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heavy lies the crown — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno
@Salix :)

The sea princess was not sure what to make of this land she had been placed in—it was far too dry for her liking, even with the damp weather. Her senses were being overloaded by the abundance of foliage and creatures; everywhere she turned, there was some foreign scent making an appearance. All the princess was focused on was finding her way out of here, and as quickly as possible. Surely her parents were concerned about her whereabouts… or were they wandering around these trees as well? How many members of the Bella Coola pack had also woken up in these strange lands with the same headache and black spot in their memory? Worry consumed her but she needed to press forward—perhaps there would be someone lurking nearby who could help her find a way out.

The ground was spongey and oozed between her toes as she treaded carefully through the marsh. Bi-coloured eyes searched frantically through the foliage; paranoia was fighting against worry to reign over her body as she moved quickly through the soggy field. She mumbled curse words under her breath as her cream-coloured paws slipped against the ground and mud caked her stomach. This was nothing like the beach she grew up on—she hated this place. Niq’x desperately wanted to taste the salty air on her tongue and chase the waves lapping at the shore. How could wolves live here?  

The sea wolf had nothing against the trees—her pack had made its home in the Great Bear Rainforest and was familiar with the abundance of trees—she just preferred the availability of both the ocean and the river. One the eve of her first birthday she had chosen to pursue the role of fisher within the pack and felt most at home in the water. Hell, the nickname she had been given (and preferred to go by) translated to ‘river otter’, a reflection of her personality when it came to water. Her mother constantly joked with her, saying that she should’ve been born a fish or an orca. This place… there was hardly any water. Sure, she had woken up next to a lagoon, but it could not compete with the ocean or the mighty river her family lived off of.

With a disgruntled sigh she continued forward, her brows furrowed in frustration as she trudged through the mucky ground. She hated everything.

Played by Bridget who has 33 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Salix Atea

The man's travels had brought him south.
He was scouting; following herds and tracking their paths of travel. This would be
critical information for the oncoming of winter. He was a bit hungry at the current
moment, but such wasn't a consistent bother for him. Salix pads along at a leisurely
pace, in no rush to go anywhere. Icy eyes peer about as he stalks through a clearing.
A bitter wind blows, making him grumble in slight agitation. He had been traveling through
trees as of late to avoid the harsh incoming winter winds. The water that saturated the
earth below didn't help, either. The cold temperature of it made him pick up his pace to
get to a drier area.

Once upon drier soil, a sigh of relief escapes the man, though barely audible. Salix's eyes
continuously flicker to and fro; he was on alert for any presence of prey. What he
picked up on was not that of prey, but rather a predator such as himself. Snorting, he
narrows his eyes, nostrils flaring as he takes in the odor of another wolf. With his
ears pressing forward, he decides to check it out rather than continue on with his scouting.
He needed some entertainment right now.

Within a few minutes he finds what he had detected. Another wolf; her coat consisted
of grays and browns. Salix pauses in his tracks, silence grasping him as he decides
what to do next. To alert her of his presence, he releases a bark into the crisp air.
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Arla who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Orabelle "Niq'x" Mizuno

She was completely and utterly miserable. This was not where she belonged; this was not her home, nor would it ever be her home. The sea princess needed to get her fluffy butt back to the Great Bear Rainforest as soon as possible—the salt scent that enclosed her was slowly abandoning her and she worried if she stayed here too long it would leave her completely. The thought set a shiver down her spine as she continued forward, a permanent frown etched across her maw.

It did not take long for a scent to become more prominent as she continued through the marsh. There was another nearby. She nearly stopped in her tracks, her large paws fumbling over themselves as she scanned the area. Exactly what she needed/wanted—company. Nib’x just wanted her family… well, and the ocean, but her family first. The water dweller wanted to keep interactions with strangers to a minimum; she merely wanted to get information on the whereabouts of her family and which direction would lead her back to the ocean. Aside from that, she did not want to converse with these land-logged creatures and build—ick—friendships.

The further she moved along the stronger the scent became. It seemed as though she wasn't going to get away from this particular interaction… She grumbled as she manoeuvred through the damp soil, her mix-matched gaze focused on the ground beneath her as her pace quickened. Perhaps if she showed her disinterest the other would disapp—nope. No, definitely did not work. A bark sounded, alerting her of his presence. Rolling her eyes at the sound, the princess reduced her speed and glanced over in the direction of the speaker. She simply ‘woofed’ in response to his greeting with a frown still pressed to her lips.

(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2015, 06:49 AM by Niq'x.)
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