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let the wildfire shine — Lost Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was quite the surprise to have Aleister back among them and Kajika did hope that he would remain with the pack for long into the future. Having been out there on his own he knew what it was like to be out there on one’s own and he wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. It was one of the reasons that he’d brought Moonshadow back to the pack. He didn’t want her to be so young and alone in the lore either. He watched the scene or family being reunited from his place a few meters away. He didn’t want to disturb them while they became reacquainted with each other.

His gaze drifted to Moonshadow as she settled in next to him, once she was settled he touched his muzzle to the top of her head in greeting. “That’s Aleister, he’s returned home,” he told her quietly so as to not disturb the family but he wanted her to understand what was going on. As a member of the pack he felt that this information could be shared with her.

(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2016, 02:15 AM by Kajika.)
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
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Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Sorry y'all for such a late reply DX thing have been a little hectic lately

The scene before the young girl was filled with joy and excitement. It warmed her heart to see a family reunited. She had played a similar scene with her own family a countless amount of times in her head. She would give anything to see them again…as the yearling settled next to her dark teacher she smiled at the flowing swirl of tawny fur. Kajika moved his muzzle to the top of her head in greeting. Her pink hued tongue met the underside of his muzzled in a returned greeting as he told her the unfamiliar pup’s name. She had known that there was a third pup but hadn’t ever met him, and now she knew why.

The boy explained that he had wandered away from the borders and met a girl who was looking for her brother and had decided to help her. He also explained that she had led him further away from home than he had ever been. She remembered the fateful day that she had wandered too far from home. She was happy that nothing horrible had happened to him or his family after his wanderings and that he was home safe. Moonshadow couldn’t imagine anyone else going through what she had to at his age.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain

Shortly after her came their chubby son, Cernan, who even with the slightly serious tone he portrayed was obviously happy to see his sibling. She detangled herself from the mass of bodies, giving her recently arrived son some room to breathe and answer them. The mother watched as he gathered himself, brows knitting in concern. She knew her son’s character, as she had raised him from the time he had come from her body. He was strong, he was in all ways a small clone of his father and she knew that there had to be some good reason why he had gone, no matter how much she didn’t like that he had.

Finally, he spoke and her brows rose. Perhaps he had just as much of her in him as he did his father, because the whole predicament seemed quite like something that she herself would do. "I'm just glad you've managed to find your way back home safe and in one piece." her husband said, and she nodded vehemently in agreement. As much as she would have liked for him to have told them before he’d left so that, perhaps, one of them could have joined him, it was in the past and there was nothing they could do about it now.

The woman pressed her nose to her son’s ear, surprised again to find how tall he had grown in his absence. And thin. “We still love you, no matter what you do or where you go.” she said, her voice gentle and caressing.

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Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
The wayward boy made direct eye contact, and Cernan's gaze burned with questions. The others began to pull away, to allow the pup space enough to answer, but the seconds ticked on – far too long for his comfort. When at last the explanation did arrive, the younger Prince barely reacted at all. So this was the reason for his hesitation; the true sequence of events, events that had plunged his father into depression and made his mother a tempestuous wreck, were as simple as “I got lost.” Got lost for a noble cause perhaps, but Cernan felt a heat simmering deep within. 

There was too much going on at once inside his head, and he just stared. What broke the silence was the comforting speech of the King, toward which his attention fixated immediately. Papa wasn't mad at all. How could he just be so okay with this? Confusion gently pulled at the youth's face, eyes flicking toward Mama in disbelief. He was glad that Al was safe, sure, but... but... She was nodding. Cernan watched as again she caressed him, cooing of love and referring to a “we” he was no doubt implicated in. The boy's ears fell back and down, slowly, like autumn leaves.

There was so much love here; so much acceptance of the wrong that had been done. Al had not even apologized for this; simply stating his case as though that was that and the matter was resolved. His parents certainly seemed to act like it was. The larger child remained rigid and still, slowly growing sick from the corrosive feelings inside. They were so happy– but he wasn't. Not really. Right now he was upset, and the emotion was forced to twist back on itself. Was he wrong? Did the sense of betrayal and the anger that Al had told no one anything before leaving with this girl – was... was he not supposed to feel that way?  

Inside he was a churning sea; unwilling to disrupt everything and voice any of this in the face of their joy. Everyone would stare, maybe even ridicule him for not falling all over his lost brother and just accepting what he'd done. The prince found himself wanting to leave, to get this whole thing over with and just get away from all of them; somewhere he could process things and shove his dissent so far down he'd never have to feel it again. And he would have left, had there been a possibility that he could do so without anyone noticing. As it was, he was stuck; nailed beneath their eyes and watching everything from the sidelines.
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Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain
Sorry for the delay. And don't mind Neha's outburst!

The following moments seemed to be a blur. Nearly the entire pack had flooded to the scene, to welcome their lost Prince home. Everyone was relieved, including her parents and her close companion, Cernan. All had questions, demanding to know where Aleister had been. After the rush of affectionate preening and kisses were over, Neha stepped back to allow her middle brother some space, ears pricked forward expectantly. While she was overjoyed to have her brother back, a new emotion began to boil in her gut.

He had vanished without a word. Nothing. Her parents had been worried sick over him. Did he realize that? Was he even aware of the emotional turbulence that his family, especially Vesperito had gone through? And when he did open his mouth to speak, his answer shocked her. Her silver brows shot upwards in disbelief, her mouth falling open wordlessly. Just by the woods, so far out? A girl?! He got lead away?! What had he been thinking? A stiff turn of her neck and a shared glance towards Cernan, and she knew that she was not the only one about to blow. But rather than bristling, as she was now, the youngest Vuesain appeared to be keeping it all pent in, bottled up. Well, if he wouldn't say anything, than she would!

Bolting upright into a stiff legged stance, Neha let her frustration loose. "H-how could you be so reckless Aleister?!" She exclaimed angrily, her brows knitted down in stern disapproval. "You go off by yourself without a word, not to anyone and just meet some girl out there alone? What were you thinking...you don't know her! She could have lied for all you know!" It was all well and good that he was back safe and sound, and there was no shred of a doubt, that everyone loved him. She still did, even in her anger. That's why she needed to speak up, to express not just herself, but for everyone, how he had worried them. "You could've never come back to us. And here we would sit, worrying. Do you even know the hell our father went through while you were away?" Yes, she may not have been terribly easy on Vesper at one time, but that was in the past. Those mistakes were mended, and all was forgiven. Now Aleister had to step up, and bandage the wounds he had created.

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2016, 02:17 AM by Neha.)
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.