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Without you there is no me. — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
@Arion ^u^

She'd lived within the Pines for a little over two months, yet someway or another Maeve had productively managed to avoid just about every wolf that had resided within the boarders likely long before her arrival. It's better this way, the colorless orphan often told herself when times got rough. It'd just be unnecessary to bond with anyone at this point; especially taking into consideration the fact that this was not her forever home. Celandine would soon come for the child, she just knew it, and when that day came the former Destine-Caravello would leave every last one of those pack dolts behind to rot. No regrets, not a single glance back.

Today, Maeve thought best to exercise her legs a bit. It'd been a while since the near-yearling had done any serious exploring, and she could only vaguely remember the taste of satisfaction finding a new territory brought to her tongue. Finding comfort in the northeast route she'd set out on, the fae eventually came across the soothing sounds of a harsh water current. She'd approach out of curiosity, and with much caution. Soon in sight lied strange, seemingly dangerous ink-like rapids. Something about them only drew her in further, something about them almost made her want to jump in. "Huh.."

Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
@Maeve gets a depressed/brooding Arion :c sorry for sad post

Arion truly was not sure where he belonged anymore. After his father had abandoned both him and his mother the smudge had accepted the loss. He knew that Inkheart was not going to return to the family he had left behind and R had been okay with that. At times, he even pretended that father had died in order to deal with the thought of being abandoned — or, that he never had a father.  He had very few memories of Inkheart so it was easy to pretend that the obsidian wolf did not exist. Even his mother very seldom mentioned her former mate — whether it was because she still hoped for his return or despised him for his permanent absence, Arion did not know. And now he would never know.

After discovering his mother’s broken body the boy had remained by her side for what felt like weeks. He would rather be abandoned by ten fathers than experience the death of his mother. She had been ripped away from him far too early — there was so much they still needed to experience together. She was supposed to become a grandmother and dote on little Celencio’s… she was supposed to see her only son grow and make a name for himself… Now, he did not know where to go or what to do. He had brushed by the borders of the Pines to let his packmates know he was still around, but he couldn’t return — not yet. There was a hole in his heart so big he felt as though he would never heal.

After spending several days curled up next to Zia’s body the smudge had gathered the strength to dig his mother a grave at the base of the mountain. He would tell his packmates when he was ready and allow them to grieve her loss, but for now he was being selfish. She had been his mother — the only thing that had ever truly mattered to him — and she had been violently ripped away from him. It wasn’t fair, he thought to himself as he had kicked dirt over the silver body of his mother, teal eyes dripping with salty tears that stained his dark fur. The boy had lingered around the gravesite for a few more days before reluctantly dragging his frail body away, his stomach roaring with hunger pains.

Not yet ready to face his pack, Arion headed to the falls in pursuit of a distraction. He knew he would have to return to the pines soon, the boy was reluctant. There was nothing left for him there; no family to tie him to the land. Despite the relationship he had formed with the sisters, it was not the same. The only family Arion had ever known was gone and it would never come back.

Transfixed by the rushing water, the smudge hovered at the edge of the rapids. He had not noticed the presence of the grayscale loner, and even if he had he would not have done anything. Conversation was not high on his priority list. Nothing was.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
That's alright! I thought it was cute! Maeve's even being somewhat agreeable for now, I think she knows :(!

Normally Maeve would have disregarded the new presence all together, perhaps shut them down before sending them on their way. Normally, however thing's just hadn't been the same since Silent Moon Plateau disbanded, and she was honestly having a harder time re-adapting than she'd ever like to admit. "Uhm.." The colorless fae murmured, eyes fixated on the charcoal coated male. "Do ye'.. Do ye' need sumthin' er'..?" the words spilled uncomfortably out of her maw, as if the scenario would have just played out better had she not spoken them to begin with. How peculiar, she'd never had a problem with talking to others in the past. Perhaps she needed a nap.

