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the only thing you talk about — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Rory I was trying to meet in the middle of her last location (Darkwater Rapids) and Willow Ridge, so hopefully this works :) <3

Moving with expert precision, the shadow stalked through Relic Lore, searching for something he had not seen yet. The young assassin was constantly thirsty—and the only thing that quenched this particular thirst was to discover more of the lands he called home. No matter how far he would venture Greer always made sure he returned home. His littermates were both missing and the last thing he wanted to do was make his mother worry even more, especially when she had a new brood to take care of.

As always, he had left before the sun started to make its climb. The air was crisp with the arrival of fall; dew clung to his dark fur as he streaked through the trees. As comforting as the cooler temperatures were, it also meant that winter would be on its way soon. The thought sent a shiver down his spine and a grimace to fall upon his dark lips as he ran. Snow was not something the shadow was particularly fond of—the nasty substance had almost claimed his life last year. He was smarter and more observant now than he had been as a pup, but the snow was still … annoying.

Once the sound of water reached his ears Greer’s course changed—he had always been fascinated by all the watering holes of Relic Lore. A favourite spot that the boy often frequented was the lagoon and its still, shimmering surface.

It did not take long for the shadow to close the distance between himself and the water source. His long legs carried him quickly through the foliage until there was a break in the trees. The falls thundered before him as he approached the small pool, his mercury eyes widening as the water sprayed his dark coat. It was nothing like the serene atmosphere the lagoon provided, but it still offered its own unique tranquility (even with all the noise). Ignoring the fact that others could be lurking nearby, the shadow folded his hindquarters against the ground, almost transfixed by the rushing water before him. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Greer  Sorry for the wait love!
The sound of the pecking woodpecker made her stir as she slept beneath the dim rays of the sun, the lulling sound of crashing water had sent her off to sleep as she drowsily she watched the ever anxious @Noble go about her business; the woman was elusive and secretive but thus far, she always came back. It was risky staying here, Rory knew this, but she remained despite the lingering threat of the Timber Pine wolves nearby, it felt safe and the food that she was able to scavenge from was abundant. The company of the dark woman Noble was a reward in itself and though there were nights that she did not return until the next morning, she could sense that she had found a traveling partner in the young thief and this made her happy, being alone had long ago grown boring and she craved the attention of another. She could not be sure how long Noble would be at her side but she relished the woman's company for as long as she could--any minute, the dark girl could disappear, never to be seen again. As her eyes opened groggily to the sound of the woodpeckers demolition, she instinctively searched for her partner and upon realizing that she was gone lifted to all fours in a deep and well deserved stretch having begun to expect that Noble was most likely on one of her thieving streaks again. 

This morning was beautiful, quiet despite the dull sound of wood being dug out, and she walked slowly to the falls where she would take her morning bath and wash away the debris that had so easily collected on her golden tinted pelt. It didn't take her long to spot him, in fact she stalled in her steps long enough to study him, having thought him to be Noble at first but the eyes were different and his stench was foreign even from this distance--this male was a stranger. She grew nervous, having no idea whether to run in the opposite direction in case this wolf was of the Pine pack, or attempt to spark a friendly conversation with hopes that this male was friendly; her nervousness kept her at her spot where pale yellow eyes searched him out, her stance was neutral even with the threat of being chased away. "Who're you?" she asked finally, swallowing hard at the thick saliva that formed at the base of her throat. What did this male want?
(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2015, 03:50 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
no worries! <3 I'll be free for sprees Thursday & Friday night if you are :)

Transfixed by the rushing water the slender shadow remained seated a few tails lengths away from the water’s edge with wide eyes as he observed his new surroundings. The further he went from the comforting canopy of willow branches the deeper his wanderlust became; it was almost impossible for the deer-legged smudge to remain behind pack borders. As much as he wanted to appease his mother and say that all his exploration was due to his desire to become a pack scout, Greer knew that he was seeking something more. However, the thought of leaving was what held him back—as well as the impeding winter months, which nearly took his life the previous year. It was a frustrating feeling—it left his chest tight and his head foggy. He felt trapped, and it was a feeling that Greer did not like.

Another feeling that the youth did not like was the feeling of being watched. It made his skin crawl and his paranoia rear its ugly head. A frown cut deep across his lips as an ear flicked back toward a sound within the foliage behind him—he was no longer alone. Despite his mind screaming at him to flee, the boy remained where he was, his brows twitching at the thought of a conversation brewing.

Without further delay, the stranger called out, asking who he was. Did it matter, he wanted to ask, as his tongue lay heavy in his mouth. However, as much as he wanted to be quick and sharp with his voice, the shadow prince was not that wolf. He was calm and collected, his tongue only holding the truth (in short, broken bursts). “Greer is nobody,” he responded in a soft voice with a careful shrug, his mercury gaze searching for the alabaster female. “Who girl?” He asked, returning the question to the asker with raised brows. The ball had returned to her court, and Greer wanted nothing to do with it.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Greer; I'm horrible, but at least when you get back we can try to spree!

