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Better be soon — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata
@Kyna @Sahalie
February 8th 2016, 11:30PM
Overcast, 25F/-4C

RE: Aponi, you wander across a frozen lake and notice there is something stuck half in, half out of it.
if anything isn't okay about Kyna/Sahalie just let me know!

It was late, far too late for her daughter to be awake and going on adventures but to Aponi that mattered very little. Things had not being going as well as she had hoped since her return and since their acceptance into the Bend pack. Try as she might she could not seem to connect with her daughter in the way she had before she had gone searching for her father's murderer. Something in that time apart had made the blonde girl seem more suspicious when her mother was around and more often than not she was playing with her age mates. This left a lot of time for Aponi to explore their new territory alone as as of yet she had done her best to avoid anyone else in the pack. This did not mean she wasn't silently pulling her weight as she had always done it just meant she did it mostly alone.

Tonight she had been trailing the stream that cut through the territory until she found a place it widened into a large pond or small lake depending on how you looked at it. In this place the water was slow enough that it had frozen solid and remained frozen despite the warming weather that had occurred this week. Now that the sun had sunk and the moon hung almost directly above the silver woman's head the temperature had dropped enough that the ice had become sheer and extra slick.

The blue eyes trailed across the reflective surface until in the distance near the middle they landed upon a dark form breaking through the smooth ice. Doing her best to mind her paws Aponi slid out onto the lake, her blunt claws scratching at the surface for what little traction she could muster. It took her nearly ten minutes to reach the mysterious item and when she got close enough it remained more of a mystery than an answer. It was the dark pelt of some kind of animal but the scent had long since faded and not enough stuck through the ice to confidently identify it.

It was this mystery that had caused her to trail back to shore and head swiftly back to the private den she had been sharing with Kyna. Nudging her daughter gently with her nose Aponi whispered, "Wake up, I have something to show you," before exiting the den and moving slowly back towards the lake waiting for the pup to catch up.

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
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Kyna Argyris Archer

Despite no longer needing the many hours of rest a small puppy required, Kyna still very much enjoyed the end of the day when she could curl up in the small family den and drift off into dreamland. Oh, how she loved to enter the world of dreams. She was not an adorable, fubsy puppy anymore, but her imagination was still quite vivid and the subconscious thoughts were always ready to explode when she put logic and higher thought to rest.

While she’d curled up next to Aponi, the older wolf had slipped out – noted, but no longer the cause of alarm it was when she was a little ball of fuzz tucked up next to the woman’s side. She was much more independent than when the former alpha had left, and only curled her slender tail over her nose as her sleep continued – at least, until something the girl’s shoulder, rousing her from a dream.

She blinked sleepily, sunset eyes staring up at her mother owlishly for several seconds as her thoughts struggled to emerge. Eventually, it clicked. “Oh! Something to see?” she asked, curiosity immediately intrigued. A moment later, she crawled out of the den after her mother, shaking her pelt against the evening chill. “What is it?”

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
already lost the post once so this one is gunna be crap cause I'm cranky ;c @Aponi
Perhaps the reason Sahalie did not rise with the sun — as everyone else seemed to do— was that she did not set with the sun, either. Curfew was not a word that was familiar with her, and she often found herself wandering her home well after the sun had sank beneath the mountains. She liked how the mists swallowed and diffused the light of the moon, causing the world to glow and appear gauzy and dreamlike. It was hard to make out things distinctly, but it was not often that she ran into other wolves or objects that were particularly interesting in that she needed to see them in full detail from a distance. The snows had melted in the last few days of unseasonable weather, so things were not so alarmingly bright. Her world was comfortably dark again.

What a surprise it was, then, when she noticed a shape churning through the mists. The first wolf to come to mind was Kino, and her stomach twisted at the thought of him roaming around with visibility being what it was. He had only been in the pack for a few days and, while she had tried to teach him the land markers as best as she could she did not think it was wise for him to be out. Yet, the scent that drifted towards her was feminine, and out of the corner of her eye she noticed another, much more colorful, shape. Kyna! She realized that the large, silver woman must have been her friend's mysterious mother. Her heartbeat quickened.

Where on earth could they be going at this hour?

Sahalie had long since stopped making excuses for her following other wolves. She would make herself known eventually, but she did not want to disrupt any of the organic behavior that might arise from the two. The relationship between Kyna and her mother was of great interest to the young Tainn, who knew next to nothing about Kyna's family. She followed them at a respectable difference, concealed mostly by tree shadow and fog.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Kyna blinked up at her for a moment trying to clear the sleep from her head before Aponi ducked out of the den. She could hear the steps behind her before her daughter called out asking what they were going to see. Casting a sly grin over her shoulder she chuckled, "You'll see when we get there Kyna, it's a surprise." The silver body moved with grace throughout the foggy woods, easily avoiding the trees that loomed around them. With the moon covered by clouds the woman's pelt almost blended into the murk, if one didn't know she was there it would be hard to see. Though the snow had melted tonight had been cold enough that the ice and ground had once more frozen solid beneath their paws.

Little did she know that she led not one but two pups through the dark towards the mysterious object that she had found. Reaching the ice her pace slowed until her daughter came to rest beside her, gesturing with her nose out across the frozen expanse she murmured, "See anything?" The mass was fairly far and in the dark might have been missed if it hadn't been surrounded by the stark white of the ice.  After locating it easily the blue orbs turned to watch the blonde pelted girl to see if she too could find what she was looking for.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]