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I walk in five — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Poppin' who has 5 posts.
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Ahkna "Crowfoot" Calor
ahkna calor
[Image: tumblr_nlzaejpD9m1t5cokco1_500.gif]

Finally, the woman reached this place. It wasn't absolutely amazing like her mother described it, but Belladonna had a reoccurrence of making the world seem much more "fairytale" than it really was. Poor Duck, no wonder why the children teased him to the extent they did. Ahkna planned on working with him and overcoming the barrier their mother made for him. But the poor kid didn't know any better, his older siblings were childish in their hazing. @Tauza was jealous and @Staleek thought bullying those with little power was what successful meant. Ahkna scoffed allowed, why was her family so behind. It seemed as though she was the only one with her head on her shoulders. Her father would be tossing in his grave if he knew what was going on. She didn't worship him like her siblings, he was an example of her usage. She didn't need him to create her power, it was all her.

She cried powerfully, her smoky signature howl echoing off the trees and mountains. Mother. It said. Ahkna had no time for long durations of waiting, the woman had a schedule to follow. She intended to make as many connections as possible in a short amount of time. I walk in five. She signaled again.
(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2015, 02:51 AM by Ahkna.)
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
unf ahkna is such a babe.

For own reference, putting this after she joins SW and before she goes back to the other three on the mountain. Hope this fits your timeline c:

So much had happened that Bella found it difficult to process. She had lived the life of a nomad for so many months that the sudden, unexpected change to that status left her fairly stunned. The life of a loner came with its own benefits and drawbacks, but she had been with her children, so the term loner hadn't quite fit. Just... misplaced, wanderers. And now that had come to an end. Sure, it had been her intention when she set off from the mountain, and sure, she was now where Ash lived, but... it wasn't how she had thought things would go. It wasn't where she thought she'd end up, least of all geographically - a wolf born amidst stone, now living in the brambles. It would take some serious getting used to.

She'd manage, Bella thought with a small smile.

Her own agreement to stay with the Woodland wolves, though, was only one part of it. It was with many apologies that she explained that she had to leave again, but only for a day, just to get her children - or at least tell them what had happened, for she couldn't be certain that Snakeroot and Foxglove would follow her as obediently as they had all those months ago. They were growing up faster than she could believe, everyday turning more and more into their father. They'd be fully mature come spring, and would have no need of a mother's protection anymore. They probably hadn't for a while.

The journey had taken her out of the thicket and across the blackberries when a familiar voice cut straight through her train of thought. Immediately her heart surged with excitement, the message undeniable. Her eldest had finally arrived! Simultaneously elated at the prospect of Crowfoot's company and the fact that she was safe and well, Bella hardly needed to alter her course at all, heading for the Cherry orchards which her daughter had summoned her from. Her careful stride turning into an impatient lope, she let her own call loose, eagerly promising that she would be there very soon.

"Crow," she breathed, as soon as the spitting image of her dead mate came into view, but her daughter was elegant where her father had been rough. Most of all, the mother just saw her dearly loved child. Without hesitation Bella moved to embrace the girl, with a kiss to the cheek before she pressed her nose into her daughter's neck, savouring the scent of her. They had all made it, they were all here, she had managed that much.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ahkna "Crowfoot" Calor
ahkna calor
[Image: tumblr_nlzaejpD9m1t5cokco1_500.gif]

Christ she hoped so. The call didn't sound like it came from far away, only a mile or so. Ahkna kept herself busy by leaving her scent in the surrounding area. It was a little flag to say, I was here. A few minutes passed before she could hear her mother crashing through the fallen leaves. Beautiful as always, Belladonna arrived. The mask on her face didn't pass down to Ahkna, all of her genes taking after Wolesh. Clearly out of breath, the woman breathed ghost's name.

"Mother," She smiled, eyes shimmering with a tone of appreciation. "How are you- how are the babes." Ahkna took a step forward, towering over her own mother. Through her cold surface, she really did miss Bella. She was always a positive influence and a good person to talk to. "I'd met someone." She smiled halfheartedly, it was an excuse for her lateness- but Ahkna was not about to apologize.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Clearly it was not so very hard to have missed your parent, or at least have the good grace to pretend at much. Bella almost wanted to cry at her daughter's warm tone, the reunion so very stark in comparison to Snake and Fox. Though it was selfish of her, she dearly regretted giving her consent for them to travel apart, for it had only been an opportunity for them to feed each other's bitterness and ill traits. She knew better than to suggest they were not good for each other, though. They had become even more inseparable since their father's death.

"Better, now you are here," she replied honestly, regarding the girl who had grown up so fast. Bella could so clearly remember her as a child, and yet here they were, with the mother having to look up to meet her daughter's grey gaze. "We all arrived, they made it safely. We've been living on the mountain - the one I told you all about," she clarified, smiling. "You were right, though, it's not the same. I would still love for you to see it." There was plenty of time to explain that her plans had changed, that she'd gone and joined a whole other pack almost by accident, and now had to find out where the other siblings lay on the matter.

But there was more! "You met someone, hm?" Her tone was teasing, for the girl before her was almost too old to be answering to her mother anymore, but it would be a long time before Bella could shed herself of the role. Though Crow had not said as much, Bella instantly assumed she meant a man, and felt her protective maternal feathers fluff up a little. She pointedly glanced beyond her daughter, briefly looking about the area, as if expecting this person who had so distracted Crowfoot to be lurking somewhere, but it was (mostly) a jest. "Did you bring him with you?"
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Poppin' who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ahkna "Crowfoot" Calor
ahkna calor
[Image: tumblr_nlzaejpD9m1t5cokco1_500.gif]

She showered her with appreciation for arriving, a curl on one side of her lip formed. She knew they would all be here, it was mandatory that the needy children held ties with their mother. @Tauza and @Staleek were always holding onto mum's skirt- even though their arms were extended to full length. A lofty sigh softly escaped her, a slight eye roll hinting along the lines of annoyance. Bella provoked her to come and visit, experience the things she did when Ahkna was her age. She groaned internally, if this is what mother asked for; it would be done. "I will sometime soon, I will be lingering around the area. I'll stop by and say hello to Duck. Some training would suit him well." She affirmed with a nod, taking a seat before her mother.

But, Belladonna was not done just yet. She added her piece on the recent news, tone suggesting something of a childish matter. Like she was a child and had grown some affection for an age-mate. She forced herself to smile and pushing the limits of a chuckle, eyes reflecting a different meaning. "He is not. It is a tardy slip really. I grew bored easily.." She said, shrugging the whole thing off. "Have you met anyone of interest?" She asked honestly, brow raising in harmless curiosity. Her mother, out of anybody deserved happiness- but if needed, heads would roll and the blood would be on Ahkna's hands.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health