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Bambi's Revenge
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Naira, A mule deer is looking for a fight - All Welcome!

The buzz in her ears was beginning to fade, but in its place came a garbled sound, like noises were coming to her through a wall of water. Had she the energy and if the season was right, she might have chanced a hike back to the Ghastly Woods to try and gather some hawthorn berries, in the hope increased circulation might improve whatever the issue with her ear was. As it was she was restricted to these strange forests in @Triell's (well not Triell's right now) pack. 

She ground her teeth momentarily as she continued to trudge along the borders. Lost to her own thoughts, good ear turned forward, towards the red hills she didn't even hear the angry buck approach until she felt the flat of his forehead butt sharply against her aching hip, large antlers dragging through her plush winter coat, no doubt wishing to gore her in a similar fashion to Anneleise. The startled yelp that left her jaws was laced with pain and her own surprise. She jumped forward several bounds with the buck in close pursuit, quickly finding herself cornered against the base of a rather steep red cliff. She knew there was a reason she stuck to the trees!

Turning to face her assailant she bared her teeth in a silent snarl and lowered her head to protect her throat. She could only hope someone was close enough to have heard her startled (if somewhat embarrassing) yelp. Hell, if enough of them came she might even be looking at lunch.
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho

Spieden moved at an easy trot, her route along this end of the border familiar and one that did not prove to be as much hassle as the one along the red hills. Seldom were things out of place here, she'd hardly ever encountered another predator along this side, but knew that any neglected corner of the territory might as well be a hand written invitation for trouble. Occasionally she would poke her nose along the ground, in a bush, against a well marked tree to find everything was as it should be. Her packmates scents were scattered throughout, some having been through more recently than others. But of particular note was Naira's scent, having traveled through most recent of all.

Spieden wasn't in a habit of stalking her packmates so she continued on her own way to leave the older woman to her own business. A sharp yelp drew Spieden's attention, her greyed brows knitted in worry as she turned right around. She didn't know much about Naira, but she certainly did not seem like the type to make a racket for no reason. Spieden galloped towards her, breaking through the trees to find a cliff suddenly looming overhead. Straight ahead was the tawny female, cornered against the rock wall by a rather agitated looking buck.

Spieden's yellowed teeth flashed in agitation. Without warning she barreled forward and threw herself at the antlered menace, roughly shoving her full weight against the buck's flank.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity