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From something sweet to poison — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

For @Echo

Vibrant greens of fresh spring regrowth soon began to part for gradients of red hues signaling the merging point of Secret Falls and Red Fern Forest, bright citrus eyes studying the vegetation disinterestedly with each mighty stride of well muscled limbs through whichever obstacle crossed his path from an array of shattered branches to dense patches of ferns. A deep inhale exhaled shortly after transforming into a sigh of relief. Finally the alluring scents of the female population had begun to subside with the coming of spring hitting full force and thus far it seemed Broken Timber Pines would be seeing a pupless year; a fact that was just fine by Eirian considering he found none of the females worthy of spreading his or any male's seed. A personal opinion in regards to the purity of their genetics. The world was already chock full of abominations, no need to further aid that cause.

So onward the dark agouti and russet brute navigated the furthest reaches of land that barricaded his home, ensuring he kept well within earshot should a subordinate of his seek his assistance. As unlikely as it may seem that warm afternoon; despite the few rays of sunlight striking through the dappled canopy above, it was still a possibility and as ersatz patriarch it was his responsibility to see to their every needs. Exhausting, yes, but twas the price in order to wear such a magnificent crown of golden splendor upon one's brow. Wielding such power was a necessity, though, in order to make a name for the Asurns here. Things were taking longer than Eirian had anticipated, but everything would fall into place when the time was right. He could feel it in his bones. Soon the Asurns would be a force to be reckoned with within Relic Lore.

A snicker of sorts managed to escape the perusing male's leathery lips at such a wonderful thought as creamy limbs halted near a babbling brook, charcoal dusted mask lowering to allow a salmon tongue to protrude forth and lap delicately at the chilled, refreshing liquid. Droplets of water dribbled off the hairs lining his chin back into the slow flowing brook as Eirian lifted his head back to its normal height, swaying banner continuing its pendulum like motion. If only I had backup to help me the thought rung out after a few fleeting moments of utter silence. Too bad the only other Asurns he knew of were of no use. @Raela was a poor example of their true potential; although a visit to see how poorly she was fairing under the rule of those mutts would be most appealing, and apparently Uncle Peirus was in town according to words muttered by that dark coated woman Morganna, but that trail was fruitless to follow. She had chased the fool out and only the gods knew where he was now. A snort and flick of his tail in regards to his Uncle's shortcomings. Where was a real Asurn when you needed one?

Played by Brian who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Echo Asurn
The Asurn female landed on the ground with a soft thump, crushing a few of the small budding plants beneath her paws as she looked over her shoulder at the bare log. A snort escaped the the chocolate colored brute as she turned her head forward and started off down the rough trail, her tongue running over her lips as she moved. The delicious coppery taste of blood fresh from the rabbit she had killed stirred a thirst, now she trotted along at a steady pace as she sought out one of the many creeks that seemed to dot the land. The land that soon, she would bring the name of Asurn to be feared and respected in.

Echo’s ears pricked as she paused for a moment. There it is. She grunted as she detected the faint noise of moving water. She followed the noise until she came to the edge of the brook. She paused, glancing around before leaving herself vulnerable and exposed while she drank. Though a lone wolf, Echo was by no means starved, she had been living this way ever since she had broken off from the main pack just over a year ago, she’d hunt as frequently as needed. She wasn’t dead yet, and she had no plans to change that in the coming future. Her nose twitched as she picked up the scent of another wolf nearby.

She was hard to surprise, but the view before her managed to catch the chocolate female off guard. Just down the creek, back toward her stood a male wolf, his fur she noticed had a distinctive russet and aguti mixed pelt. That was the first surprise, the second being the way he stood there. Prideful, confident, and with a distinctive air of authority. All traits fairly common to her bloodline. Saying nothing, Echo balanced around her, her golden gaze fell onto a nearby dried stick, having fallen from the trees above and balancing precariously on a small rock. She raised a large fore paw and slammed it down onto the stick, an audible snapping sound giving away her presence. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure that she was in the presence of another Asurn, should it be the case of mistaken identity then she’d have to see what happens, but if he was one..well then Relic Lore better look out.
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Snap. A russet ear swiftly rotated sideways seconds after the sound reached his eardrums and stole his attention away from his brooding thoughts, calculated gaze adjusting to venture away from the crystal clear water that flowed just before his paws to scour the surrounding foliage for whom or what had decided to disturb his alone time meant for plotting and avoiding the presence of others if at all possible. Clearly avoiding another today was inevitable. Citrus eyes narrowed a fraction, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until they spotted a dark smudge that stood out drastically against the various hues of greens and red. A small grumble formed in the back of his throat at first as he assumed the silhouette to belong to Eek, but upon further inspection he thought better.

This wolf, although female as well; lucky him, was taller in stature and held a pelt more chocolate in hue than pure black. On top of the fact this female obviously had a touch of color to her eyes unlike the smaller, older female that was graced with an eerie set of grey toned ones. It almost made him question if she was part Asurn granted the similarities he now recalled within certain individuals back home, but the chance of another relative finding Relic Lore? Impossible considering Uncle Peirus was but a fluke and ran out. Whether he still drew breath, or not according to the tale wove by Morganna; if what she said was even the truth to begin with, remained a mystery. No, it couldn't be one of them.

Charcoal dusted banner hoisted to curl domineeringly over the curvature of his spine, muscles tensed in preparation for however this encounter would go. Eirian had better things to be doing than chatting it up with another slap happy pariah. A snort. They were everywhere out here and it was truly maddening. "You rang?" He uttered in an impassive drawl with a quirked brow once his body shifted itself to face this stranger head on now, words hinting at the glaringly obvious fact it was her handiwork that caused the stick to break. Both ends of the shattered piece of timber littered on either side of a front paw evidence enough to back his assumptions. He wasn't a fool.

(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2016, 04:58 PM by Eirian.)
Played by Brian who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Echo Asurn

Echo’s honey gold gaze narrowed slightly as the male turned toward her finally, her own tail flicked out behind her, not as a gesture of submission, for Echo bowed before no one as a lone wolf, she would act as needed, treat others with the respect that they think they may deserve but for now it was better to play it safe. Unsure If he was indeed an Asurn or no. if he was, then this could turn into a very very profitable encounter, if not...well then, she could try and learn more about the wolves of the region.

“Yes.” was her responses to his short worded inquiry. Echo’s tail twitched once as she picked up on the irritation that was radiating from the dark agouti. She was curious now, would he know of the superior pack of wolves that lived far to the north? Was he an agent of the Aurns like she was? There was one way to know. “Name’s Echo, Echo Asurn.” She said the name with the pride and honor that it deserved, for truly the Asurns were above the mere subsistence species that existed beyond that of the Timber Wolf. “I ‘rang’ simply to alert you to my presence, I wouldn’t want there to be any misinterpreted actions by coming upon a wolf deep in thought.”

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(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2016, 02:18 PM by Echo.)
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

With as much patience as Eirian could muster he waited for a reply to his question, a brow quirking skyward in immeasurable curiosity as the Asurn brute thought he must have misheard the woman before him. Russet ears panning forward, an amused hm of sorts vibrated his vocal chords. "Echo Asurn, hm?" That was the moniker her lips offered in a tone full of pride and honor, but the dark agouti boy couldn't quite bring himself to believe this swarthy woman was who she was claiming to be. Yes, he had wished for a real Asurn to appear and the female before him now certainly looked the part of his dear Aunt, but the chances of such happening mere moments after the thought formed in his head? Impossible and too good to be true.

Eirian's jaws had just began to part in order to speak when this @Echo voiced herself once more, forcing the patriarch's jaws to slam shut with a small click. Russet ears still facing forward he listened to her go on about her reasoning for calling him, a snort of sorts leaving his nostrils once she finished. "I suppose I should appreciate the thought, but how exactly do I know you're really who you say you are? The Asurns are quite the impressive bloodline and not just anyone can obtain that surname." A small glint soon passed over his bright citrus eyes, gaze locked on those of this woman.

Played by Brian who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Echo Asurn

She listened carefully to the other’s words, picking over the dark agouti’s reply to her own claims. Her tail flicked a little in annoyance. He dared to imply that she was lying. Her lips drew back in a dark smile before she replied “One does not obtain the name of the Asurn, You are either born with it or you are not.”

Though, there was some beneficial knowledge from the male’s words that allowed her to gleam the fact that he, was Asurn too, His own tongue confirmed that and now she saw no reason to keep up any charade of secrecy “Blunty, I could care less about you, or any other wolf in this area, but, perfection runs through both of our veins, we are here.” She paused, giving the area around them a wide sweep with her muzzle “I plan to bring this region into the Asurn empire, and every wolf will either bow before the might of the Asurn, or die.”

{b}“Alone It will be possible, but the honor and strength of working with another member of the family will ensure victory here.” She turned her golden gaze back onto Eirin as she addressed him.

Resources by freepik.com, table by Kydnt
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

It was a purposeful a play on words the way Eirian spoke, tucking his connection to the Asurn world without having to reveal so directly and much to his appeal the woman before him had picked up on such play for her following words proved just that. She was now well aware she was indeed in the presence of kin. A single brow quirked skyward as his rounded russet ears listened to the bold words she chose to speak in his presence, the desire to issue a warning growl when Echo spoke of plans to conquer these lands in the name of the Asurns bubbling just beneath the surface. His own plans laid parallel if not directly on top of hers, yet he would be damned if he let another rob him of the glory that rightfully belonged to him. This was his land to reign over and obviously he was already on the right track if he held a golden crown upon his head. Even if it was dull in comparison to the much larger, much grander crown awaiting him should things continue to go according to plan.

Albeit the woman at this point in time was deemed a possible threat in the long run to his plans, her latest statement; Alone It will be possible, but the honor and strength of working with another member of the family will ensure victory here, did feed a spark to his ever growing fire of curiosity. Not once did his citrus irises leave the swarthy face of the wolf before him even allowing his gaze to lock on hers once her face turned back to address him, the scent of a near by rabbit burrow hardly waning his interest. "Perhaps this is the reason why our paths crossed today then. I'm already in the process of bringing these foul beast to their knees under the name of our kin, but I cannot deny the idea of having another at my side to help the process along does sound appealing. Imagine the fear not one, but two Asurn's could cause here." A devilish smirk slowly tugged at the corner of his lips, copper and charcoal tail daring to wag in the wake of such thoughts. Perhaps @Echo could be of some use after all in his plots.