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Secret Woodland Pack Thread — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Duckweed Calor
Fishing in freezing cold waters was exactly nearly as fruitful and fun as Duck had feared, and as such his already weedy contributions to the pack cache dwindled as his favoured creeks and spots froze over or simply became unpleasant to fish in. His fur hadn't seen to bulk out as much as everybody else's, his body's version of a winter coat being to add extra tufts of fur between his toes. At least his feet weren't chilly. His last winter had been about as miserable, but at least this pack had only one Calor, and it was the only harmless one in the whole world.

It was with shame that Duck shuffled over to the cache, feeling as though his limbs were creaking from the cold, and rooted around for something small that nobody would miss. He knew that this was what it was for, for when the pack was hungry, and damn he was hungry, but they were all so nice to him and he actually wanted to be productive! He wanted to be better because of friendliness rather than hostility, what was this madness. But it was true.

Plucking a half-eaten, half-frozen hare from underneath a fresher morsel, he pulled it into the den, shivering, and hunkered down to eat it with guilt.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Special tag for @Enia @Flair or @Cinaed but really anyone can pop in :)

There weren't many moments the dark king left the borders but it was starting to get chilly and the man did hate the cold. He usually bore it with no complaint, yet the dark king noticed that he had yet to eat anything since the morning when he had begun his patrols so he decided to grab a quick bite to eat and head to the pack den for a brief respite from the chill. It wasn't so much he felt the chill, for really he just disliked the season. It didnt bring many happy memories, if any. So with these thoughts in mind the former guardian headed to a cache that was near the pack den and grabbed a couple of fish from it making a mental note to thank Duckweed if he saw him.

As he neared the communal den, Miccah was reminded of the days he spent almost none of his tine there. He had preferred to be alone. Now the man still enjoyed his solitude but he liked being surrounded by not only his mate and their children but the rest of his family. The man sat and began to eat silently, wondering if any would pass by.


Played by Namara who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cináed Athesila

The more he’d learned, the more silent he’d become. After all, he had less questions because his knowledge had expanded leaps and bounds, his eyes drifting around to the familiar terrain, silently assuring him that he was still in pack territory. He knew exactly where he was, because this place had been his stomping grounds since birth, and frankly it wasn’t something that was likely to change in the near or distant future. Family, after all, was the most important thing a wolf could have, and his family was in the Woodlands from his grandma Nina to even his annoying little sister, Flair.

He was working his way through the thicket, carefully to avoid getting anything stuck in his pelt… he’d grown and by now it was no secret that when he was an adult, he’d rival his father in size… it was something he was proud of. His paws hit the ground lightly as he finally came into view of the communal den, a wide grin on his face to see the devil himself, ebony coat and icy blue eyes that he could easily identify as his dad, around the den, a silent greeting with the wag of his tail as he approached, not wanting to disturb the meal, but also looking to interact with his parent.

[Image: 6TCzUUR.png]
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
So so tired. And so sore. He didn't know why. He slept well last night, he wasn't hungry and he wasn't thirsty. He hadn't pushed himself yesterday at all, sticking with a simple border patrol.

So why was his muscles protesting his movements so much as he got up and out from the communal den? He huffed heavily in annoyance, standing at the entrance as he stared out into the cold world. His damaged leg disliked the cold but it was bearable most days.

Today was not one of those days though and it was protesting his standing. His brain told him to lay down and just rest but the elder didn't want to. He wanted to do his part. Not for the first time in his life, he cursed the wolf that had done the damage to his leg, and cursed his sister for knowing and ordering said wolf to do it. He would never quote forgive either of the wolves for what they'd down but most of all his sister.

But if his leg wasn't going to cooperate, it wasn't going to make a fun day so Rayne simply sighed and settled down. Guess he was just gonna have to watch the snow fall today.
Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

A hollow cough shook her body, the sound almost as painful to the ears as the feeling in her throat. The fit persisted for several moments, causing her eyes to water. When it was finally done, a russet paw lifted to rub her dark nose, its surface paradoxically dry. "Eugh..!" She grunted, shaking her head to try and clear the ringing in her ears. At least she could do it without tumbling over now, the dizziness that had plagued her for the past moon's time finally gone, and her nose no longer stuffy. Only the cough remained, coming over her every few breaths it seemed. The almost-yearling gritted her teeth, wanting to growl in her irritation, but afraid it might provoke another coughing fit. Instead she just kicked at the snow, sighing lightly.

She was bored out of her skull. Her mother had been rather forceful in keeping her in the den, so she could rest up. For a while Flair had been so tired that it didn't matter, she just slept. But after awhile it got old, even as her head grew clearer and her body stronger, she still needed to relax. Giving a heavier sigh, the reddish girl let herself collapse into the snow, rolling over once, wrapping herself in the cold in a small act of rebellion. Not that it did much – her fur had grown long and dense for the winter – what she really wanted to do was go, somewhere, anywhere! She'd stayed put for this long, wasn't that enough?

Word count: 254

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Things were looking up. Miccah finally seemed to be on the mend and Flair too was looking a lot better. The first, tiny hints of spring were also starting to appear, early plants sprouting beneath the snow, not passing under the trained healer's eye. Today the weather was especially mild, and Aideen found herself feeling, just a tiny buzz inside, enough to put a spring in her step as she moved from the infirmary, where she had checked in on her mate, and back towards the communal den, a small bundle of herbs clutched between her teeth.

She heart her daughter's cough before clearing the last trees, a small frown creasing her brow at the sound. It wasn't unlike what she'd just left behind, though Flair's cold had been much milder than the pneumonia Miccah had battled. Luckily she came prepared, and a hint of steel filled her gaze as she stepped into the clearing; that cough wouldn't linger much longer. She found her middle pup on the ground, causing the frown to deepen, a chastising look in her eyes as they fell on the child. Giving a light clear of her throat, she expected the girl to understand and get up, before she gingerly set down her burden. Then she met the bright amber eyes, her expression changing to one of concern; "How are you feeling, dear?"

word count: 228

SECRET Woodlands
Played by PuppyThief who has 364 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She heard the approaching steps creak in the snow, but it seemed to much effort to get up; She was supposed to be recovering anyway. Though, as she rolled slightly, twisting her neck to look towards the clearing's edge, she half regretted that choice. The look on her mother's face was deceptively calm, something Flair had learned meant someone had really messed up. She quickly shuffled back up into a sitting position, shaking out here fur to clear in clinging flakes from the russet hairs. The quiet sound falling from her mother's lips was much more dangerous than any actual scolding words.

Ears falling sideways, the girl turned her eyes to her mother briefly before flicking them down. Amber gaze landed on the small bundle of herbs, her face twisting into a grimace. But she quickly shifted the expression, looking at Aideen with confidence at the question. "I'm fine," she assured, thumping her tail lightly against the snow a few times to underline the message; "Great, no need to worry, super-e-dooh!" Maybe if she was convincing enough, her mother wouldn't force that medicine on her. Of course the strategy was completely ruined by a new coughing fit, icky and painful as it tore at her throat. Her shoulders shook, ears flat against her skull as she fought against the tightness in her chest. When she was finally finished, she gazed sheepishly up at her mother, knowing full well what was coming next.

Word count: 242

Thoughts ”Speech”
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

A medic's eyes were always sharp, around a patient especially, and this was doubly true when it regarded her own, rambunctious daughter. She caught that brief look of disgust, but pretended she hadn't, even smiling faintly. At least the girl had gotten out of the snow. Her words hardly fooled the mother though, grey-dusted brows rising pointedly as those same, attentive eyes swept over the russet pup. She did look better, the blankness of fever gone from her eyes, replaced by a lively spark. But there was still lingering signs of the illness, a hint of fatigue in the posture.

Then, of course, came the cough. Aideen gritted her teeth, brows knitting in concern as she watched her child hack. She looked for the signs of choking, like she did when Miccah had a similar fit doing her checkups, but saw none, prompting her to sit back and wait for it to pass on its own, pity in her eyes. Once it was over, she shook her head, tutting lightly. Moving forwards she briefly touched her nose to her daughter's, sniffed her breath and then unceremoniously lowered her head and pressed it against the cream-colored chest, listening to her breathing. All of this was a routine the pup should be very familiar with.

When she finished and pulled back, there was a steely but satisfied look on her face. "I do think you're on the mend," she acknowledged, then turned her eyes to the herbs she'd brought. It was a simple cocktail of skunkbush bark and dried lavender hyssop, nowhere near as strong as what she'd been treating her mate with, but medicine none the less, bitter and unpleasing to the senses. So there was a stern look in her eyes when she turned them back up at her patient, pushing forwards the herbs with one paw; "But we'll make sure it gets a good send off, you know the drill."

word count: 321

SECRET Woodlands
Played by Becca who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Vasu Stormwright
He missed her already but he knew they had made the right choice. Vasu wasn't slowing her down by wanting breaks or to snuggle up anymore. He hoped she was fast, though. She would love this place. At least he hoped she would. She could find her family and that Grizzly Hollow place. Then his dark friend would be free to return back to him. 

Vasu had been out patrolling the borders to get more familiar with the place. It would certainly take some getting used to but he was positive he'd get the feel for it. @Aideen had welcomed him warmly so the Stormwright felt comfortable around her. The others all seemed so elusive. Perhaps it was his poor eyesight but he was positive he hadn't bumped into another wolf yet. That was part of the reason why he was at the communal den. Vasu was hoping he'd meet someone new and have a chance to learn more about this place. Granted he wouldn't mind running into Aideen again to chat over whatever.

Once he was comfortably close, he laid down and let out a soft bark. He kept his eyes on the lookout for anyone approaching or coming out from the den.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Aideen Athesila

It was an, oh so rare, quiet moment. The Woodland queen was resting in the sparse grass, poking up between the leaflitter in the clearing before the pack den. Head lying on outstretched paws, eyes half closed, she tried to ignore all the responsibilities pressing on her shoulders, just for a short respite before she had to get back to it all. There was just so much: The borders, gathering herbs, looking after the infirmary and the den; Caring for her children, the boys and the yearlings; And then there was Zilas, and Kaela. Too many problems on top of everything..!

She sighed, shifting in her place, trying in vain to get more comfortable. It was too much weight on her slender shoulders, and she felt terribly alone with it all. The better part of her knew that she wasn’t, that her mate was struggling just as much, fighting just as hard as she was to keep it all together, keep them safe and well fed. But the more worn out she got, the harder it was to think so clearly, that better half got pushed in the background. She needed help with all of these things, all her woes, but she wasn’t getting it; If I could just rest, just for a little while…

Word count: 215

Thoughts ”Speech”  
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