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something out there far from my home — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
RE: Skoll, you walk right into a spiderweb.

oh, there's an empty place in my bones

November 5th; Midnight; Overcast; 24 ° F, -4 ° C.

The rolling in of storm clouds had surprised the Archer prince during his nightly walk through the willows. By now their leaves had all fallen to the ground, littering the forest floor with places to lose one's footing and allowing smaller creatures to take refuge in temporary hiding places until the winter winds whipped them all away. Despite being not far from Archer territory (called as such since the royal still had yet to become used to his sister's reign), he strolled past the silent trees with his head high and his tail held out behind him in such a way as to hint at his haughty, yet lonely nature.

Here and there his nose sought out individual scents brought to him on the chilled winds; the breeze barely bit at him through his newly acquired winter coat, though it frustrated him to no end as to render his olfactory senses useless when his nostrils were being threatened by the cold. His nose twitched a final time before he sighed, resorting to merely wonder about what creatures might be out at this hour in the cold and gloom.

Once or twice, he had thought to finally grieve for the loss of Piety, but ultimately he found he could not. He was too proud; and, in his mind, this sort of bereavement was nothing compared to that of, say, his Nonna (in which her death was believed to be unfair to him and his siblings) or his father (in which there was nothing left behind to grieve for). He felt empty - and, for that, he figured it was at least worth a shot to let down his guard.

When he believed himself to be a decent distance from the Ridge, he stopped in his tracks and let his shoulders and tail relax. Even his pale eyes focused on the ground beneath his feet.

When had he come to realize he was all alone?

His mother, it felt like, had always had Angier. Morganna had Renier. His aunt Adele and uncle Nicolo, despite being siblings, needed no one but one another (and, oh, how he had wanted @Morganna to feel the same way and not need the other Lyall at her side). If Skoll had thought to try and reason with himself he might have believed he had @Hecate, but their "relationship" of sorts had only just begun and he was not about ready to go into it all head over heels like he had before.

When he inhaled, he sniffled a little too loudly, and, out of wariness, he began to walk again, this time in search of somewhere to hide so that he might be alone with only his thoughts for company. There was no light to guide him clearly through the forest, though, and before he knew it something skittered across his muzzle with the lightest of touches. This sensation, after a few more steps, tickled at his brow and along the sides of his face before he realized just what he had done. He had walked right through a spider web...

"WHAT THE SH-" his voice boomed through the dark as he lifted his right paw and then his left as to attempt to get the silky near-invisible strings off his face and muzzle. He shook his whole coat out for what could have been a whole five minutes - or an eternity. For good measure he rolled about on the ground, hoping it was enough to assure himself that the spider that had built the web had not also found purchase on his head.

S K O L L | A R C H E R
table by becuffin
i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineva Hervok

The girl was off exploring again, though at this sort of hour she perhaps had given concern to her keepers. Just a bit further, and then I'll turn back, she had assured herself, heedless of the worries that a more sensitive daughter might express. She had found something curious, the traces of what may or may not be a pack, and the proximity to her beloved Caverns gave her reason to pursue the trail. With time she was able to track down the borders within the Willows, though she was careful not to draw too close. The land seemed well established, less like the still subtly novel territory of Grizzly Hollow, and she had to wonder what her parents knew of this curious stranger. Had they been friends? Neutral? Enemies? Had they been the ones to steal their help away? She wondered dearly, not only for the sake of piecing together her past and attempting to understand the tragedy that had befallen her family, but also in anticipation of the future. When she was able to reclaim the Caverns herself, this presence would need to be dealt with. It would be a great relief to her to know of the deep friendship between Narime and Elettra, and perhaps she would have taken measures to avoid the pack rather than pursuing it, but she'd been too young to talk of such things when the time had been available to them all.

Satisfied that she had gathered all the information she could at this time, Nineva curled around, turning her back to the Ridge in order to finally head back home and curl up with Kenelm. Yet before she could make it a step further, a shout ricocheted through the air, immediately alarming her. There was hesitance holding her back as her ears pressed forward, hoping to take in further sound, but all that could be heard was movement. The girl chewed her lip, torn between her own safety and this stranger's, and at last her good will won out.

She was cautious as she trotted near, approaching the man and his thrashing. Distance was kept between them, just in case, as she called out, "Are you okay?"