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Bury The Castle — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Finally got around to this ^^; @Yuka - I figured we could use his RE?
- Yuka, you come across a squirrel that’s been startled out of its torpor.

- Afternoon, Mist - 34 ° F/1 ° C

Hunting was not a skill the young girl prided herself of, nor did she have any real interest in that area. But it remained a stable of life as a wolf, pack or not, and it was one of the best reasons for sneaking off and explore the lands beyond the border. Sure she had run off plenty of times without telling anyone, going as far as scaling the mountains at the southern pass, but she'd learned that it was a better move to ask permission first – that way no worried adults, or children, came running to drag her back home to a good scolding – now that she was old enough to be allowed out on her own. And hunting was by far the best excuse for her wanderlust, especially with aunty Io; That way she looked like a good little girl, trying to do her part for the pack and train her skills. Nobody actually expected her to return with anything either, after all she was just a pup. Nalda snorted, a smirk on her russet muzzle, in the end it worked out perfectly for everyone.

Today she'd wandered south, into the ferns. The thick forest fascinated her, no large opening's in the canopy made by fallen trees like at home, and the forest floor, not littered by the rotting logs, instead blanketed in the brightly colored plants. She liked how the red leaves matched her coat, normally she had very little in terms of camouflage, but here she could blend into the underbrush, observing the forest without disturbing the wildlife. So it was like this, lying comfortably beneath the shelter of a broad leaf, that Nalda Zamora spend her afternoon, unbothered by the damp mist hanging above. She relaxed her body, while large ears were attentively pricked, swiveling at any sound. Her nose too was hard at work, separating and identifying each smell born to her on the faint wind. Even her narrow, goldenrod eyes scanned continuously, following every tiny movement in the dense woods. Most were uninteresting, little jerks of leaves as condensed droplets from the fog fell on them, or wave of a branch in the wind. Still, she wasn't bored, observing was her favorite activity, and she could do it for days on end.

A new shift caught her attention, a flash of orange appearing at the corner of her eye. Quickly the pups head turned to find the source, eyes searching mostly barren tree tops for the culprit. There it was, a squirrel, hopping along a branch, seemingly with no special target. Nalda froze, full attention focused on the nimble creature. Even if she had been interested in hunting it, it was much too far out of her reach, but her interest in the animal was much more than its potential as prey. Other's weren't such inclined though. As the pup watched, a similar looking, but more slender, animal came rushing out after the squirrel, clambering along the branch quickly, clearly fixed on the bushy tailed critter. Spotting its pursuer, the squirrel emitted a high squeak, springing forwards in panic. Enthralled by the drama unfolding before her, Nalda kept her eyes peeled as predator and prey went on a chase through the treetops. The squirrel seemed better equipped to jumping from tree to tree than its slim pursuer, but the hunt kept up through leap after leap. Then suddenly, the panicked squirrel seemed to have misjudged a distance, missing the branches of its designated tree and instead spiraling towards the ground. The young observer couldn't hold back a gasp as she saw the critter fall, body tensing as she waited for the inevitable end. However a late stroke of luck saved the squirrel, a large fern leaf catching it before it touched the ground, slowing its decent. In a shivering, russet clump, the scruffy creature landed on the forest floor, its thwarted hunter glaring down from above. Wow!

Word count: 654

"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2016, 02:31 PM by Nalda.)
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

It was not often that he strayed far from the pack lands. Since his mother disappearance, he had done his best to assimilate himself among the pack, to do his fair share, and more when it was necessary. As far as he knew, Eirian was the only other male in the pack and Yuka was sure that the alpha male had enough on his plate already. As he traveled south of the pack, he made sure not to travel far, just in case he was needed. The young man doubted that anyone would call for him though. The russet-hued man still held an aversion for social interactions and while he wanted to try, he felt as though his face was holding him back.

When he joined, it hadn't taken him long to learn that Koda had gone missing. Nina had been extremely specific on who had betrayed her and their names had been permanently lodged in his brain. The Thorben was quite sure that he was gone and that his leader would be specifically pleased with this information. He had not gone to see his family though, not seeing any harm within Broken Timber Pines. Currently, they were truly broken and if they did not last then Nina would surely be even more pleased.

He did not waste time in entering the Fern Forest, his amber teal-flecked eyes wide with excitement. The scenery was beautiful and it took Yuka's breath away. As he took in the area, he came upon the scent of one of his pack mates, someone he was unfamiliar with. Fear and uncertainty almost made him turn away but a firm resolve pushed him forward. As he proceeded forward, however, a high-pitched squeak caught his attention. The Guardian in-training's eyes flew towards a squirrel, with a fox hot on it's tail. The sight of the disgusting creature caused Yuka to curl his lip in disdain but his eyes tracked the movement, watching as the squirrel fled from the vile creature. It seemed, with a twist of fate, that the squirrel's life would be spared and he would live to see another day. Not wanting to risk being in proximity with the predator, the creamy man pressed forward, only to find that the very pack mate he was looking for was one of the princesses, as he assumed that all of the children under the Pines' care were Iopah's children.

Casting a glance over his shoulder to keep track of the fox, Yuka turned his head back towards the pup, tilting his head at an awkward angle in order to hide his scars. "Princess, we really should be getting away from here." He held onto the hope that she would acknowledge that he was older than she and a part of the pack. Even if he was undercover and his mission was to destroy them, he highly doubted Nina would want to be accountable for the death of a child when he could have easily prevented it.  The child did not look anything like her mother, and so Yuka assumed that the girl had taken on Koda's attributes. He was not being commanding towards her but it was a simple request. If he had to stay and kill, then so be it.

Thank you TABs
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank

So focused on the squirrel-drama, Nalda hadn't heard the others approach, and instead he seemed to suddenly materialize out of the ferns, making her jump, just like the critter at his paws. The squirrel was quick to get away, disappearing among the ferns in a quick scurry, but its wolf watcher was trapped, stared down by attentive, amber eyes. She'd seen him only in passing since he joined in the fall, even more reclusive than herself it seemed, though she couldn't really blame him. Especially considering… Well. Nalda had never really concerned herself much with appearance, which was of course easy when you were born reasonably good looking. She never really cared particularly when it came to others either, it was arbitrary, many wolves looked the same, it was the insides that were different, those were what you needed to know. Sure some might be nicer on the eyes; Like @ArionBut that would've been completely useless, had he not been good company too. In short, she was not half as bothered by the scars as the robust man seemed to be himself, even the way he held his head seemingly designed to hide them. The young girl could only shrug, secretly hoping that nothing ever drove her to try to hide herself in that manner.

Other than the significant scars, the size was the most remarkable thing about this strange young man, a bulk like few she had ever seen build up under his fleece. The coat itself was not unlike her own, though the grey was lighter and less uniform, and the bright mask leaned more towards rust than the deep russet she sported. From the adults, the girl had picked up that his name was Yuka and she knew he had joined along with an older female, though she had vanished shortly thereafter. But that was the full extent of her knowledge about the chap, which in itself spiked her curiosity. What kind of secrets might he be hiding? Why had he come to the Pines? Why would anyone?! Had he simply been in need of a pack the way her parents insisted they had when she was a baby? He wasn't a baby though and as far as she knew he was capable enough.

The young girl suddenly realized that he'd spoken to her, her contemplations making it register extremely slowly. A small smile snuck onto her face before she could stop it, big ears waving; Princess? She kind of liked it, even if it wasn't true. Though if Bracken and Ember could be princesses, then why not her? The rest of his statement was just as confusing, and Nalda tilted her head, a true mirror of the large man, though it was puzzlement that made her do it. Had circumstances been different, she might have made a snide remark, but now instead, there was only confusion in her voice as she asked simply: "Why?"

Word count: 489

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben
{OOC}Sorry this took so long. :/ <3[/OCC]

She was a small little thing and she did not immediately listen as he'd hoped. Yuka fought the urge to roll his eyes and simply bit his tongue as she questioned him. Executing patience, the Thorben tried to explain, "Because the fox up in that tree could easily hurt you. One of them has hurt me before, when I was a little older than you." It wasn't a lie. He was not particularly fond of foxes either, he hated them. Athena and the others had trained him and he had learned how to fight, but before then, he had been too young to take on the predator and it had scarred him easily. He took a few steps closer to her, rounding about so that he would be able to see the russet creature.

He narrowed his amber teal-flecked eyes, speaking softer now that his voice would be directed in the direction of it, "So can we please get away from here so that we can talk somewhere else?" He peered down at her questioningly while still being sure he was able to see the fox in his periphery. Yuka did not want to leave anything to chance. The young man knew he had not done close to anything since he had joined the Pines and he did not want to mess anything up by putting the life of a child in danger, especially with Koda gone and the pack's population fragile.

Thank you TABs
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 181 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Yuka no worries <3

He might not have rolled his eyes, but the exasperation was apparent enough to the young girl. She felt a burst of defiance, determined to stay put just to spite him, at least until she got a proper explanation. So she cocked her brows expectantly, squaring her shoulders in silent challenge. Such ready to fight, she was rather surprised when Yuka willingly began to justify his order, her rebellion deflating under his words. The tale made her flick an ear, nose scrunching up for a moment in thought; Fox huh? It hadn't looked that dangerous, couldn't even catch the squirrel. But the burly man seemed quite insistent and Nalda let out a small huff narrowing her eyes slightly. "It do tha' t'you?" She asked, pointing her nose at the broad scars. There was no mock in her voice, just genuine curiosity. The way he had said it sounded like it was no small incident, though it still seemed unbelievable to her that a fox could cause any such damage.

As the hefty man moved, burnished gold eyes followed him closely, the pup spinning along to keep facing the him. Meanwhile, his attention seemed to be split between her and the sly predator, having apparently given up on its squirrel to lurk in the distance. Nalda glanced only briefly at it, her interest caught by the young man who was again urging to move. She still didn't see the point, but he was very insistent and, more importantly, he was offering to talk. Now, the young Zamora was usually not much of a conversationalist, however she was intrigued by this other reserved wolf, possibly the one pack mate she knew the least about. So she decided not to pass up the chance, resolving to comply, just this once; "Okay then." Her voice was unusually chipper, the slightest of wags to her tail as she looked up at the other, waiting for him to lead the way.

Word count: 325

"Speech" Thoughts

Because of work, my activity will fluctuate every other week. For more information and OOC preferrences check out my profile
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

For a moment, Yuka thought she was going to resist him and he was going to have to remove her by force. He would have done it too, if it would have ensured her safety. It probably would have also gained her spite but it would have been worth it. His nostrils flared when he heard her response, taken aback. The russet-hued boy listened though, her tone not filled with malice. He swallowed, not trusting his voice to speak, so he simply nodded, avoiding the child's eyes. His eyes did not stay on the ground for long, moving back to look towards the fox. Relief flooded through him when the child acceded to his wishes. It was clear to him that she would not move unless he led the way though and this time the Thorben did roll his eyes.

He circled around her once, his pace quick going away from the fox. The Guardian in-training kept his body between the area where the fox was and the princess. Being so caught up in keeping her away from harm, he realized that introductions had completely slipped his mind. He eyed her, as if she would snap at him if he were to first one to broach the topic. Finally, he spoke, "I am Yuka. What is your name?" Amber teal-flecked eyes focused on her but his ears were in another place. If, by any chance, the fox tracked them, he wanted to be ready for it. He did not want another repeat of what happened to him in Whisper Caverns.

Thank you TABs