"Whu'm I even sayin', y' got more o' a claim to these lands than I. Ain't never been out here b'fore." the near yearling sighed. His scent was faint with the Pines' perfume, obviously he'd lived there too. "If ye' want, I can be on m' way. Ain't like I picked this place specifically r' anythin', bu' it's not like I'll be talkin' much anyway if I stay. Dun' got much to discuss these days." she rolled her eyes, as if the male had even asked for an explanation. Why had she spoken to begin with? The orphan would likely beat herself up over it for a while.

[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
<3 <3 <3

Although he was startled by the presence of the silver girl he did not acknowledge her presence at first, his sea green gaze was still fixated on the rushing water before him. Her voice caused an ear to twitch, his forehead knitting together as he gave a small shake of his head in response to her question. She could not help him with what he needed; there was nothing that could bring back his mother. More than anything, Arion wanted to be alone, which was a strange concept for the sociable yearling.

As the girl spoke a second time the smudge finally glanced over at her with a curious expression as her words filled the space between them. He was perplexed by her contradicting words: she claimed she would not speak much if she lingered, but she had already said a mouthful. His throat was dry from lack of use and he had to swallow a few times before offering his own voice. “If you stay you don’t have to say anything. Or you can leave.” Arion shrugged to show his indifference. He was not going to force the monochrome girl to stay when he wasn’t even sure if he wanted the company anyway. The smudge was thankful that he had encountered a stranger first after discovering his mother’s body; he did not know if he would be able to remain so composed in front of his packmates. If the Pine wolves had not discovered Zia’s body yet Arion would have to deliver the news, and he did not know if he was ready for that just yet. 

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Just as she'd expected, the male hadn't wished to hear her speak in the first place. 'Stupid.' She sighed, breaking her eye contact with the foreigner. "I-I'd like t' stay.. Th' waters kinda funny lookin' 'ere.. Never seen nothin' like it back at the Plateau." murmuring, the yearling wondered if the male had even been able to hear her. How exactly had she managed to place herself in such an awkward situation? 'Why the hell'd he hafta show up..? Was havin' a grand ol' time 'ere by m'self.' the colorless fae huffed, making herself comfortable at the edge of the waters. 'Mm'well, best t' make good o' what I got.'

"So, ye' liv' in Broken Timber Pines too, eh?" The girl mindlessly questioned, though it didn't take her long to remember that she'd promised not to talk. "Oh, er, never mind.. Small talk's borin' anyway.." She'd never once been bothered with being alone, or well, at the very least she'd adapted, but something about having company and remaining silent just didn't sit right with her. Why couldn't he just leave? She had arrived first, after all. ' 'R maybe I should be th' one t' leave. Can always come back 'nother day.' her tail flicked impatiently as she contemplated her options. 'Wha' t' do...'

[Image: 9lnGsxY.png]
[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio

Arion did not expect the response he received. While taken aback at the girl’s proposal to stay, he did not let it show. His features remained smooth as he tore his sea-green gaze away from the silver girl and allowed them to focus on the spiralling water once more. His heart hurt too much to protest her decision — as long as she was not irritating he would be able to handle limited company. The girl had stated they did not have water like this back on the Plateau — what Plateau? — which immediately spiked his curiosity despite his delirious state. Arion was so accustom to the falls and the rapids that he couldn’t imagine ever living near still water; how odd. Perhaps that was why the girl seemed so peculiar; perhaps the still water had some strange side effects…

Before he got a chance to speak the girl’s voice disturbed the silence once more, this time asking him about his pack. He nodded quickly in response, his teal orbs fixated on her silver frame. The next set of words to drip off her tongue caused a glimmer of a smile to break across his maw. “Very boring,” he mused aloud, the tip of his tail twitching slightly. “You from the Plateau then?” He paused, voice hoarse from lack of use. “Have you not seen rapids before?” He truly did not care where the girl was from or what she had/had not seen. If she had met him prior to the death of his mother he would be much more talkative and inquisitive, but now he did not care. He was simply trying to pass the time since neither of them would leave. 

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello

Much to the young rogue's surprise, the male actually decided to bless her with the beginning of what could be a real conversation, not to be confused with her previous mindless jabber. "Mmhmm...." the colorless fae thought for a moment, though the answer was rather obvious. "Nah, We had erm.. Couple'a river's.. Ther' was a' waterfall, bu' it was clear water, n' very still.. no' like th' rapids." Much to her displeasure. There was little to worry about when it came to the waters residing near Silent Moon. They sure didn't scream danger like the body in front of her now.

"Bu' yer prolly so accustom t' em by now. I mus' look pretty strange, th' way I'm obsessin' over 'em." Maeve sighed. The rapids held a certain charisma to them, another thing that the boring rivers back 'home' seemed to lack. The boy had to of known, why else would he be here of all places? They drew him in, just as they had her, though hopefully he hadn't contemplated the jump in as she just had. "Y' come here a lot? Prolly gonna make it a frequented place m'self." That was, if the boy didn't mind. Best to form as many allies as possible while sleeping within Pine's territory, overstepping boundaries wouldn't be very beneficial.

(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2016, 08:08 AM by Maeve.)
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Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
warning for brief dark Arion thoughts :c 

“We have a waterfall as well,” he commented absently to the girl’s response, his sea-green gaze fixated on her silver form. The falls were one of his favourite hideaways, especially when he wanted to be on his own. Like Arion, his littermates had been withdrawn as of late. While he knew that they were dealing with their own demons, part of him wondered if they were leaving him alone on purpose. If they were, he was thankful. R was not ready to face his packmates just yet. Speaking with strangers soothed his mind much more than conversing with his friends, for the silver girl was completely unaware of the loss he had experienced.

He shook his head softly at her words, a faint smile toying with the corners of his lips. “I still obsess over them, too.” The words rolled off his tongue effortlessly, his gaze returning to the rushing water below. He would not admit aloud that he had been considering flinging himself into the water, to see what would become of him, prior to her arrival. Despite these dark thoughts, it was a place that he had visited a number of times during his childhood. Although he never ventured too close to the waters edge, he would become transfixed by the rushing waters and hours would pass before he realized that both his bottom and paws had gone numb. “Sometimes, not as much as I’d like to.” He paused, considering what she had said about returning (more than once). “It’s certainly a good place to avoid small talk.” He was trying to be funny; trying to push away the dark thoughts that lingered in the back of his mind; trying to forget about how his life felt as though it was tumbling around him. Trying, trying, trying.

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
If I didn't love playing Maeve so much I'd offer up some sort of Romeo and Juliet with a twist, they could of fallen in love and jumped into the rapids together XDD!!

Maeve couldn't help but to let out an honest giggle at her company's response, something rather out of character for her considering her previous experiences with conversation. "'Till I showed up, m' sure." She grinned. "They're sumthin' tho', tha's fer sure." she added, eyes immersed in the way he observed the rapids. It hadn't been too far off from what she'd assumed she looked like only moments prior. Had this boy been going through some tough times as well?

"Hey, uhm.." Her intent was to apologize for whatever it was the stranger had been going through, let him know that if he wanted to talk about anything she'd give him a once in a lifetime offer and lend a listening ear. Though suddenly a pring of anxiety rushed through her, and she found herself too nervous to continue with the objective. Perhaps they weren't close enough for this discussion, perhaps he didn't want to talk about it. She sure as fuck wouldn't have, back when the roles might have been reversed. "Y-yer name.." She stammered, though the last minute catch really wasn't all that bad. "I never go' it.. Er, Ye' can call me Maeve." Just Maeve, for the rogue had lost her surname long ago. "M' new t' yer pack, sorta. Prolly do me some good t' learn a coupl'a names."

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