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See the world in just one grain of sand — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Dated for 12/12


She still wasn't sure what to think of Kite's reappearance. It had created so many new questions and answered none that the woman previously held. The reunion had come so unexpectedly and, now that the fellow plains wolf had moved on, it seemed even more incredulous... and worrisome. What had happened to Kite? Why was she was alone now? The questions built up with no outlet and she felt her worry grow with the uncertainty.

Her feet traveled south - perhaps a bit further south than she had intended, but she had the excuse of being distracted. Something had happened to Kite to take her memories and someone had told the woman that she was someone else, that she was 'Nightingale'. Whereas Iopah had lived with Kite in the thicket, the woman now knew only 'the Caldera'. At the very least someone had lied to @Kite, but it might be far worse than.

Iopah stopped, finding herself deep in the ferns. It was late autumn, nearly winter now, and the surrounding foliage was lifeless and brittle. Something crumbled under foot as she shifted. There was no way for her to know what happened. Even if she found Kite, the woman herself wouldn't know. The Pines' queen made a slow circle, looking around anyways, and then started back the way she had come.

(This post was last modified: Dec 13, 2015, 06:58 PM by Iopah.)
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Set for 12/12 to remind myself :)

Boredom was slowly whittling away at her. Along Chantille walks, humming a merry tune, keeping negative thoughts at bay. A content look is plastered upon her face; she had no reason to frown. The woman knew she'd find a new home, but she wouldn't join the first she had come across. A few days ago she had come upon a leader of another pack. Time wasn't on her side, that was for sure- she needed to find a new pack quickly. Her mind wanders a bit, her humming ceasing as she thinks yet again of the first pack she had joined when coming into the Lore. Poison Path. Her time there had been rather interesting, to say the least. The healer brings her head upward, sighing as her stomach rumbles angrily to interrupt her thought patterns. Her creamy limbs push through the brittle ferns, their browned and dead leaves breaking as she passes through them.
Chant's nostrils widen as a scent hits her in the face. It smelled like another wolf, but she wasn't positive. Excitement and curiosity mingle throughout her, putting pep in her step. She was a bit light-headed from being hungry, but aside from such, she was doing well. Her thick coat was keeping her well insulated from the cold that pressed on through the day and night. Within minutes, her deep chocolate gaze falls upon a figure in the distance. The woman's heart skips a beat as she hesitates on what to do. Normally, she would approach with a warm heart, wanting to introduce herself and chat with a wolf whom she'd never met. In her current state, though, her mind forced her to think more carefully. If this was wasn't friendly, she may be in a bit of trouble.
Gingerly pacing forth, Chantille realizes it's a bit difficult to travel stealthily through this area that was unknown to her. The senescing ferns crunch beneath her paws, likely to give away her position. Once in earshot of the other wolf, she parts her jaws "Hello?"


Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
whoops! -goes to change date on the starting post-

The air was still and Iopah wasn't expecting the rustle of ferns. It was coming from behind and her path, the one laid out in front of her, was suddenly deemed irrelevant. She turned around quickly - pale cranium rising at the same moment and speed as her grey-swept tail.

Perpendicular to Chantille she stopped, gold eyes wild and swift as she looked for the other wolf. The called-out greeting helped to orient her, but it wasn't until her gaze landed on Chantille that she gave a reaction. Her tail, still high and curled over her spine, cautiously swayed. She'd met many different wolves in this forest, personalities that ranged from idiotic to demented to trusted. It was a good sign that Chantille had spoken up, an act of faith that Iopah offered in return: "Are you searching for someone? Or just travelling?"

Ivory legs carried her forward, parting through the ferns calmly. She was comfortable in this forest, but the other likely was not, and she didn't want to alarm them. "This forest is isolated, we don't get many visitors otherwise." It was probably that fact that strengthened her curiosity with every unfamiliar wolf she came across; it was better to know of any ill intentions up-front. Her gold eyes scanned the other woman, as if already trying to deduce her purpose for being here. "I'm Iopah."