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And now I see how quick you must want to forget — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok
Open to anyone! Rose needs some threads!

Remembering Nineva was something Rose tended to avoid, though on clear nights when shooting starts where almost inevitable, the fae simply couldn't /help but let her mind wander toward the missing Hervok. Where the pup had gone, and if she was happy, those were the questions she'd ask herself most. It'd been so long since the day of the siblings departure, where they really not making any progress? "We're not looking hard enough.." the youth sighed, fixating further on the peculiar twinkling lights. "Or maybe we just gave up altogether. Not that I'm one to talk."

Rose had never once lifted a helping paw toward searching for her sister. It wasn't that she held any sort of spite toward Nineva, it just hurt far too much to think about the topic for too long. Perhaps that made her a bit awful in retrospect, though that wasn't something she necessarily wanted to ponder over either. "Everyone probably thinks I'm a bad sister..." with another sigh, the fae buried her head in between her paws. "Pro'lly because I am... But I just think she'll come back on her own one day.. if.." If she was still alive that was. There had been no clear sign towards her sisters well being, only hope. "I'm horrible..."

Well you're my favorite bird and when you sing..


Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

The boy had been watching her, his little sister Rose. She looked sad, unusually sad. But then again, why wouldn't she? Her older sister was missing, had been missing for months, and everyone was quickly losing hope. But not him. Nor his father. Korrin knew @Nineva would come back one day, it was just a matter of when. As she wallowed in her own despair, the growing guardian-to-be fought to roll his eyes. Rose had always held a flair for the melodramatic.

Nineva was the sibling he was closest to, but that did not mean he didn't love Rose any less. The protector within him wanted to protect her from the pain she now faced, take it away from her completely, but Korrin couldn't do that. The boy quietly moved from the shadows of the thickets. "You're not horrible," he stated softly in his deepening voice. "And you're not a bad sister," he continued. Yes, he had to break fights between Rose and Nineva more than once, but that didn't make her a bad sister. "Dad is looking day in and day out for her," he reassured her. When he finally reached her form, he pressed her muzzle against his, and then lifted her gaze to his. "She'll come home, Rose," he whispered. She would, of that he held no doubt.

[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok

Korrin's sudden arrival took Rose by surprise, she had thought that nobody had been around to hear her pointless babbling. With uncertainty, the fae listened to her brothers words on the matter. Was she even ready to have this discussion with the boy? As he lifted her gaze to match his own, the Hervok wanted nothing more than to cry. Though having grown awfully sick of being the 'baby', she'd have no other choice but to restrain herself until she was again in solitude. "But how can you be so sure..?"

Not even moments later and Rose was regretting her pessimistic remark, who was she to rain on somebody else's hope? Especially after she'd done absolutely nothing to ensure Nineva's safe return after all this time. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I've just been thinking so much lately.. And I.. I miss her a lot, you know?" further fighting back tears, Rose broke eye contact with her kin. This was by far the most difficult conversation she'd ever had, and everything was beginning to be far too much for the young girl. "You're both doing a wonderful job, and I'm sure it won't be long until we get a lead on her.. Thank you for taking the time to reassure me of that."

[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]
Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
I hope you don't mind Bane popping in?

They were strangers to him, the lot of them. It was odd to have children in the pack that were not Nina's blood though it was a concept he was rather getting used to over time. Mirren had himself a daughter within the ranks and now their was these three (or now two) that had come along with their parents when their pack had crumbled to the ground. The since that 'only the leaders' could have children was something Bane had never grew up into. He had been taught this was a common law among packs but not one Nina always accepted. After all, he had been allowed to live, had he not? Still, despite the fact that he did not know these children, as he did not know closely many within the ranks, Bane knew it best that it was his charge to protect them. As it was, some way or another through time here he had become the second, just under Miccah's claim, a man who at one point in time had been his mother's lover.

"You should never give up, you know..." His words peep ever so delicately, as he makes his way out to the side of the two pups, though keeps much of a distance between himself and them. After all, unless a body was found, wolves had a way of showing themselves up again, he had learned that much. "If she got lost, there is a chance someone found her, took her to their home to keep her safe and warm..." Though there was also a chance she could have froze to death or been eaten by a predator, nothing was certain. There was a fifty/fifty chance she was alive, a chance which Bane wanted to remind the two children of before they lost any hope. "Its not easy traveling in winter. She would be safer their until it got warmer..." He knew, with his words (which he offered little) their would probably by a lot of question to follow, but if anything he would do his best to brighten the spirits of two young members in his home. ""
SECRET Woodlands
Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok
@Rose @Bane

The boy was becoming someone who favored the saying "Less talk, more action." He couldn't remember the last time he had strung so many words together. Maybe with his father, for the man was his idol and he wished to know everything he knew, so it was only logical the boy speak around him. But this was also his sister, and she clearly needed his comfort. If that had to come by words, then so be it. The boy could push away the discomfort of it all, but he was not so keen on letting a stranger come and see this private moment between the two siblings.

The man seemed to be keeping his distance, for that Korrin was grateful, but apparently the man was comfortable enough to speak his thoughts. Begrudgingly, Korrin couldn't help but silently agree with his words. For a moment, he just stared at the dark man. Maybe he wouldn't be so bad to get to know after all. Clearing his throat, he looked at his sibling. "He's right." Then, glancing back at the man, Korrin's manners finally kicked in. "Korrin Hervok, sir. She's Rose." He wasn't used to speaking to others that weren't family, yet the boy patiently waited for the man's response.

(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2016, 02:15 AM by Korrin.)
[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Maeby who has 63 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Rose Hervok

Now joining the pair was a complete stranger, who seemingly came from nowhere. Rose wasn't ready to have her own brother as company on this night, let alone some wolf she'd never been formally introduced to. Though Korrin hadn't seemed to mind all that much, so the youngest Hervok decided it best if only for now to accept the man into their little chat. After all, at the very least his words were somewhat reassuring.

"I suppose he is.." The auburn fae whispered, still not completely sold on the idea of the man lingering about in the first place. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir." flashing a rather forced grin, the former princess made nonchalant efforts to scoot a bit closer to her brother. "Though regardless, the sooner we can bring Nineva home the better.." that being, again, if the child even still remained alive. Rose hated thinking something ill could have happened to her own sister, however if she remained realistic on the matter, perhaps her heart wouldn't ache as bad if any awful news happened upon the family in the future. 'I think it's best that after tonight, I go looking for her myself.. That way I can at the very least say I tried..' she sighed at the thought, impatiently waiting for one of the two males to speak up.

[Image: 5FXgyaa.gif]