so far.

When the sunlight went out, and the stars arrived Ren decided on one thing. He needed to simply rest, and start fresh in the morning. There was only one other place he wanted to be. The lagoon. It was one of his mother's favorite spots, and had been his as a child when she had let them go play in the waves, telling them of the ocean. With an inkling that was where he ought to be, he found himself moving a bit easier with a plan of action. Until her scent made its way to his leathery nose.  Lingering in front of him to the very place he was headed.

Was it fate, god or the devil? It didn't matter.  Whatever it was, it would not be ignored. More than anything he wanted to curl himself around her, and sleep. Somehow he didn't think it would be so easy. He had left.

Cream paws were mindful of their placement, eyes reached for her against the odd glow of the lagoon. Whether it was the unnatural light or the thought to be near her again, he felt goosebumps, and a leap in his hear beat."You shouldn't be alone out here," he murmured wearing his best smile.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
<3 @Renier

The scent of cedars drifted to her first, making her muscles tense and her lips inch upwards in a silent snarl. She should have known better that to come out here alone, especially after what she had done to @Piety. She kept her eyes trained on the water but her ears subtle flicked this was and that, hoping to pick up on the other wolf’s direction before they lunged at her. If anything could be said for growing up with the likes of @Skoll, it was that from an early age she had been forced to learn unconventional methods of evasion - she could drop to her stomach and a poorly planned attack would fly straight over her back and into the jaws of the hungry sturgeon (or so she liked to hope). Perhaps this cedar wolf could be her apology to the lagoon monster, a peace offering of sorts?

The hair along her spine rose of its own accord as she tried to slow her breathing, ears straining for the slightest hint of betrayal. What they caught instead took her by surprise eyes narrowing and ears folding against her skull as she rapidly turned, a savage growl answering his well meaning question. “I’m more than capable of lookin’ after myself!” She countered defensively, her chin tucking low as the growl continued to rumble in her chest. “Hasn’t yer brother told yer all the havoc I’ve wreaked on ’is pack since yer left?” Her breathing wasn’t so deep now as she struggled to hide the heartbreak from her face.

She wouldn’t ask him why he was here, or how long he had been back. If his scent was any indication he had chosen them as well.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Well, he hadn't been expecting a warm welcome. It didn't make it sting any less, her rough growl a burn against his ears. He wasn't about to lose his composed facade, nor move from the place he stood. "Yes, that's entirely what I was implying,"he dryly replied, his russet banner giving a twitch behind him. Wondering how else she was going to show him what his absent meant. Patience was becoming one of his fortes. It was her remark of Rook, of the Hollow that caused his neutral face to change. Cream brows pressed together, but it could have been because of concern or puzzlement. Was this what she was angry about?

Heaving in a breath, red tipped ears twisted back. Why she may try to hide her pain, his golden eyes could not miss it. He knew her well enough to see its evidence. The Lyall dare to step closer. "Rook is little concern to me right now. I'm here, because I have every intention of keeping my promise to you. If you rather not see me any more, I shall leave you to your own company." It was plainly spoken, with little emotion like he often used. He wasn't going to waste her time, nor his so he went straight to the point. Why he felt she was acting on other reasons, he wanted to be sure. He didn't want to believe there was something if it had died in his absence.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

This ain't a feel good, everything's fine sing along

He had an uncanny ability to put her at ease, even when she was at her most wild. Her growls slowly faded, a final attempt to reignite her rage resulting in little more than a half-hearted warning. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes narrowed as she processed what he was saying about… Rook. Yes that was the name that she kept forgetting. Her stance was guarded and stiff as he moved closer, her lip inching up over a single gleaming fang, her head and tail rising to arch over her back in warning that he was getting too close. What if this was all just a ruse to take her by surprise? Much like she had taken Titan by the Heartleaf Creek. Deep down she wasn’t certain he was capable of it.

So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and she wanted to tell him everything but if he was going to choose them over the Ridge then she couldn’t risk it. “Does that mean yer plan on comin’ home then?” She asked quietly, the tip of her tail daring to signal her hope with a small wave. It didn’t mean he was forgiven by any means but he was an asset previously and there was no good reason to allow their personal history to get in the way of what was good for the pack. After all, he had received the leaders blessing of his absence and was promised a place when her returned. She wouldn’t go back on a promise that was made before her time.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

He got the message another step and only her teeth would do the talking. It made him wonder what for? What had she done in his absence? Morganna had never made anything easy, this was more than anger. Least he thought.

They way she had called willow ridge home made his heart rise and fall in the same effort. Despite her best efforts to keep him at bay he saw the opening. "Yes, as there is only one wolf who could persuade me otherwise. " There was a spark to his gaze,as he attempted to meet her eye. Letting her know who he was implying.

He wanted to believe what she really meant was, she wanted him there. Was welcoming him. Something told him it was more complicated than that. There were other things she wasn't telling. She was holding back...from him. Why it seemed justifiable to curse another for all this, Ren knew no matter he was paying the price for his own choice. Right now that price felt very high, and the rogue wanted to test it. But despite wanting,yearning,to cozy up to the dark cloaked woman he was damn sure she'd bite with more than her teeth if he attempted anything. The idea of being vulnerable in any aspect was unpleasant. For there was still those what ifs, and she must have felt that too. Whining and pleading were out of the question if he were to keep his dignity. For her to respect him, or so he believed.

Whatever lay between them, he made his best effort to pretend it wasn't there. Acting like she hadn't been on edge, he strode right past her to the edge of dry land. the glow of the lagoon reflected in his stare. "Apparently, this is new?" He mumbled, wondering if his lack of questions of her would rub her he wrong way or ease her mind.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
This ain't a feel good, everything's fine sing along

His words did something to soothe some of her hurt, and she allowed him to walk past her unhindered. Morganna followed him to the edge of the lagoon, staying back from the edge lest the sturgeon leap from the water and pull her back in to a watery grave. She was close enough to press her shoulder against his hip, and begrudgingly she did, convincing herself it was just so the rest of the pack would know he was there with a leaders blessing. Her shoulders were slumped and her head dropped as it if were too heavy for her neck to support. “If only this were it.” she muttered darkly, eyes focusing on the surface of the water uneasily.

She supposed he would figure it out as soon as they got back, but surely it was cruel to keep him in the dark until then. “Mother had an accident, I’ve stepped up while she gets better.” that in itself would be news enough but there was so much more. “Angier is loosing his sight, Nicolo isn’t fit ter lead an’ Skoll seems otherwise occupied. Things with Grizzly Hollow are worse no doubt since I ripped off Piety’s ear.” She followed the last statement up with a bitter chuckle. "She left 'em both, so I had ter step in. Theres more... I jus' can't think of it right now." Regardless of how pissed off she was with him for staying away so long, at least she felt better for talking with him.

(This post was last modified: Oct 29, 2015, 08:12 PM by Morganna.)
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

There was no subtle change to his facade when she stood beside him. The rogue held his breath when she touched him. Silently willing her to make the next  few steps. It became apparent it wouldn't be so, his skull tipped back. How defeated she appeared, and a small frown knitted across his brow. Only catching her words for she was all holding his attention now.

A still tongue, red ears rose up in a swift snap from shock. Why he did not see it as senseless Morganna would fill in for her mother, what exactly had happened to Elettra to hinder her from her title? The morality of his own parents made him imagine dire things. It would seem one 'leaf" would fall and the rest would follow. There seemed bit other news, why the dark maiden seemed to stand with burden. Brows raised in surprise, by her confession of removing the ear of apparently Skoll's ex-lover. Yet, she explained her reasoning, and his mask smoothed in a far more reserved manner, and he found himself taking in a long breath. Internally, he groaned, ever so much wanting to thump his head against earth. How could he have let this happen, became the loud chorus in the background. Could he have stopped it if he'd even been here? What else would be put between them?

"Morganna," he whispered, feeling like they were entering hell from different worlds, but in hell none the less. "What can I do to help you?" For it was what he really cared about, and made the only sense to say.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
I'm not a choice, I'm a natural selection

What can I do to help you? of all the thoughts that tumbled through her mind, come back, challenge up, prove you want me, it was the most foolish one that left her lips. "Yer could come back here a bit...I pissed off a monster fish an' I reckon if I giver 'er a chance she'll pull me back in." her smile was a sheepish one, daring him to openly laugh at her misfortune. Even in the pale moonlight she was convinced she could spy the illuminated scales and sharp long face of the demon fish. "Fishin' clearly isn't my forte." she added by way of explanation, waiting to see if he had any questions of her strange request.

Before the silence grew too long she continued, "I can't keep doin' this on my own. If Skoll won't step up, someone has ter." she wouldn't go so far as to ask him to lead by her side, as she had promised her brother that position should he manage to wrest it from Angier, but if someone else managed to beat him there or take it from him, who was she to intervene? The male ranks were not hers to meddle with. Besides, she continued her reasoning aloud, "Even if Skoll did challenge up I'm not sure the rest would stand fer it. I need people I can trust." she left the question unspoken. Could she trust him?

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]