For the past few weeks Angier had been sticking to his usual routines - checking on certain borders every so often, counting his son and daughters' heads each time he passed by the den at nightfall, monitoring and minding the scent trails of his subordinates, and spending time with @Elettra whenever he could manage to steal those few precious moments. Half the time, Niles thought to be a little rascal and spoil it all.
After being up for a good portion of the night, the grizzled patriarch had finally come to a stop in the presence of the pack den. He quivered a bit, constantly closing his eyes tight before opening them again as if doing so would help him regain his focus. It was here that he realized that he was not as young as he thought he was anymore. His elbows, knees, and heels, even seemed like they creaked a little after attempting to move quickly after his mischievous son whenever he was caught out of bounds beyond his designated "safe area." He slowly moved to settle down near the entrance of the den, somewhere off to the side of it so he was in the shade and out of the way. At first he let out a soft groan as his rump lowered to the ground, then, once he reclined forward, he merely winced. Finally, he relaxed his shoulders and paws and let his tail fall limp in the grass behind him.
He made a face that suggested he was worried, worried that he had not yet achieved the life he had wanted. In all actuality, though, he had met or surpassed Borden in a number of ways - he had fought his way up the Willow Ridge hierarchy, he'd dealt with his own rebel of a cub, even he and El had had their fair share of fights when things seemed bleak. Unbeknownst to him, his older brother was beginning to lose his memory and recollections of what once was; and, yet, all Angier could think of was how inferior he was. Was he happy? He supposed he could confirm that without a doubt; but, had he achieved what he had wanted to do in life? Perhaps. He had a mate whose love was undoubtedly requited, a land of his own, step-children, four sons, two daughters... and not even a twinge of jealousy as he had typically suffered from in his younger years.
His eyes lifted to the treetops where the umbrella-like trees gently swayed in the breeze. Without even being able to recall just how many summers he had experienced, he could only figure just how much life he had left in him. A year at most perhaps, long enough to see his second (and maybe last) litter grow up and inherit Elettra's throne. If he was lucky, he would have the fortune of meeting his grandchildren if any of his six cubs were to have the luck of finding a mate somewhere within Relic Lore like he had. He stared at the tips of his paws then rested his chin on them, taking a deep sigh as he whisked away the thoughts that had plagued him just moments before. Perhaps one day he would revisit them, but for now, he merely enjoyed the silence of the present and the prospect of whatever else would eventually come to pass.
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