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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: For @Ainashi - This thread is starting near the borders of RSC and moving past them from there. 

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Partly Cloudy
11:42 AM

She was itching again, but no amount of rubbing against trees or rolling in the snow could fix this sort of thing. This thing nipped at her paws and said move. Do Something. She was getting more and more pent up inside, and again the agouti woman breached the borders to relieve her tension and clear her head. This heat thing was much more of a pain in the neck than the others had made it seem. She didn't want to feel so on edge. It was a chore just to keep her worries and anxiety under control on most normal days. Given, it was much easier as of late with the good that had happened, but still. 

The Queen left with only some general idea of how to spend her time. Really, whatever appeared before her as useful would do, be it tracking or just scouting in general. As luck would have it, the pungent scent of food hit her full force only minutes into the journey. The agouti-pelted female paused; nose quivering with interest. Whatever it was, it was most certainly dead. If any meat could be salvaged, it was a great boon to the pack, but she wasn't about to go running toward it all alone. For all Raela knew the killer was still there, or maybe other creatures with the same idea that she had. The scent had to be from something sizable, so without further delay she veered around; breaking into an easy lope toward home. 

The increased activity channeled her energy away from agitation and into something productive, and it already felt much better. Having so much stamina was now almost a burden; it made getting this thing out all the harder. The matriarch cleared the small creek near the southern border in a single bound. She remembered crossing Zilas' trail on the way out, and if she was lucky the pale man was still around. Whether on patrol or some other endeavor, she found it once more. Her mouth already parted from panting, Raela sent up a call. It was quieter, asking for him specifically without bothering the others; hopefully. She didn't want anyone sprinting across the territory just for a scavenging trip. It was a good opportunity to get to know Gent's right paw a little better one on one; a good idea all around. 
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2016, 04:09 PM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Winter still had its iron grip on the land and the air were still chilled, but something had started to change. Spring was looming in the horizon and for every time the sunset and rose for every hour passing spring came even closer. The white male were still trying to make up his mind if he were happy or irritated by it. Soring had it perks, more food, warmer weather and pups. But he worried, he had yet to see spring as a pack wolf, and the green and colorful season was not an easy cover for the white male.

A sigh escaped his lips as a white cloud drifted carefully towards the sky, he were following the border and had yet to catch any scents which did not belong. All in all it was a peaceful day or was until the howl ripped open the peaceful moment. Raela´s call had him turn around his eye scanning the horizon as if he might be lucky to see her frame among the timbers. Zilas stood still for a moment his tail wagging lightly behind him as he seemed thoughtful. Should he go? Leave the border along and hope that no creature dared to pass it and place their filthy paws on his kings land? Or should he go? Joining the female, the woman who at the given time stood beside his king? A commoner whom he had not spend a lot of time with. Maybe it was time he did get to know the woman, to learn whom this female who stood as queen beside the king. If she was really so, if she was really queen had in his eyes yet to be seen.

He allowed himself to reach a somewhat steady run as he made his way towards her, allowing an increase in speed until he slowed down braking the line of trees as Raela came into view. Walking the last part of the way he bowed his head in a greeting “Where is the fire?”he asked a careful smile to his lips.  

   "Talking" "IT."

(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2016, 08:25 AM by Ainashi.)
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Bit short :p sorry

The pale man's coat at last appeared; weaving through the trees and slipping through the snow that hid him so well. Her tail set into gentle wags as she waited, ears pricked forward for whatever the subordinate might have wanted to say. He had not kept her waiting long, and for that Raela was grateful. A grin spread over the woman's creamy muzzle as his light jest hit the air. She chuffed in mild amusement and dipped her own muzzle slightly.  "No fire," the matriarch began, bringing her eyes back up to meet his own mismatched orbs. 

 "But there might be some food in it for us." Her head turned back, vaguely pointing in the direction she had come before the smaller woman began to elaborate.  "I scented a kill of some sort a few minutes out," it was a rather commonplace discovery, but it was wise to always bring backup.  "If there are other scavengers I might need your help." Her words were sincere; on her own she might even have trouble with a few coyotes, but together they were much more formidable. Her golden eyes moved over his silvery form with a curious glimmer. She didn't really expect him to refuse, but she was interested in the man's answer anyway.  
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2016, 08:00 PM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@”Raela” weren’t surten of Raele were in heat at this point please tell me and I corrects my post. Short as well sorry.

"No fire eh?" he repeated his eyes meting hers as he sighed "Food you say? Oh Fenrir seems to be going easy on us this year at least when it comes to food." he followed her movement gazing in the direction she had pointed out as his toke in a  deep breath trying to catch a hint of what had been taken down. He sighed as it seemed that thye might be to fare from the kill for him to scent it and he sighed as he turned his gaze back to the female. His miss matched orbs resting on her face before he pulled a paw over his snouted

As the woman spoke about the risk of there binge other scavengers he felt his lips pull back just a millimeter, why had she not gone close to check? What if there where nothing there, then he would have followed her with no reason? He sighed "Lead the way Raela" he said nodding at her as a sign to go as he walked up beside her. Food was a thing the pack need in the times around winter and early spring.  

"Talking" IT.

(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2016, 08:12 AM by Ainashi.)
please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated