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anythin' but a bag o' swhag — Chinook Coulee 
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Played by Grey who has 29 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Quentin "Kyoo" Connor
Kinda vague since we're unsure when or if Beirne will be/became apart of OTB... Posting some derpiness first with the bros, please feel free to join soon in a few!

June 15th; Late afternoon; Light rain shower; 63 ° F, 17 ° C

Quentin had been this way before. In fact, he had been here around the time he had met Sahalie, and somewhere, just within view and walking distance of the coulee, he had tended to his sore paws in the creek. Ever since being met by his brother Beirne, it was now practically impossible to get rid of him. Since the time he had risen in the morning, up until now in the late afternoon, Quentin had been given an earful. By now he was getting a headache. "SHHHHHHH!" he finally hissed, coming to a stop and rounding on his sibling. "I'm tryin' ta think!"

He eyed the trees on either side of the river, his gaze drifting up to the canyons before coming back down to the river bank and off to the side where he thought he spotted an elm tree. "Let's go," he directed. Had he been human, he might have hooked his arm in Beirne's own bent elbow and dragged him along. "This way..." Quentin made a beeline for the spindly look tree, which was neither a sapling nor an ancient forest giant. Yet, cradled in the ravine, it seemed to have found a sense of belonging as it sat in its own clearing, the radius of the open space being just about six wolf-lengths in diameter.

"Beirne," he whispered, motioning with a jerk of his head to the side, a shake of rain water from his ears, and looking upward. "Look! Help me get some." For being so low to the ground, just within reach of creatures - such as these lupine brothers - it was a wonder the seeds lasted that long on the branch.
[Image: iWnkFAb.png]
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Beirne may possibly join in any thread Quentin is in at any time, unless requested otherwise.
Played by Grey who has 8 posts.
The rain and the chill it brought was usually pleasant for most wolves; but, for those like Beirne, it roused within him the urge to play. It had taken so many attempts to get Quentin up and out of his muddy hole in the ground at the base of one of the several native oak trees. It was clear to him by now why the pack his brother had allied with was called Oak Tree Bend. He had seen the loch, but had yet to see the river that fed into it or any other waterway that might have been the "bend" feature that attributed to the pack name. Once Quentin was up, all he had to do was keep him moving... and moving they went...

Farther away from the pack lands, he followed his sibling north where they followed the stream until red-sanded hills rose up on the right side. The whole duration of this walk, Beirne had been singing mushroom names to himself ("Fairy ring, hedgehog, red cracked, and meadow... yellow-gilled russula, mica, black moohhhhhhh....rel!~"). Then, when that had become boring (and repetitive), he had started yammering on about how he had once told their sister Murphy about a bog monster that lived just south of the Weald and how fun it had been to roll around in the dirt and twigs and then "--scare the livin' daylights outta 'er. Ugh, Q, you 'ad ta be there. I swear 'er fur jumped off 'er skin an' back! You shouldn't 'ave gone with the ol' Kreacher an' 'elped me. Heyyyyyyy! You can 'elp me, maybe we can gang up on Sahal--"

"SHHHHHHH!" Quentin scolded.

Beirne was still all-smiles despite being stopped in mid-sentence. "On Sahalie... Come up out of the Loch like --" Here, he started walking like he was a ginormous beast, his footsteps way too wide for his medium-sized physique with his tail stick-straight out behind him. "Awrawrarawrawrrrrrrrr, I'm a loch monster." His brother was quick to put an end to Beirne's (terribly random) scheme, "I'm tryin' ta think!" The younger Connor had to snicker away the last of his laughter as he composed himself. His tail started to wag at full speed. Usually, if Quentin had an idea, it was feckin' brilliant.

He started to hum as Quentin began to survey their surroundings, listening to the river, filtering out the noise of the rainfall to the rest of the forest and seeing just what laid before them. Beirne took a moment to shake out his mottled coat and that was when his attention was ensnared. His brows rose as he followed Quentin's gaze upward.

Of course. What else was it gonna be? Seeds.

He made a face, his expression mostly made up of a wrinkled muzzle and a set of bared teeth that was undeniably disgust. He couldn't help but scoff and his eyes immediately went to the ground where piles of elm seeds were piled up in places where the wind swept them up along the bases of the surrounding trees. "Why get those? Look." He approached a small heap of the papery seeds then stuck out his tongue, lapping up some of them before making another mocking expression at Quentin. "Juth ge-these liek thith." Then, in attempt to remove them from his mouth, he coughed, opening and closing his jaws before he winced and made a mournful sound, like a moose in distress, "Ohhhhhh, I think-- Ah think I swallowed one!"
[Image: FRQ05Ug.png]
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Quentin may possibly join in any thread Beirne is in at any time, unless requested otherwise.
Played by Grey who has 29 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Quentin "Kyoo" Connor
"Why get those?" Beirne countered. "Look." The older Connor brother stared as Beirne proceeded to snatch up a nearby pile of seeds on his tongue. He scowled, shaking his head in ridicule, most especially when the grousing started. "Good," he shrugged, turning his attention back to the elm. If anything else, it was really more surprising that the seeds stuck to Beirne at all with all the rain and bad-breathed spit; either way, though, he was not entirely amused. Getting back to business, he stood up on his hind legs and stretched himself upwards, warily reaching out a paw - not to shake the branch but to try and get a good grip on it and snap the whole thing right off the trunk. He lacked the balance and leverage to do so, however, and as soon as he had touched the low-hanging branch, he had all four paws planted back on the forest floor.

He glowered over his shoulder and sat down, "Will ya quit yer hollerin' an' jus' 'elp me already?" For a moment he just stared... eyes smoldering as much as they dared with such a fiery hue. "BEAR-KNEE, come 'ere!" His tail had flattened behind him, the fur on it standing up in all directions. "Sit down." This was an order and he waited impatiently until his brother complied.

"We need that branch 'cause how else we gonna carry the lot of it? The ducks 'round 'ere eat it."
[Image: iWnkFAb.png]
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Beirne may possibly join in any thread Quentin is in at any time, unless requested otherwise.
Played by Grey who has 8 posts.
Thread is now open if anyone wants to crash this party.  XD  Hoping to have a follow-up thread with this, 'cause I'm sure after this 'scene', we're goin' back to Heiress Loch~

The coughing had to be done, he wanted to make sure that if he had swallowed any more they didn't get stuck in his throat. If they did, he wanted to dislodge them completely. At this point, he was almost certain he had only swallowed one, but Quentin's lack of sympathy made him start whimpering like a pup. If this was anything like how they had interacted back at home, there was going to be a countdown or something else that was threatening - like a warning that needed no invitation to be repeated or heeded. Alby, their older sister, just went ahead and reacted. Quentin... well, Beirne was sure that his brother knew the better way to handle him. But, there it was... that snappish remark: "Will ya quit yer hollerin' an' jus' 'elp me already?"

Beirne toppled sideways on the rain-soaked grass then slithered on his side - as though he were running against the backdrop of dew-kissed crass - to where Quentin's rump met the earth. He stared up at his littermate, his face upside-down at the angle his own head was in. First, he stuck his tongue out, where there was a single elm seed left on the tip of it; then, he sputtered his breath through his sealed lips. "Geez, Q, yer no fun anymore."
(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2016, 05:45 AM by Beirne.)
[Image: FRQ05Ug.png]
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Quentin may possibly join in any thread Beirne is in at any time, unless requested otherwise.