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something fishy — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Having never been a part of or even a witness of any coordinated hunting, all these instructions seemed mighty complicated to the girl. And, at first she was quite upset at having been left out of the first list of names, not really knowing that there would be more to come. Sahalie was good at chasing. She wasn't really afraid of the fish or the water, just afraid of her pack-mates disobeying the laws and not properly disposing of the fish bones. Her cheeks puffed with displeasure, and her eyes wandered to the other wolves who had been left out. What were they supposed to do, watch like trees? Wait with their mouths open?

Apparently so.

Her frustration was instantly forgotten. This sounded like a Very Important Job. With sparkling eyes the dark girl turned to the grey lady she was starting to overgrow, "You're gunna stand next to me, right, Jessie?" She shot an eager look towards Drestig and Veed, hoping they would take no offense that she was picking Jessie over them. "C'mon~!" she barked, tagging Jessie on the foreleg and bounding over to the edge of the bank. She leaned dangerously over the edge of the water, hoping that this would allow her to see the fish better. Sometimes the water reflection and whatever magic of the river caused angles to get weird. Being over top of the water would probably help. Probably.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Shortly after his own arrival, another joined the group, her sharp voice piping up instantly, drawing a smile from his dark lips. Sahalie seemed to focus most of her attention on Jessie though, and Drestig's was caught by the figure that followed soon after her; Triell...! For a moment the two men's eyes met, their many similarities only making the few differences stand out that much starker. The younger, burlier male stood quietly, posture carefully accommodating to the wolf who was now above him in rank. The situation was surreal, and a touch of panic sparked in the current leader's mind, but then Triell turned his attention to his daughter, and Drestig quickly looked away, feeling slightly breathless. Ember eyes once again settling on the fish, he was able to calm himself, this wouldn't be the day; Wrong time, wrong place…

He did his best to focus on the hunt before them, and this was made easier when Spieden spoke up, having apparently decided that enough time had passed for those interested to show up. Her partner nodded along, differing completely to her on this one, she clearly knew what she was doing, and he, frankly, had no idea. She directed them to the water in two groups, one to chase and one to catch; Not that different from a land hunt after all… The silver-tipped lad smiled crookedly, looking at those who had been grouped with him; The CATCHERS… Briefly, he mused over the fact that it was usually opposite, the lither wolves would give chase while the brutes waited in ambush. Then he turned to the task, starting to move towards the appointed space by the water.

First he looked to Sahalie, but as she seemed intent on sticking with Jessie, he looked over at the pale young male, standing in the water a ways down; "Veed right?" He called, enjoying the fact that he didn't need to keep quiet; Though he kept his voice at a decent volume. "Come on over here boy, and let's see if we can't figure this out!" His eyes twinkled with delight, eager for the challenge of this new type of hunt. Looking at the young lad, whom he had yet to talk properly with, he asked jovially: "You have any experience with this?"

Word count: 382

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Nov 15, 2015, 11:32 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She was silent, her manner only changing when Sahalie arrived. From what Jessie could understand, the child endured a hard childhood. While the gray scout had been mentally unstable during this time, she had already missed the first months of the child’s life. It had not been that long ago that Sahalie had curled up into their side and they had cuddled together. Now, it looked as if it would be any day before the pup would pass her up. As she turned to face the greeting of the young girl, Jessie’s hard eyes softened and her lips peeled up into a half smile. While the Tainn had succeeded in staying clear of the pups ever since the Rissa incident, there was a trait about Sahalie that made Jessie want to protect the child. Jessie responded softly in a similar greeting and then turned her attention to the others that would be arriving soon. The only other presence that truly made her turn her gaze was that of Drestig. They locked eyes only for a moment and Jessie returned the smile, her eyes still soft from having gazed upon Sahalie. Next to arrive was Triell, but before she could mutter a greeting to him, Sahalie’s concern reached her ears. Spieden and Triell were quick to respond and Jessie made sure she added her own tid-bit in, ”Yes, of course we’ll be careful.” The widowed Tainn had to remind herself that Sahalie had never been fishing before and the last time she had gone was when Ice had been with her. He didn’t like water either.

Before anyone could say anything else, Spieden launched into her plan. While Jessie would have preferred to be a chaser, she acknowledged that the water was much deeper here and it would benefit the pack more for her to catch their prey. This was the only reason she remained silent. The child’s voice, was again, pipped up beside her. Emerald eyes turned towards Sahalie once more and answered her in a soft tone, ”Of course, dear.” She hadn’t used any endearing terms since Hotei’s death. Her ears twitched slightly at the sound of the word rolling off her tongue once again. However, she didn’t think on it long, she had a job to do and her personal feelings were not going to get in the way of that.

When the cue came from Spieden for them to begin, Jessie stuck close to Sahalie’s side. The pepper-and-salt colored woman briefly looked over towards Drestig, pleased to see that he was partnering up with the other wolf mentioned, Veed. Sahalie and Jessie trotted towards the edge and the water and the experienced Huntress and Scout was quick to wade into the shallows looking back towards where the child was hanging off of the edge. A small smile formed on Jessie’s lips at the sight and she was quick to try to correct the girl, ”It’ll be easier for you to grab a fish if you’re in the water. Then when you grab it and it stops moving, you can toss it to the shore so we can collect them later.” Her tail wagged behind her as she explained the process, her emerald eyes alight with a bit of excitement. It had been quite some time since she had participated in a hunt with the pack and it was long since time that she remedy that.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by TABs who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Víðarr Eyjólfur

Lot's of wolves began to arrive after Vidarr. He simply stood there in the shallows dripping dry as the other wolves answered the summons of their alpha female. Veed appropriately lowered his head to all who came in spare for Sahalie. To her he waved his tail in a happy fashion before uttering three "woofs" in hello then splashing out of the water and onto the bank. He shook himself hard trying to dry his slick coat before turning to listen to the others. A goofy smile lit upon his face because the white wolf was excited about meeting everyone for the first time.

He turns to look at each wolf Spieden addresses eager to learn of their names then nods enthusiastically as the dark she wolf gives him a job to do. He moves to take a position a bout five and a half feet downstream from both Jessie and Sahalie then looks to Drestig excitedly.

"Me mum's pack lived on a beach and caught fish to eat all the time. This is different though, there's so li'l water here."

He answered Drestig as the confidence began to drain out from the white wolf's face. His head yanked around to listen as another she wolf, the one called Jessie began to speak and explain the hunt to them. He nods firmly surprised at how easy it sounded. On the beach The wolves had to chase the fish through the shallows to catch anything that wasn't dying near the shore. Usually they would get lucky and find some sea creature dead and dying on the sand to eat, but Vidarr was used to fishing to say the least.

He got into position as Jessie had instructed them to then stood there waiting for a fish to come close.

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 01:32 AM by Veed.)
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

A smile lit the yearlings expression as Spieden went over the big plan. The last time Oak Tree Bend had united together to participate in any sort of exciting or positive activity, he'd been too young to get involved. Glancing around at his surrounding company, the prince couldn't help but bask in awe of how much he'd grown since then. Yes, Darrah was finally big enough.. Adult enough, to be of use to them. "Got it!" The male cackled lightly, almost bouncing in enthusiasm.

As Darrah waited for the fun to start, he couldn't help but admire the faces that surrounded him. Had the male ever been in positive company with his favorite wolves all together like this before? He couldn't quite remember, but it was definitely unlikely. 'Anneliese, Dad, and Spieden, huh? I don't think I'd have it any other way.' A warmer smile placed upon his lips now as he found a comfortable spot near Triell. Their size had been much more comparable now than ever, something he'd make sure to take note of for further conversation. The boy loved to brag. "I'm glad you're back, dad..." He whispered before playfully nudging the man to follow their alpha.

I curse the blue skies.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
It was extremely odd he was not considered Leader in this group, the same time would Triell really acted any different? No, he would still be care free, easy going, and hoping everyone would simply enjoy themselves instead of worrying about positions.

Pointed ears twitched, briefly shifting his gaze between Spieden, Darrah, and Anneliese. He understood, and gave a nod. He found nothing wrong with her strategy, and Sahalie seemed comforted by the fact  where she would be. A bit exited too. Triell could only grin, as she insisted Jessie be beside her. It would be good for the scout and youth. Why this stream shouldn't give him worry, it was nice to see her Aunt would watch out for her.

The nicest thing was Darrah by his side, they would have to spar now he was home again. They hadn't done so much, not since the boy was little. If he wanted to be a Guardian, it would be a good idea. It was the hushed words his son shared that made his heart swell. Made him feel he hadn't done so wrong with his life. He only chuckled, chasing after his dark tail soon finding himself in between Spieden, and Darrah, chest high in water. It sure felt like home, that the world was right. He waited for the Coho's signal and then began to move in stride with the other chasers.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
Next round!

Everyone seemed to understand their role, and with that Spieden turned to walk along downstream with Anneliese and the two Tainn men. Spieden took point as she carefully waded into the water, the cool current tugging against her limbs as she steadily submerged, but it was unable to disrupt her firm footing along the pebbly riverbed. Occasionally she would glance towards the pack up on the shore, or the wolves at her shoulder to make sure everyone was where they should be, or that no cubs were drifting away, but mostly she kept her eye on the water. The red shimmering bodies agilely glided out of her way with a flick of a fin, but these stragglers were not her concern. She trudged deeper, until her belly was submerged, her tail held steady with her body to keep it out of the water, skimming the surface with each wag.  

As she predicted, the fish congregated towards the deeper channels, vying for mates or building redds to lay their eggs in. Little did they know they would soon be disrupted. Spieden stopped, looking side to side and meeting the eyes of her "chasers". "Alright guys, fan out and we'll start herding them up." She said, before barking at the wolves upstream to alert them to be ready.

Shifting her weight forward Spieden pushed against the flow, feet lifting high and splashing down as she began to move upstream. Though they could not hear her, the fishes knew she was coming. Along each fish's flank, the sensitive lateral line felt the vibration of paws thudding fast along on the riverbed, the shifting of the current as the wolves surged through the water towards them. As one the salmon moved at once, some scattering out of the way but many fleeing straight ahead.

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2016, 07:15 PM by Spieden.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

An amused chuff escaped him as he followed the pale youth to the water, an easy smile curling his lips; "More than me, then." His ears waved, eyes twinkling merrily. The water lapped coldly against his paws as he stepped out into the shallows of the river, ears folding back as he heard Jessie's voice, patiently explaining the fishing technique to Sahalie. He saw Veed's attention shift to the scout, and Drestig too turned his head, smile growing warmer as he saw the glint of life in his salt and pepper mentor. He listened intently, nodding to himself at the short instructions, then turned back to the white lad, who was already positioning himself to prepare for the hunt. A glance further downstream showed that the chasers were already in the water, Spieden at the front, making ready to drive the fish towards the shore. Drestig steeled himself, standing with his legs squared on the riverbed, eyes on the water.

A woof sounded as signal to begin, and soon the water was rippling wildly as the group of larger wolves started prowling through it, and the fish began to splash frantically to escape. "Here they come!" The raven male barked, casting a last glance at the pack mates by his side, before throwing himself into the hunt. All around him, the water foamed white and turquoise, glimmers of cardinal red revealing the salmon scuttling underneath. With a deep breath, the Avalon filled his lunges with air, before snapping out at the fish, attempting to gain a hold on the slippery bodies. It wasn't exactly easy though, as the creatures were agile and quick even in the shallow water. But after a few tries, he managed to grab hold of a scaled tail, digging his teeth into the salty flesh, while the large animal writhed back and forth, attempting escape; Damn strong buggers! He snarled, tugging at the fish to try and drag it out of the water, even as he felt it beginning to sleep between his teeth.

Word count: 338

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2016, 04:05 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Small powerplay??? let me know if it's not alright and the wolves would have attended to Sahalie's babyishness xD
Jessie was explaining the best way to catch fish, and Sahalie's jaws hung open. "Wow Jessie, you're so smart!" Sahalie wouldn't have thought of that. She wasn't the most logical, not like @Kyna. She took a deep breath to still her excitement, and stepped into the water. More than anything she would have liked to jump into the water and splash a lot — because, really, up until now that had been the only use of rivers. This was business though, she had to be serious.

Downstream she saw her father, elder brother, and Spieden begin the charge. Beyond her, somewhere to her left, she head Drestig's excited call. She braced herself, unsure of what to do. The water, which had been more or less the average river before — churning but otherwise smooth— begun to grow wild and splashy as the unseen fish began to thrash towards her.

She heard the water tear and saw a bright flash of water against scales as a fish leapt up out of the water in fright. Instinctively she opened her jaws, but it ripped right passed her, smacking her in the muzzle with it's surprisingly strong back half. "Ow!" she cried, immediately looking to Jessie for some kind of comfort. But the other wolves were all occupied with their duties. But the throbbing was quickly fading and she realized, maybe, that she wasn't really hurt at all. 

With renewed determination, she held her mouth open waiting for the next fish. 

Another shimmering, rainbowed shape hovered somewhere off to her left. She lunged forward and felt her teeth sink into the strange, scaled meat. With all her might she chucked in back towards the bank. Not wanting to see whether or not she had failed again, the girl turned back to her task, jaws open once more, waiting for the fish.
(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2016, 12:23 AM by Sahalie.)
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Sahalie’s attention to her words made her shift uncomfortably and Jessie found herself longing for one of Drestig’s half-assed comments about how obvious it should have been. To her, it was the perfectly logical thing to do, and the widowed Tainn had to once again remind herself that teaching was about being confident in what she was teaching about. It wasn’t long before Spieden’s call alerted them of what was to come. Jessie’s body was alert in what was to come and her eyes watched in anticipation, scanning the water attentively.

It wasn’t long before a line of fish made their way before her. The fluid in her ears blocked out the noise of everything else, including Sahalie’s outcry. It was almost out of instinct that her jaws sunk into the flesh of the fish and her head pulled back out of the water to throw the fish towards the shore. No doubt, the prey was flailing along the shore, either soon to be dead, or it would be short and would fall back into the shore. Either way, she plunged back into the water, being sure to repeat the process many times over until she was sure that there was little chance of any fish coming her way. Shaking herself, she turned to look at the progress of others, specifically Sahalie.

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]