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Fear is how we fall [M] — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
Pack move thread! @Moraxia @Ainashi @Jynx @Merys @Sylva - Please try to post in here as soon as you possibly can! We can't move forward until this thread is completed! This is a mandatory pack activity - we need all of you! @Gent is going to post right after Raela, but then the rest of you can feel free to join in! 

The pack is only trying to chase the bear away from the den and the territory by harassing it, and members should take care not to get too close to avoid severe injury.  

All PP of Gent is done with permission. {M} tag for language.

16° F, -9° C
3:44 PM

The journey here had taken them most of the day. The leaders had been careful to round up the pack at first light, and to keep their pace to something manageable so that the whole group were not completely exhausted by the time they arrived. She and Gent had yet to pick a pack den on their first trip out, and for all they knew the rest of them would have to help dig a new one if a den could not be stolen or adopted. The Queen's first idea was to track along the base of the fijords, with the springs and the river on their right. If a shelter could be made into the side of these hills, they would have much needed protection. 

As the group moved along the foliage began to change; pine trees and other conifers took precedence the further north they went, until almost all that seemed to be around them were majestic firs. Raela spotted a thicker cluster up ahead, and picked up her pace. Perhaps a den could be created and hidden here, but as she padded closer it became evident that there was no need to dig. A wide, well-constructed bear den was tucked deep into the base of the hill, just where the slope began to shift upward. It had to be a grizzly den; nothing else made a hole so large. Excitement beat in her chest; if they could take this one over, they would save many hours of labor and precious energy after the trek. 

She should have known that this was too good to be true. As she stepped toward the opening, the heavy scent of a male bear overwhelmed her nose. It was no longer inside, but not far from them either. The stench was so fresh. She pulled back, casting a slightly concerned and serious stare Gent's way. They had smelled and seen evidence of multiple predators in the area, likely due to this place being unoccupied by wolves, but had avoided every encounter so far. The matrarich's gaze spoke for her. They needed this, and they also couldn't deal with allowing the creature to dwell within their future borders. The Alphas' eyes locked on one another, and finally her jaws parted. "We have to get rid of it anyway," she was speaking quietly, but not only to Gent. The rest of the pack would have to hear too. 

This was not a decision to be taken lightly. Raela moved toward the gathered wolves, squaring her shoulders and steeling her nerves. "It's a grizzly bear, and its not far." The sentence seemed to fall heavily from her lips; weighted by its own gravity. She let the fact sink in, passing her eyes over the group. "It woke early, and its probably pretty sluggish right now, but also pretty hungry." These bears were some of the most dangerous; she was only glad that it would be groggy and slow after its long winter nap. "We're going to have to run it off at some point, and we might as well get some shelter out of it," She would have grinned a little with the comment had the situation not been so deadly serious.

"We just need to chase it off, I don't want anyone loosing life or limb over this." Raela's tone had grown harder. "We still have to claim this land once its over." The Queen let the silence fall over them, still running her brilliant yellow eyes over each gathered soul. When it seemed that everyone had understood she turned, flicking her head toward the forest with a stony expression. The woman was afraid, afraid for all of them, but if she showed it openly they were doomed.

It was not difficult to follow the animal's trail from their position at the den. When eventually the male's towering brown form appeared distantly between the trees the Queen's pace slowed. Her tail began arching at her back; she wanted to be sure everyone saw the thing before they moved. She slowed to a walk, and then a stop, looking over her shoulders to connect with each wolf in solidarity. A long sigh passed her lips and she glared at the threat. Maybe anger would cover this fear that was clawing at her chest and legs. The creature was just now beginning to notice that something was amiss. Between pawing desperately at the snow it kept glancing into the distance, but perhaps luckily, they remained undetected. It would not last long.

Gent's war cry burst in her ears and she snarled, darting forward with the boldness given by each surrounding wolf's charge. Together they were a formidable force, and something for the grizzly to reckon with. The bear was startled, pulling up onto its hind kegs in an attempt to scare the dogs off with a threatening roar. For her own part in this battle Raela took to rushing the creature from behind, though it whirled each time to try and face the nearest threat. Her jaws clicked together with the promise of blood, should she get ahold of him, and she dodged away just in time to avoid getting smacked by his monstrous paws. Even if the Queen threatened to bite, locking her fangs into the bear was a sure way to get killed. Her feet danced and skittered to the side, frantically trying to keep the distance between them to something reasonable and safe when it charged out of frustration. This wasn't about drawing blood anyway. Raela kept up her snarl. They were going to make it leave whether it wanted to or not. This was their land now. 
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2016, 12:21 AM by Raela. Edit Reason: Totally didn't leave out part of a paragraph. Nope. )
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

The moment he got a whiff of the errant grizzly, Gent could not be moved from Raela's side, refusing to stray more than a foot's length from her shoulder as the pack hunted through the pine forest to track it down. The trek forth to this new territory had been filled with nothing by high notes, the king especially excited to claim this idyllic land and plant himself firmly onto the path of a shining bright future. To meet with an obstacle such as this right at the end of their journey? He supposed the hurdle should have been expected; paradise couldn't come so easily.

Perhaps he might have even found a sense of thrilling reward within the challenge, if it weren't the danger this presented not just to his factotum subordinates, but specifically Raela; the queen who now carried the whispers of what would quickly become his children within her. The monstrous shade had considered instructing her to hang back, but even that would not do given all the secrets this valley still could hold. No, the safest place for her was right at his side where he could protect her.

"Don't take any risks," he asked of her, whispering into her ear so that only she could hear as they neared the origin of the bear's trailing stench.

When the beast was found and the moment right, Gent's aggression peaked and with a hearty bellow he launched them all into the fray. It was his duty to monitor the entirety of what was now their battlefield, ensuring the safety of each and every wolf that worked beside him to secure their new home. Yet he could not help but focus nearly entirely on Raela. Each inch that disappeared between her and the enraged monster heightened the pace of his heart, and it was difficult for him to remember that they wanted only to chase the bear from the valley rather than maim it.

Each time its pinprick eyes settled upon his mate, a snarl ripped through Gent's throat and his deepest instincts demanded that he tear flesh and spill blood. With great self-control he limited his maneuvers to lunges and loud clacks of his jaws, as well as a few choice words barked out to hopefully take the bear's attention each time it drew too close to hurting someone.

"C'mon, y'fucker," the raven-black leviathan growled, quickly growing frustrated with the game as the bear continued to attempt to hold its ground. "Run!"

Played by Miss Freeman who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moraxia Cipris

The trek into their new home seemed like it was taking far too long as the wolves walked, Moraxia’s mind ruining her sense of time as seconds ticked by. The female was overly excited about the pack’s destination, and where they what they would soon be calling home. The landscape was beautiful; grassy planes still bleak from winters harshness gave way to giant, remarkable trees that vastly patterned the timbers. The environment was unlike anything the young female had seen thus far and demanded her full attention as she stumbled along at the back of her family. They had to be getting close now; she could feel the excitement growing within the beating hearts and animated steps of her company.

Moraxia took notice of the leader’s hesitance as a new smell filled her nostrils. The anxiousness of it all suddenly seemed to turn into concern on the King and Queen’s faces. Stopping to listen the wolf’s ears peaked in order to hear Raela’s words. ’A bear?!’ she thought, panic setting within her. The young agouti had yet to meet a bear, especially one of grizzly proportions. Still, the alpha spoke logically as she explained her thoughts to the rest of the curiously silent group. Catching Rae’s eye Moraxia nodded in agreement, her face taught in a serious but understanding sort of way. They could do this, and they would do this.

The wolves continued into the forest, it’s once enchanting trees now looming like shadows over their forms. The female noticed the beast as Rae stiffened to signal its location. The bear was large and formidable, patting the snow beneath its claws as it glanced about the forest. Unease held her in place as she waited for the rest of her pack to make a move. As one after the other fell into a charge at the massive animal, Moraxia took her place within the rush. She leapt into action, snarling and barking with every bit of energy she possessed. This certainly wasn’t going to be easy.

It’s large frame moved suddenly as it attempted to frighten the wolves with a roar that was quickly answered by more barking and snarls. Skillfully the red-backed woman danced forward in front of the bear as Raela took up a position from behind. Her jumps were carefully placed to avoid the massive claws that swung through the air, dodging underneath and snapping brutally at the beast’s legs. Her body weighed her down somewhat at times, the wolf barely avoiding a sharp set of claws to the back.

A glance around revealed bravery within her pack and encouraged Moraxia to surge onwards, lunging in and out with precision. “We can do this!” She snarled loudly, darting in to strike again.
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2016, 01:09 AM by Moraxia.)
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
((Please scroll over the text, there's more than it seems!))

The small black wolf was bouncing slightly as she followed her packmates. Sylva had taken up a position near the back of the moving group. Brown eyes flicking through all of the passing scenery from the snow laden trees to the passing fields. She wa shappy, the pack was on their way to a new home. She’d miss the old one, the view from the mountains, the trees and the stream but soon Sylva could make new friends among the natural vegetation. After her somewhat emotional talk with Raela the young wolf hadn’t been sure who she was anymore, but that would change, she was determined to find a way to contribute and the agouti alpha may have provided a way to.

The chocolate black wolf froze when Raela spoke. A BEAR! her mind screamed as the yearling’s eyes became as round as plates at the thought of facing such a terrifying figure. Sylva listened to the Alpha’s words and froze for a moment as Gent, Raela and Moraxia darted in. Something within the young wolf snapped. This is OUR home now, not the bears, we can't just sit by while they fight for it. The usually docile canine pulled her lips back in a snarl as the fur along her neck and shoulders started to bristle, possibly making the 27 inch wolf a little more intimidating as her umbra eyes burned with a new flame to help protect her pack and their new land.

Sylva barked and snarled as she darted in, the light framed female danced around wildly slashing claws as she bared her ivory fangs as she ran, she knew she had no experience in fighting something of this scale, for her to attempt what the others were doing could prove suicidal. Instead she opted to continue circling the massive animals snapping at any limbs that came within range and keeping up a constant series of barking and snarling, all those hours of talking non stop proved valuable!

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue

Played by Dot who has 133 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Merys Adroren
Sorry for the novel! It just came out.

This was not exactly the plan that Merys had had in mind when he had taken Jynx's offer to go back and join Round Stone Crest. He had envisioned a brief period of meeting the wolves of the pack, then a long rest from his travels before he intermittently got to know everyone better to find where he would end up placing himself among the ranks. Instead, he had been escorted back his young new acquaintance, accepted at the borders, then rudely informed that while yes, welcome to the pack, it was also an eviction notice that they were leaving at first light. Uh, excuse me? What do you mean, you're moving? It was not unheard of for packs to change their locations, but it was certainly not common. 

Of course, it had been Merys' luck to stumble into knocking on the door one of those few situations. He had only been able to sigh inwardly and accept it. Whatever, he had thought, a new beginning might as well be new for everyone. The true irony came when Merys realized that the journey would not be that 'new' afterall, once that he began recognizing all of the commodious terrain he had travelled to get to Round Stone Crest in the beginning. Now, him and his six new best friends were backtracking all of the land he had made it over to go find a new home. I should have just met there here, he thought fruitlessly as they stepped off that morning behind the leaders. His legs ached with the weeks of trekking that he had done, but he followed nonetheless. 

After a few hours, the alpha female, Raela? paused and spoke with her mate and Merys took a moment to shake out his paws and stretch his back legs before returning to his haunches to wait for directions, rather disinterested in the whole process. Were they here? He began looking around when he realized the scent on the air that brought his mind crystal clear and electric back to the situation. He looked cautiously at his alphas, he obviously were now discussing the elephant in the room. Or the bear, as it were. His eyes narrowed, trying to hear their quiet conversation, but then she turned to her followers and it was all Merys could do not to voice: Are you fucking kidding me?

He held his face smooth for his company, but he was a mix of glaring and incredulous disbelief underneath. He understood chasing things off of your land. He understood the importance of vantage points. He understood bears were nobody's nice neighbour. But it was quite literally, his FIRST DAY. Bears weren't exactly a pack hunting item, they were quite commonly a death sentence; and, Merys knew that these wolves would be expecting his full support in putting his life in danger with them for the sake of the claim of the land. Really? REALLY? Merys had more than half a mind to turn and walk away when the leaders turned to stalk down the creature. Just go, he said, pausing as the other wolves prepared to leave, This is NOT the 'more' you were looking for. You don't know a thing about these wolves, or their level-headedness in high stress situations, or their blind loyalties, or their physical prowess or.. he glanced around. Well, actually, he could see quite easily where the physical prowess level was standing right now, as he glanced at the smaller than average collection standing before him.

He agreed to continue his inner dialogue as he trotted comfortably behind the wolves. Nope, you don't need to do this. There were wolves here that don't even know your name, nor you theirs. This is not a thing you ask strangers to help you out with, he continued, nodding confidently in his reasoning. No one could blame him! There was much more land to be discovering and many less bears to be chasing before he even had a den to call his own. He would have happily continued his self-talk when he realized the scent he was hoping to avoid flooded his senses, and he almost ran into the wolf in front of him when he realized everyone had stopped. The alpha Raela was pointed in the direction of the grizzly, and then his eyes fixed on it too. His hunter instincts froze him then, eying their prey, sizing it up. The wind, the ground beneath him, the scent, the grizzly's movements. 

He was a patient hunter, so he was taken fully aback when he heard the alpha male's battle cry go up and the wolves dart forward without hesitation. "You are fucking kidding me!" he exclaimed to himself, and he knew they would not hear him. He trotted forward as they went but paused again, concerned about the full charge towards the creature. Did they have a death wish? Was there some plan or something that he had not heard about that they were all privy to? How could they expect to do this successfully without planning? Why was there no plan!? He felt something wash over him then, something he wished hadn't. A sense of protection, or duty to protect these foolish wolves that knew no better. He began running forward, only a few wolf lengths behind the pack. His ears pricked forward, watching the situation, refusing to let any anger wash over him. He watched and cringed as the wolves surrounded the bear and nipped dangerously close to him. How would they chase him away if they did not give him an escape route? The grizzly would be forced to swipe to attack even if it hadn't planned to at all. He stood behind them, then saw the alphas closer together snarling on one side and knew he was going to follow these crazy wolves, now would not be the opportune time to turn away. This had better give him brownie points in the long run. 

He darted to their side, his ears now flat against his head and raising his lips back in a snarl, a menacing look on the large male's face. "Here, to this side! We'll herd him in one direction if we work together!" he yelled, hoping they would understand his meaning. He let a snarl rip from his muzzle as he attempted to frighten to bear away from the three wolves on that side, seeing his agitation rise and his large paws swiping at his packmates. Merys only hoped it never made contact, as the grizzly's were faster than one would ever think for a creature that size. He watched and hoped the smaller wolves would use their size to their advantage.
[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
founding member | 2016
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Reach for the stars

At daybreak Jynx had already been up and ready to travel. While her time in the Stonewatch Timbers had been short, she had enjoyed the change of scenery. She would miss the place and it's beauty. But she would remember to try and pay the area a visit, when she had some free time. Location did not matter...it was who she was with that did. And her new pack mates weren't going anywhere. They traveled together, staying as one, on their move to their new home. She wondered what it would be like, the place that Raela and Gent had picked. Regardless of the landscape, she was sure she would be happy there.

She kept pace with the pack easily, keeping a watchful eye on everyone to make sure nobody fell behind. Watching for any potential threats or hidden dangers. Although her nomadic lifestyle may be over, when she traveled, Jynx fell into her old habit of being extra alert. Even when she was surrounded by wolves who she hoped to eventually call friends as well as family. When the small group finally did reach their destination, her breath hitched in her throat momentarily. This place was nothing short of magnificent, as her burning gold eyes swept over what would be their new home. Gently rolling hills, clusters of rocks and a large water source, all framed by the mountains. But there was little time to admire. Raela and Gent had soon stopped, their bodies stiffening. Something was up, and judging by the heavy, musky scent on the wind, it wasn't hard to guess what.

A large male Grizzly was in their midst, the very owner of the den built into the hillside. It needed to go. Immediately. This was no longer it's domain. The Crest wolves were here to stay, and they would claim this land and the den by force. Tensing her jaw, ears flattening slightly and with a hard glint in her eyes, Jynx nodded stiffly, confidently in agreement with Raela's plan. Slowly, adrenaline began to pump through her veins as she and the rest of the pack stalked forward to intercept the Grizzly. Far from foolish, Jynx was well aware of how dangerous it was to take on a bear of this size. A head on attack would be suicidal. A single wolf, or even two or three wouldn't stand a chance. Those massive paws tipped with razor claws could slice a wolf open if they weren't careful. But faced against a confident pack, maybe, just maybe, the bear could be persuaded to leave through sheer intimidation. Her newest acquaintance, Merys, seemed hesitant. Even irritable. She sighed to herself...she should have told him that the pack planned on relocating before convincing him to join. But she was still fairly new too, and nothing worthwhile ever came easy. She shared a glance with him. "Try to think of it as a...right of passage of some sort..." She commented, trying to instill some positivism in him. She hardly knew her pack mates either, but part of being connected strongly with the pack was placing your trust in them. Even if they were strangers you barely knew. Besides, she would see to it they did not remain as such forever.

With her Alpha's cue, she boldly followed suit, charging alongside her new family to meet this new threat. While a small part of her was nervous, another part of her saw this bear and opportunity as the perfect chance to finally release all of her pent up aggression and frustration. Yet she would not be so blinded as to get herself killed, nor endangering the lives of those around her. Tail waving high in confidence (not to be mistaken as dominance), her jaws parted to release a feral roar of defiance. Smooth dark lips drew back, brandishing her teeth in a snarl while her paws slammed forcefully at the soil. With the others doing their part to try and distract the mammoth beast, Jynx swerved around behind, darting in and out to take rapid, sharp nips at it's rump. Not once, did her teeth ever graze flesh or fur. She only got close just enough to try and startle it. No sooner was she harassing the bear from behind, then she was parading to the side again, barking and snarling. Trying to divert it's attention away, to get it to run. Once they were able to do that, then the pack could fall back and drive the bear out as a whole.


Played by wolfsi who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sorry for he late reply.. first time doing something like this tell em if something needs change.

The trip had been long and boring, the white male did not like the idea of walking for this long but he knew it was for the best. The king deserved a legacy of his oven and the one who had been left him at the crest was not one whom the white male could see anyone be satisfied with. The former ruler had been a female who´s children had been the rightful airs to the land, but they had all up and left it. Ungrateful monsters. But he did not feel sadden by the children's disappearance, it was more of the opposite. The children of the wolf known to him as Minka was not worthy of the royalty bestowed upon them.

Zilas stopped as the king and Raela halted by a large den dug into the walls of a hill. But something was looming around the corner. The stench that drifted from the opening had his belly turn into knots and his lips pull back into a silent snarl. The King and woman talked quietly together, before she turned to them. So she were expecting them to hunt it? Chance it off? The white male felt bothered by her commanding voice, he knew she were the wolf beside Gent and her scent had changed no longer caring the aroma of spring. Yes she would be the queen soon enough. Her wish to chase it off seemed to surprise him, would it not just come back? Or were bears really that stupid? "My king, won't the beast come back for its territory at a later time? ". his question was doubting as his oven knowledge if this kind of beast was small.

Following its track seemed easy, its stench stood strong and had the male growl for himself as it clawed in his nose drills. Soon the beast stood in front of the pack its brown frame scraping at the ground, as they remained unnoticed.

  As the kings war cry rang in his ears, Raelas snarl as they jolted in to action. The monster stood tall trying to scare them off its roar rang in his ears as he like the others jolted forward teeth snapping close to its hind legs before he jolted away. A snarl as the beast did not seem to get the message they were trying to send it.


please don't judge me for talking to my self, after all, you were the one who ruined me.

Keala is permitted to enter any thread Zilas is part of regardless of the tag unless otherwise stated 

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
Thank you everyone for being so very quick to reply! The bear is now running. Let's keep this momentum going!

The feeling of charging anything as a group was incredible. She heard the footsteps of the wolves around her; wolves that trusted her and Gent to get them through this successfully, and saw their surging forms on all sides. Even Sylva was displaying courage Raela had not expected to see from her, and it bolstered the Queen's own. Once engaged, the others fell to doing exactly what they were supposed to. Some distracted in front, others in back, and the creature was kept on its toes, switching target too often to make any good hits. No bear would run from them right away when they were only seven strong, but with coordinated attacks the pack was an impressive force; especially with the towering forms of her mate and both of their seconds. Even the new male was impressive in size.  

They would prove their point to this monster. The others seemed to be heeding her warning and keeping themselves safe, for now. In between lunges and frantic dashes to safety Raela turned her eyes up to watch the bear. They had to frustrate and frighten it so thoroughly that it took its chance in a mad dash, and she was ready for that first sign of weakness. What broke her concentration, if only for a few moments was the agitated rush of the new recruit, Merys, a wolf she had yet to really get to know. He was barking an order to her and everyone else, an order perhaps useful but a bit premature. Coming at it from one side right away was a sure way to get everyone slashed. Her pack had spread out just as the matriarch had wanted, so that the bear had many moving targets to deal with at once. A collected force was much easier to hit. Even the direction it ran  was of little concern to her; it just had to go away. 

