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no good for you — The Wildwood 
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Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Don't look down

Coming back was suppose to kill the awful tension in her gut. Instead it was multiplied. If she had returned to the world upside down. Evy was not about. Cel was a recluse, and she hadn't formerly spoken to Takis as she wanted. It pinched her to feel like this stranger among the mountain. Each day she had to fight the urge to get away.

This morning with air crisp, an overcast of gray, and her duties attended to, she gave herself permission to slip down the hillside. Down into the depths of the Lore, where she sought somewhere quiet. Undisturbed. With a steady trot she tried to find such a place. All the while reflecting on this change in her life. Her new position as leader. It felt wrong. This wasn't how she had wanted to lead the pack. This wasn't how she wanted to be looked upon. A place holder just because there was no one else. There was something darker to it. She was starting to really wonder if it was cursed. There simply should be no lead female, and she would vanish with the others when the time came. Why she could grin, and shake her head at the silly thought. It did not fully leave, it followed her. Making her think of her mother. Making her wonder if she should have simply asked Takis to come with her with an excuse to hunt. The idea in mind for another time, she kept her pace.

Well into afternoon the tawny wolf traveled further than she had in a while. Feeling some of the weight upon her, ease back.  Diligently, despite not feeling hungry her nose checked for prey. It was by following the trail of a rabbit she came into the dead woods. There black and gray bodies were eerie in the white stark of the snow. The small trees had yet to surpass the dead, and reclaim the grounds. What bothered her most was she could barely hear the sound of a creek in the distance. It surely appeared to be the quiet, and lonely place she had been looking for. Why did it make her hair stand on the back of her neck? Why did it seem familiar?

(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2015, 09:50 PM by Hypatia.)
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
Sorry this took so long! <3 I'm going to be vague about his pack placement for the time being.

Yuka was never one that had to go out to stretch his limbs. His duty was to his family, his pack and what was usually where he found himself. Today, however, he found the need for some source of air that was not circulating around his family. His large paws took him on a path that he was not familiar with. Having cared for nature since he was a pup, Yuka took the new sights around him in stride, his amber teal-flecked eyes eager to eat anything new he could see. He moved through the lands with brief breaks, loving the new scenery he was being treated too. His curiosity itself peaked when he came across a land that seemed dead and empty.

He paused, looking at the land with deep hesitation. It did not seem like a happy place, but then, was he ever truly to be happy? With the monstrosity that was his face it was doubtful. With a snort at the irony of this, he moved into the scarred territory, his eyes raking in each detail, finding that he did not like this place, it did not appeal to him at all. It would have been easy to spot any distortions within the territory but what he saw was familiar and nothing like a distortion. Granted, the woman that he saw, he had only seen once before and from a distance. He remembered her to be beautiful, one of the most pure beings he had laid eyes on in his life. The burst of shades on her pelt appealed to him and Yuka, once again, found himself drawn to her. This time, he was not hesitant in approaching her.

He had never truly spoken with another woman on his own that wasn’t his elder and he could feel his heart pumping anxiously in his chest. What would her reaction be when she saw his face? If he even allowed her such the visage. He was careful to keep his head tilted at an awkward angle, to keep her eyes off his face. The former Cavern’s prince did not have the luxury of shadows or bushes to hide in this time, he was at her full mercy. While his approach was not hesitant, his vocalization was. He figured the best way to approach this would be as a gentleman, and so he politely cleared his throat, "Excuse me, Miss? Do you live here?" He felt his skin flush as he looked upon her, not wanting to intrude on her privacy but desperately wanting to know who she was.

Thank you TABs
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
Don't look down

It was the light touch of snow that caught her ear, and she quickly jerked around to the oncoming wolf. Usually, the lady would have taken on a defensive stance. She knew from memory she had seen him once before from a distance. Despite how he had not given her any grief then, giving her space, she had turned heal and returned home, afraid. This wouldn't be the same, she mused. Not this time it appeared, as he headed her way with confidence. If he wasn't going to end the same way.

The Argyris' interest peeked Hyp coaxed her hairs to lie still, but kept a high stance clearly on alert. The way he approached her was rather neutral in posture, and her tense frame relaxed to a degree. Thoughtfully, orange irises took in the rich color of his face contrasted with the dark greys of his body. He was larger than she had remembered, and wondered if he was a warrior to one of the packs. All she knew was despite his stature they were of the same age, and he seemed not to want to do her any harm. She could handle this.

A small smile crept to her lips in amusement, and she shook her head. "No, I'm from the Heights." She motioned to the mountain. Wondering why he was so bold outward, but not so with his words. They way he cantered his head made her wonder if he simply shy. If he worried so much about leaving a poor impression. "What about you? You live around here or much further?" Voice was light, the same amusement and curiosity reflecting in it.

(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2016, 02:59 AM by Hypatia.)
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
I did receive word that he was accepted into BTP at this time.  @Hypatia

Her voice was just as beautiful as she was and Yuka felt like he was choking on air. And then she smiled at him, the hideous creature that wanted to speak with her and he was speechless. He swallowed his amber teal flecked eyes following any movement and noting her answer silently. It wasn’t too far away from where he resided and it was pleasant to know that he was communicating with someone that his mother had not introduced him to. The Guardian in-training realized that it was quite rude to stand there in silence and, once again, cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking, "I live nearby, just over the mountains. I should not have traveled this far…but I got caught up in the scenery. It is different." He glanced around, using his peripherals and making sure to not turn his head in her direction to give the woman a clear view of his face.

Once again, he felt himself flush, forgetting his manners. He had forgotten to introduce himself to the lady and berated himself for his own incompetence. "Pardon me for my manners, Miss. I have Yuka Thorben…" He dipped his head slightly towards her in a gesture of respect. After all, she was a lady and even while he was a tormented soul, he was still a gentleman and a gentleman was not rude to a lady. His eyes shifted to his paws before tracing back up to her face, a light smile hinting at the corner of his lip.

Thank you TABs
Played by Switch who has 87 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hypatia Argyris
@Yuka I'm assuming you meant to say am not have Yuka Thorben
Don't look down

There was no alarm when he wasn't quick to respond. She presumed maybe he simply wasn't the chatty kind. This she couldn't hold against him nor anyone else. She wasn't entirely a talker herself unless the conversation came with ease.

Red ears flicked, realizing he meant the side in which she was born. There was the faintest crease of her brow as she wondered when this pack must have formed. If he had been from the Bend she would have known by his scent. He clearly was not even if he didn't specify. Was he part of a pack at all? "Yes, there is certainty a lot to see over here. It amazes me what different sides the the mountain holds." She hinted of at least having traveled to the other part, but as strangers did not go into detail. She often didn't like to give such things away. Thinking one they did not matter, and that they were hers to keep. "This place, I like it, and yet it makes my fur want to stand on end." She gave a shake of her rough, taking a look around at the scarred trees once more.

There it was again. Polite and proper. Why it wasn't entirely foreign it seemed ages anyone had spoken to her in such a way. She wasn't sure if she should be pleased, or worry what it meant. She guessed it must be his upbringing. Since it had been ages of meeting anyone her age, she did hope to learn more of him. Especially since he resided near her old homeland. "No worries Yuka. It's not usually the first thing I care to share when I come upon a stranger. Sometimes it seems a waste," she lightly shrugged hoping he didn't feel too bad. By his act she couldn't tell if he was simply reserved, shy, or worried he had made a poor impression.  His small smile made it even harder for her to discern."I'm Hypatia Argyris. My friends call me Hyp," faintly she laughed as if some of her own nervousness might escape in the soft sound.

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
Sorry this took so long, but I kept my promise. <3

Perhaps it was lack of social contact that made him latch onto every last thing that she said. It intrigued him that she was here, in this scarred land, and it made him wander if maybe she wasn’t all that different from him. He wanted to know more about her. Her description of the land pleased him and he found his smile widen slightly in agreement. The next words that fell from her delicate lips intrigued her and he found himself becoming more interested in her. Only slightly, he inclined his head towards her so that part of her swollen, deformed lip was just noticeable. And next, he received her name. Hypatia… It suited her and it was certainly different. Clearing his throat, he spoke lowly, "Well…I hope that in the near future, I can address you as such, Hypatia."

He paused then, looking her over again, her multicolored pelt a stark contrast to what he was used to. He could not say that he had any friends, really. All he had was family. Ash, Narimè, their children, and Inali (who served as his mother for a time). It was time for him to meet someone new and he finally had. He spoke again, eventually, "Why do you think that?" He paused for a moment before clarifying, "That is it a waste, that is…" He remained silent as he silently waited for her answer, if she so chose to answer his inquiry. Yuka liked the way her mind worked and hoped that he would be able to continue this conversation with her.

Thank you TABs