She had never been good with introductions, and the fact that she had not given her name or asked for that of her counterpart was the perfect indication. The social skills that were built since her birth had disappeared, the promise of confidence that had been shoved down her throat by that of Ash and Narime had since then been replaced by the bundle of nerves that stood before Greer; and it seemed that he had noticed. His piercing gaze caused her own to avert, the glimpse of her oversized paws saturated in bits of mud and debris her only sight as she scratched at the dirt, contemplating what to do next. When he spoke, she felt a wave of relief come over her, and the look she gave him seemed to thank him for breaking the awkward silence. She hadn't quite expected the male to speak as he did and she thought back on herself, when she had been sheltered and developmentally delayed and instantly the feeling of sympathy overcame her. "I am Aurora, it's a pleasure meeting you, "Greer" she emphasized, his feel from her mouth fairly differently then he had pronounced it' perhaps she still had the speech impairment.

{b}{b}"I'm assuming you aren't from around here, I've never set eyes on you before, nor have I came across the stench you are carrying..."
[/b]she could only remember the scent of Whisper Caverns and Broken Timber Pines, having traveled both lands more then once. It was once she had finally stopped talking that she noticed Greer's posture and the vibes that seemed to be radiating from him, he was as uncomfortable as she was and she considered leaving their conversation where it laid. Silence quickly followed her questions and she shifted her weight in an attempt to mask the feelings that were overcoming her; where was @Noble when she needed her?
(This post was last modified: Nov 21, 2015, 04:05 PM by Rory. Edit Reason: Hmmm, can't figure out why the [b] is showing up... )
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Rory <3

At first, Greer had been embarrassed by his speech impediment. He knew it was from his own doing and the lack of socializing he had done as a child, but he had never bothered to fix it. The only way to strengthen his speech was to talk more and that was the exact opposite of what the silent shadow wanted. After he came to terms with his broken way of speaking, the smudge had grown to like it and didn’t want to change the way he spoke. It didn’t mean he was any less intelligent – his mind was constantly racing, filled with ‘what ifs’ and ‘how comes’ – if anything, it meant that he could get his speaking over quicker. The shadow prince hated hearing his voice longer than it was needed for. The silence was always so much better…

Aurora. It was a pretty name, soft and delicate just like her appearance. It suited her. Keeping his thoughts to himself, he nodded in agreement to her a comment about their meeting. While his lips remained tightly shut the girl began speaking once more, noting that she had not seen him around before. He shrugged lightly, his silver gaze falling away from her soft features and landing on the falling water. He was always searching for new areas to explore – as much as he loved the willows, the shadow was hungry for more (and perhaps another place to call home… after winter, of course). “Greer south of here,” he responded coolly as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Not stench. It is home,” he added with a lop-sided smirk falling onto his dark lips. “Rora have stench. What stench?” The boy was constantly giving those he encountered nicknames. Often those he crossed paths with had names with way too many syllables, which meant more time wasted on his words – something the shadow did not like. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
@Greer glad to have you back, was your trip fun?

For some reason, while standing in front of the dark shadow that whose name she know knew was Greer, she couldn't help the warm smile that formed along the length of her young mouth. She had learned during her travels as a loner that being friendly often paid off, and though she felt no threat from Greer, she was sure to check her posture and avert her eyes despite how desperately she wanted to stare into those piercing eyes. He was interesting, as most wolves were, and his speech impairment did little to falter her opinion; in fact it intrigued her further. It was only when he spoke her name, in a tone that gave little hint of aggression, that the wandering yearling finally lifted her head to look at him and fully take him in, every inch of him, and she couldn't help smiling once more, and this time the nervousness did not return. He was her equal and since he did not smell of the Pines, he was no threat to her, therefore her head leveled to its original posture and her own pale yellow eyes locked on his--he was but a wander himself.

"What little stench I do have should have disappeared a long time ago. My family is many miles away now and I'm sure they have no interest in finding me..." that is if they were still alive. She had yet to visit the Caverns for fear of getting lost again but Ash and Narime had never slipped her mind, in fact she was beginning to dream of them almost daily. "why are you here Greer?" her next words were more simple, direct, and she was sure he would appreciate it. Traveling this far from his pack could not have been easy.

(This post was last modified: Dec 12, 2015, 05:35 PM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Rory Lots of fun! Wish I was able to be gone a little longer, but I'm glad to be back home <3

It was always the same—for the most part. The strangers he encountered would always appear defensive at first, despite filling the air with questions. Once they realized that Greer was uninterested in conversation they grew more comfortable around him as their curiosity grew and their questions increased. The thin shadow always tried to make himself appear … undesirable, to put it simply. Confrontations with strangers were the last thing on his priority list and were to generally be avoided. Of course, in a place that was overrun with wolves, that was impossible most days. He tried to be as civil as possible without coming across rude as he tried to end the encounter as quickly as possible. He was a get in and out kind of guy—say what was required and then evacuate. Sometimes he ended up lingering longer than he normally would be comfortable with, but there were a few wolves he had crossed paths with that he didn’t completely hate.

