She had never paid the Marsh much mind, if gathering was to be done, Elettra usually did so herself - taking the opportunity to catch up with Narime no doubt while Morganna relished the opportunity to travel further afield and avoid the Thorben brood. Now though, there were no Caverns wolves to come snooping around, and the destruction left in the wake of the swine had her on edge. What if everything beyond their own borders was a barren battlefield of ruts and wallows? Would their meagre store of herbs they had gathered be the last they ever collected?
With the sun low on the horizon she could assume Skoll would soon be rising to handle things in her absence (although she could only hope tonight was not the night he decided to push his luck with Angier again). Leadership was starting to chafe, the borders rising like a wall around her that seemed smaller on every pass. She needed this short breath of fresh air. A chance to stretch her legs, disguised as a reconnaissance run.
She picked her way carefully across the slushy marsh, mindful that the shallow dusting of snow could conceal a watery death if she didn't watch her step. She was so focused on where she was placing her feet, the air so full of wet earthy smells, she wouldn't notice another approaching unless they called out first. It wasn't enough to deter her as she continued her journey north, and west, towards the setting sun.