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by the look of things — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson
For @Athena! Light snow, 27F, late afternoon.

The snow had come, and winter hadn’t even made itself at home yet. It was the prequel, the preview, the appetizer before the full meal was served, and Kjell knew this one would be just as bitter as the last. That he no longer lived on the side of a mountain meant little to him – now, he was a lone wolf, with only one companion, and they’d have no pack to feed them if they failed to fill their private caches now. Often, he allowed @Bishop to do whatever pleased her, moving out before it was light to complete a hunt, and bring back a small mammal to store with all the others.

For whatever reason, he was hesitant to ask the Lyall woman to actually hunt with him, perhaps afraid the adrenaline and fury that came with a kill would break whatever blossoming bond that was slowly trying to tie them together.

This time, Kjell ended up further north than he had meant to be, stalking a snowshoe hare at peace in the snow. That there was only a scarce inch or two was a boon to the wolf – it did not hinder his movement, and plenty of dead brush remained unburied, making the rabbit’s white pelt obvious against the fifty shades of brown. He only paused long enough after making the kill to clean the blood from his muzzle and one forelimb – once done, he’d be off with his prize, eager to show Bishop how well he’d done.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
And we'll never be royals. It don't run in our blood.

The ivory woman hadn't meant to travel as far as she had, her paws entering the Sacred Grove she had once long ago called home for a while. That had been many years ago, when Rhysis was a friend and Naira was the one she would protect with her life. Now, things were much different. Swift River was no longer here and Athena knew nothing of Naira or Rhysis's location here in the Lore and if she did, there would be not be kind words exchanged. Now as she walked through the flat lands, the lands the once seemed to vibrant beneath the pads of her paws, were unusually lackluster. Perhaps, it was because the legendary Swift River pack no longer resided here. However, the land still held an awe of sacredness within the very core of its soil.

Salmon tongue lapped lightly at the icy waters of the swift river that Corinna's pack had been named after, her thirst momentarily quenched. Taking a deep breath in, her nostrils took in the scent of metallic blood not far from where she stood. Curiosity filled her, as she carefully crossed the river and made her way towards the scent of possibly another meal that could fill her stomach.

As the snow white lady got closer, she could sense the presence of another lupine. His scent not riddled greatly with others, so she assumed him to be lone wolf. Her fiery orb observed him from a distance for a moment, watching him clean his foreleg before she approached him. Letting out a short huff to announce her presence to him, she kept her ivory banner relaxed, swaying as she closed the distance between them. "Quite disheartening to see that winter is already upon us, hm?"

That kind of luxe just ain't for us. We crave a different kind of love.
(This post was last modified: Nov 16, 2015, 03:06 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ace who has 149 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kjell Sørenson

He’d almost completed the cleaning process when another scent filled his nose, not one of copper and earthy musky, but one of wolf. A wolf that wore the fair perfume of a female, but a wolf that also wore the scent of others, mixed with scent of still water and pines – but it was a different sort of pine from the essence Jaysyek wore. It was not cedar, but the cold, sharp scent of the scrub pines that used to grow near Widow’s Peak, but she did not wear the telltale copper, nor the strange scent of lichen. Perhaps most telling, the stranger did not stink like the pair of alphas there, and he had no doubt that Adaar and Hissrad kept their iron grip on the pack atop the mountainous cliffs.

Kjell’s banner above his back as he straightened his form, growing to his full height as he shook his pelt out. He was as clean as he was going to get, clearly. It would be foolish to trust this scarred woman to leave him in peace. If she had any mind to come after his fresh kill, he had little doubt she’d take the chance – her face advertised she’d seen her fair share of skirmishes quite loudly.

“Uh huh,” he agreed easily enough, ears flexing forward to indicate he did not aim to start trouble if she didn’t. “Gotta eat while we can, right, beautiful?” The compliment was tossed with a wink before he asked. “Oi, there’s a pack ‘round these parts? How close?”

As in, how close can I get before I’m in trouble?

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health