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observatory mansions — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
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Camio Zamora
All welcome to come run into the fella!

Was he back? Were these really the lands he had ruin but also built so much in? If they were, he knew that more than one wolf would want his head mounted in their den. He’d have to settle somewhere unknown and devise a plan. The Zamora had to cover up his tracks to make sure no one found out his dirtiest secrets. He would no longer be bold, brash, or arrogant. If he wanted to pull everything off he knew damn well he’d have to change most things about him. He had thought that perhaps laying low and not drawing attention would work for this all to work. While he had down shady things once, he wanted to pull off the greatest trick he could. To erase Camio and bring in Cain. He would no longer be the father, lover or friend he was when he had left this hell-hole. The male wished to be someone completely different in almost every way.

Perhaps that is why the copper beast found himself here. In some huge rough meadow he had never once crossed upon. It was the evening so the area had almost a blood orange glow to it. He figured if he laid down his copper tones might blend some. It’d give him time to not only rest but figure out how to execute his new plans in a proper and clean manner.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
Always wanted a thread with the guy, but I never got the chance xD Hope this is okay!

Having left the monadnock behind much earlier than usual, the woman set fourth to track the caribou herd as it wandered aimlessly across the tundra. There were two or three small ones, probably born in the last few months which clung tightly to their mother's sides. A couple yearlings peppered the largely adult group, however, and she knew that they would prove themselves to be easy targets too. In all of her dealings with the species, she'd found the young ones to be a little too cocky for their own good, always beating their hooves, and charging like they were invincible. Celandine knew she'd have to let Craw know about the group's stats, as it was impossible he would have missed their delightfully mouth-watering scent so close to the borders. 

Following the herd was an easy task, especially with so many of them unwittingly leaving her with a nice, thick trail. She hardly even needed to use her nose, so when another musk entered the air, Celandine almost missed it. Halting, her eyes swept over the horizon. Nothing. Oh, but there was definitely something, or someone. He was a little closer to their borders than she would have liked, though that was entirely the pot calling the kettle. She'd been the same distance from Willow Ridge for a time, hadn't she? Still, it was worth it to follow the man, if only to break up the mundane task she'd assigned herself.

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2016, 07:00 AM by Celandine.)
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
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Camio Zamora
It's completely okay! :) @Celandine

Oh, but of course, nothing ever went as planned. He knew very well that his scent wasn't undetectable even if his form was. The male knew he had but two options. One was to stay still and wait for the other to pass, or to raise and announce himself to whomever it was. Both had consequences to consider. The first allowed him to remain alone while the second allowed him to be able to see a (hopefully) new face and perhaps gain some knowledge.

Deciding the second was logically more helpful the male rose to his paws. The white form that graced his eyes was pure, refreshing. With a gentle nod and low "woof" the Zamora made it aware he knew of her presence. Remaining in a neutral stance he parted his inky lips to speak. "Hello Madam, I hope I'm not intruding upon lands. I was seeking a resting place after long travels." His eyes graced over her form. Long legs, clean coat, rather bit of fluff too, and absolutely stunning eyes. She was young though. Perhaps she was traveling away from her birth lands or she was lingering around them.

Camio kept reminding himself to be on his best behavior. "Impress her Cain, show her you're a true gentlemen." So letting a small smile grace his lips he chuckled softly. "Oh my where are my manners, I didn't give a proper introduction." Pausing between his words he knew this was it. A fresh introduction. "The name is Cain, I have come from lands far North and West of here." Perfect.

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

Celandine was unimpressed with his stature, having been coerced into a pack with wolves who were larger than herself more often than not. As unimpressed as she was, she also found his height a welcome relief. Finally, one she wouldn't have to crane her neck for. Plastering on that sickly sweet smile, the woman came to a halt a mere three tail-lengths from the stranger, a trick she'd picked up from Craw. It was wise to make other's feel uneasy without actually having to /do anything. The technique left enough  room for plausible deniability while also serving the purpose of exuding an easy confidence, and confidence was key. So naturally her tail rose, hovering somewhere between neutral and dominant. He was a little close to home, after all. 

Forcing that familiar drop of honey to coat her salmon-colored tongue, the woman spoke. "Our borders are still quite a ways off, so you're fine." If he was looking for a place to rest... Oh, an idea, but that would come later. She shouldn't spoil it just yet. A smile threatened to betray her thoughts, though she held it back. An idea indeed. 

"It's quite alright. I'm Celandine." For the first time in her entire life, she left out the 'Argyris' in her name. Whether it was to match his own introduction, or something else entirely was beyond her. "I live just on the horizon" She said with a nod to the direction in which the monadnock stood. "So why aren't you still North, and West of here?" Oh, she meant to pry.

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[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
Dramatic story teller Cain :P

The pale young woman’s motions did not go unnoticed. Especially when her tail was lingering on the borders of neutral and dominate. While inside he was itching to show power he knew he couldn’t do such things yet. If he wanted everything to work he would have to work.

Roughly accepting her stance he pushed forward listening to honeysuckle words drip from her mouth. “That’s a relief to hear, wouldn’t wish to stir trouble.” He quickly offered a wink the best he could, soaking in all of this interaction. She seemed to be pleasant company this far and if he was honest, he could likely listen to that honey voice all night.

