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At The Beginning — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Similarly, feel free to skip Bella unless she's spoken to, she's just gonna sit with Nios :)

@Nina had been busy gathering supplies when Bella had found her, which didn't surprise the younger woman in the slightest. The Hervok matriarch was the ever-prepared, ever-proactive type, and hardly needed Bella's guidance or prompting to turn her paws towards Aideen's den. The chocolate wolf trailed along behind, head quietly buzzing with all that Aideen would be going through, wondering if she would be able to help or if it would just be overkill. Too many mothers smothered a litter... Nina, Aideen and Miccah were all more than capable of delivering the children safely. The rest of them just had to be nearby and make sure that the trio had nothing to worry about.

With Nina onsite, Bella hung back, giving the family space to deal with the birth. Her heart ached for Miccah, who was clearly on-edge, and who could blame him? Wondering whether or not it was best to leave them alone, or to just be there in case they needed someone to be a runner of messages or supplies?

With Aideen's concerned voice drifting out of the den, and her mate's worried words back, Bella hovered, so desperate to help but knowing that she was superfluous. She eyed the waterfowl she'd brought, and at that moment a dark figure emerged from the trees, and Bella's tail wagged in faint relief at the sight of someone else who wasn't Nina or an Athesila, chuffing quietly to get Nios' attention as he peered at the den. Trotting over to him, she hummed in amusement at the sight of his caught grouse, wondering whether there would be anyone else who had been out bird hunting. Her own kill was still left where she dropped it, waiting until it was needed. Her own appetite was gone. She said nothing as she laid her rump down beside the larger man, for there was nothing that needed to be said, flicking an ear and a glance in the direction of the hastily-dug den, feeling twitchy and alert for any indication that she could contribute. If it had been possible to share the discomfort of Aideen's contractions, she would have!
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It wasn't long after she received good words from the mother that a whimper of pain escaped from her. Nina, ever attentive, listened, her single eye focused on Aideen. With Miccah in her blind spot, she did not see him approach. His baritone echoed beside her and the matriarch shot him a warning look. She understood that he was the father and that he wanted to be there but if he was going to get in her way then she wanted him out. Aideen's voice echoed from inside, her voice laced with a bit of panic, revealing just how much stress she was under. The graying woman looked down at the herbs she collected, nibbling on her lip briefly and analyzing what she could do. With a soft sigh, she spoke to Aideen, "I'm coming in for just a moment, alright? I need to give you these herbs." She bit off the flower to the lavender hyssop and separated a small amount of the hellebore from its bundle. Gathering together the stems and leaves of the lavender, as well as the flower, and the hellebore, Nina only inched in slightly, nosing the herbs towards Aideen, but keeping the flower part to herself in the meantime.

Her single eye focused on her pupil and patient, remaining calm, "This is lavender and hellebore, it will calm you down and reduce your blood pressure so you won't feel as anxious. I made the dose of hellebore extremely low, so there is no chance of you getting toxins. Eat it." She nodded towards the herbs with a hopeful smile, before pushing the purple flower forward. "This is for you to inhale. Its aroma will also have a calming affect. Think of it as mind over matter. What you're going through is natural. I believe in you and I know you can get through this." She shot the mother to be a smile, single eye scanning the den for any mass amounts of blood before meeting the eyes of Aideen again, collected. "Call out if you need anything else, okay?" And then Nina backed out, standing nearby next to Miccah.

(This post was last modified: Jun 03, 2016, 03:58 AM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
@Miccah <3

Her breathing grew rapid, icy fear creeping into her chest as pain blossomed from her pelvis. Outside she could hear shuffling, Miccah's concerned voice filtering down to her. She wanted to reassure him, say that everything was gonna be alright, even if she was afraid it wouldn't. But a new contraction killed any comment in her throat, a pained whimper replacing it as she fought against her instincts; Every fiber of her being telling her to push, while her hips remained locked. Every moment it became harder for her not to panic, the pup was stuck, she was helpless and her helplessness was killing her children!

Nina's voice was a blessing, its familiar strength cutting through her hysteria. The laboring mother blinked against the tears gathered in her eyes, looking to the den opening as her mentor crawled in, a small bundle of herbs clutched tightly in her maw. Aideen breathed in deeply, closing her eyes for a moment as she focused on the scent of the plants. Just the familiarity of the exercise calmed her a bit, her brain sifting through the perfumes to identify each herb. The lavender was the most easily recognizable, and the former medic nodded to herself, listing the effects of the medicine in her head. She was thankful for Nina's explanation though, as a new contraction racked through her body, blasting her concentration. She gritted her teeth, nodding her understanding, eyes closed once more as she waited for the pain to subside. The praise made her smile weakly, gaze a little glassy as she met her teacher's single eye, but she already felt better, safer with the long time medic and mother watching over her. She breathed a hoarse: "Thanks." Then quickly turned to the herbs, chewing quickly to get through them before the next contraction hit.

Already she was relaxing, her panic quelled by Nina's reassurance; Mind over matter..! She would have chuckled, but the pain was back, forcing all other thoughts from her mind. Muzzle lowered to hover right above the lavender flower, she breathed as slow and deep as she could, letting the drug seep into her body. Tentatively she attempted to push again, joyful relief washing though her as she felt a small bit of movement; It's working! Carefully she pushed her first pup through the narrowest part of her birth canal, whimpering lowly at the pain. It was still no easy feat, but finally she succeeded, a rush of relief filling her as the child slipped from her body. She was quick to lift herself up, full attention aimed at cleaning her little treasure, bringing heat and life to his dark body. In return he wiggled under her touch, blindly searching the air. "It's okay," She crooned, guiding her firstborn towards her belly where he quickly started nursing, unaffected by struggle surrounding his birth. Aideen's voice was weak but happy as she called out: "We have a son!" The joy was warm and bright, unlike anything she had felt before.

But her relief was brief, as the next contraction soon gripped her, and she was forced to turn her attention to her next puppy.


Word count: 525

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Nina’s warning glare was enough for the dark king to take a step back, giving her plenty of space to take charge of the situation. His presence was clearly not wanted at the moment, and Miccah was fine with that as long as Nina figured out a way to make Aideen’s birth smoother. And she would, because Nina was one of the best healers he knew of in the Lore- she would know what to do. However, despite all his reassuring thoughts and faith in the matriarch’s abilities, the dark king still felt traces of worry trying to sneak their way back into his mind. As Nina worked on encouraging Aideen, Miccah barely noticed Nios’ sudden arrival yet nevertheless nodded a welcoming greeting to the Tainn man. His blue gaze warmed slightly as it landed on Bella, for he was glad to see a familiar face who he considered a friend. Turning his attention back to the birthing den as Nina exited, he chuffed at her lowly - a quiet apology for stepping onto her scene earlier.

The father-to-be stood anxiously outside the den, hoping that all would go smoothly from now on yet knowing realistically more problems could arise at any given moment. As Aideen continued in bringing their child into the world, the dark king could only wonder if his father had felt this same anxiety. Did he wonder if his children would come safely into the world, brimming with health? His mate's joyous announcement broke through his thoughts, making Miccah land hard on his haunches. He...he had a son? A son? How long had he ached for offspring of his own, but especially a son? His firstborn....the dark king's gaze shut slowly as a light smile tugged at his maw. "A son," he rumbled almost reverently.

he dark king wanted to enter the den, aching to meet his child and comfort his mate but not yet knowing if his wife's task was finished. So there was no other choice but to wait.


Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
@Miccah - permission to skip everyone the gallery <3

The fatigue was starting to catch up to her, breaths growing more gasping as she continued her labor. After the trouble bringing her first son into the world, she dreaded what was to come, scared that she wouldn't have the energy to carry through. Meanwhile the boy was nestled quietly by her stomach, nursing eagerly, surprisingly silent for a newborn, but clearly healthy and strong; Just like his father… Outside there was stirring as Nina retreated, leaving the man to process the news. She heard his repeat of her words, even if it was not meant for her, and the tone brought a smile to her lips. A fresh wave of pain soon washed it away though, and her full attention was returned to her task. Compared to her firstborn, the second pup passed surprisingly fast and easy, and she almost didn't believe it when she felt the weight drop. But her instinct was at large, and even while she was still in wonder, she had turned to clean her second born.

Unlike her brother, the Athesilas' first daughter announced her arrival into the world loud and clear, whaling as soon as her airways were cleared and she had taken her first breath. Aideen couldn't help but smile again, as her cleaning of the wet baby revealed a pelt almost as red below the blood; No doubt where your genes come from..! Too tired to talk, she simply hummed at her second pup, giving her what little help she needed to get to the belly where she could nurse next to her brother. And she wasted no time in latching on, her lively cries finally silenced. Then queen looked at her children fondly, night and day they were, the much smaller girl showing no trouble in kicking her larger sibling aside to get better access to the milk. Their difference in size was striking, almost as much so as their parents' and Aideen would have chuckled had she had the energy. That explained why the female pups birth had been so much easier than the male's.

But it would seem her work was not yet done as yet another contraction struck, sending her back to a lying position. Again she would push, trying to keep her gasping breath from getting to out of hand. She would have announced their daughter's birth as she had their son's, but she needed to conserve her energy. All she could do was hope that her third child would be small like the sister to come before, brows wrinkling as she pressed on. Luckily it seemed to be the case, and the third pup made as quick and easy an arrival as her older sister. For it was a girl, Aideen smiled as she cleaned the little thing, dark as her brother but much tinier. And quiet, too quiet! The mother's heart jumped into her throat as she nudged and warmed the lifeless baby, desperately licking the black little nose to make sure there was nothing blocking off air. A low, distressed whimper escaped her as she fought, determined not to lose one of her first children. It had been a risk, Nina had spoken of it and she had acknowledged it then. But this was not a hypothetical stillborn, this was her daughter!

The contractions had waned considerably, telling the new mother that this had indeed been her last pup, and she ached to lie back down and rest . But she wouldn't give up, she had brought three pups into the world and three would survive! And then finally, blessedly, a tiny sound wheezed from the little maw, her small chest rising shakily. Tears sprang to Aideen's eyes, a half-strangled sound jumping from her throat as she rushed to comfort her last born; "That's it, you can do it! You're alright." Her voice  was hoarse and tired, vision blurry as she picked up her little girl and tucked her between her siblings, helping her to find the nipple. It took a few tries, but finally the fighter claimed her prize, suckling next to her brother and sister. Aideen sighed, knowing that her task was almost complete. She made short work of the remaining afterbirth, starving like she hadn't eaten in years. And then she could lie down for good, closing her eyes briefly to take in another deep breath. She longed for sleep, but she also knew that Miccah had to be about ready to burst into the den, and he needed to meet his children. So she forced her eyelids apart, tilting her head towards the dark tunnel that led out into the thicket; How late is it… She absently wondered, she had no idea how long her labor had taken. But it didn't matter, it was over now. Voice a weak croak, she called for her husband, mouth curled in a thin, blissful smile; "It's done… Come! Come meet your children."


Word count: 819

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Half delirious with exhaustion but wanted to get this up <3

One by one, the others slowly made their departure as Aideen's birth went on. The dark king barely noticed, for all his attention was on trying to catch every sound that came out of the birthing den. Whether it was a cry or a whimper, his heart never failed to react. Consumed by worry, an overwhelming emotion he actually was used to feeling, Miccah waited in front of the den still as a statue. The dark king was forcing himself to keep his paws firmly planted where he stood, because he knew he couldn't enter the birthing den until he received Aideen's ok, even if every fiber within him ached to ease his wife's long discomfort. Finally, finally, everything was silent for a few, brief moments. And then, voice weak from her efforts, Aideen called to him.

The dark alpha wasted no time in carving out space for himself to enter the den, and what greeted his blue gaze would be a sight he would remember until his death. There, curled up under their mother's belly, were three tiny puppies. For a long moment, he could stare at nothing else - not even his wife. How could they possibly be this small? This fragile and innocent? Ultimately, Miccah turned his full attention onto his wife. It would definitely be a tight fit, but he gently curled his large form around his beloved and their children. Planting a soft kiss atop Aideen's head, Miccah said nothing.

He had no words for what he felt.


Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Though her eyes were bleary, they shone up at her mate as he made his way into the den. She had not made it easy for him, prolonging his already extended wait as he had to dig out the tunnel to make room for his large frame. But, no doubt more than eager to finally see his family, the dark man made short process of the work, soon entering the crammed space, filling it with his broad shoulders. For possibly the first time she could remember, his intense, deep-blue eyes were not on her though, all his attention directed at the tiny creatures wiggling against her belly. The mother couldn't blame him, if she hadn't just spend the last hours bringing them into the world, she wouldn't have believed it either, but here they were. "Our children," She whispered, curling a little tighter around the puppies as she smiled up at her husband.