With his soft, silver gaze he observed her quietly as she finally met his eyes; the action immediately relaxed him. He understood that hierarchy was important within packs—even sometimes between rivaling packs—but Greer despised bringing rank into his encounters away from pack borders, especially with those who he was close in age to.

Her voice broke him away from his thoughts once more as she acknowledged her comment about her stench. With his head cocked slightly, the boy listened patiently as she explained herself, mentioning that she had separated from her family. Had their separation been by choice, or by accident? Why wasn’t she looking for them? Perplexed, he kept his lips tight as she posed another question, her voice hanging in the air between them. “Greer look for peace. Look for quiet. Greer not like loud pack most days. Too much go on. He responded with a nonchalant shrug as a crease cut across his maw. Especially with the younglings… it was always so loud, which bothered the selective mute. “Also, Greer look for new. Greer sometime think about new home. Sometime. Greer still not sure.” Another shrug, another frown. He had already said too much… now it was time to dial it back once more.

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2015, 09:46 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Did I mention how much I like @Greer ? =D

Their gaze locked and it was unmistakable that the male that stood before her had immediately relaxed, and in return, so did she. It was always pleasing conversing with someone without having to squirm, avert eyes and show a little bit of belly in order to gain respect. She wasn't exactly the type to rebel in the presence of another, she would show respect when it was apparent the others ego required it, but it was often so much more rewarding having an encounter and not having to. Whether Greer would realize it or not, she would always remember him for this exact reason. Inwardly she thanked the selective mute, appreciative for his nonchalant ways, and the way that he so easily spoke to her, despite his broken words, and it made her want to give him more. It was no secret that Rory was an open book waiting to be read, Greer just happened to have been the wolf she assumed was willing to finally listen. "At least you have family to go back to. I envy those who do." it was a toss up whether her family would want her back and she couldn't blame them. Her cheeks instantly felt warm from embarrassment and she worked hard to suppress the emotion, not wanting the male to sense her sudden burst of jealousy.

Her ears pulled back on her skull in silent contemplation when he had admitted that he had thoughts of possibly leaving his pack and the yearling wondered just where he would go. He looked the part of a feral creature, in fact they all did, but Greer was different and it was evident in his demeanor--would he fair well without his family to back him up. She shook her narrow skull, knowing that if she could manage to keep herself alive then the larger male before her could very well fend for himself, it was only a matter of whether he wanted to leave them behind or not and for a moment Rory felt jealous of his options. "What's holding you back?" she tested him, her ears perked forward with curiosity, tail slashed slow behind her in calculated wait. Would he know just what he was looking for, cause Rory was still figuring her own life out, surely he had to as well.
(This post was last modified: Dec 31, 2015, 03:32 PM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Rory <3333 these two are a good pair. Love Rory!

The more comfortable the pale girl became the more relaxed the shadow prince was. There was no doubt that he possessed an… eerie appearance, with his obsidian fur and long, spindly legs, which caused those he encountered to feel anxious in his presence. However, it was remarkable how quickly wolves threw down their guard once he began conversing with them—even with his broken speech and few words, they still felt at ease around him. Which was a good thing… right?

For them, perhaps. For Greer, not so much.

Their anxiety levels decreased while their comfort increased—they always wanted to linger; always wanted to converse a little longer and learn more about him. All that stupid junk that Greer wanted no part of. The boy knew that his quiet demeanour drew others in, but he did not know how to act any other way—there was not a mean bone in his entire body. He was quiet, polite, and reserved; being anything but that would be wrong.

Once again her voice offered as a distraction, gently pulling him away from his thoughts as he allowed his silver gaze to fall onto her once more. His lips tightened at the comment; his brows narrowed. A wave of sympathy went through him as he realized that some were not so lucky to be surrounded by (most of) their family. However, it wasn’t always good. “Family not always good. Too many—Greer always stay away.” Especially with the change of power in Willow Ridge, the shadow prince was not fond of staying inside the borders. He pretended he was out scouting, searching for those scouring along the edge of their territory for trespassers or possible recruits. More often than not, he was simply exploring—or, ‘scouting’ for a new place to call home.

The girl’s question came as a surprise to the prince. He had not yet been asked why it was taking him to long to leave the Ridge. A soft frown creased his maw as he averted his gaze, dove grey pools focused on the ground beneath him. “Complicated,” he started softly, unsure of how much information to give away. “Pack based on family—Mother’s family. Don’t want to abandon. Especially mom. Feel… guilty? But, Greer want to be selfish.” He paused, sucking in air through his teeth as his soft gaze found its way to Rora once more. “Greer… Greer want to see more. Home never felt like home. Always feel trapped.” Another pause, this time paired with a tilt of his head as he observed the pretty girl before him. “What of Rora? Where Rora go? And want?” It was her turn—he was speaking far too much, and he hated every second of it.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]