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Burn The Ashes — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
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Serach Donata
Serach stood with his fur raised above his back, and his lips drawn back baring his teeth at Drestig. He could not remember the last time he had been so enraged, but the sting of betrayal was too familiar to the young wolf. Even hearing others speak up and say that they too would not abandon the Bend did not make him feel any relief. His outburst had clearly scared Drift, but Serach held his ground and refused to move or back down. If his words led to a fight, he was prepared to accept those consequences.

What he was not prepared for was Jessie's yelling. His ears twitched, but he did not turn his head to face her as she snarled her piece at him, trying to shame him by bringing up his mother. He lost sight of Drestig as his vision went red, and as he whirled around to face Jessie with a snarl in his throat, he was cut off by the voice of Naira. The pair had barely interacted in the past, but that didn't matter in this moment - he was thankful for her putting Jessie in her place. It was, perhaps, kinder than Serach would have been.

Turning his attention back to Drestig, the subordinate listened to Triell speak. There was no fire in Triell's response, and that irritated Serach. Fuck that, he thought. We owe them nothing.

Serach barely heard Drestig speak up again, his ears too loud with the sound of his internal rage. "Then go," he spat, his voice more growl than spoken word. "Good luck finding happiness with her." His scorn was clear, and the implication was too. There was nobody he had ever met who was more perpetually miserable than Jessie, and it gave Serach a sick satisfaction that Drestig would suffer for his betrayal when he realized that as well.

He was already on the move as Drestig finished up his speech. Drestig went one way, and Serach went another, the voices and sounds of the pack meeting slipping off his back as he disappeared into the wood. Out of sight, the youth began to run, his paced fueled by his anger. There was no destination, no purpose, but he was too emotionally charged to sit with the others and pretend that everything was going to be alright.

Serach exit.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata

Aponi watched as it all unfolded around them, the whole pack seemed to break out into pandemonium as each wolf turned on each other. It was as Kyna pressed herself deeper into her mother's side before recoiling into herself that she really began to get defensive. Muscles tensed and hackles rose slightly as the emotions continued to boil, though Triell, their new leader seemed as calm as ever. Drestig spoke his final piece before Serach continued to shout, damning the older man and the silver woman before fleeing.

She had seen enough. It was clear the meeting was over and no one but the two would be leaving, their new leader and old leader had all addressed them, they were not needed any longer. Curling her body around the blonde girl at her side she did her best to block her view from the continued hostility and gently nudged her to signal that they should leave.  Standing to leave she walked briskly towards the tree line so she could exit the madness that had started seemingly out of nowhere. She hesitated only long enough to see if Kyna would follow before disappearing between the boughs, she needed to speak with the girl alone and attempt to comfort her. If she would allow it that is.


[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
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Spieden Coho

Her intentions made clear, Spieden settled her haunches back down onto the ground with a sigh. She'd never liked meetings, and here was the prime example of why. With the cork pulled out everything that everyone had been stewing over all winter bubbled to a head.

Jessie's pointed remark that Spieden knew none of the names didn't particularly bother her. It was true, Corinna and Hotei excluded, she had not a clue of the rest. How could she? This whole mess had been dumped in her paws after Nayeli's first departure, much the same as the cubs after the woman's second, and Spieden had done the best she could to make heads or tails of it and keep everything running smoothly. Jessie had never stepped in to help, never imparted to her just how important the history of the place was, so how could she be faulted for not knowing? The wolves of Salmon River had known its history only because Wasgo had taken it upon himself to teach them. No one had done such a thing for the Bend. And now she was to be shamed for wanting to stay when she didn't even know the names of the ghosts she was supposed to be haunted by? Spieden could only offer an annoyed snort.

Naira threw in the last bit of fire, with the last three putting in their quiet decisions. It seemed the only wolf to go with Drestig would be Jessie. How misery did love company. And it was of course no surprise that Triell would be staying, why would he have gone to only continue the power struggle between the two males in a different setting. With Drestig's last words, he turned and left, just like that. Spieden blinked, that was it then. Serach had some poison left to spit, but  "Bye, Drestig," was all Spieden could think to say before the last of the Avalon man vanished into the trees.

Spieden nudged Drift and Sahalie's scruffs as she stood. She was going to go fishing, or at least quietly stare at a hole in the ice until any of this made sense.

{Spieden exit}
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Just assuming Jessie went with Drestig, wanna get in before this gets archived.

Naira's chest deflated a little when @Triell declared Enough, but it was @Spieden's Bye, Drestig." that finally caused her head and tail to drop to a more acceptable level for her current station. Her beef was with @Jessie, @Drestig hadn't tried to push anyone into following his wishes by trying to guilt them with dead relatives. She merely disapproved of his methods. His adults comment may as well have been directed at Jessie too. Naira was merely fighting fire with fire, as was her way.

As Drestig departed, Naira turned her attention back to Triell. So thats what it was all along, she seemed to speak with a single raised brow. As the rest of the pack began to move away she came closer, touching her nose where his cheek met the base of his ear. "Let him run it off." When things finally quieted down she would be sure to seek the young man out, although she was certain with his younger legs, his Uncle would find him first. The arthritis in her hips wasn't enough to stop her own legs from itching. "I'm off to do a round, I won't be long." she finally spoke softly before turning to leave in the same direction @Serach had left. She had much to think on moving forward.
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

It all went wrong so quickly.  Even as she said her part (and @Aponi quickly confirmed), other adults continued to share hostile words.  For all her newfound confidence and independence, the young wolf began to shrink back into her mother, feeling all the world like she was right back in Silent Moon Plateau.  Isn’t this how it all started?  One old leader, one new one?  Nothing they could agree one, harsh words, and then--  And then—

The blond wallflower began to shake where she sat, barely aware of what was actually going on around her.  Wide, orange eyes were cast to her feet, no longer wishing to watch, or to hear--  But Kyna was a well-behaved girl, and she could not break the world, even now.  Even if she could not vocalize a thing, her mother’s attempt to protect her was greatly appreciated.  The youth leaned in, squeezing her eyes shut, unaware that other wolves were leaving until the signal came.  They could leave.

It was a great huff of relief, and she scrambled to her feet, eager to follow Aponi anywhere, as long as it was not here in this itchy, unhappy place.  Her tail was low, ears flat, and her eyes downcast, but she followed after her mother into the wood, finally interested in some of the parenting Aponi had been trying to offer.


Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

She had not been expecting her words to be met with kindness but she had expected them to at least see some kind of sense. Jessie was never one to speak up and she was hoping that the fact that she had now when they were encountering so much darkness, they would have at least thought about her words. But then that whore had to speak up. Jessie readily met her head on her, canine's flashing invitingly towards the older woman. She spoke as if her opinion actually mattered, as if she had done anything since she had come into the pack. Jessie, however, was not oblivious, and knew that the children were in attendance. She backed away from the older woman, her eyes filled with disdain. In turn, Serach's reaction was similar and Jessie couldn't contain the laugh that escaped her. She shook her head. It was not all that long ago that he had contemplated leaving, going to find Kisla, some other happiness away from here. They were all fools. The only reason she remained rooted was because of Triell. Emerald eyes looked towards the man, her heart filled with a hope that he would understand why she was doing this and that he would at least try to turn this all around.

It seemed that Triell had no such ideas in mind and he was quick to secure his place among the Bend. The widowed woman felt a sharp pang in her heart as she looked at the dark Tainn, a bitter taste left in her mouth. As she listened to him speak, she pressed her lips together. And what about your happiness, Triell? Will this make you happy? She would say no more. The pepper-and-salt colored woman had said her piece and she hoped that it would come back and bite them all in the ass down the road. The woman's gaze was drawn to Drestig and her heart fluttered. Everything was going to be alright. She knew he would be disappointed that everything had not gone as they had hoped but she had warned him that things might not go as they wanted. He left and she knew that she was no longer welcome. Without bothering to look at the rest of them and throwing one last look back up at Triell, Jessie followed the Avalon. 

Jessie Tainn
[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
omg this was so painful. also tl;dr @Kino she speaks to you him the end.
Beside her she could hear Kyna's mother talking, but her voice was so hushed that she could not make out the words. Sahalie wanted to ignore the discomfort and uncertainty this small gesture brought into a situation that was already a mess: what did she say to Kyna? Did they regret coming here? This question in itself brought an onslaught of grief: she had, whether or not she was conscious of it, sold Oak Tree Bend to these wolves as a place of happiness. But apparently this had been misleading. Kyna and Kino (and, sure, Aponi) had come from other places with painful memories, and Sahalie had stupidly lead them into another snake pit. Would they all leave her now? Her eyes ever so slightly and haltingly inched towards Kyna, only to stop half way. She did not want her friend to be pressured. Not by her, not anymore.

But if Sahalie had thought that the bad news was a bite, she was wrong to assume that the jaws had relinquished their grip on the small, fractured family. Serach's thunderous growl reflected a determined, tearing, clenching bite holding on to Oak Tree Bend, its fangs sliding in ever deeper and tearing new wounds. Her white packmate, though he was not leaving with Drestig, had not said his full peace and thus there was no reason for her to relax at all. Huddling closer to her caretaker, she braced herself for the storm. Sahalie's own speech had been emotional and confrontational, but Serach said the words her heart would not let her to speak outloud: Coward. The word was so much more ugly, now that it was out in the open. She winced. And who was Silver? Drestig's own, personal ghost next to Hotei and Corinna?

Just as Drestig had been wrong to think he could convince the pack to come with him, Sahalie had been infinitely more foolish to think that Drestig could be convinced to stay. Not with all this rage boiling to the surface.

Leaning so intently on Spieden, the girl faltered slightly when her support gave way and the woman stand up. Sahalie leaned away slightly to get a better look at her face: she needed to see the emotion there, to know that the calmness in her tone was genuine. Sahalie just wanted things to be alright. Spieden made it sound like it could be that way, but unfortunately her version of alright meant allowing Drestig to go, free of responsibility or blame. Her mouth tightened. Was this all she could hope for, that Drestig could part on uncomfortable terms at best? Was the only glimmer of hope just a small recognition, for the first time, that Spieden was happy? She rarely ever spoke like that.

The thin ray of sunshine was forgotten as the eye of the storm drifted away and the wind of words redoubled its efforts to bowl the wolves over and scatter them to the wind. Jessie's tone started out calmly enough, but the words still leveled a startling accusation on Serach's head. Sahalie breathed in sharply. As she continued, Jessie seemed to grow more and more exasperated and Sahalie shrank into Spieden's flank once more. It was hard for the girl to make sense of a story she knew only a little about. Most of the names were familiar, the dead of the Spectral Woods. Sahalie knew the names, she wanted to shout. Sahalie cared about what had happened. It distressed her to think that this was how Jessie felt: that the other wolves who did not know those names could not hold valid opinions about the subject of moving or leaving. Seniority meant something to the girl, to the rest of the pack, but it seemed now that Jessie had been living in a different Oak Tree Bend all this time, one where those six names were still and always painfully alive. But was it anyone else's fault that they had joined later, sought refuge here in the misty woods, and wanted to stay? Would Jessie even want these wolves? It made Sahalie sad that the answer seemed to be no. Despite her reclusive and gruff personality, there had always been some quality that she had loved about the grey woman. But perhaps the grey woman did not love her. Did not love anyone. There was just so much bitterness.

Truly, Sahalie was never prepared for The Woman to speak, but in this violent storm she was even less so. A small voice inside her wished that she would go away. The dominant stance made her stomach flip over with nausea, because who was this woman that peeled herself off of her father's side to speak. Sahalie knew not of what to make of any statements regarding Corinna and her wishes by neither Jessie nor Naira, but in general it seemed unfair for everyone to be putting words in the dead woman's mouth. Since clearly there was disagreement on how she would feel, it seemed innapropriate for the legacy to be hoisted onto either camp's banner. And what to make of the statement that "she was here too." Was she? It didn't feel like it. Sahalie tried to breath deeply, recognizing that the bitterness of those around her were seaping into her thoughts and would take over if she let it. She couldn't let all this get to her. Naira was just another packmate, upset by the tumultuous news.

Behind her she heard her brother's tense whisper, and she craned her head around to peer into his pale face. Luckily he had put some weight back on, but his coat was as muddy as always. His excitement seemed a little misplaced, as well as his over all silence and the fact that he seemed to want to take her somewhere. She squinted her eyes at him, shaking her head a little as if to say, "What? Now? What could you possibly want?" Honestly, it felt as if Drift did not understand. Maybe it was just that he didn't care, but the gravity on the situation just didn't seem to weigh him down like it did all the other wolves in assembly. Was it his time up north? Had it stunted him emotionally or cognitively? She had to wonder, he seemed to retain more of a child-like attitude than even she did. Her head turned back over her shoulder.

Kyna was making noise beside her, probably in answer to her mother. Sahalie's heart thumped heavily. She wanted to be glad that her friend would stay with her, but at the same time she felt horrendously guilty about the whole thing. So badly, she wanted to tell Kyna that things would be alright. That she could fix all this, that it would get better and her staying would help with that. But instead, she could only stare back at the ginger girl, eyes wide and wordless. Curiously her eyes clung to Kyna as her mother leaned down to whisper something to her? Why was there all this secrecy? Was her mother trying to convince her to change her mind? Apparently not, but it was suspicious all the same.

Ever so gently, Leotie added her name to the list of wolves staying in the Spectral Woods. She simply spoke her choice and was done, and Sahalie wondered at her wisdom. Instead of being like Leotie, Sahalie had been the first stab to get the blood to flow, she had opened some sort of horrible old wound and now the blood could not stop flowing. All around her were angry, bitter faces. And it felt like she had done this, like it had been her fault. She considered a world where she had not pleaded with anyone, where Serach had not been incensed to stand up and fire more direct shots and no volley would have been started. She screwed her eyes shut, feeling only worse despite the fact that she was, more or less, getting what she wanted: to stay.

Only this wasn't how she wanted it.

Alastor was the penultimate tally for the staying wolves. Silently, she tipped her muzzle in his direction, attempting without knowing the words to thank him for his loyalty and his brevity and, apparently, his sacrifice. God, it hurt all the more that Alastor was yet another wolf she had brought here into the mess. Sahalie did not deserve him or even any other wolf in Oak Tree Bend. She was so stupid.

Last to speak was her father, and hestiantly she turned to look at him sitting beside the woman. His word was final, the enough falling upon her like a heavy blow as she sank down. This time, though, she was not leaning against Spieden. It felt wrong. She deserved no comfort. And how right, how wise her father was: everyone deserved their own happiness, no matter where it was. How could she want to make Drestig stay here, in a place that made him unhappy?

That was everyone, then. Naturally, her attention went back to Drestig, looking for the residue of his reaction and finding only a subdued, tired looking man. Sahalie wondered what it was like to see a dead wolf everywhere she went. Anna did not truly follow her, though her smile and advice was tucked away safely in her heart. More than anything, Sahalie was simply thankful that Drestig was above arguing or taking Serach's challenge to the next level. He was not, however, above a small mention of his disappointment in the immaturity of the adult wolves.

More quickly than she had imagined, suddenly the goodbye was here. She had forgotten this part would come, so distracted in the storm of words for everyone else. It felt like every piece of her body was tearing in two as the two dark men stared into each other's faces, equals again, Drestig making a final statement of their friendship. But when the moment ended Drestig did not offer the same appreciation  to any of the other wolves. Her mouth opened, longing to say something, to stop him, to tell him she still loved him as he turned away without looking back. Shocked, she looked around at the other wolves. Though, from how she behaved, she realized, she did not really deserve a goodbye.


But the wolves were breaking apart now. Serach was already gone. Aponi was getting up now, Kyna in tow looking dejected. Sahalie's mouth fell open. Spieden's voice rose up next to her, offering a farewell that sounded more like something that would be heard at a funeral. Of course Naira was leaving as soon as possible, touching her father but otherwise rather indifferent to the whole thing.

A small shiver came over her, as if a ghost had tread over her grave. With a small start she realized Jessie was still here, though she was getting up and her eyes were sightless. Like a ghost she drifted away. Sahalie's throat felt raw and empty. She could say nothing. Be safe, I love you, Goodbye, were there, jostling loudly for attention at the tip of her tongue. But louder still was, in spite of everything, Come back! Please, come back! I'm sorry! and so she could not trust herself to speak. She did not want to say the wrong thing again. She just wanted things to be okay.

All that was left now was her father, Drift, and Alastor, her eyes clinging to each of them in desperation, like she expected them to do something. But what? What could they do. Her father would likely fallow the woman. And, as grateful as she was for his reasoning mind she felt distanced from him by his association with Naira. She did not want to talk to him, not really, not right now. Talking to a river would be just as useful as trying to hold a conversation with Drift. That left Alastor, and sheepishly she stared at her silver friend beside her. "Can we go talk somewhere?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
-frantically replies to alll the threads-


There was so much chaos, the air thickening and choking with tension that he thought, if he’d wanted to, he could have simply reached out and cut like a string with a single claw. Pelts bristled and eyes flashed, words careening into each other and smashing like rocks down a mountain side with the same destructive power. Names and meanings and harsh comments were thrown around that he had no clue about. He recognized a name here or there, having been told of them by Hal, but other than that he felt surprisingly…detached. Without proper faces, without a sense of true belonging, to him this all felt like a jumbled mess that he was simply sitting on. And wasn’t he? He had yet to make any real contribution to the Bend other than adding to its numbers, and besides Hal did he really have a friend in any of them?

As he thought of her, his topaz gaze turned to the dark girl and his breath caught in his throat. She looked like a caged bird, frantically flapping its wings trying to do something, anything other than just sit around and watch. And yet, the latch was shut and her words that had triggered much of the outcry had been the hand that had sealed it. He wanted to go over and shield her from the anger, from the pain that she was enduring in much the same way that he had shielded Ari from the horrendous site of their mother’s life-less body. So innocent, they both were so innocent and damned if the monster boy cherish the innocent.

Slowly, as the final words came and the verdict was thrown, they all began to go their separate ways. It wasn’t long before all but a scarce three of them remained, and his auds turned to capture the broken words of Sahalie. He nodded quietly, rising to his paws and dipping to press his maw gently to her side in support as she did as well. The silver boy waited for her to lead them somewhere, and followed companionably at her side as she did so. He wanted to get her away from all of this, away from the destruction that had just occurred. If only for a little while.

Played by becuffin who has 42 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Drift Tainn
The young wolf couldn't feel his sisters pain as the drama unfolded before them, he held no fondness for Jessie, she always seemed angry at everyone and he never quite shook the rudeness of her hasty departure from the previous meeting. Likewise, Drestig was just another dark wolf in a dark forest that probably hadn't even noticed when a child that wasn't his own had disappeared. There had certainly been no indication of any sort of search mounted to find him that he had heard of, beyond his sisters efforts - his father had been too busy looking for a mother that didn't want them, and this one obviously had his own plans all along. It all made him wonder why he was still here.

Drift's attachment to the Bend wolves was as precarious as the grip of a child holding a helium balloon. If it wasn't for @Sahalie holding him down, he could simply float away. 

The thought had crossed his mind once or twice.

He watched each of them depart in turn, scattering like seeds on the breeze with quiet contemplation - his excitement long since doused when his fathers words put out the fire that threatened to consume them all. When his sister left with one of her friends he shrugged to himself, not hurt in the least. He preferred his own company more anyway. It was easier to play dumb for her sake, hide the thunderclouds that hung over his head with simple actions like chewing sticks and rolling in mud. 

He doubted she could handle the venom he sometimes wished to spit.

It was time to find himself a new stick.

-Drift out-
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie didn’t completely understand what was going on but one thing that she did understand was that she had to make a choice about staying or leaving.  She had made her choice and she had voiced it hoping that she wouldn’t have to leave this place that she had come to love as her new home.  It seemed the outcome would be that Drestig would be leaving he pack.  Leotie felt some sadness about this but she felt that if he thought that was what was best for him then he should go. 

Things did get a little heated but not knowing what had happened in the past of this pack she let her gaze fall on each wolf as they spoke their peace.  She thought it best if she didn’t say anything that might cause more harm than good since she was so new to the pack.  Still she hoped that one day she might learn the history of the pack, it might help her to feel she was more a part of it.  Then Drestig was gone and Jessie with him.  She wondered how the pack might change with the two gone but it was something that she understood only time could determine. 

When everyone started to depart from the meeting area Leotie took that as her cur to leave as well.  So she turned from the group and headed back to the den.

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