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wash away the past and our names — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Namara who has 2 posts.

Paws barely hit the ground, small thuds left but nothing else as she quickly covered the vast expanse of land in front of her, amber eyes keen, peering around, watching for others with a certain amount of alarm to her features, cautious placating anything else that might have been on her mind. Jae’s parents had trained her well, making sure she knew just what to do in situations like this. This land was new, and new was good for her. No one knew her name or her face… she could disappear and become whoever she wanted to be… or she could strike at their hearts, draw them in, and spit them back out below her. She hadn’t quite decided which to follow yet.

There were so many options, and Jaelle wasn’t quite sure which ones to take, at least… not yet. First thing was first, she needed to know what she was up against, what kind of wolves lingered in these strange lands and just what they were made of. She could not decide the best course of action until that was done… thus her paws started to carry her north, the harsher climate suiting her better, a slight twitch of her nose, sniffing around for scents that might traipse across the wind towards her.

Thus far, there was nothing… but that never quite meant much. For what the wind couldn’t cover, she covered with her eyes on a swivel, checking over her shoulder in frequent intervals, tail still and unmoving, hanging off the back of her frame. Despite the alert presence she held, and the inner monologue, she appeared approachable, her eyes holding a slight softness to them, her maw crooked upwards in some semblance of a relaxed smile…

If she wanted to know exactly what these wolves were made of, she knew that she had to wait, she had to socialize and figure out exactly how they thought… it was no easy task and an intimidating demeanor would get her nowhere. She let a soft huff of a sigh off of her breath, her ears perking, listening carefully… she thought she’d heard something, but it could have been the wind, freezing where she was at, spinning around, looking, watching, waiting… ready to figure out if her imagination was acting up, or if she had company.

Played by Han who has 7 posts.
Axira Luene
i'm gonna give all my secrets away...

OOC here!

‘’My, oh my, it looks like someone’s guts were spilled over this part.’’ Her paws tingled from her frozen form as she stood on top of the Sierra Hills. The red fern forest was the red halo of sunrise in this land, attractive, seducing and all the more interesting for her to explore. Without further ado she left the hills for the forest that sparkled bloody red.

Her long paws strode over the fertile ground. They had run many miles before they walked this path, miles forgotten and miles remembered. Would this part of the world also be just a flitting image, passing by in the years of her lifetime? It was always a lingering question in her mind as she entered yet another part with new scents and new sensations. So far, this part of the world had been rather boring. The scents of wolves teased her, like the wind changing directions at its own whims. Ghost scents of nobodies that had passed through just like her, long forgotten tracks of wild prey that had fallen or stood their ground in front of their archenemy. It had been too long since she had a scuffle with one her own. Too long since she had a decent talk that would inevitably turn into a frown and a cold good-bye. They never really last, she thought as she passed a giant tree. It’s bark marked by scratches.

The clouds hang above their heads like a dominating grizzly, waiting to roar it’s might. Or it’s cowardice, truly you never knew with those big oafs. Relaxed in her pace she enjoyed the scenery, before it would become boring and constant in her mind. Her legs were used to the miles and her mind was used to see the world in a fleeting blur. But now when everything was still new, wonderful and simply delightful she would stop time, walk just a tad slower to enjoy yet another wonder. Only these moments made life a bit more colorful, just like the ferns that surrounded her mere moments ago. It dominated the forest, like a second layer of ground that colored the otherwise dark forest in reds. A bird met eyes with her, it froze in its stance. For shits and giggles she showed her teeth that had murdered her elders and fellow kind. The flying animal gave a shriek and took flight.

Axira turned her head down, she noticed a presence. Uncaring she tilted her head as she slowly walked through the tall trees to find yet another wolf. Female, just like her, how pleasant. Rather a paranoid misses with the way her head turned and her ears were perked. Axira licked her muzzle and stood next to the oak as she observed the figure. She wasn’t really hiding, but how long would it take before she was actually noticed. Someone so paranoid- or maybe she preferred the word ‘’cautious’’ would certainly notice within no time.

(This post was last modified: Jun 20, 2016, 02:50 PM by Axira.)
Played by Namara who has 2 posts.

The Siley woman held herself up tall as soon as she caught the scent on her muzzle, eyes turning… it was time to decide, at least for this encounter, who she was going to be. They called her the actress, the liar, the thief… she thought all of those nicknames were quite harsh – she merely did what she needed to in order to survive. Survival was a very vague concept, with a lot of grey areas and not a lot of black and white. You could define it by who has won, and who is dead… but even winning was a hard term to define.

She let a soft smile onto her features, though she did not relax a single bit. She wanted to give a confident appearance, and she was fairly certain she had as she let out a soft and low bark to alert of her presence, not that she needed to… it was more of a greeting. She didn’t actively say anything to her, just more of acknowledged her presence – mixed signals if the woman had indeed been watching her for a long time, or at least long enough to know she was more on the cautious side of things.

Jaelle aimed to confuse… she thrived on manipulation, even if it was simply making a woman such as the one in the presence not know what kind of wolf the wanderer truly was.