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history does repeat itself — Secret Falls 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
RE: Quickly melting snow has turned rivers into rapids.

For @Eirian

  Mild temperatures came and gone, a common practice as the season changed from winter into spring. Mud was the new terrain as dying grass and pathetic trees continued to grow and absorb what nutrients the warm weather had to offer--today, there had been little sun to help with the process. He moved carefully through the sticky, goopy mess of dirt and water, taking care to hoist his hind leg near his stomach as not to off-set his balance while he traveled toward Secret Falls. He barely remembered what had been discussed the last he'd seen Iopah but he was certain that nothing would keep him from returning back to his home; land he had helped to claim.

The loud roar of rushing water fell into the backdrop, a product of melted snow that pooled into the already overflowing rivers causing it to flood, but thus far it was mildly contained. Like a controlled forest fire, it had the potential to cause damage but for the moment he was not concerned, they had lived here for nearly a year and would remain here until their death. His large square head turned toward the sky next, listening to the loud call of overpassing geese, they were a sign that finally the weather was better, and hopefully big game would once more be returning. Returning his gaze to level ground, he licked his lips once between turning his head up and howling loud into the skies--he wanted everyone to know that finally, he was back.""
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Softly the echo of teeth grinding against bone filled the immediate area as Eirian rested upon a long since fallen solider of the forest, its mossy coated exterior serving as a far more inviting place to chomp down on the old moose bone than the muddy ground that often threatened to devour his limbs whole if he didn't watch where he stepped. Although equally as wet granted the lack of sunlight filtering through the clouds above and the recent drizzles that drenched everything in its path, at least the moss didn't leave behind a layer of goopy filthy should he lay upon it. The russet man had been contently gnawing on the well worn grooves made by the teeth of his fellow pack mates while contemplating his next set of moves when the eerie howl broke the silence, a sudden brick dropping into the pit of Eirian's stomach. No, it couldn't be..

Charcoal masked skull swiftly rising and rounded ears straining toward the direction his howl had came from announcing that he had returned, a low growl began to bubble against the back of his throat. Ivory furred lips curled themselves downward into the form of a grimace. Of course just when the young Asurn had grown comfortable in his position and thoughts that Koda wasn't going to return, thus securing his hold on the golden crown, the older man resurfaces. Typical. With a harsh swat at the bone tucked neatly between his outstretched forelimbs to send it reeling to wherever it may land in the mud below, paws positioned themselves to hoist the patriarch back to all fours before leaping down into the soupy mess he had tried to avoid.

A splash of muddy water kissed the creamy hairs that lined his stomach once paws touched base with the ground below, a grimace still present upon Eirian's countenance as muscled limbs began the trek toward Secret Falls where the call had rang out from. The minutes passed by slowly with each stride that pushed his bulky frame through the vegetation and endless muck that gradually caked itself onto his paws and lower reaches of his limbs, banner beginning to curl habitually in a display of his rank on these lands once the mottled silhouette of the former male lead came into view. Lands that were now his to lay claim to. This was going to be an interesting encounter.

"Ah, Koda is that you?" Voice adopting a tone of surprise, all traces of his former facial expression were cleanly washed away minutes ago to adopt a more favorable expression as if the smaller brute had actually missed the older man in his absence, surprised by his sudden return. In truth there was a genuine surprise present after having thought the paler coated man gone for good for so long now, but Koda stood in the flesh before him now. Clearly not a figment of his imagination. Tail wagging at a slow pace at his rump, Eirian waiting patiently for the other to acknowledge his presence.

(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2016, 04:39 PM by Eirian.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
As usual, his howls were answered within an adequate allotted time and he watched as the younger, smaller male made his appearance. It seemed as if Eirian had been fairing well as king of Broken Timber Pines, the position had quite the perks associated with it, but he had never truly trusted the man that stood before him, the puckish personality he wore often rubbed Koda the wrong way. He had hoped that someone more fitting had risen to the occasion, perhaps @Camio, but it seemed that wanderlust had truly gotten the best of him and it was a shame that even still he had not returned to his family. He worried over Nova, their daughter, and wondered what Eirian had been up to as far as gaining alliances since his departure. "It's a pleasure seeing you Eirian, seems the crown fits you pretty well," sarcasm was practically falling from his mouth as he started the brute over--he dared to actually raise his tail toward him?! His patience with Eirian would remain at a friendly level, he knew that provoking a fight while injured would do him no good, he was focused instead on getting back to his family. The male that stood before him, and the judgment of his wife, were the only two things standing in the way of him returning home.

He moved toward Eirian, his stance friendly, before settling to his haunches in a well deserved sit. His hind leg was growing stronger but it was obvious that there were weeks left before he was completely healed, and he saw no better way to recover than being with his family. His gaze shifted to the raging rapids, they swished and slurped violently but he knew that eventually it would settle and things would return to normal, given some time everything eventually fell into place. There was one thing that Koda learned as he aged, and that was to practice patience. "my trip to the Northern end of Relic Lore lasted longer than I anticipated. I am seeking acceptance, I am sure Iopah and my daughters have missed me." he tucked his injured leg closer, hoping that Eirian wouldn't notice that he had been injured as well, an injured elder wolf could be looked at as a liability and Koda knew that he was far from it. His heart and determination was as large as the youngest brute he'd ever met.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

Ears soon pricked forward once the larger brute finally acknowledged his arrival, the sarcastic infused words in regards to the shift of ranks since his departure that dripped off his flicking tongue causing Eirian to press his own against the roof of his mouth roughly. By no means was @Koda forced to like another man sitting comfortably upon his abandoned throne, although the russet boy was all too eager to graciously accept the position offered by his wife, but there were certain protocols that kept a pack afloat and a missing lead on either side was not one of them. He had simply stepped up to fulfill his duties as a loyal subordinate.

No longer feeling the need to display his role, charcoal dusted banner lowered to a more neutral position while still holding some semblance of a friendly wag. "Perhaps, but it feels a little lopsided considering its previous owner had a larger head than mine." He jested with the hint of a chuckle following his words pretending to be oblivious to the sarcasm spoken just moments ago, although his words were partially spoken in truth considering the size difference between Koda and himself. This was a fact Eirian had noted long ago when he first encountered the paler coated brute and thus kept in the back of his mind in regards to his plans. There was no doubting then he would need to bulk up to prepare for any form of fighting against the seasoning male, but now that the roles had been switched it was more so a need to bulk up to defend himself. Although unaware of the former lead's injury, there was no doubt he would come swinging in due time to retake what was his. The clock was ticking on Eirian's time as emperor.

Citrus irises watched closely as the other steadily approached to shift into a seated position, their gaze unwavering from the larger male as his own gaze moved toward the dangerous waters, a single russet ear pivoting off to the side to catch the roaring gurgles of the raging rapids due to the spring runoff. Soon enough the words Eirian had been waiting to hear since this encounter began began to spew from his muzzle informing him that his trip had gone for longer than anticipated; obviously or else this whole mess wouldn't have been created in the first place, and was ready to be reunited with his family. At least what was left of it. Should he inform the father that his precious daughters were but one now that Ember returned without Bracken in toe? The asshole in him was tempted by the idea of withholding such information, but the logic side reminded him it was just a gifted opportunity to be used against him. "Of course you are welcomed back and I can not deny Iopah and your children have missed you, but you'll only be greeted by one daughter once you return. Bracken has yet to make it back since she and Ember left haphazardly in search of you."  After all it was his disappearance that caused them to leave the safety of their home in the first place. Whatever did become of the lost daughter was on his paws, not Eirian's.

(This post was last modified: Apr 27, 2016, 06:37 PM by Eirian.)
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier

This meeting was awkward, but friendly at best as both males made it a priority to hide their emotions and aggressive body language from the other. Koda could not afford ill feelings, not when he was so close to returning back home. Eirian's remark was returned with a soft chuckle, a sign that Koda had well known that the younger male could not comfortably wear the crown he'd worked so hard for, and with his return, he would make sure that the discomfort remained--their relationship would fair better with Eirian beneath him. He appreciated the agouti male for keeping Broken Timber Pines afloat, without him the pack would have failed as a lead male was needed in his absence but his return signified that he would ensure his home would be the kingdom it was meant to be. He could not fail.   "You have done a fine job in my absence. The pack would not have survived without you." he acknowledged, honey colored eyes stared into those of his counterpart before they averted, turning finally to his paws. He was not in power here, and he had to remember that.

Mention of his family sent his eyes back to the temporary lead, a look of pure concern across his face. He should have known that someone would have gone missing in his absence, and it made him sick to his stomach that his own daughter, his sweet innocent daughter, was still lost somewhere after looking for him. He would never forgive himself for putting them through so much distress and discomfort, and he was angry with everyone for even letting her go. Who would have allowed her to do such a silly thing?! "I hope that you did not authorize for her to leave in the middle of winter in search of me." he questioned, his voice threatened to raise but he attempted to remain calm--his eyes were nearly a giveaway. He knew that Iopah would not have allowed her to go, surely his wife had been desperate to find him and was irrational, that was why Eirian was supposed to have talked sense into her, as her second in command he was her backup. He could not have believed someone to be so irresponsible!

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn
Sorry it's such crap ;-; Muse is being a pain lately.

As much as a snarl wanted to reveal the whites of his teeth hearing such words drop off the pale man's tongue, there was no stopping the snort, though, that erupted from Eirian at the accusation Koda so easily tossed at the young male without having to directly voice it. Cream lids narrowed a fraction once the honeyed brute met his bright citrus gaze while catching the strain in Koda's voice in an attempt to keep it at a level tone. "Nobody authorized the departure. They left without a word and it was too late to search by time their absence became suspicious." The tawny Asurn was young, yes, but even he wasn't enough of a fool to send a helpless child out into the unforgiving snows of winter to do with the girl as the colorless powder saw fit. The nerve of this guy.

A welcomed distraction soon came on the sudden rising of the breeze as the metallic tang of spilled blood and the less pleasurable scent of coyote filled his nostrils causing his nose to begin a twitching fit with each steady inhale. His stomach soon offered a quite rumble hinting the temporary lead should pursue this tantalizing scent. Surely two wolves; if Koda wanted to dine that is considering the lack of proper weight on his bones from his time away, could chase off some mangy cousins and If anything was salvageable the duo could drag it back to refill some of the lesser filled caches after having sating their own hunger.

Rolling his shoulders to ease some of the tension that had gradually built during this encounter Eirian cleared his throat before tossing his head toward the direction the scent had lingered from. "If you want to now you're free to seek out your family, or you could assist me in seeking out the carcass on the breeze and bringing it home after eating our fill. I'm sure nature still isn't the kindest to wolves out on their own, but it's your choice." The invitation was there and without another word the russet and agouti saddled brute began to follow the scent trail toward the awaiting free meal after first brushing his shoulder against Koda's; perhaps a little rougher than necessary as a reminder he was still in charge even if just for the time being, to mark him as a member of the pack again.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
Yours was fine! Sorry for the small wait! @Eirian

His brow lifted, eyes watched his counterpart suspiciously when the snort so easily rolled from the tawny male's mouth and he knew that the words he spoke had hit deep--and it should. He had left the pack in Eirian's hands, and though it had been unintentional, he had expected the male to be prepared if he should have to take over the pack in his absence, it pained him knowing that Bracken would not be greeting him at his return. It pained him even more knowing that Iopah most likely accused him for having left much longer than was intended and the guilt felt heavy on his broad shoulders. He had failed his family, and the injury he'd sustained was the outcome for his sudden disappearance but he had accepted it as collateral--he would once more have to earn his title back, there was no way around that. Tension aside, a deep sigh left his black lined lips when he noticed that Eirian's attention had shifted and he welcomed the change, he no longer wished to discuss his mess up and the fact that he would not be seeing his daughter, possibly forever.

His eyes closed upon the approach of his superior and he felt the weight of Eirian upon him, adorning him with the stench of Broken Timber Pines once more, it was a scent he had missed during his disappearance and he would wear it with more pride than before. He was thankful for his pack, and he was even more thankful for the smell of food that flooded his nostrils--prey had returned and coyotes had begun their feasting. The ultimatum of seeing his family or stuffing his face kept him at his spot, he wanted nothing more than to see Iopah and Ember, and whom ever remained since his departure but he knew that returning back to Iopah empty handed was just as bad as returning without an announcement. He would help to chase off what ever scavenger remained and bring back to his girls a kill that would not necessary make up for his departure but help to ease the transition back home. A nod was his initial agreement as he waited for Eirian to lead the way,  "I'll come with you." and he stood on all fours, attempting to straighten his hind leg, despite the pain, in an effort to hide his injury.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Ashbash who has 170 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eirian Asurn

An agreement to join graced Eirian's ears and the faintest of smirks dared threaten to make itself present only once his agouti skull was angled well away from the paler coated male's line of sight. Unaware of the effort the other had to make in order to hide the injury plaguing his hind leg from during his disappearance. Instead the russet hued man tucked the vindictive thoughts away for another day, the smirk all but washed away now to be replaced with a stoic expression as an ebony nose twitched about in its search along the ever strengthening scent trail of blood and nuisances; their cousins the coyotes.

Citrus irises stole a glance sideways as the path skirted about to follow along the bloated banks of the ravenous rapids, the first drops of crimson liquid glistening under the rays of light. The sound of excited yips and obvious growls of dining squabbles forcing rounded ears to prick forward, steps pausing momentarily to give another listen. Two, maybe three mangy coyotes at most by the sound of it. "Ready for some action?" Eirian spoke quietly toward @Koda as not to alert the dining canines of their approaching presence. It was never any fun when they got head starts in a game of chase.

Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
@Eirian !!

Although he walked beside the agouti male, his attention remained elsewhere. A blank expression was the only giveaway as he became fixated on thoughts of his wife and two daughters he had unintentionally left behind. He wondered how they would react to his reappearance he wondered whether the pack would be happy to see him again, and he worried over whether Bracken would return to the pack in one piece. 

His concern over Iopah twisted his stomach into knots and he wondered if their love was in jeopardy--was it strong enough to survive this slight bump? He than began to question the motives of the male that walked beside him, thoughts of what he intended to do with the pack gave him the determination he needed to want to work hard and reclaim what he had worked for. He knew that his climb back to leadership would make them proud, it was the only position he was ever truly comfortable in.

He was so absorbed in himself, and his thoughts, that he hadn't noticed the sound of coyotes munching on a carcass until Eirian paused in an attempt to pinpoint where they were exactly and he mimicked the action, ears pointing forward to focus on the annoying sound of feasting pest. Luckily for Eirian, he disliked coyotes more than he did him, at the moment. "Lead the way." he spoke to his company, albeit very little, and his muscles twitched while waiting for the command to interrupt a feast that had never intended to last longer then a few minutes. These guests were unwanted, to say the least and they would easily be run out of the pack.

(This post was last modified: Jun 29, 2016, 08:24 AM by Koda.)

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.