Her question perked his ears a little. He’d have to make this sad, he wanted her to feel some sort of pity or deep sadness. So hanging his head his brown eyes focused on the ground beneath him. “Well, @Celandine, I would still be there if I could. I miss it if I’m to be truthful.” In and out went a deep breath. “My lover had died last winter. We had a lovely future to live together with so many years left. But I’m afraid she was such a weak and frail dear that the rougher colds got to her. I left for three nights on a scouting trip and when I returned, well.” His eyes closed tightly before opening to look at her. “You seem like a smart girl so I’m sure you get the rest.” Flicking his tail behind him briefly, he lightly shrugged. “Yet we must move from the past, even if it haunts.” Hopefully all of that seemed true to the young girl. If the winter had claimed so many lives before why couldn’t it claim that of an imaginary lover?

Weakly smiling the Zamora looked at her dandelion yellow eyes. “Enough of this sad talk. This place is too beautiful for such. Does it always look this good in evenings?”

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris

In truth, Celandine cared little for this man, and less for his story. Whereas another might feel pity for Cain's loss, the woman was left feeling nothing at all. Still, her features reacted as they should, her brows knitting together in a display that could have been considered empathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that." Not really. Their reality was survival of the fittest, and if his lover had died of a /cold, well then she wasn't very fit now was she? More food for the ones strong enough to take it. "I'm glad you understand the importance of moving on, though I know it's not always easy." Better at seeming sweet every day.

His eyes rose to meet her's and she did not shy away from them. "Does it always look this good in evenings?” Perfect. "You haven't seen beauty until you've watched the sun set over the rocks below the monadnock." She could play this game. "Where is it that you're headed?" If Celandine had to guess, she'd assume that he hadn't had a place in mind, but any bit of information she could extort from him was better than nothing. She let her hindquarters fall to the Earth, and forced her plush tail to curl. Comfort. It also served the purpose of making her seem as though she was actually interested in whatever it was that he planned on saying..

(This post was last modified: Jun 16, 2016, 10:23 AM by Celandine.)
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[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
She was a doll. So empathetic and sweet with those honey sweet words. Camio might have been swooning over her if she was a little older. Granted he didn't always mind them young.. Quickly brushing those thoughts aside he listened to that enticing voice. "I didn't have a particular place in mind, miss @Celandine but now that you mention there is more beauty to be seen here I might have to explore this area a bit more." Then it struck him. She was a part of a pack. It would be dangerous to just lurk around their territory. "That is, if you and your pack mates don't mind me sticking around? I'd even be willing to offer any services if that's what it takes."

Although his pale colored company sat, Camio remained to stand in a relaxed position. While he would love to rest he didn't wish to seem off guard or lazy in front of his company. He knew that being so close to her lands meant she could almost act however she wanted and he'd still have to be the one to worry. Yet as long as he could keep the waters this smooth throughout their whole little meeting the Zamora had no doubt good things would come. 
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Pinn who has 460 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Celandine Argyris
@Camio I'd like to apologize for her by the way. I don't know why she's so mean sometimes xD

He came to her, just as she had hoped. Her little 'idea' was shaping up quite nicely. Offering him a smile that was less than genuine, though he'd never know it, the woman cocked her head. "It's worth getting to know." Whitestone wasn't Silent Moon, of course, but it wasn't all that bad. "If you'd like a more permanent place to rest your head," Emphasis on the permanent, because they couldn't just have a loner skirting their borders for too long. It would make them look weak, and if there was one thing Celandine hated more than anything, it was weakness. "I could call for someone. I can't extend the offer personally," Much to her disdain. "As it's not my call to make, but if the king and queen were to find you suitable.." She wondered what Craw and Morganna would think of this male. If they decided to collect him, then that would be on their shoulders entirely. She wouldn't vouch for anyone else. At least then if it were to blow up, it wouldn't be in her face. 

She liked that he remained standing, giving her the feeling of power that she lusted after. How nice it was to feel above someone again. "What do your services entail?" The innocence was feigned, though there was an underlying question there. Was he useful? Could he be used? Bright eyes awaited an answer, her tail flicking a little more impatiently than before.

(This post was last modified: Jun 17, 2016, 09:12 AM by Celandine.)
Have you seen my OOC preferences?
[Image: YCWYGS9.png]
Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
Sorry this took a bit to get to @Celandine :c

She was precious. If precious meant a cunning little nymph. Her words weren't falling upon deaf ears, the male was fully aware he had just walked into a spiderweb. "If everyone has the charm of such a maiden like yourself, a more permanent place wouldn't be awful." The muddy eyed man shifted his weight ever so slightly. King and Queen? He prayed he wasn't about to enter someone's messed up kingdom fantasy. Another runaway couple looking for a happily ever after. He had been that once, and as one could see, there was no happy endings. "I'd love to meet the royal pair and see if they'd accept me."

The pretty little face was popping out questions and Camio couldn't lie, he was also growing impatient. If she wasn't going to extend anything person what was the point of her acting like she was? Pulling through with the handsome smile he nodded at her. "That's a fair question. I'd say I'm a jack of all trades type of wolf. I could certainly make well with jobs should anything at all be needed. Though perhaps a teacher would be more fitting for a man like myself. Gives me a chance to utilize all of my skills while also passing them down to the less skilled." His words were genuine, nothing but the actual truth this time. It felt strange to be so openly honest but he figured if he wanted this he'd have to work with what he was given.
and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead