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i cried like a silly boy — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
For Dr. @Veho Macieo~ ...god this is such a jumble; but i hope it's a start to something interesting!

the chances are your chances are awfully good

March 19th; Afternoon; Heavy snow; 26 ° F, -3 ° C.

How long had it been now? Rook wasn't sure anymore; in this part of the territory, his head felt like it was spinning and his balance was threatening to turn the world upside down. At about this time last year, he and Quil had been all wrapped up in one another. Now, she was still absent from Grizzly Hollow, from Relic Lore (perhaps), from his life, from their son's life... If fate would have it, maybe Tomen would not be receiving any full-blooded siblings from Rook this year. No matter, he had known from the start that Veho had already taken to the idea of fathering a brood of his own, one that he could share with his partner (and, as Rook assumed, with Oula). The notion that Veho was preoccupied with the brigade-borne woman was what had the Lyall in such a state of mind in the first place.

If anything, it wasn't jealousy, that was for sure. The only telltale sign why this wasn't the case was because every time he he happened to dwell upon what the two of them might have been doing, all Rook desired was to be with them - to share Veho with Oula... to share Oula with Veho.

Rook had reverted back to his mousy self sometime back, though. Having shed his responsibilities as Grizzly Hollow's Leader, he also happened to lose his assertiveness, inklings of it only apparent whenever he had a chance to steal the Macieo away for a moment of closeness (and reassurance).

Sometime during his leisurely walk on the way to Veho's medicinal den, a gathering of snow clouds had begun to cover the ground in a thin blanket of frost. Having already shed most of his winter coat, Rook looked almost out of place, seeming too skinny and fragile for the sort of weather that was appropriate for the thick of winter. The chill barely bothered him at all. With coupling season dragging past its middle mark, the warmth of his skin and the surge of testosterone kept him comfortable against the spring snow.

He came around the old cedar whose tree roots were exposed from the river some years ago and smiled when he finally came to see the Grizzly Hollow infirmary. His nose told him the Leader could have been around not too long ago, but instead of opting to wait for Veho's return, the Lyall allowed his feet to carry him along his partner's departing trail, hoping that it wouldn't be long until he caught up to him.

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Veho remained blissfully unaware of the notion that he was being tracked. Perhaps this was dangerous for a wolf in his position, but the alpha could not imagine any wishing him harm. All his pack members seemed generally happy and cared for – even if Wacipi had left on poor terms, she had still left under her own power. He’d never pushed her from the pack. That his trailer was his lover never even occurred to the man, and the bulky male moved on at a steady jog. He’d yet to shed his entire coat – it seemed he’d lose fur from the bottom up, giving him a rather unattractive ‘chicken leg’ appearance while the rest of his body was still bushy.

He came to pause in an area of melted snow, where only a thing layer of white held over the ground. Some plants were attempting to bud up underneath, clearly unaware of the impending weather. The medic shoved his snout deep into the cold, rooting around for whatever may be below. Some sort of useful herb, he hoped, the black tip of his muzzle wriggling as he plowed forward. A hilarious sight for anyone else, perhaps, watching the alpha shove his way through snow like a pup in his first year.

& all I see is him and me forever and forever
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
the chances are your chances are awfully good

At some point his leisurely lope morphed into an eager stride, his neck stretched out as to peer around and behind nearly every single tree he passed. His persistence and diligence was paid off soon enough. The sight he came upon was a welcome one. Framed between two ancient cedars, the Leader of Grizzly Hollow stood, rooting about with his nose in the snow and his back towards Rook.

The Lyall's tail wagged as he stole a moment to take in the sight. If he had been any younger than he was now, he might have taken the longest leap he was able to manage in order to close the distance between them. As it was, he found he was a little too mature now for antics he thought only suitable for wiggly-tailed cubs. Instead, he ambled forward with snowflakes sprinkled along his crown and back. He dipped his head downward and he folded in such a way so that might've been trying to take shelter from the snowfall at Veho's throat. Being much too large to begin with, his lower back and limbs sprawled out behind him as he nuzzled the side of his face into his partner's chest.

A deep inhale eventually produced a rather pleased growl from the younger wolf's chest as he closed his eyes against that silver-touched rib cage, daring Veho not to move now that he was there. In some alternate universe, in which the little town of Wildwood, Canada saw these two lovers as young men, one might have suspected Rook of being drunk or, perhaps, ridiculously needy and clingy as he invaded Veho's personal space amidst whatever he was doing...

"You smell good," he half-breathed, half-complimented with a sigh. His tail picked up again in a lazy wag, the customary question rolling off his tongue, "Are we alone?"

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

The sudden touch came as a great surprise, and it was only to the alpha’s credit that he did not spook, startle, and shout.  All the same, his head flew up, flinging flecks of snow in all directions as wide eyes appeared.  His entire coat had puffed up for the single breath he could not identify the other wolf, nose frozen and unable to to its job.  But a familiar voice soon followed the embrace, and he all but melted into his beta.

Rook,” the grey wolf crooned.  He gave himself another shake, trying to rid his body from the last of the snow.  Leaning over, he pressed that chilly snout into his lover’s cheek before a pink tongue darted out, laving several kisses to the soft fur he found there.  Fear was replaced by a blossoming warmth, and he gave a satisfied sigh as he pushed closer, mirroring the younger male’s need for attention.

“We are alone,” he confirmed, “lest you chose to bring someone with you.”  His brow was quirked as pale silver eyes sparkled in jest.  Truly, he hadn’t come out here intending on finding company.  His tail began to wag behind him.  “What do you need, my dear?”

& all I see is him and me forever and forever
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
the chances are your chances are awfully good

To hear his name in Veho's voice made him swoon even more. To hear that they were alone, with only one another's company to keep, could have onl made him long for his partner tenfold. For a second, he considered confirming that he had not brought anyone along with him, but thought against it. "What do you need, my dear?" the Macieo asked. Rook's head tilted upward and he leaned back enough so that he could see the side of the ashen face, that muted mask around those storm gray eyes.

Veho's kisses were returned with a few gentle nibbles of Rook's teeth against his ivory chin. A low growl rumbling from his chest from pure indulgence and a means of selfishness. He had the Leader right where he wanted him and, for the time being, he was loath to let his partner leave him, let alone lose physical contact with him for the time being.

"You," he answered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just you." He nestled his head back into Veho's chest, remaining there for a while before switched sides, keeping the other side of his face pressed against that light gray chest. Without Quil to help keep his mind off other matters in regards to breeding season, Rook was stuck. As Rook would see it, however, this was his chance to fully devote himself to the man who had saved him from the cascades of Jasper Rocks just last summer.

Eventually, Rook was fully on the ground, belly up and staring at Veho at an angle with the back of his head planted into the frost-covered ground. His tail cleared forest debris on either side of it as it wagged about, the movement of it likened to that of a windshield wiper on a car window. A silly grin was on his face, an expression reminiscent of when they had first met... when Borden had been Leader, Rook had been a mere subordinate, and Veho had been freshly recruited into the tight-knit family.

"Do you love me?" he asked, still simpering as he tucked his forearms to his chest.

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

The alpha made another low noise, previous task utterly cast from his mind as he exchanged gentle touches with his mate.  With a hum, he pushed his cheek against the younger man’s and kept moving, brushing along Rook’s side with his own.  The masked man’s scent was irreparably mixed with his own, caught in guard hairs, trapped further down in his pelt, and he twisted, walking back to the man’s other side with a satisfied noise.  Much better.

“You have me then,” he answered easily, inclining his head as ears pressed forward.  Life as alpha had kept him quite busy, but Rook had only need ask, and the Macieo’s time was his.  He enjoyed the silence as his lover slid down to the frosty earth, and moments later, he joined the man.  Even as the beta spoke, Veho was making himself comfortable, pushing his bushy coat against the younger male’s.  The snow was still cold, but oh, a heart’s fire could keep a wolf warm for all the ages.

The question was a queer one – but then, he’d come to terms with the notion that Rook’s gaucherie would never quite disappear, no matter how he reassured the younger man.  In fact, it had become a bit endearing.  “Does the sun rise ever morn?  Do the stars shine every night?  As certain as time does pass, I do love you, Rook Lyall.  Nothing could ever change that – not life, not death, not even time itself.” Veho hummed softly.  “I will never stop loving you.  Never.”

& all I see is him and me forever and forever
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rook Lyall
Spring was hectic for me, now the beginning of Summer is just... ughhhhh... Just rather glad this really wasn't s'posed to be anything Breeding Season related. xc sorry for the wait. Rook's muse is not having it at all.

the chances are your chances are awfully good

“Does the sun rise ever morn? Do the stars shine every night?" Veho questioned. Rook's brows rose up, the look on his face suggesting he continued as a slight nod was given to confirm the fact (even if he knew that, sometimes, the clouds seemed to prevent such a thing). The masked male was about to say 'yes' to these things when Veho went on to assure him that he loved him and that nothing (not even life or death or time) would change that. Rook's tail grew still and he slowly righted himself so that he was sprawled out before the Leader of Grizzly Hollow.

With his ears angled back and his tail eased back into a slow wave, he knew better than to question the fact any further. The previous Medic had always kept his word; surely, he would hold true to these. The Lyall bowed his head, lightly placing one of his paws of Veho's wrist in the snow. Of all the thoughts that had been racing through his mind, the only one that kept coming up was the regret in which he had been born this way... that between the two of them, their means to have a family required assistance from someone of the opposite sex. His nose twitched once as he sniffed. He would share everything and anything else with his partner, except for that. It was merely something he could not change and all it did was welcome back the insecurity and the anxiety in the matter. Besides, Veho had already taken care of the matter in confiding in Oula - and thinking of her...

"Has she said anything about me?" he asked out of the blue, not meeting his partner's eyes as he studied the ground. "I mean, @Oula..." For a moment, he seemed to hold his breath, not wanting to be too forward or imposing on the matter (or even nosy about when or if the duo had 'done the deed' already). "I've been meaning to spend some time with her, get to know her better, but--" he grit his teeth in a momentary wince. "I'm shy..."

Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

“Said anything about you?”

@Oula was really not a wolf for gossip, the man thought with a wry smile – it was one of the factors that made working with her so easy.  They had discussed Rook, yes, but largely his role in the lives of the puppies, for this was one thing the alpha was not willing to sacrifice.  He shook his head, expression thoughtful.  “Not as much, no.  She would like to meet you – but she is hardly the type to go pressing her presence on others.”

The other alpha certainly was not bashful – but Veho would hardly call her a social butterfly.

With a hum, he leaned back in, pressing his wet nose to the side of Rook’s cheek.  Shy.  Yes, he supposed that was the word for it.  His pink tongue flicked out. “Nothing wrong with being shy, Rook.  It’s important, this.  All of this.  But she knows – knows everything.  I was explicit in my meaning when I explained to her why, and who we are to one another, and who you will be to the puppies.  She knows.  She has no argument with any of it.”

His mouth curled into a smile as he readjusted his position, seeking to get closer to his mate, to bump up against his plush winter coat.  “This is going to work out.  This is all going to work out – and at the end of this road, we will have a little family to call our own.”

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]