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i'm trouble, ya'll — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo
Ever since the pups' first foray into the great outdoors, Ophelia had found a grand fascination for it - and ruling it. Her favorite place in the world was atop the shoulders of anyone fool enough to lay in her vicinity and lay claim to their ears all while fiercely guarding the spot from her bigger siblings. And whenever @Joan and @Felix were able to dethrone her, the littlest pup was able to put on the crocodile tears more loudly than such a small body should be able to physically produce. This tactic, she had found, usually resulted in her getting her way simply to shut her up.

But now, Ophelia knew it was paramount to remain silent if she wanted her adventure to go on without interruption. Sneaking away from the pile of sleepy pups, the pale princess tiptoed from the safety of the den into the bright light of day. She no longer paused at the point where dark gave way to light, instead racing right for the bracken and bushes across from the small clearing just in front of the den. The little one lowered her head to her paws as she snickered into them. This was going to be a great game of hide and seek that would have even the adults seeking her out. Then, when they finally found her, she'd have all the attention! Just like a princess deserved.
Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
(ooc: hope you don’t mind me coming in!)

Amaryllis was simply hanging by the den in which the pups were currently residing, partly due to simply make sure the pups were doing well and partly because she had wanted to study the small juniper bush that seemed to have sprung up near the den. The berries that grew on the plant intrigued her, making her wonder if they had medicinal use or were just edible berries, though she was cautious. She only looked at them at a safe distance. Because for all she knew, they could also be poisonous. She did not want to take the chance either way.

But then a small movement caught her attention out of the corner her eye and made her swing her attention towards it. It was one of the pups, Ophelia if she remembered correctly. The young pup wiggled under a bush, small giggles emanating from it, obviously thinking no one had seen her race towards the bush or could hear her snickering. Amaryllis got the impression the princess just wanted to play a game and she thought she might as well indulge the child’s play. It wouldn’t hurt and it would keep both pup and elder entertained.

Stepping away from the bush, Amaryllis tilted her head, ears perked. “I think I can hear a little pup but I can’t see her,” She wondered aloud, a playful tone entering her voice while turning her head away from where Ophelia was hiding as if she didn’t know where she was. “She couldn’t be hiding now, could she? Where ever might she be otherwise?”
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2016, 01:59 AM by Amaryllis.)
[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo
Not at all! <3

Ophelia's pale ears swiveled in surprise when she heard one of the pack wolves speaking about her. Insult stung through the little pup and she leaped from the bush to stand boldly before @Amaryllis. How dare she not see me! I'm right here!! she wanted to shout. Belatedly, the pale princess remembered that she had in fact been hiding and now she had given herself away! Oh, right. Well, she didn't have to acknowledge that she'd given herself away.

For all her annoyance, it was easily forgiven as adult eyes fell to her. Pleased, the princess's tail wagged happily. More than willing to forgive the female's previous transgression as she couldn't be completely to blame for not seeing her - Ophelia was an expert at hiding, after all - she smiled at the wolf.

"Here!" she proclaimed loudly, for Ophelia was rarely quiet about anything. "What your name?" she demanded before kindly offering her own. "I'm Ophie-lee-ah!" The little one trotted closer and lifted her muzzle expectantly for the adult to tap it and maybe even offer a gentle kiss as Mama and Daddy and Papa did. Her puppy blue eyes were soft and sweet despite her demanding nature. As long as she was given attention, the tiniest pup was satisfied and content.

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
Amaryllis turned her lemon eyes towards the pup burst from the bush, the pup boldly standing in front of her, a big smile on her face as she proclaimed she was “here!”

“That was a great hiding spot!” She proclaimed to the little pup, smiling broadly down at her. The child seemed proud of her hiding abilities and Amaryllis wasn’t going to let her know she had seen her.

“Well, Ophie-lee-ah, I am Am-a-ryl-lis.” She spoke her name slowing, knowing that her name might be something of a mouthful for the young girl. “But you can call me Lily if you’d like.” It’d be easier for the girl anyway. Bending down when the child reached up, she gently tapped the little one’s muzzle in greeting, her breath tickling her cheek. Before she pulled away, a small smudge of dirt caught her eye on the girl’s fur, between her eyes (most likely from her attempt at hiding.), so Amaryllis gently cleaned it off. Something fluttered in her heart, a small pang of something that cut deeply into her heart and it caused the smile that was on her lips to slowly fall away.

@Ophelia was close to the age her own pups had been, when she had last seen them. A few weeks younger maybe but it still made her heart ache all the same. But she stamped it down. Ophelia wasn’t her pup and she had plenty of wolves to care for her, who did care for her deeply. No danger would come to the child like it had to her own.

“Is there something else you’d like to play?” Amaryllis asked Ophelia, wanting to occupy her mind with something else then her own thoughts.

[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

As the wolf introduced herself, the pale little princess tilted her head in consideration. This was a nice wolf, even if she didn't see her before... Pleased to have her undivided attention - since Joan and Felix hadn't come to rudely interrupt like they always did - Ophelia sat. "Ama-rrr-lis," the pup tried, frowning as she attempted saying the name. When offered a short version, the pup was undecided on using that instead. On one paw, it was easier to say. On the other, it hurt her pride to not be able to say the pretty lady's name properly. Finally deciding she might as well use it since it was offered, Ophelia said "Lily," with a curt nod of approval.

The little princess closed her eyes as Lily bent to groom dirt from her face, wagging her stubby tail happily. Yes, a very good, doting wolf! She liked her.

