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Serpentine tongue — Broken Timber Pines 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
For the lovely @Iopah, who doesn't love the threads these two have?!

RE: The nearby plants sparkle with autumn frost.

He exhaled the breath he'd been holding deeply, pushing his round ears down to his square head as tightly as he could in anticipation for the freezing wind that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. His eyes were locked on the substance falling a few feet ahead of him, collecting in small white piles just inches from the carved out entrance of the den he shared with his wife and two lovely daughters. This would be their first real winter, one in which they would be able to participate instead of relying on the abilities of their parents for food and safety--eventually both girls would require their own den. He envied how quickly they had grown, as if time were slipping away from him, but to see them nearing their first year pleased him even more, and he hoped to continue the tradition once more with Iopah the upcoming season.

He inhaled sharply, yawning with a wide stretch before turning toward his wife who had joined him in taking the first day off in months of patrolling their heavily scented borders. It seemed liked ages ago since they had time to themselves, and he was certain that it would get shorter with each child their reared together, but it was almost a coincidence that neither of them had important matters to finish with a member from the neighboring land, a loner, or those of the pack. For once, they had the luxury of simply enjoying each other. " I never thought I'd miss the sight of snow..." his voice was low, in hopes of not disturbing one of the girls as he turned his head in the direction he expected his wife to be curled up in. "what about you?" it was an innocent enough question he supposed.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Koda, I do! I <3 them so much!

It was quiet and soft as she slept; a peaceful autumn day dawning before her closed lids. She felt him shift against her and resisted the urge to do the same. It was still early -neither daughter was awake yet- and she simply hummed back lowly, trying to convince him back to sleep. He quieted for a moment and she listened to him, ears curving delicately towards him. Koda was her counterpart and every part of her constantly revolved around him. She would be lost and drifting without him.

For a moment the quiet held; her waiting and him watching the snow. Koda's low words made a smile curl her lips and she nudged him endearingly before finally opening golden eyes. She shifted, carefully shimmying closer to watch the falling snow alongside him. The morning was glorious, every frosted surface reflected the light and their breaths were delicate clouds of white. Iopah watched the scenery for a moment before playfully turning to him.

"Almost," She crooned back, leaning gently into him. Just like everything else, there was an edge of danger to the weather's beauty. But everything beautiful was worth the risk to experience it and this winter would be no different. Tucked up next to her husband, she watched the sparkle of frost without a drop of uncertainty or hesitation. "I suppose," She murmured, giving a sly glance. "It is worth enduring for this coming spring."

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Iopah so much for spreeing with you. If it isn't one thing it's another, I believe I have a head cold ><

His eyes were lost in the golden hue of his wife and a warm smile crossed his thin lips almost immediately. It seemed like forever since he spent time with Iopah, their duties often kept them on opposite sides of the pack unless there was a mandatory meeting or the event that had ensued with the young dark thief. The fire that burned in her eyes often kept him going, and he had begun to see that same fire in the eyes of his growing daughters too. The smile that formed on his lips left as he yawned a second time, stretching his aging muscles and bones that had begun to ache since the onset of winter. They were growing older but he was content with where he was--he was home, in his home, with his family.

"I'm anxious. We've gotten smaller, and I'm starting to question the loyalty of those who remain." he leaned into Iopah, his support system, his rock and sighed deeply. This upcoming winter will possibly bring in groups of loners in search of relief from the cold and he had become weary, not trusting anyone who attempted to join them. He wondered if Camio and Inkheart would be returning, and what would happen to their growing children, only time would tell for now. "the spring will bring more pups, but we're in dire need of healthy adults. They've become so few and far between and we need so much more for this pack, we need help..." he hated feeling so weak and vulnerable but with Iopah he was free to feel what ever emotions he pleased.

(This post was last modified: Nov 16, 2015, 01:01 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Koda that's ok, xD I write slow enough as it is!

She turned from the sparkling frost to him. It was clear they had different thoughts on their mind. While she had been watching the snow and worrying over the coming winter, he had been watching the snow and worrying over what would happen to them as the seasons ticked by. He had always been the far-thinking one. Iopah sighed heavily, and then glanced over her shoulders quickly to make sure neither sleeping daughter had heard.

"They are loyal," She hummed softly back, though even she could admit to some concern. "But there is not enough of us."

They could guess and wonder at what had happened to the missing members, but they would still be missing - the reason wouldn't matter any. Her head curved over his ashy-gray shoulder when he leaned into her. She felt his sigh and empathized, nudging her nose deep into the plush of his coat. This past spring had been worrisome for the first-mother, and she had not forgotten their newly-born loss. If they could have prevented it? If they do something to prevent it happening again?

Again she sighed, frustration staining the sound this time. "I can't imagine there are many that would help us." She feared for how badly the bridges had been burnt and how long those wolves would hold onto to old insults - as if they had nothing better to do with their time and energies. "Where would we ask?"

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Iopah don't take offense to my description of Iopah. Koda is under the impression that she has put too much faith in the ladies who stayed behind, and he questions their loyal because of their mate... :D I'm also being vague about the visit him and Zia had to OTB since its still in progress.

Of the two leaders, Koda seemed to be the most hard to understand. He worried constantly, over analyzed any situation, and cared way too much for the feelings of others to hurt them without just cause, but Iopah, she was the ying to his yang, his opposite, and it was her that kept his rational side completely balanced. He hadn't quite figured out if his wife reacted off of primitive instinct or pure feelings but there had been times when he wondered whether she thought of the pack in the same light that he did. There had been times, on two occasions to be exact, when the wolves who had vowed their loyalty had lied and without a reason disappeared from the land. Disappearing in that way was the perfect way to eliminate his trust. He would sense that Iopah was still expecting them to return to them, while Koda had long ago considered them dead; it was their most viable reason. While in their absence his trust for their mates had begun to diminish as well, expecting them to leave on the same note that their significant others had--thus far he had been wrong, but winter hadn't made its full impact yet.

When she mentioned their loyalty Koda simply nodded his head, a soft "uh huh" left his mouth as he fell in deep thought over their small numbers and just what they were going to do. What could they do, other packs in the area were already well established and the wolves they had were probably more loyal, trusting their leader since its founding. He still had many more moons to go, and already his pale coat was growing lighter, "We haven't exactly been outside of the borders enough to be sure who could help us, at least I haven't..." he had become quite the hermit, but that was never an excuse, he needed to get to know the neighbors and there was no better time then now. "I'm not sure what my visit to Oak Tree Bend did, I'm hoping that they are willing to create an alliance, a place where we can go just in case... he shuddered at the thought of disbanding his home, and the sadness that would overcome his growing girls, "We need to ask more packs, get our name out there. Not enough packs know that we are here." he grew silent, searching Iopah's face in thought. They didn't necessarily have the numbers to send any on a scouting trip... 

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 11:27 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
It's all good! xD My Iopah-muse made a huff, but honestly I sometimes wonder the same thing about her myself...

Quiet spread, broken only by the soft cracks of thawing frost outside their den. She affectionately pressed the pale bridge of her muzzle under Koda's chin at the brief response, offering patience as he thought deeper on it.

It was true that the leading pair needed to make an effort to meet their new neighbors, but it wasn't an idea that struck much resonance with Iopah. She had been raised in antagonistic and territorial environment - even now she still tended towards keeping distance if possible, and launched swiftly into the offensive if not. It was a paradoxical concept, this making-of-friends-with-unfamiliar packs, to the Barberi-born wolf. She hummed low as his words started up, tone almost apologetic; there was no question she hadn't exactly helped the current situation.

"And I've met some of them too." The conversations had been little more than current events, but they had been amiable and that should've counted for something. "@Jessie's blunt, but honest." From anyone else that statement would not have been the compliment it was. Flowery, empty words were more than useless; they were an insult. She watched Koda's face as he spoke, closely following each word and expression. He finished speaking and she continued to study his face, eyes flickering as she worked to puzzle out his final thought. She knew the same things he did; the pack was small and couldn't spare many members on such a long trip. The gold eyes moved faster, now alarmed, as the pieces began to fall into place. There was only one who had the restraint and ability to convince with so many... and it wasn't her.

Iopah drew back in shock; ears flat to her skull, voice struggling and trembling to stay quiet. "No!" The muffled outburst was followed by a flinch, remembering the @Ember and Bracken. "You don't have to. I don't want you to go." She touched his nose with hers and whispered, "What if... what if something happens to you?"

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier

And I've met some of them too, He'd expected as much, his activity in the pack had become lackluster at best since the death of his son nearly 7 months ago and each day he beat himself up over it, but his attitude had been repaired since then and he was prepared to begin his travels through Relic Lore in search of those who still respected his friendship. He was also determined to build new relationships with the packs that shared the Eastern land with him. He knew that traveling this late in the year was risky, in fact he was tempted to send another on the trip instead with hopes that they would find their way back, but that was a request he could not bother to ask another, he felt most equipped to represent the Broken Timber Pines pack and knew that his home would be left in relatively safe hands. He trusted that their borders were still heavily scented with the stench of his own musk and he had every intention of returning well before the smell grew stale.

Iopah mentioned a name, Jessie, and he nodded quickly attempting to remember a name that sounded so vaguely familiar--he was certain that a Jessie had been present during the recent visit to Oak Tree Bend. It was only when his wife went on to request that he not leave the packland that he finally found the urge to speak, it was a reasonable request and under normal circumstances the pale male would fulfill it but there was no way that he could sit around any longer while his pack needed him. He knew that without this travel the pack could teeter on a delicate balance of remaining on these lands. "I have never deserted you before and I won't now Iopah. I will return to you, and in one piece." he couldn't quite guarantee that he wouldn't sustain injury while on this travel but he was sure that if he were careful enough, and used sound judgment, he would be okay.

"It only makes sense that one of us has to leave, and the girls would fair better in your care then mine. The trip should not take longer then a few weeks at most." he estimated his total time gone from the pack to be a month at most. He had a lot of ground to cover and a lot of catching up to do. "just promise me that if anything happens, and I do not return on time, that you will not give up searching for me." he would make it his priority to return to them, only a freak accident could keep him frim returning home to his family.

(This post was last modified: Dec 05, 2015, 04:06 PM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Koda! I figure we could use the moon to keep track of the month? just say the full moon happens on whatever day he leaves, and they can each keep track of the days that way?

She didn't know if her outburst had woken either daughter and, as Koda began speaking, she didn't spare attention to checking. His promise eased the worry, but did not remove it completely. Her eyes followed his every slightly movement, watching as he continued his proposal.

His deserting them was not what she worried over, and Iopah bit her lip, wondering if that's what he thought of her faith in him. She inched forward, longing to interrupt and the question heavy in her chest. Finally the chance came and she fixed him a heartfelt expression. "I know you would never-" She couldn't even finish the statement and felt ashamed at trying to. Of course she knew he would never forsake her! "I would never think that, just... " Her nose tenderly ran the length of his muzzle. "We have enemies over there and I'll worry when you're away." Somehow, just like that it had been decided - her own words had sealed the decision.

Somehow the air felt a little cooler for the decision. A plumed tail curled over her ivory forepaws. "We'll be okay here." The pups were old enough to look after themselves and soon would start hunting with the adults, they would manage without him. "If you are not back by the next full moon I will search for you." And never stop if the unthinkable should happen. "Where will you travel to first?"

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier

His bond with Iopah was inseparable, her trusted her as she did him; they had sacrificed everything today. There was no turning back now, and Koda had no desire to be anywhere else but with his wife, his family and his friends, but he knew that the pack needed this. The balance of their packs survival depended on this, but that didn't mean he was eager to leave. He would first have to mentally prepare himself for the trip, knowing that miles would eventually separate him from his girls, but it was a temporary departure that could easily be explained once he returned.  "My travels would not send me toward the Western end, I have no desire to set foot that far..." she was correct to worry about their enemies, they were still out there with a thirst for vengeance and pain but Koda knew these lands well and would be sure to leave the allies of Secret Woodlands to their own devices--they were of no use to Broken Timber Pines.


When she confirmed the worry he had been feeling regarding his departure, assuring him that she would never give up, he leaned into her to lick affectionately at the bridge of her nose before touching his nose to her chest with a soft grunt. She was his everything and he was confident that she would always be there for him. He pulled back when she asked him where he would stop first and his eyes searched her in thought. He hadn't quite planned his trip out yet, but he had interest in the packs surrounding them, they would be their closest allies. Thoughts of Willow Ridge had also crossed his mind and he wondered if he could venture to them without losing days on his return, only time would tell. "I would hope to visit the further reaches of the East, perhaps the Southern end as well." his response was broad but he hoped that Iopah could understand that he did not wish to worry her. "I hope to visit @Elettra as well," he'd been worrying over her since last Spring, and only hoped the matriarch was fairing well this upcoming year.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity