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we go together — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
OOC: @Yvly and anyone else who wants to join.

As soon as the alphas left Pip alone with Crystal, she looked on after their retreating tails with concern. It wasn't something she had done which made them mad, clearly. Otherwise, they would have simply chased her off rather than invite her to live in their ranks. The more the yearling thought on it, the more she felt that the male was the one in charge. There seemed to be unbalance in their leadership and perhaps it was that very thing which was leading to the subtle but rising animosity between the pair. But what did she know of Alphas and how they thought? She was as far removed from them as possible.

Unable to voice her concerns, Pip instead focused her attention on her new friend. She beamed at Crystal, ears nearly perked up straight rather than laying flat against her head as they had in the presence of her alphas - their alphas. While the pair walked, the little wolf bumped against her companion's side as she had on their journey here in an easy display of affection that was rare even among her own pack.

After crossing the pack boundaries, she trotted ahead with her nose to the ground, sniffing furiously to learn the scent she would soon wear as her own. There was sadness in losing the seaspray and sand scent that covered her hide now, but also a great amount of excitement for exploring such a different place. As long as Crystal was near, she had no qualms about tracking away from her side. Of course, the moment any new wolves showed up, she would no doubt be back at the tawny female's side.

With her nose satisfied, Pip lifted her head and tilted it slightly to peer at Crystal for direction as if to say Now what?

Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

OOC here!

Yvly watched, an amused expression on her face, as Squeak darted to and fro, muzzle practically glued to the forest floor. Pretty soon the unusual salty scent from her russet fur would fade away and be replaced with the musky cedar smell that was all around them. It took her a while to get used to the scent herself, but now it made her feel... home. It was the first time in a very long time since she had thought of a place that way, but now she did, and she had a friend to share it with. A win-win either way. While they walked the tawny female thought back to the animosity between Veho and Wacipi. Not that she wanted to calumniate, but they seemed on edge with each other, and she wasn't sure how recent the tension started from. Having the alphas at each other's throats was not a good thing, and if she wasn't so worried about making one (or both) of them annoyed at her, she would confront them about it. But she needed to let them work it out themselves... it might even prove to be better for her in the end.

She was driven from her inner thoughts when she noticed Squeak peering curiously at her, head canted to one side like she was waiting for instructions. Smiling at her new friend, Yvly glanced in the direction of the main pack den. Her own was a little ways from it, but close enough that she wasn't near the outskirts of the territory. "How about I show you where the main pack den is? I myself don't sleep there, too many wolves for my liking, so I found an old fox den close by to sleep in." She wasn't sure if Squeak would want to sleep with the rest of the pack, or choose to bunk with her. Either way, she was fine with it. It would be nice to have some company during the colder nights...

332 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip's tail wagged happily as soon as Crystal's gaze found hers and she bounded over to the tawny lady's side when she was invited along to visit the main pack den. Of course, the young one already determined she would stay by her friend for as long as she would have her. Even if this fox den of hers wasn't big enough for two, the russett wolf knew she would simply sleep just outside if it came to that. Though she was part of the pack now, it would be just too much to be able to sleep comfortably among so many strangers. True, she could meet them today as she had Crystal, however, there was already a strong bond here and Pip had no intention of letting its strength lessen.

With the energy befitting a pup, Pip squirmed and danced along, finding interest in nearly everything they passed. It was all so different from the home she was used to, though there were similarities to be sure. Rather than algae, there was moss. Instead of driftwood, there lay rotten logs filled with all kinds of interesting smells and goodies. The nearby river could be her new ocean, she supposed. It had no crashing waves nor spray of salt in the air, but Pip noticed a sharpness the fresh water added to the air that made other smells so much easier to detect. Where before, she'd not have even noticed a rabbit's trail, now it proved to distract her readily.

Is this what our hunters are so focused on all the time? she wondered with amazement before shaking her head and skipping after Crystal again. Pip's tail continued to wag slowly when she caught sight of the comfy looking den, though she didn't approach in case there was someone sleeping in there that didn't wish to be disturbed.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

Also note to self: set directly after this thread.

As they made their way to where the pack den lay somewhat in the center of Grizzly Hollow territory, Squeak, with the energy of a bored pup, found fascination in every little rock and tree. It was entertaining to watch her investigate absolutely everything, and it made her wonder just where the salt and sand smelling female came from. Obviously a place with lots of water and sand, but she didn't know where the smell of salt would come from. All she knew was great plains and small lakes, and now forests and mountains. She couldn't think of any other place where Squeak could have come from, and it wasn't like she could ask. That would just have to be one of the mysteries surrounding her new friend.

Soon they approached the main den, and from what her nose could pick up, there didn't seem to be anyone in it. There were the strong scents of cedar and wolf around, but none so fresh that she could be sure another was close by. But she didn't mind. It would be nice to just have Squeak around, show her around the territory, let her get used to the place, before going out and meeting others. The whole being mute thing would be quite an issue though...

Noticing how Squeak didn't go forward to investigate the den, Yvly smiled warmly. "I don't think anyone is in there. There's not many of us here, and the others don't seem to hang around the den much." Not that she was any different. "It's getting a little late," She said, glancing up at the swiftly darkening sky. "I'll take you to where I sleep at night, maybe even tell you a bit about myself?" Yvly surprised herself at her choice of words. It was very unusual for her to offer something like that, but she felt at ease around Squeak. if she couldn't find out about her friends past, then she may as well offer up her own. Turning her body around, the tawny female beckoned Squeak, and set off in the direction of her den.

351 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2016, 01:56 AM by Yvly.)
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Why have a den if no one uses it? Pip wondered, cocking her head curiously. Do they stay out in the open? Casting her head skyward, she pursed her lips a bit in consideration. There was plenty of cover above from all the trees. Perhaps the rains weren't so driving in the forest. Leaning forward, the little wolf confirmed with a sniff that there were indeed no fresh scents. At least those she found were pleasant to her nose. Even if it wasn't what she was accustomed to, Pip found the cedar a comforting scent.

When Crystal pointed out the lateness of the day, Pip found the weariness hit her heavily. The undulating excitement and anxiety was catching up to her quickly and the yearling found herself grateful for the opportunity to get off her paws. She was used to being on her paws for most of the day, but sand was quite different compared to hard soil. It had no give!

Eagerly, she nodded at the offer to show her the fox den she'd spoken of before and her burnt orange eyes brightened at the chance to hear more about her new friend. Pip gave a short play bow and chirped at Crystal before bouncing after her, taking every opportunity to brush against the older female with clear affection.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

OOC here!

The tawny female grinned widely at Squeak as she rushed to catch up with bounding strides, brushing against her side affectionately. It was different that what she was used to, most gave her the cold shoulder, but she was quickly learning the nicer she acted to others the more friendly they became. It took a while for that thought to sink itself into her mind, but it got there in the end. And it paid off as she now had a friend. Yes, friend. One that she would make sure was happy here. Those ideals would get some getting used to, but with practice in time they could become second nature... hopefully. The two wolves soon arrived upon the fox den Yvly had claimed as her own, quite obviously by her scent that clung firmly to the ground and bare brush around it. "It's not much, but it'll so," she said to Squeak, slipping inside. It was comfy with just her, enough room to fully stretch out, and even with the both of them inside there was more than enough room to move around. With a third wolf, however, things would start to get a bit claustrophobic.

Laying down sphinx-like style, she looked at Squeak. Well, where to start? "I grew up far to the north, on these great plains. Not a mountain in sight," Yvly began fondly, remembering her homeland. She did miss it, but this was her home now. "Every day I'd wake up and go out on those plains, chasing all the large prey around. I was a hunter," she clarified, in case Squeak thought she was doing it just to mess with the deer, elk, moose, and other big antlered creatures she was familiar with. "I was the smallest. By far. Everyone else towered above me," Yvly said with a chuckle,"And they didn't let me forget it. But I was happy. Just after my second birthday I decided I needed some... adventure, so I set out on my own and found this place." It seemed so long ago now. "And the very first thing that happens to me in these woods is me coming across a grizzly bear scavenging for some food." That had been an interesting day, but it hadn't deterred her from joining the pack that lived among the cedars. Now she was grateful it hadn't.

392 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit\'s nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip slipped into the den beside Crystal, settling against her friend with comfortable ease. The yearling set her head on her paws, orange eyes flickering up to watch the tawny female curiously as she began to tell her about herself. The coastal wolf smiled, closing her eyes then to imagine the home the other described. She pictured a stretch of beach, but rather than sand, it was peppered with the long scratchy grasses that grew at the junction between beach and forest. That wouldn't be pleasant. Perhaps her grasses were softer and shorter. Like some of the grass that grew in the forest from underneath all the fallen leaves and snow.

Crystal, the mighty huntress! Despite being her size, she still hunted with her pack rather than fished? Awe filled Pip. It seemed impossible for one wolf to be so talented and kind. The yearling wondered if she could learn to hunt as well. She'd never been particularly encouraged to hunt. It required good communication - something others found frustrating with concerns to the mute female. But maybe she could try it out with Crystal. She seemed as accepting of her weakness as her siblings.

At the mention of a grizzly bear, Pip opened her eyes and lifted her head, tilting it with confusion. What's a grizzly bear? she wondered. From the way her friend said it, it sounded like a rival animal. But the only rivals Pip could come up with were ospreys, eagles, otters, and the rare dolphin or whale. Maybe it was closer to a whale. They had lots of teeth and could take a wolf like her if they were sneaky enough. Pip had long ago learned how to watch for whales while fishing and had no concern for one ever getting a hold of her.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Melorama who has 194 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Yvly Doramor

OOC here!

While she had been telling her story Squeak set her muzzle upon her paws, eyes closed as if she was imagining those great plains, but when Yvly mentioned her meeting of that grizzly, Squeak's head popped up, head tilted slightly to the side. She must not know what a grizzly bear was, which was a foreign thought to the tawny female. Surely every wolf would know of that ferocious creature. But apparently Squeak had been living under a particularly salt rock all her life. And so with a small smile, she explained what it was. "A grizzly bear is a very large creature with brown fur. It likes scavenging on carcasses we leave behind and fighting one by yourself is a sure way to end up as food." Luckily she had been saved that day. Becoming a grizzlies pre-hibernation mean hadn't been on her to-do list back then, and it still wasn't now.

"But don't worry," she quickly assured her friend. "They tend to stay away from pack borders so as long as you stay near you'll be fine." And as it was winter they would all be holed up in the ground somewhere for another month until spring came around. The tawny female was silent for a few moments, caught up in her thoughts of spring. It was an unruly season, filled mainly with tension. Summer was much better in her mind. More daylight meant more time running on the plains, though now she would have to settle for the wide spaces between the cedarwood trees. "Maybe one day I'll teach you how to hunt the little critters around here, and you can show me how to fish?" Yvly said finally, a smile upon her face as she glanced happily at Squeak.

293 words

Yvly Doramor

imagine we are higher than the arrows,
casually we're breathing with the pharaohs,
tragically we fall just like the arrows.
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
Fade thread or feel free to make another post~ Figured this one was about wrapped up  <3

As Crystal began explaining, Pip wagged her tail softly with wonder. What a gift her friend was; not even knowing her a full day and still able to comprehend just what it was she was thinking. Content to listen, the yearling leaned against the tawny female, closing her eyes again with a tender smile.

Pip conjured up an image of the beast in her mind, giving it a large, scary wolf face - like one she'd seen in her dreams as a pup - and muddy brown fur. Longer teeth and claws than a normal wolf and so fierce its hackles rose towards the sky as it snarled. It seemed all just a story at first, but the youngling came to the realization that this was no tall tale Crystal was weaving. Concerned, her eyes opened again, narrowing into a worried frown. She would be sure to stick close to the pack borders to avoid such an animal.

The tawny female grew silent in thoughts of her own and Pip settled her head comfortably on her paws once more. The sudden offer to teach her how to hunt in exchange for learning how to fish brought another sleepy smile to the little wolf. It was a fair trade, to be sure, and one worthwhile. Whether permanent or not, she no longer lived by the coast and fishing wouldn't always be an option, as much as she didn't care for the idea. Learning how to be a true hunter like others in her old pack would be beneficial not only for her, but for her new packmates as well. Hunting took teamwork. Fishing could sometimes, too, but it wasn't nearly as vital as hunting.

In agreement, Pip thumped her tail against the ground as the day's events finally caught up to her. Soon, her breathing deepened and jaw slackened as sleep took its claim.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]