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another day, another destiny — Poison Path 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
Detective work with @Wren!
Mid-morning, moderate snow, 36F.


Perhaps it was the unusual silence that often accompanied a snowfall, but Kyna slept far beyond her usual hour, tucked comfortably into her warm nest long after anyone else had departed the familial den. When she pried open her firebrand eyes, she was met by a flurry of white right outside the opening. For a moment, she thought it her father, or maybe @Takis, but it was no wolf at all. Curiosity seized her heart and the girl scrambled forward, almost falling over her large feet in her rush to get out the front door. As the cold flakes fell on her nose, she realized it was falling from the sky, like the rain, but it was gentle, and cold. Unable to help her small bark of delight, the young girl pranced about excitedly, snapping her jaws at the falling snow for several minutes all on her own. Her breath found a small halo around her golden crown before she realized this would be much more fun with a friend.

After a moment, she slowly to a stop, her paws square beneath her as she considered whom to call. @Greer was entirely too far away to summon up the hill, which left the other cubs living within the realm of Silent Moon Plateau. Following more contemplation, she lifted up her agouti muzzle, laughing softly as the snowflakes tickled her whiskers. Her soft voice followed soon after, a howl far less urgent, and far easier to miss, than it was when the wolverines had made an attempt on the pack’s caches. “Wren!” she called into the gentle wind, her voice like musical notes dancing among the falling flakes. “Wren! Come see!”

It occurred to her after her howl had stopped that the boy was likely already awake, perhaps frolicking elsewhere in the territory. He had a sister, after all, and between the two of them were liable to have been awake already – so why hadn’t anyone come to get her and share the magical weather with her? Kyna might have been put out, if the discovery hadn’t been so satisfying on her own. She waited for a bit until her friend joined her, and he was greeted with bright sunrise eyes and a hearty wag of her tail, unspoken language talking where her words did not.

Once they were close enough, she offered a bump of her nose to his, not wishing to raise her voice. When they were beside each other, she would speak, far less nervous than the first time they met. Upon originally seeing the snow, she thought they might go out to play, but in waiting had observed something very curious… “Want to look for Ace?” she asked, voice low as she glanced over her own shoulder, where she had walked only moments ago. Fresh paw prints sat in the white blanket of snow. “There are more, I bet. Do I follow where it goes?” A scuttlebutt would suggest there was a lone male lurking about the mountainside – who was to say it wasn’t Wren’s missing father? They could follow the paths down, and perhaps this day they would return victorious!

Played by Namara who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Kyna Ahhh, so sorry this took so long >.>

Wren had risen early that day, finding the colder weather detrimental to how much he could actively sleep. Unlike Kyna, he was incredibly confused when it came to the soft flakes falling from the sky that melted into his fur when they landed on him, so he went to look around for either Maeve or Kyna. Truth be told, he did love his sister… but she wasn’t the sister he knew or remembered. Something had happened when their mom had died and their dad had left… je just couldn’t place what had happened with something. It was then that he heard the call from his friend and his paws took off through the white fluff that had landed on the ground.

When he ran towards her, and she came into his line of sight, he stopped suddenly, causing him to slide with a gigantic laugh as he travelled a few more feet. “Hi Kyna!” Okay, maybe he was warming up to the snow after that! He could turn that into a game. He looked expectantly towards Kyna as she asked a question that really caught his attention, causing the tip of his head. Look for his father? He shook his head with a soft grin. “Do ya think that one of these tracks could be his, Kyna?” He asked curiously as he poked his nose around them all.

[Image: h2SdTgd.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer



Her slender tail swung behind her wildly, quite impressed with her friend’s new trick as he went sliding across the slippery surface of the snow. What a fun game! @Wren was so very clever. Perhaps later they could have a little challenge, she thought, peering down at the fluffy blanket with an amused smile. More and more ways to play were appearing by the moment – the Argyris girl couldn’t remember having quite so much fun in her entire life. But as much as she fancied the idea of a game just now, the fresh tracks were a little too enticing.

If it were Aponi, she’d want to look immediately. So of course, she simply muse assist her friend!

The tracks were big, too big to be the wraith she thought. Unfortunately, they didn’t smell like much beyond the chill of snow and mountain air, but even if they did, the young child had no idea what Wren’s father should actually smell like. All they had were prints – prints rapidly disappearing under fresh flakes as they couldn’t to fall. “I don’t know,” she admitted with a shrug of slender shoulders, glancing from his gaze back to the trail she had found. “But there is only one way to find out, isn’t there?”