As she was so used to, he answered without words, his movement clear in the gaze that finally shifted to her. As he made to wrap around her, she shuffled to make room, gently pushing the puppies closer together and towards the wall. The she finally had her love curled around her back, and she sighed blissfully, receiving his kiss by leaning her head against his neck, closing her eyes for a short moment. But though she was ready to faint into his strong embrace, she forced her eyes back open, rolling them back to try and look up at him, before turning her attention again to the pups. They did look tiny, even with her knowledge that boy had nearly cost her her life, because of his size. "They need names," She mused, looking over their brood. She'd given only little thought to the prospect of naming their children until now, it was too insubstantial when they were still just kicks in her belly.

Now they were here though, and they couldn't face the world without proper monikers. Aideen's eyes strayed to the middle-born, the brightness of her fur clear against the duller of her siblings, and a smile tugged at her tired lips. Nosing the girl gently, she breathed: "Flair." Then, turning back to her mate, she explained: "She's her grandmother's spitting image." It send a tiny stab through her heart, knowing that her parents would likely never meet their grandchildren, but at the same time she was sure they would be proud and happy, to see her now. Moving on quickly, shaking off the sadness, she wrinkled her muzzle, a teasing note to her voice; "Now how about your son?" Her eyes were back on the pups, studying the dark pelt, wondering if the boy would grow to be just as like his father in temperament as he was in looks. "Cináed..?" She finally drawled, more questioningly this time, awaiting approval; "For one of my brothers." The quieter one, contemplative like their older brother, unlike Bero, who was bright and bumbly like herself.

She waited to hear Miccah's response, then turned to their youngest daughter. "Now her I'm not sure," The woman began thoughtfully; "She's a fighter… She reminds me of Nina." She looked back to her husband, head slightly tilted in question. Unlike with the others, nothing came to mind, but perhaps he had an idea. And then I can sleep!

Word count: 558

"Speech" Thoughts
Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

They were so beautiful...she was so beautiful. Even after hours of grueling birth, his mate still managed to take away his breath. A rare smile tugged at his muzzle as she snuggled closer to his frame, while also bringing their children closer. She was tired, and he wanted to urge her to sleep, but she was also right. Their children (it was such an odd thought to have) needed names. She began with their second-born, and Miccah nodded, for he liked the name. Not liking the brief flash of sadness in her gaze though, Miccah bent his head to nudge her muzzle affectionately. Aideen murmured another name, this time for their son, and the dark king chuckled softly. Yes, there would be no mistake that the boy was definitely his son. There was pride in his heart as he stared down at his son, and pride in his voice as he spoke to his wife. "It's a strong name," he rumbled softly in agreement.

Now, it was time to name their youngest. He stared at his tiny daughter, his little fighter, and his blue gaze warmed. He listened to his wife's words. Yes..Nina too was a fighter. And a woman he admired, and possibly the only other woman he cared for almost as deeply as his wife. Nina...Nina..., he thought. He relaxed in the silence, hearing the soothing sounds of his resting children and tired queen. "A fighter..strong...like Nina. Maybe....Enia?"


Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
Fade here, unless you wanna wrap up? @Miccah

She leaned back into plush of his fur, pressing her head against his chest, using it as support to keep upright. Her eyelids were heavy, vision even starting to swim at the edges. Soon she would not be able to fight sleep any longer, nor did she want to. Miccah's touch made her hum contently, eyes blinking up at him, catching the unusual, gorgeous sight of a smile on his muzzle. Her handsome husband, her mate, father of her children; Her heart was overflowing with happiness in this moment, tears stinging behind her eyes. Luckily the deep blue gaze shifted to their brood, giving her time to blink away the moisture before following his eyes.

He was watching their son, studying for just a moment before murmuring his response. Aideen smiled, hearing the confirmation in his voice. Then it was their second daughter, and again the mother followed along as his eyes shifted. Silence stretched as he seemed to consider her words carefully, and in the quiet her eyes fluttered shut. She leaned into her king, hearing his heart beat loudly in her ears, the rhythm resonating throughout her body. Despite herself, she had half drifted off when he spoke up again, his voice jolting her awake. She looked down at the tiny, dark pup while he mused aloud, feeling how every word fit. So when the suggestion followed, it seemed just as natural, just as appropriate. She nodded; "Enia…" It was perfect.

A soft sigh feel from her lips, muscles relaxing as she finally allowed herself to drift for real, leaned against her mate, with the calming sensation of their puppies, stirring lightly against her belly. She fell asleep.

Word count: 280

"Speech" Thoughts