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hearts keep breaking and the heads just roll — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
one, two, three, they gonna run back to me

February 7th; Past midnight; Partly Cloudy; 18 ° F, -8 ° C

The stars seemed brave enough to shine tonight, willing the clouds to move away as to grace the dark prince with their presence. Skoll Archer would have none of it though, his mind was focused on something else entirely. Star-gazing was the very last thing he wanted to be doing. Restless as he was, he stalked the lands outside his sister and uncle's domain with intentions to find @Enoki or any other pack mates he might have not met. The inklings of a plan that had only just recently hatched in his head were only just beginning to form into one cohesive plot.

Concerning @Hecate, he only grinned to himself. For as far as he was aware the family was still in the first steps of grief with Isolde's passing; he was going to use this time to his advantage. He had dealt with death before - when it had claimed his Nona Skana from him - and he had been the death dealer twice. Loss, to him, was not new. He considered these experiences as assets, allowing him to move right past his youngest sister's absence with ease, even if it was an hesitant sort of effortlessness at first.

Black paws absent-mindedly pressed themselves into the bases of the naked willows as he went, placing scent-markers wherever he dared as to warn wandering wolves that they would soon run into claimed territory if they continued deeper into the Drooping Willows. Teeth bared to the darkness of night, he silently patrolled in search of company, someone he might be interested in interviewing, even if only for a few hours until the sun began to rise....

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
Distractions are the worst so apologies for crappy post<3

Silent as the darkness that engulfed the world the restless pads of Enoki wove a slender frame through the network of exposed roots and barren umbrella canopy under the watchful eye of the night, her splashes of ivory glistening like miniature beacons under the pale moonlight that managed to break through patches in the cloud cover above. An ivory dipped tail swaying easily in rhythm to the steady gate that patrolled the shadow cloaked forest. The world the piebald woman had come to know within the Archer kingdom was swiftly thrown asunder in recent days by grief upon the discovery of Isolde's frozen corpse and the older woman needed fresh air from the toxic fumes of sadness that currently tainted the drooping willow territory. There was only so much one could take before needing a change of scenery and oh how the night offered just that. Slowly as the dying of day began to birth the coming of night the world was transformed anew. A world belonging all to herself, or so she assumed.

Thus ebony limbs now found themselves traversing well beyond the ripe marked border designating the beginning and end of Morganna and Nicolo's domain, dark amber irises focused on the looming blur of the horizon awaiting to be crossed, but an inner sensation diverted such plans and altered the path of travel to circle widely around the Archer territory. Perhaps an attempt at acquiring a morsel for herself would pass the twilight hours instead until morning's light would banish the woman to the confines of her personal den for a few hours more of solitude; granted the sand wolf remembered to pay her a visit that is. How nirvanic that childhood character was at paying all his patients a visit.

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2016, 06:46 AM by Enoki.)
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
one, two, three, they gonna run back to me

His moments of patience effortlessly paid off. The very second that it seemed like another had come into his midst, he grew still and lifted his head to peer through the shadows of the night. He had to wonder; he couldn't help himself. Who would it be tonight? Morganna? Elettra? Ravenna? Greer? Nicolo? He had been standing a modest distance away when her shadowy silhouette went trotting past him. He grinned a toothy grin, immediately pursuing her until he decided to stop somewhere behind her, watching as she began to draw further and further away into the forest.

"Kiki?" he called after her, stepping past a few more trees as if it were enough to close the distance between them. He decided to play coy, it seemed to work the last time they had met, but for the most part he rather enjoyed her company from first impression. Maybe if he kept it up, he would learn more about her. If he was honest with himself, he finally knew by now that not all women were not like his mother or his sister and, as Hecate proved, not all of them were simpletons either.

The prince waited for her to stop, to turn around and face him, or merely acknowledge him before he even began to wag his tail upon being recognized. "Where are you going?" As accusatory as it sounded off his tongue, he was frankly curious and his tone genuinely purveyed it. He even smiled that sort of smile that was almost cub-like with his tongue top hanging over his bottom teeth; the grin coupled with his marred face, however, immediately became flirtatious, especially with the subtle tilt of his head. If time would allow, he wanted to get to know her. Perhaps she knew of a secret place to hide in, a great place to enjoy the night sky and the refreshing breeze, or a nice spot to have a chat without being eavesdropped on. "Care for some company?"

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Further and further the magpie resembling female trudged through the frozen landscape in search of a quarry worthy of consuming her midnight hours through the art of hunting, a simple rabbit, or fish from the iced over water deemed unfitting for such a task. Albeit this left hardly any remaining options granted it would be a one on one battle for survival of the fittest. Without the strength of backup the larger game remained untouchable. A soft hum of thought rumbled against the back of her throat, her mind sifting through a stockpile of hunting memories for a suitable target to procure while obsidian limbs aimlessly guided the timber wolf with ease through the willow maze.

Like a magical web manifested itself around the lithe form and tightened its steel grip, all motion slowly came to a halt upon the calling of her nickname out from the darkness behind her. A dark hued ear flicked curiously to the side hoping to either hear it spoken again, or dismiss the notion chalking it up as a trick of the night, but only silence prevailed. Swarthy lids narrowed into a half squint as they glanced over an ivory clad shoulder, dark amber eyes attempting to decipher the bobbing mass of black a hair darker than the air around it that steadily grew closer. Standing rigid at her post she waited for her unexpected company to come into better lighting.

A pair of ghostly grey irises revealed themselves against the monotone backdrop and for a moment a trio of possible wolves popped into mind. Elettra, Skoll, and Niles were the only known wolves she knew to have such pale gazes and be washed in shades of the night itself, but for a moment the features upon her face wrinkled into a look of confusion imagining the former matriarch and near yearling to be wandering the woods at an hour like this. Yet, given the current predicament could the idea truly be so unbelieving? Nearly all anxiousness calmed within the woman as a familiar masculine voice called out once more asking what she was doing, removing any confusion as to whom had joined her.

"Somewhere to keep my mind busy." Enoki answered honestly, body angling sideways to partially face the advancing prince and relieve the kink that was beginning to ache along the base of her neck. Now that the distance between them grew smaller, her naturally smoldering gaze pin-pointed the unique facial features of Skoll Archer from the marred top of his muzzle to the flirtatious grin peeling back to corner of his leathery lips. "Only if you can keep up." The statement tumbled off her tongue easily in a light playful tone, the corner of her lips twitching skyward into a smirk that dared to challenge the shadow to do just that as her tail gave a small wag, inviting him to join her. Should hunting come to disinterest the woman tonight as it had before on some occasions there was indeed a secret place she liked to hide.

Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
one, two, three, they gonna run back to me

When she came to respond to him, she had all the answers. There was no stumbling over words, no stuttering or even a hint of being startled. This appealed to him. Profoundly. The fact that she pretty much threw him a bone with her invitation, only fueled him further. His willowy limbs brought him to her side, and he eagerly looked to her for direction. "Try me," he challenged in turn, his facial expression still smugly confident.

It was here that he, for as long as he was able, looked her over in the faint moonlight. It was clear in the way his right forepaw hung just above the ground that he was anticipating her next move, wondering what direction she might dart off to. To Skoll, Enoki Ashrelle was just as mysterious as he had expected her to be. He had known of her comings and goings with Willow Ridge, was capable of recognizing the pitch in her howl, and had known how quickly his baby brother had made a friend of her but, apart from that, there was not much else in his memory that pertained to her. Only in their recent encounter at the pack den had he finally laid eyes upon her, black-and-white pelt, scars, and all.

If he had not been so caught up in the moment, he might have actually realized that if he really wanted to see a reaction from Hecate, all he had to do was try and worm his way into Enoki's circle, befriend her and draw up his own sort of 'contract' with her. As it stood, all he was keenly interested in was where she was going to lead him.

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Instantaneously her invitation was devoured by the shadow prince, willowy limbs effortlessly bringing his larger frame to her side while a smooth tongue answered her challenge with one of his own. Enoki allowed only a fleeting moment to pass before lithe limbs sprang forth into the darkness, mentally imaging the little notch tucked covertly into the base of the mountain that served as her private abode away from the pack. None but herself had come to discover the gouge in the monstrous mountain's side, the lack of any indicating scents of visitors void aside her own perfume reining supreme. None except Skoll's soon to be presence.

Toned muscles rippled fluidly beneath the piebald's sleek pelt as ebony pads struck hard and fast upon the frozen land below, leading the swarthy figure of Skoll in a wide arch around his family's territory to backtrack toward the looming mountain in all its dark glory. Patchy frame darting about between the stray rays of moonlight protruding through the cloud cover above and smoothed trunks of willow trees in a game of tag, a glance over her shoulder to sneak a peek at how well the prince was keeping up with her sprinting silhouette. Should the pace not prove challenging enough there was plenty more lying in wait to be expended. A well trained hunter such as herself knew how to utilize her speed and energy. Slowly the snow crusted landscape underfoot began to transform into the gray washed terrain of the craggy heights, smoldering amber irises once more seeking the blurred shadow on her tail.

Once dull nails scraped the cold infused material of slate and granite did her pace dare slow, careful foot placement crucial when braving the stony heights. "You coming?" Enoki let loose the rhetorical question in a teasing tone, the swarthy leather of her lips curling into a smug smirk upon her marred snout. It was not much further now to her surreptitious hideout as a small opening began to manifest against the monochrome foreground, a light dusting of snow aiding to conceal what the Ashrelle woman knew to be found inside. A wide tunnel capable of fitting two wolves side by side snaking its way to an admirable balcony of sorts. The perfect location for one to escape the presence of unwanted eyes and obtain an unobstructed view of the world below. Her special hideout.

(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2016, 01:29 AM by Enoki.)
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer
one, two, three, they gonna run back to me

Just like that, she was off and as quickly as his own legs could carry him, he chased after her. His tail flew up into the air from the exhilaration of it all, a black banner whipping about in the wind behind him. He easily kept up, his physique and stamina matching hers as they darted off into the night. No one had ever given him this sort of opportunity before and, Gods, did he love it. Everything about it - the mystery of where they would end up, trying to get to know the enigmatic hunter with a magpie pelt, the wonders that the night held for them - had his senses lit aflame.

Where she had been a trained Hunter, he urged himself to awaken the Scout within. He was not so keen or mindful of his surroundings, perhaps, as much as she was, but he was absolutely aware of the distance he was covering. It wasn't just a matter of running after one another, however, leading and following and all... Suddenly she slowed and, to his surprise, she began to scale the rocky mountainside. With wide eyes, he watched as she briefly blended into the terrain against the black vertical stone faces and the bits of frost that contrasted and clung to them. No matter, his white-tufted chest swelled without an ounce of intimidation and he attempted to follow her path.

It had taken some time, with his legs being longer and his build being a little heavier and bulkier than hers, but after a few near-missteps, he found himself sitting firmly and without fear on a ledge. He eyed her quietly, as if waiting for an invitation into her hideout. After all, it was not very gentleman-like for him to just allow himself inside a sanctuary that was not his to intrude upon. As if to further kindle his curiosity and to fully let her know his silent enthusiasm for this night-walk, he slowly stood up, careful to keep his side flush against the cliff.

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

A comfortable silence enveloped between the two dark hued wolves as bright amber gaze focused their attention upon the snowy painted landscape spread beautifully out before them from their secluded vantage point despite being fully aware of the colorless gaze eying her slender frame in silence. "This is where I like to go when I want to escape.." Enoki mumbled softly under her breath just a hair above a whisper, attention briefly leaving the cluster of snow dusted trees below to settle it upon Skoll's moving silhouette. A gentle smile came easily to her lips absorbing the enthusiastic aura the ebony prince projected while his side pressed flushed securely against the cliff's wall. A single ear flicked mildly at the soft hoot of an owl down below, soft brown feathered silhouette blackening out a cluster of stars as it glided silently through the night air. Not a single sound could be heard as its wings gave a mighty flap before it suddenly dove down where Fireweed Rise rested, no doubt about to end the life of an unsuspecting field mouse risking its soul for a midnight snack. The sight only held her attention for a spare moment before it once more was captured by her nightly companion, ear this time cocking in his direction. "It's quite the view isn't it?"

(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2016, 08:17 PM by Enoki.)