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you found me laying on the floor — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
For @Ash and @Belladonna <3
Set on 3/15/16 at early afternoon 

Athena Moon
I found God on the corner of First in Amistad. Where the west was all but won

Lost and alone, the scarred one eyed woman walked on, though she had no idea where she was. A simple headache had started it all. Athena told Vespertio she needed to go seek out Silver in her new home, to catch up with her old friend that she hadn't seen in ages. But with that headache that came once she traveled to the wooded area below the mountain, her memory of what happened then till now were gone. Panicked and scared, the white woman tried to calm herself and look around to see if she remembered anything here, but nothing came to her. She was utterly lost and hungry. 

How could she not remember going to Oak Tree Bend? Did she see Silver? Or did she even go there? Her head hurt once again as she tried to remember, but it was like a brick wall that blocked her from these simple memories. How did she end up here in this unfamiliar place? She had to be far away from the Spectral Woods, so she was far away from Fallen Tree Cove and Vesper. He's going to think I left him again... She thought, her desperation to get back to the mountain was heightened. 

Eventually she came upon a small spring, her body breaking through a wall of vines to reach the bank. Reaching down to quench her thirst and the soft fire the ran through her body with this seasons's heat upon her, she stepped into the cold reaches of the water up to her elbows before laying down under the surface for a moment. Hoping it would wake her up and quench the heat within her, she dipped her head beneath the surface before standing and shaking the water off the pelt, her sudden movement scaring a few black birds from their perches. Where was she to go now? 

All alone, smoking his last cigarette
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Lightning, hope it's okay to assume Bella and @Ash were on a walk together! It made the most sense why they would both be here. Yay bonding time!

It was almost enough to make her feel like a young girl again. Maybe that's the effect fathers were supposed to have, to make you feel protected and carefree and warm.  Walking alongside Ash, who towered over her now and forever, laughing softly at his brusque comments, she felt as though there could be nothing wrong with the world. The comfort that Secret Woodlands provided definitely helped, for it was a peaceful and settled pack and let a similar-minded wolf like Bella serve in all the natural ways which were most satisfying. The thicket was approaching something akin to home in her heart, a title which had only ever been used to describe two places before it, and she had never thought to find another so close to sea level. But such was life with all its surprises, and she was grateful for it.

They had taken a stroll outside of the territory together, as they were sometimes wont to do, for his company was ever intoxicating and she thrived off it. It felt right to be amongst family again, both old and new, blood and adopted. A loving family, all of them, which helped to cleanse the poisons from her heart - though it was not purified, not yet. But she was patient, and every day was a little easier.

"And what did you say then?" she pressed, a smile on her lips as she egged him on to continue the story he was telling of some time past, happy just to hear his voice and learn of his experiences. She had missed so much! Discussing what had happened to both of them in the time they were apart was her drug, she wanted to hear all of it, to make up for the lost chance to be there and experience it with him. For her own part she had shared most of her own, had told him about her other mountain and other lake, about her children and the friends and foes she and Wolesh had made at Crystherium. She had talked of Wolesh, but haltingly, sparingly, nervously; it was still difficult to put to words. Time would heal it, time and the patient ears of those she loved who cared enough to listen.

They had been headed to the spring themselves, a place of solitude and serenity that she had hoped to sit with Ash and talk for hours. Perhaps see if any fish lurked beneath the surface and report as much back to her son. Perhaps do a little fishing themselves.

When they broke through the vine curtain which hid the spring from view, Bella's eyes fell naturally upon the white figure which stood in the centre of it, shaking her pelt and causing a flurry of activity from the local birds. A little disappointed not to be alone, Bella paused, touching her nose to Ash's shoulder to halt him as well. "Should we find somewhere else?" she asked softly, not wanting to disturb the stranger's peace, and not yet recognising anything unusual about the loner.
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok
Of course, you read my mind. <3 ;)

He enjoyed their walks. Ash felt like they were back in the mountains when she was younger and they were having time to themselves when the alpha male needed some time to clear his mind. Only now, she was much older and he found that there were not so many things that he needed to clear from his conscience. He no longer held the fear of her leaving him and he held a full heart knowing that she was here beside him. However, while the part of his heart that had been missing with his departure had been refilled, another had been stolen away with his wife’s mission statement. There was still no word, nothing that gave him any hope of her ever returning to him. Nothing from Yuka either, not even a whisper on the wind.

They were laughing and he was enjoying their conversation. Sometimes, talking about his wife to his little Bella helped ease the pain of not having her by his side. And he hoped that his daughter understood that. Still, he towered over her. When he spoke, his voice was a deep rumble, "Well, I simply told her that her and I knew that I would never allow her to find someone else suitable for leadership because she and I both knew that I was the only one for her and for the pack for leadership. Not to sound old, my dear, but I had years of experience on her." He ended what he said in a hearty laugh. What he said, however, was true. Poison Path had given him the experience that he needed in the future and he was grateful, despite the shadows that lingered in that part of his life.

They continued towards the Springs, his sister’s former home but he was stopped short by his darling Bella. Confused, the man was shocked that he had not been aware enough to notice that another had been in front of them all along. His daughter, ever the polite one, suggested to leave, and while she suggested to leave, Ash immediately knew that there was no such need. As always, even if from behind, his heart gave an anxious tug towards the pure white woman in front of him. And his voice, usually gruff, came out as a soft whisper to Bella, "I don’t think you would want that, my dear Bella. Look closer." He did not dare approach his former lover because he knew that she was a warrior and if provoked could produce some serious damage. He was sure he had some scars on his body to attest to that. Clearing his throat, he spoke louder, his voice, however, still soft, "Athena…"

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
And I am feeling so small. It was over my head. I know nothing at all

A single black crow yelled at her from the treetops as she bent down once more to take a final drink before she set off again to find home. As her salmon tongue reached out from her jaws, a skull splitting pain ripped through her head once again. A loud whimper fell from her throat, as her eyes squeezed shut in agony and white audits flattening against her skull. A soaked paw futilely rubbed against her temple to try to ease the pain, but no comfort came. Why was this happening? What was wrong with her? Something had to be wrong, but Athena couldn't think with the feeling that her skull was splitting into two. 

Though their approach was cautious and quiet, in her head everything was as loud as thunder. A growl of frustration and warning rolled out of her chest as the sound of her name thundered through her head. Turning to see exactly who was near, her squinted one eyed gaze looked to the pair, though her memory did not register them. "Please, no-," she managed before another streaking shot of pain rippled through her head. Would this pain ever stop? White ears flattening tight against her skull once again, Athena's eyes squeezed shut hoping to ease the pain. 

Unbeknownst to her, her daughter and former lover and partner were standing ahead of her. Athena hadn't seen Belladonna in years since her departure from Poison Path. If the mother had been in her right mind, she would have recognized her little girl that had grown into a beautiful woman and ran to embrace her. They could have had a memorable reunion with excited kisses and embraces. However, this reunion wasn't how she would have liked to imagine it.  

And I will stumble and fall. I'm still learning to love. Just starting to crawl
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Look closer.

Confused, she looked at him, brows furrowing together - but clearly Ash knew something she didn't, and she had absolutely no reason to doubt him. Trusting there to be some enlightenment to be found, Bella's eyes went back to the white woman in the water, but still nothing clicked - not until @Ash spoke her name.

"A... Athena?" Bella repeated in a whisper, eyes widening as her jaw slackened, a heavy, warm realisation seeping from her skull to her core. The white woman turned at the sound of Ash's voice, a rumble in her throat, a faint snarl in her face - taken by surprise, and no wonder, for Bella was just as bewildered and still processing the fact. Now that Athena faced them, the woman saw it clear as day; the mother who had warmed her, had nursed her, had raised her, had loved and supported her and now... it had been years.

Bella's stomach clenched as she experienced extreme joy and sadness all at once, the bliss of reunion marred by the fact that there had to be one, another reminder that she'd left, another reminder of all she'd missed. But I'm back now. I'll never do that again.

"She doesn't recognise us," Bella murmured, mostly to herself but also to Ash, noticing how he held back from advancing towards Athena but not realising why. Not finding anything to be afraid of, the chocolate woman took a shaky step forward, wanting to rush ahead and embrace the mother she had left so long ago, who she had her very survival to thank for, and who she was today. Ash was her father in so many ways, and while Athena also hadn't birthed Bella, Athena was somehow more - she'd taken up that role since Bella was newborn. There was no replacing that.

"Athena?" she called, softly, making small, steady movements towards the white woman, keeping her body posture low and unthreatening, recognising her confused state and not wanting to startle her. Who knew why she was out here alone, what state she was in? Why there was evidence of pain in her eyes, the way her body tensed as if ready to defend herself? "M-mother? It's me. It's Belladonna, it's Bella, you're safe."
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2016, 11:24 AM by Belladonna.)
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Anyone could tell the moment that Athena whirled around that something was not right. He saw it in her amber eye. A chilling sense of self-doubt and lose filled Ash at the thought of the woman not knowing who he was. Belladonna, however, would not have thought any different of it. Obviously, she has grown much since her pup-hood and it would come as no surprise that she should find some hope that she could placate her mother. The Hervok man, however, recalled the plague, a sick chill ran through his body. His mossy green eyes observed her body, checking for any indicators of the disease that had plagued them so many years ago, back when Athena and he had been leading Poison Path. She seemed, overall, healthy but there was still something off. Compared to their last encounter, it was almost as if they were meeting at the very same time again.

His eyes were drawn away from the white woman as his daughter advanced towards his former lover. His body tensed, ready to interfere, if need be. He was right by Bella's side, his voice soft, "Something is wrong. She should at least be able to recognize me. Stop you approach, little one." His mossy green eyes were trained on the other woman, not trusting for a moment that she was in the proper mindset for this encounter. His heart ached for her if she was ill and he hoped dearly that he would be able to help his little vixen. But it would require his cooperation. Body still tensed, Ash lowered his large body closer to the ground to make him seem as nonthreatening as possible. Hopefully, Belladonna would be able to see the situation more clearly and acknowledge that Athena was currently viewing them as threats.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.