Lily's question had Ophelia's head tilting with interest. "Play? Play what?" Admittedly, she only knew a few games and they were growing old and boring. She bet Lily knew lots of games being so big. If she taught her, that would be something she knew that know-it-all Joan wouldn't! Even more pleased with that idea, she looked up at Lily expectantly.

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
@Ophelia say hello to the most imaginative game in the world

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer viverra suscipit massa ut rutrum. In malesuada dolor ligula, rutrum malesuada neque finibus id. Nunc luctus faucibus felis, ut dictum dolor rutrum in. Vestibulum nisl dui, consectetur id sem vel, gravida euismod ipsum. Suspendisse quis ex vel tellus laoreet lobortis. Nulla facilisi. Nullam sodales purus arcu, ultrices consectetur mi pellentesque id. Morbi non nisl euismod, malesuada magna nec, feugiat lectus.

The elder couldn’t help but smile as the pup tried to speak her full name, face scrunching up in a frown as the name was tried on her tongue. A small laugh left her when Ophelia nodded and decided to simply call her ‘Lily.’

When asked to play what? The grey wolf was happy to explain. It was a game she had grown up with and she hoped the younger would understand and like it.

“It’s called ‘What’s this?’ Amaryllis finally spoke, a small smile on her face. “One of us sees something and tries to explain the thing to the other, while the other has to guess what it is. Like, I see this rock,” Pausing, the larger wolf gently rolled a rock that lay near her paw towards Ophelia, making it roll slightly. “And I go ‘It’s brown and it rolls, it’s easy to find on the ground.’” She hoped Ophelia understood the explanation. It was sometimes hard to explain things to such young children but Amaryllis felt it would entertain the young one for a short time. “And the winner with the most points gets a special prize at the end.” Thankfully, Amaryllis had found a small antler of a deer this morning that would work as a chew toy for the pup and her siblings so either way the pup would get something, regardless.

“Would you like to go first or would you like me to?” She figured it would be best to ask the pup, in case she wanted to take the first turn.

[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

To her credit, Ophelia paid attention for longer than most her age might have. She even resisted the urge to give chase to the rolling stone that @Amaryllis pawed to the side, though her ears strained towards it while her eyes followed its movement. Brown, rolls on the ground. Got it. Wait. Rocks don't always roll.

Puzzling over this for a moment, the littlest princess frowned. Her eyes then tracked back to the rock and she couldn't resist flopping over to it and placing her forepaws on top to raise herself higher, even if only minutely. Under her weight, it rolled again, causing the pup to topple over haphazardly in the dirt. Indignantly, she lifted herself up and bared her teeth at it for making her look silly.

Remembering again that she was supposed to be playing a game, Ophelia looked up to Lily and tilted her head. Who first? She grinned. That was a question she never had to hesitate in answering. "Me first!"

The youngling cast her off-white face around to pick out the perfect object to describe. Of course, she didn't know that many words yet...

Forced to choose something simple, Ophelia peered at a nearby patch of grass. She trotted over to it and walked through as she contemplated her clues. "Tickles belly," she claimed. "Soft." She hadn't yet learned the word to describe what color it was, but that seemed good enough to her.

Played by Silvia who has 164 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Amaryllis Azalea
The elder wolf chuckled lightly at the small frown on Ophelia’s face as she thought before her attention fell back to the rock and was momentarily distracted with it, toppling over it as she placed her paws on it.

“Careful now, some rocks can be a little rocky and sharp Ophelia.” She warned lightly, even though she knew that particular one wasn’t. The young pup still pulled a face at it regardless before piping up and saying “Me first!” at her question. She seemed excited, whether for the game or simply for the attention she was getting, Amaryllis wasn’t sure. It made the pup happy and that’s all that mattered.

Amaryllis watched Ophelia carefully as she tried to come up with her own little question, knowing the young pup wouldn't know many descriptive words or words in general to make it a long one. Not that she minded at all. The pup was young and this would keep her entertained for a short time hopefully, along with maybe teaching her a few things. Once Ophelia found her ‘item’ to describe, Amaryllis raised a brow as she attempted to describe what the grey pelted wolf guessed was the small amount of grass she was in.

“Hmm, it wouldn’t be a feather now, would it?” Amaryllis answered lightly, trying to not guess right away so Ophelia didn’t feel like she’d given an easy clue. She knew some young wolves liked it when they managed to stump their elders. “Maybe a cloud? Or perhaps the grass you’re standing in?”

[Image: ama_sig_by_becuffin-db825cv.png]
Played by Vet who has 89 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ophelia Macieo

Amaryllis's first guess earned a frown and tilted head. She wasn't all that sure what a feather was really. It sounded soft, she supposed, so her packmate was probably on the right track? But Ophelia shook her head with a self-important smile. Look how smart she was, fooling the adult! She was gonna win this game. "Na uh. Not that."

At the mention of a cloud, Ophelia's eyes tracked up to the sky. She knew that one! Those fluffy things up in the blue that were sometimes white and sometimes gray and sometimes all kinds of rainbow colors near dusk. Was Lily even trying? She hadn't even been looking at the sky! Again, Ophelia shook her head in denial.

But soon enough, Lily had the answer the pale princess had been waiting for and she yipped with excitement, tail wagging quickly. "Yeah! Is grass." To put more emphasis to her point, the pup began rolling in said grass. "Now you, your turn!" In declaring so, the princess sat politely in front of Lily.

Joan would never have thought her little sister capable of being polite, but Ophelia knew she could be when she wanted! Miss Lily was nice and playing games all just for her! There was no need to be demanding right now.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity