Dated 10/29 - Clear skies & sunny, noon.
The children perhaps would never know how precious Gent's persistence was. The man was not likely to dole out second chances even when such a thing could benefit him, as the possibility of wasting his time was too much of a threat. Minka's passing especially had given him a taste of his own mortality, a first for the shadow king, making his time all the more precious and risks all the less savory. Yet the children remained an exception to it all. Despite their best efforts to avoid and deny him, Gent refused to give up. There was plenty to this, deeply rooted in emotion, a territory he abhorred exploring, and so he did his best not to contemplate it. He merely acted, weaving them into his routine regardless of whether they accepted his advances or not. Each day he tried, and each day he allowed them their choice without argument, holding out hope that one day it wouldn't be so difficult.
Most of all, he missed the special moments spent with his only princess, his personal little shadow. No longer did she look at him with adoration, something else lingering within her eyes. Sometimes he knew it as fear, other times as confusion or tumultuous indecision. Most often he couldn't place it at all, and it unnerved him. Yet if he could choose only one of them to save, it would be her, and so he tried his damnedest to ignore the unease that consumed him when she was around, trying to act normal as though nothing bad had ever happened to them. So far, this hadn't worked, yet he didn't know what else to try. He had learned swiftly that she didn't want to talk about what had happened, that exposed emotions chased her away faster than anything, and part of him was thankful for this. Gent didn't want to have heart-to-hearts, didn't want to dwell on Minka's memory and the ravenous grief that had taken her place within the pack's heart.
With all this as his motivation, Gent had been tracking her scent for some minutes, a vivid red stone resting upon his tongue. He had discovered it while fishing for an early lunch at the base of the mountain, and was reminded instantly of his little girl's fondness for rocks of all shapes and sizes. Shedding his hunting efforts he had immediately snatched the prize up and set out to find the princess, hoping the gift would entice her to share some of her time with him.
As the king neared her location, he let out a bark, the sound warped as it split around the stone, but its message clear all the same. I have a surprise for you, heart.