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burning the midnight down — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Ghost who has 2 posts.
Elisavaeta Leigh
@Nalda @Kjors

The intimidating hills were not a place that she should be, not that Elisavaeta completely understood the danger that she was coming upon. The cataracts that clouded her eyes also clouded her vision and distorted the sharp peaks into more rounded slops, like an extremely large hill. Still only present at its base the older fae had taken home within a crevice just large enough to fit her waif like frame. It had been only a night that she had taken shelter within its depths, the snow driving her for shelter. Now though as she stood blank faced staring out over the landscape the blanket of white, her eyes unable to focus enough to make out the way the sunlight sparkled on the crystalline surface.  The cold was moderate given the time of year but it was still enough to make her hip ache in a nagging way that would be in the back of her mind every second she was awake.

It seemed she would be stuck here for some time, not that she minded. Her gift had not warned her of the demon's presence in nearly a week so she would be safe here, at least for the time being. Closing her clouded eyes Elisavaeta lifted her greying muzzle to the sky so she could absorb the warmth of the sun's rays.  From behind her lids there was only a welcome redness of closed eyes until slowly it faded to white. Like the surface she had seen before but now much clearer, a memory of what snow had looked like before her eyes had betrayed her, slowly being imprinted with paws of an invisible wolf. Tawny eyelids fluttered open again for a moment but no one could be seen. Allowing her eyes to softly close once more she murmured,  ”Come out my dear, you cannot hide from my gift.” Though for all she knew her gift could be warning her of something else, or nothing at all. As she aged the visions had become stronger and less predictable, often betraying her and tricking her into actions she should have never even pondered and yet she did them. Her blessing was laced with a curse that she could not escape from.

SenshiStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2015, 01:23 AM by Elisavaeta.)
Played by Emma who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Noble Lagina

The danger was clearly visible to the dark yearling. Noble's golden eyes scanned the hills, stance impassive as her gaze flitted over the peaks and dips. They were nothing compared to the steep slopes that had kept her from her family and she was nothing like the unfortunate pup that had slide down them last winter. Times had changed and Noble was not impressed by the Sierra Hills.

No, she was far more interested in the figure crossing them.

They appeared to be in no hurry and seemed to be unaware of how poorly they blended with the landscape. A salmon-tinted tongue hungrily wet her lips. Their disadvantage was a plus in the younger woman's favor. Just like with Duckweed, it would be easy to steal from this woman. She simply had to wait for the woman to acquire something worth stealing, something edible. In no particular hurry, Noble followed Elisavaeta.

The assumed game of cat and mouse continued for some time. Noble paused when the older woman did, ears flicking forward as she was unexpectedly addressed. It was soft-spoken, but still an order. The teenager Noble rebelled, allowing a low snicker to reach the elder as she sat down. "You haven't got anything, I'm fine right where I am."

"And I'm not anyone's 'dear', old lady."

[Image: ROWtwloha2015-btd.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Ghost who has 2 posts.
Elisavaeta Leigh

The chuckle was enough to give away where her company was, and she should have seen them all along given how her dark coat stuck out like a sore thumb against the snow. Slowly her neck twisted until the blurred grey eyes stared directly at the young one, more of a dark outline of a wolf against the ice. She could see well enough to tell it was a wolf, but any distinct features were well beyond her grasp. Instead she relied on her nose which after twitching several times told her that this was indeed a fae and she was probably alone. Instead of the musk of other wolves she smelled of the wild just as her old bones did.

After several moments of just staring in silence at Noble the woman's maw broke out into a wide grin. Her teeth visibly shown in some sort of demented smile she burst out into laughter that shook her withered frame. After almost a full minute of racking laughter that echoed off the stony peaks above them, bouncing back like they were surrounded by a deranged hyena she silenced again.

Blinking a few times Elisavaeta tilted her head slightly to the right as she contemplated the youth before her once more. Unknown to the elder she had once had a niece who occupied land not too far from here who possessed the same habit when she thought strongly, a niece who was a mother to the wolf before her. Then she smiled once more, ”Oh no little raven, not a gift you can see, not with your eyes. Mine however.... Well I can see things that you could only dream of. Things even the stars wish that they could see.” Casting her muzzle upwards for effect the grey eyes stayed trained on the dark form hoping she would take the bait. Elisavaeta was very hungry after all.

SenshiStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief