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You don't wanna be high like me — Hidden Grotto 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Hidden Grotto
March 4th, Partly Cloudy, 16F/-9C
Leaving it very vague as to where each wolf is, figured Bramble Falls was center enough they could be reasonably be there

Aponi had always been somewhat of a restless creature and staying in one place for too long made her skin itch. She had stayed mostly close to @Kyna for as long as she could stand but the silver legs begged to take her elsewhere, at least briefly. She would return to her daughter of course but for now she allowed her paws to carry her where they wished. It was not only her restlessness that carried her, the same fire that had burned in her veins last time had returned but this time she knew what it meant. It felt like her skin rippled with every step and her nerves were burning her alive, everything was irritating.

With the physical changes came mental ones as well. Mood swings and cravings to be close to the males and snap at the females who were of age. It was driving her mad so she made herself scarce. Still her thought was occupied with the image of the dark male with the silver ticking. Powerful, which made the otherwise rather plain looking wolf handsome. Powerful enough to attract the silver female to him like a moth to the light. The thought of him caused the fur along her spine to shudder, yes Drestig would do quite well to quell her satisfactions.

The thoughts occupying the woman hardly noticed her surroundings or how far she had wandered. No matter it would be easy enough to find her way back, she always did.

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon
Edit: Quick note that, if Jessie is travelling with him they've just temporarily separated for whatever reason (Light and I can work that out) Just wanted to state it xD I tried to keep vague with the post, but it's hard to make it ambiguous whether or not he travels alone -.-

Wandering again. He easily fell into the rhythm, an old familiarity making him feel almost at peace. Although, over the last year, he hadn't longed to travel the way he had previously. In fact now, even as he cherished the freedom of the open land, the thing he longed for the most, was a new place to settle, somewhere to make himself a new home. But it would need to be just the right one, he wouldn't take anything less than perfect. Besides, it would take at least a couple more wolves to start a pack. The silver dusted man sighed heavily, he had hoped that it would go easier, that the family he had found in Oak Tree Bend would have reacted better to his suggestion. Still he hadn't lost his resolve, it was as he had told Spieden; I have to try!

So he travelled. And eventually his paws brought him across the mountain, north of the Lost Lake and Fallen Tree Cove, neither of which he was interested in coming across. Instead he found a shallow stream of water, trickling down from higher ground. He followed it down the western slope, as it slowly grew larger, fed by several similar streams, leading melt water down from the mountains; Spring indeed. Ever since the day he had left Oak Tree Bend, he had felt it in the air. Even though it was still cold, especially atop the pass, his body told him clearly that the season was changing. He wondered if, perhaps, it had had a part in what happened at the dreaded pack meeting. He knew, from personal experience, how the start of spring could set a wolf ablaze, natural urges pushing them towards, what only few where privileged enough to attain. He wasn't stupid enough to give it all the blame though, he himself had made his decision long before spring could even hope to arrive. He shook his head, like all the other times these thoughts had snuck up on him, it was no use, what was done was done.

The waterway, now more of a river, let him continuously down, until the land suddenly started to flatten out. Drestig continued, puzzled, snowy rock still all there was under his feet. Only a few trees popped up here and there, and his sense of distance told him he was still a good ways above the mountains root. Soon he got his answer, as he reached the cliffs edge, large masses of water rushing over the edge of a broad outcrop. His river joined a couple others as they cascaded into a huge waterfall, roaring loudly in his ears. Well, no way of getting down from here… He grumbled lightly, turning to find a way around the falls and down into the valley. Then his eyes fell on a cluster of rocks, grouped around one of the smaller waterways that joined the falls. Curiosity got the better of him, and he headed towards them, noting that, while the roar of the large falls grew dimmer, a smaller, similar sound grew slowly more apparent. He rounded the first stones to find a shallow, clear pool of water, formed by the little river as it dropped from higher up, its own, miniature version of the Bramble Falls, hidden away behind the sheltering boulders. He was not alone in his discovery though, another wolf had already made it into the protected nook, her silvery form all too familiar. Ember eyes widened in surprise; "A-Aponi?!"


Word count: 585

”Speech” Thoughts
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2016, 07:34 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

When she finally did glance up to notice her surroundings she was met with what some might describe as "romantic". A small almost private waterfall with a shelter of rocks to block her from view from anyone else travelling through the area. Aponi had never been one for romance. Her only daughter had been conceived under the naivety of being just a yearling and the urges of a man who had power and no mate. This year was different. As her own scent wafted around her the girl knew what it meant and knew how dangerous it was to be wandering alone so far from home. Yet she did it anyways.

She had been at the disadvantage with the wind. Drestig's approach was first announced with sound rather than with scent and the silver ears twitched backwards at the sound of her name. Turning her head she smiled coyly as he appeared within her sights, just the man she had been thinking of.  She had stayed for the sake of her daughter but the selfishness within her heart could not stop her mind from portraying what might have been if she had left.

Turning towards him she stepped forward, tail swaying behind her both to signal her enjoyment at his approach but also to purposely waft her scent around. Lifting her chin playfully she smiled once more, creeping closer to him. Reaching almost directly to him she changed her course enough that she began to circle about him, like a child might before initiating a game of tag. Making almost a full circle she murmured, "Did you find everything you were looking for Drestig?"

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Her scent hid him like a cresting wave, the sudden intensity assaulting his sense.  Even with very little experience in the area of female-heat, his instincts immediately knew what it was, and his nostrils flared, pupils dilating. More than anything though, there was confusion on his face as he looked at the young woman, her posture shifting suddenly as their eyes met, gliding seamlessly into the luring manners he had seen on the day they first met. She came towards him, the slow wag of her tail filling the enclosed space with her strong scent. Drestig focused completely on the cat-like shewolf as she came closer, his tail thumping uncertainly against his legs. When she veered to circle him, his eyes followed, inadvertently landing on the slow sway of her hips. His mouth was dry, heart thumping slow, but loud in his chest. He craned his neck, turning his head over one shoulder to keep his eyes on her, snapping quickly around to the opposite side as she rounded his hind-quarters and came back. Her voice was like honey as she spoke, sending a shiver through the older man; Of what exactly, he wasn't sure.

Clearing his throat, he answered surprisingly calmly, attention never straying for even a second from the slow, captivating movements of the silver dame; "Not… Just yet." He could explain that it took time, and he knew it would, that he was optimistic, that there was Jessie at least; Jessie… But none of it seemed important. Instead he just watched her in silence, his mind churning, trying to connect the dots but moving unbearably slowly. There was something going on here, something that made his hackles prickle. But at the same time his head was foggy with the natural allure of her state, the obvious beckoning of her every move. The elder male blinked, veering his head, trying to think coherently. "And… you?" He finally asked, meeting those icy blue eyes; "What brings you up here?"

Word count: 330

"Speech" Thoughts
(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2016, 10:48 PM by Drestig.)

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
I'm fine with archiving this before 10 replies if you are so we can do the sign up, feel free to pp them leaving or fade out or whatever

Aponi watched as the man's pupils dilated and his leathery nose twitched as he took in her scent and her coy smile grew. The feeling of his body teasing against hers was enough to send the fiery tingles rushing down her spine as their fur intermingled together. His tail beat against the back of his legs and against her legs and chest as she circled him, churning her scent all around him as she pressed her side gently to his. He cleared his throat as she neared his maw once more and as he did so the woman ran her chin over his neck to where his jaw met the rest of his body.

Pulling away slightly so she could look him in the eye his words were calm though he seemed to stumble for the answer. Smiling once more at his question she practically purred, "I think we can have what we both want... if you'll let us." Flicking her tail at his chin playfully the blue eyes sparkled as she pranced away from him for a few steps.  Casting her gaze back over her shoulder she waved her banner once more invitingly, enticing him to chase her if he dared. Then she playfully pranced once more, headed back towards the cover the rocks near the waterfall had given her.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

His mind and body were fighting quite a battle, the intoxicating scent filling up his head, threatening to swallow all semblance of sense. He barely knew her, no he didn't know her at all! Even as her beckoning touch called to his body, his brain screamed caution. Why was she here? What did she want with him? His questions went unanswered as the silver lass continued her enticing act, speaking of giving him what he wanted. And he was largely ready to take it, but at the back of his mind, a small voice screamed: Do you even know what I want?! Because the happiness he was searching for wouldn't be found in one night with this dangerously tempting creature; Would it?

Still, he followed after her as she danced away, hunger in his eyes. But while his body had given in to her charms, his mind was still churning. He knew nothing about this broad! On the very day he had accepted her into Oak Tree Bend, his questions had been avoided in similar fashion. The only reason he had invited her in the first place was her daughter. And where was Kyna now, while her mother was out fishing for men? It was the child he had cared for, the woman he never knew, as soon as they'd passed the borders, their ways had parted and barely crossed since. Not until the meeting, when she'd elected to stay rather than follow him; So why is she here now? And not with the pup who had directed that decision?

As he rounded the rocks, his gaze instantly found her, the fire in his eyes no longer pure lust. "Why Aponi?" He demanded, much more control in his voice now; "What is it you want? And what do you think you can give me?" His body was tense, breathing erratic. There was no doubt that he was drawn to her, dangerously close to giving in to the instincts that he had been forced to quell for so many seasons previous; Would he get another chance? But he didn't trust her. Surely she had some anterior motive, some scheme in which he was simply a pawn; And if so..? If so would he turn and leave, give up an opportunity like this, a small growl rumbled in his chest, frustration knitting his brows tightly. He didn't know.

Word count: 396

"Speech" Thoughts

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

He followed her, just as she had wished turning past the rocks. His eyes no longer burned with the pure wanting that she had left him with just a moment before and the silver brows furrowed at his words. She had not expected to be asked such questions or for him to resist so much. It caused her own hormonal fueled brain to churn as she sought for an answer, a true one or one that would get her what she wanted. What did she want? It was not like Drestig had the power that she had once found so attractive anymore, yet she still found herself drawn to him like the earth to the sun.

Tail flicked behind her in annoyance that she could not even find herself before finally she spoke, the seductive purr gone replaced instead with a frustration and pure lust. Stepping forward the games were gone from her eyes when she looked at him in longing, "I don't know, I just want you There's just something here, I know you can feel this between us." Stepping forward again now she dipped her head down in submittal, her back end raising up again to entice him, "You want the power, the freedom that Triell denied you, you're free now, if you want the power all you have to do is take it, I'm offering it to you." The blue eyes sparkled once more as she called him forward, "Don't think so much, if you want this then you just have to take it, just take it"

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

Her whole demeanor seemed to change. Like his own, her face twisted as frustration mixed with her desire, an unsettling look in her ice-blue eyes as they met his embers. She answered in a voice that was almost pleading, and he bit his lip, ears twitching. Motions no longer quite as slick, she stepped towards him, clear hunger on her face. And he stepped back. As she beckoned to him with words clearly meant to inflame, it was like icy water had suddenly been poured over him. She bowed, and he recoiled, back-stepping again on stiff legs. His nose had gone def to her scent, ears flattening backwards as she called him to action. "I'm afraid you've misjudged me, miss Aquila." He said coolly, glaring down at her with smoldering eyes; "You're the last thing I need." Fire and ice didn't mix well.

His whole body was trembling, a screaming ache within him growing worse for every inch he moved away from the siren. But he would not give in, as much as he longed for that connection, it was a different, much more delicate, silver creature that appeared before his inner eye. The kind of power he would feel, surrendering to Aponi would be short-lived and fill him with guilt. If she thought it was what he longed for, she had gravely misunderstood why he left the Bend, and her in it. Jessie waited for him on the other side of the mountain, having given up everything to go with him in their hunt for happiness. She was what he wanted, this wench had nothing he desired.

With a snort, the dark man turned, tail high behind him as he trotted off, legs still stiff. As high as he held himself, as low as he thought her, there were pangs running through his body, a shiver all along his spine. He might have managed to drag himself away, but he had been mere inches from plunging off the cliff's edge, possibly ruining the only relationship he had left. Perhaps he would wait a bit before he rejoined his companion, he needed a good run, and a cool dip.

Word count: 359

"Speech" Thoughts

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

She heard his words and lust turned to pure anger, the ice in her eyes smoldering back at him as he rejected her. Hackles rose upon her back as her turned from her and she couldn't help the poison that danced upon her tongue as he began to walk. With barred fangs she practically spat, "And will she really give you what you need? The fangs turned into a crooked smile as she knew what salt she could pour upon him, how much did he really trust Jessie? She left with him but did he doubt somewhere in his mind that he was just a fall back plan? Standing from her crouch she couldn't help the glee that overcame her, "After all, you're never going to compare to her precious Hotei, the ghost she so happily ran from. You're nothing but a warm body she can pretend is him at night, any empire you build she'll be wishing you were him all along." The blue eyes were narrowed as she watched from some kind of response.

Waiting for whatever he would say she merely flicked her tail in dismissal, pleased that if he didn't doubt it before she may have planted a seed of doubt in his mind. The woman was a bitch anyways, she was miserable all the time and Drestig would never be able to change that. He could have had so much more and yet he was blind to that for someone who didn't even appreciate him. Leaping from her place to a small ledge to her side she trotted off, headed back towards the Bend, her gut still burning with the rejection he had served her. She would make him pay someday.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]