She snarled back, dismissing his command with a brisk click of her teeth. "Not yet," she barked gruffly; there was no time for her usual courtesy and tact. The woman's attention needed to return to the task at hand. Thankfully no one had begun to change their position according to his words, and she was afforded another opportunity to gauge the animal's resolve. She could explain her reasoning to the man later when nothing was at stake. Hopefully he would understand her attitude in the moment, and excuse the correction. Raela didn't need to get off on the wrong paw with someone so new to the group. Golden eyes switched frantically between her pack mates and the grunting, slashing bear. No one was hurt, and she was more than grateful. Raela loped a pace or two to the side, trying to meet the beast's gaze. 

Dark, beady eyes locked on her for only a single breath, before the actions of another wolf forced him to redirect his attention. It was attacking less, and roaring more. The matriarch's hackles bristled. Resorting to scare tactics only meant good things for them. She dove in again, halting her advance just as it spun and skittering backward until a pack mate drew its ire instead. A harsh growling sound had followed the woman back in that last moment; it was getting fed up. Her tongue lolled from between twitching, parted jaws. The exertion was finally beginning to get to her, and probably the bear as well. Adrenaline made focusing on the creature that much easier, so when it took a shuffling step back, and then another after lashing out, she lunged forward. Her front legs landed stiffly in the snow; body trying to appear as intimidating as possible.

The dance continued for only a handful of seconds, before it started to move away. The stubborn animal tried to face them even then, but Raela knew now was the time to push it over the edge. "Rush him!" She called, arching her tail high and bursting into action. The Queen was a swift wolf, so darting away had been easier than it might have been for the larger members of the group. Now she used her speed to incite them into another charge at her heels. The wall of snapping wolves was enough to change the starved bear's mind about sticking around, and with a hasty grunt it turned. Success drove her legs to pump faster, but she no longer moved to bite the creature. If anyone drew blood it would turn back in defense. They just needed to keep it running until the land was safe.  
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

The beast was thin and ragged, the bulk of its mass having been siphoned off by hibernation, yet still it was a fearsome sight. With great audacity it continued to stand against them, enraged and determined to stay its ground. While he was confident that this feat was well within their capable paws, it still took bravery to rise up against such a creature. Moraxia and Zilas he expected to be faithfully at his side. That small Sylva, Jynx and not-even day-old recruit Merys would so promptly enter the fray with them? It did much to raise Gent's opinion of them and bolster his confidence that despite the oddities amongst them, this assembly would be a solid foundation upon which to build what would one day soon be a formidable pack.

With all the maneuvering to and fro, especially attempting to keep up with Raela, the mammoth luminary was swiftly becoming worn. His muscles burned indignantly as he refused to allow them to slow, jaws parted in a wrinkled snarl as heavy pants escaped him. Cardio stamina was far from his forte, but willpower was certainly a strength. The blood racing through his veins thundered within his ears, and he barely heard Merys' shout. Between dodging the Grizzly's sporadic swipes and keeping tabs on Raela, it took a moment for him to focus upon where the other bulky male had placed himself, but in the interim he caught sight of his mate's response. Whatever that was about, it seemed this autoschediasm expedition was falling right into place thanks to their concentrated efforts.

The bear was lunging less and less, taking its eyes from them more often to seek out other options. The only one it had was to run, to get the fuck out, and Gent couldn't help but let a snarling grin sweep over his face as the beast at last began to attempt to retreat away from the intimidating shield they had created. Acting upon the weakening of the monster's resolve Gent rushed forward at Raela's command, pushing his powerful limbs hard.

Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow

Sylva felt the blood roaring in her ears as the pack worked as one to drive the bear off. THIS is what she had been missing. The unity and companionship of the pack is what drove her on, even when they faced something as terrifying as a bear, a BEAR! Sylva couldn’t help it. A mad giggle over took the yearling briefly as they worked together to drive it backwards toward the trees. They were all alive, snapping and snarling together! Sylva didn’t think anything could hurt them now and the insane prospect that they, mere wolves could drive off something so big, it was maddeningly intoxicating! The power that they drew from each other was this strong!

Her ears pricked as Raela spoke. Together they were all tipping the balance into their favor and now was the time to drive home that advantage! Sylva’s muscles rippled under her sleek black and brown mixed pelt. She pushed forward with her pack, her fur bristled angrily, a snarl escaping her drawn back lips..

IT’S TURNING! Sylva screamed mentally as the large beast started to lose ground and eventually show it’s back to them as it plowed through the brush. Sylva’s sides were heaving slightly as she tried herself out, but she kept pushing herself as she felt her fellow wolves gaining ground after the beast.

ThoughtSylva’s dialogue